The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 210 Designing a Trap

After a while, Zhang Chen found the one with broken wings among the many keys.

Fortunately, because of Zhang Chen's aura, the flying speed of the key in the air has slowed down, otherwise Zhang Chen would have to spend more effort.

Zhang Chen moved and flew directly to the correct key. Before the key could react, Zhang Chen had already grabbed it in his hand.

After landing on the ground, all the keys in the air suddenly paused, then turned around and flew towards Zhang Chen, but because of the pressure of Zhang Chen's aura, their speed was really not good.

Zhang Chen walked to the stone door calmly, opened the door directly with the key that was struggling in his hand, then looked back at the large group of keys flying slowly, smiled slightly, and closed the door completely.

After closing the stone door, Zhang Chen observed the room.

There was nothing extra in the room, and the road ahead was blocked by a huge chessboard. Zhang Chen knew that this was chess, and it was a real-life version of chess.

In the plot of Harry Potter, Harry and others successfully entered the last room with Ron's attainments in chess, but Zhang Chen would not be so stupid as to touch the chessboard.

According to Zhang Chen's analysis, as long as Zhang Chen stepped into the chessboard, the magic on the entire chessboard would be activated, so Zhang Chen flew up directly and easily passed through the room.

The furnishings in the last room were very simple, just a stone platform with an irregular green stone on it.

Zhang Chen's perception scanned the circle and found that there was no fluctuation of magic, so he walked over and picked up the magic stone. As soon as he picked up the magician, the long-lost system notification appeared.

[Detected natural treasures, whether to include them in the treasure pavilion? ]

Zhang Chen naturally chose no.

Now is not the time to take the magic stone, Zhang Chen is still counting on using this thing to set a trap for Voldemort.

Zhang Chen directly arranged an illusion array on the entire magic stone, and at the same time changed the trigger mode of the illusion array to be activated only when the power of black magic is felt. After that, Zhang Chen put the magic stone back to its original position and returned to the third floor along the previous path.

Zhang Chen had just come down the stairs from the third floor when he met Snape going upstairs.

Snape frowned when he saw Zhang Chen coming down the stairs.

"Zhang Chen? Why did you come down the stairs? If I remember correctly, both the classroom and your residence should be on the first and second floors, right?"

Zhang Chen did not expect to meet Snape at this time, but Zhang Chen had done what he should do, so he was naturally not afraid of him.

"Oh, my students left something in the classroom, and I sent it to them. Professor Snape, this is not a violation, right?" Zhang Chen said, looking at Snape strangely.

Snape squeezed out a stiff smile on his face after hearing Zhang Chen's words.

"Not counted."

Zhang Chen smiled at Snape and went back to his room directly.

Snape watched Zhang Chen leave closely behind him. After Zhang Chen left, Snape was still worried, so he went directly to the room where the trap door on the third floor was located. When he saw that nothing had changed, Snape left.

Zhang Chen returned to the second floor but did not return to his room directly.

The mountain monster has appeared, which means that Harry and others' adventure is about to begin. What Zhang Chen needs to do during this period is to wait.

As time goes by, the students who follow Zhang Chen's class have gradually achieved some success. Even the worst ones have entered the Qi training stage. This speed of progress makes Zhang Chen sigh again and again. You know, when Zhang Chen was practicing, he practiced Qi day and night for several months before he gradually got started.

As the students' cultivation level, Zhang Chen's course also began to deepen slowly. Because he has no sword in his hand now, Zhang Chen can only guide the students to practice. For Zhang Chen, these students are actually passers-by. However, because he promised Dugu Yuyun on Shushan before that he would spread the things of Shushan to the world, and Zhang Chen wanted to experience the fun of being a teacher on a whim, Zhang Chen would not choose to be a mentor.

"There is no shortcut in cultivation. Unlike magic, people with amazing talents can rely on their talents to get ahead of others. In cultivation, your talents can only make you have higher potential than others. If you are not diligent, you will still be left behind." Zhang Chen said this and glanced at Jia Lei and Harry.

Jia Lei has been very diligent during this period. His cultivation has surpassed Hermione and started to catch up with Harry.

Harry has been slack in cultivation because of Voldemort's affairs. Zhang Chen said this mainly for Harry to hear.

Harry obviously heard the implication of Zhang Chen's words and lowered his head a little embarrassedly.

Harry went out every night during this period. On the one hand, he was looking for clues to the Philosopher's Stone in the library, and on the other hand, it was because Harry found a mirror that could see his parents.

It was precisely because he wasted most of the night that Harry's cultivation progressed slowly during this period.

Finally, this class was over. At the end, Zhang Chen stopped Harry, Hermione and the other two.

"Teacher, is there anything you want us to stay for?" Hermione was still as eccentric as ever.

Zhang Chen glanced at Harry, "Tell me the truth, did you do anything at night?"

Hermione was not very clear about Harry going out at night, so Zhang Chen's question was mainly directed at Ron and Harry.

Ron was shocked when he heard Zhang Chen's question, "How did you know?!"

Harry rolled his eyes at Ron.

You idiot, aren't you admitting it directly?

Zhang Chen raised his eyebrows, "What are you doing out in the middle of the night?"

Now that Ron has been exposed, Harry will no longer hide it from Zhang Chen. Maybe Zhang Chen will take the initiative to help after hearing this.

So Harry told Zhang Chen what Hermione had discovered on the field and about Snape's abnormality, and even told Zhang Chen about the trap door.

Only then did Zhang Chen realize that even though he had done so many things, due to the strong inertia of the plot, Harry and others still suspected Snape.

However, Zhang Chen knew that Snape was innocent, so Zhang Chen was still prepared to try to change some of the plot.

"Although Professor Snape looks fierce, he is actually a good person. I dealt with Voldemort when I was in the Black Forest. After Voldemort escaped, Snape ran out from behind me, so Snape must not They will be Voldemort's men, I'm sure of that."

Hermione frowned at this time, "Then why did he want to harm Harry?"

Zhang Chen looked deeply at Hermione, "Maybe he is not harming Harry, on the contrary, he is preparing to save Harry."

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