The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 208 Deciding to Face the Face

Not long after Harry and the other two left, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall came here with a group of people.

The noise of Zhang Chen's fight with the mountain monster was so loud that all the teachers who were not deaf could hear it.

Dumbledore looked at the collapsed wall, the dying mountain monster, and the damaged items around, frowned, and looked puzzled, "Teacher Zhang Chen, can you tell us what happened here? If I remember correctly, you should be on vacation."

Zhang Chen looked at the mountain monster on the ground, which was breathing out more than breathing in, and shrugged his shoulders, "As you can see, I just came back today and found this big guy, and then we had some friction."

Dumbledore looked at the damaged things around him. Other things were fine, but the walls were only left with ruins. Isn't this a bit too much friction?

Dumbledore took a deep breath, turned his head and told Professor McGonagall and the tutors behind him, "Please clean up here." Then he looked at Zhang Chen deeply, "Come with me."

Zhang Chen made an innocent expression to the tutors present and followed Dumbledore out. When he passed by the tutors, Zhang Chen also made a special observation.

There was no figure of Quirrell among the tutors.

When Zhang Chen looked at the tutors, he found that many tutors looked at him with a hint of vigilance and doubt.

Zhang Chen felt puzzled.

What's going on? I helped stop the mountain monster from attacking people, and you are still wary of me? !

After walking behind Dumbledore for more than ten minutes, Zhang Chen finally couldn't help but speak, "Professor Dumbledore, you called me here because you have something to say, right?"

Zhang Chen felt very bad now. Since returning to the academy, Zhang Chen felt that he might be involved in a trouble.

Dumbledore stopped when he heard Zhang Chen asking, and turned to look at Zhang Chen, "Mr. Zhang Chen, I want to ask you something."

Zhang Chen nodded, "You go on, I'm listening."

Dumbledore organized his words, "A lot of things have happened in the college recently, and these things have caused a lot of trouble to the college. What I want to ask you is, did you do these things? Of course, I have never doubted you, and you don't have to answer, but other tutors think that these things started after you came."

So that's it.

It was not until now that Zhang Chen understood why those tutors just now had vigilance and even doubt in their eyes, it turned out that they suspected that these things were all done by me.

Zhang Chen looked into Dumbledore's eyes seriously, "No, I have never done these things."

Dumbledore nodded when he heard Zhang Chen's answer, "I know, you go back first."

Back in his room, Zhang Chen thought more and more that something was wrong, he always felt like he was being calculated.

Zhang Chen sat on the bed and began to recall what happened in Hogwarts since he came here.

When I first came, I became a mentor. Then there was the Quidditch match incident. After that, Zhang Chen caught up with Quirrell and encountered Voldemort. Then there was the heart-searching array incident that shocked the whole school. Because Zhang Chen became a celebrity, he took a week off. After returning, he encountered the mountain monster, and what was more coincidental was that he happened to be the first person to arrive.

All this was too coincidental. Everything that happened was directly or indirectly related to Zhang Chen.

"It seems that Voldemort is still a bit of a trick. He can think of a way to save the country in a roundabout way to deal with me."

Zhang Chen slowly opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Originally, Zhang Chen just wanted to take Voldemort away. It would be better not to do it if he could talk to him properly. After all, Zhang Chen has studied so much black magic. He knows the weirdness of black magic very well, and Voldemort is an expert in it.

However, judging from the current situation, Voldemort still decided to avoid this unstable factor of his, and even use Hogwarts to remove this obstacle of his.

Zhang Chen stood up, exuding an inexplicable momentum.

"Since you want to play, let's play and see who will suffer in the end."

Zhang Chen is not an ordinary person. He has experienced several life-and-death crises. Zhang Chen will not tolerate Voldemort's provocation, especially since Voldemort is Zhang Chen's designated contractor. Zhang Chen will not allow such a thing to happen.

The next day, Zhang Chen taught Harry and the others as usual.

After a night's rest, the three of them adjusted their states very well. At least Zhang Chen could not see who had any psychological shadows for the time being.

Zhang Chen did not talk too much in this class. He got familiar with the progress of each student's practice, and then Zhang Chen announced the end of the get out of class.

However, when Zhang Chen packed up his things, he found that Harry and the other two did not leave, and Jia Lei did not leave either.

Zhang Chen stopped what he was doing and looked at them curiously, "Why don't you leave the get out of class?"

Harry and the other two looked at each other and did not speak. Instead, Jia Lei spoke from behind.

"Teacher, the students have been saying these days that you were sent by that person, so..."

Jia Lei's face didn't show much expression, but Zhang Chen was quite familiar with Jia Lei, and could still hear his nervousness and concern for Zhang Chen from his words.

"Then what do you think of me?" Zhang Chen did not answer, but asked Jia Lei instead.

"Of course not!" Jia Lei answered without thinking, "If you were really sent here by the He Who Cannot Name, then I would not have seen you fighting him in the Black Forest..." Jia Lei suddenly said this I realized I had let something slip.

Zhang Chen looked at Jia Lei with a half-smile, "So it was you who was in the black forest that day. I was still a little surprised why Snape appeared from the other side of my perception. I thought it was my illusion." "

Jia Lei was a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry, mentor, I didn't mean it at the time... but I can help you!" At the end of his sentence, Jia Lei looked at Zhang Chen with a firm look in his eyes.

Zhang Chen shook his head, "You should have known very well that you were there at the time. Even if that person met me, he would have no choice but to run away. Okay, let's go back quickly. We still have classes to attend, right?"

After Jia Lei walked out of the classroom, Zhang Chen looked at Harry and the other three.

"What about you? What do you want to tell me?"

The three Harrys originally had the same intention as Jia Lei, wanting to help Zhang Chen prove that he was not sent by Voldemort, but just now Zhang Chen actually said that even Voldemort was no match for him. Even listening to Jia Lei's words, Zhang Chen once He had fought Voldemort and even beaten him away, which shocked the three of Harry.

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