The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 216 Let’s see how you run this time!

Voldemort's attack caused panic throughout Hogwarts.

The moon in the sky has slowly set, and dawn is about to break. At this time, most of the tutors at Hogwarts have followed Dumbledore to chase Voldemort.

In fact, if Voldemort really just took away the Sorcerer's Stone, Dumbledore would not chase him, but Voldemort also took Harry away, which made Dumbledore panic.

Harry and Voldemort are destined to be lifelong enemies. Dumbledore has seen a prophecy about Harry. In language, Harry's life is full of darkness, but Harry is the only one who has a chance to break through the darkness.

Dumbledore knew that the darkness here referred to Voldemort.

The entire Hogwarts students also woke up one after another. The senior students arranged for the junior students to rest in the dormitories. They guarded Hogwarts with the tutors who stayed at Hogwarts to prevent Voldemort from coming back.

At this time, Zhang Chen and Voldemort had flown a long distance away. Except for mountains and forests, no traces of other humans could be seen around them.

"Voldemort, do you think living in darkness like this is a long-term solution? Now you are like a rat crossing the street, living in the sewers. I can help you!"

Zhang Chen started to dissuade Voldemort while keeping up with Voldemort's speed.

Voldemort was silent for a while, his voice ethereal with a hint of hoarseness.

"This world cannot give me what I want. They are afraid of me, but they don't know that I should be the king of this world!"

Zhang Chen rolled his eyes after hearing Voldemort's words.

He finally understood that this girl is actually a middle-aged boy. Although he is not young anymore, he still has a heart to dominate the world. If such a person is in troubled times, he can definitely make a career, but today's magic The world has become normalized, peaceful development is the kingly way, and only Voldemort will be disliked and feared by people.

Zhang Chen felt that he could start from this aspect. Didn't Voldemort want to dominate the world? Yes, Zhang Chen has traveled through so many planes anyway, you can rule any one you want. Maybe in some planes I will give you the opportunity to rule the world.

"Voldemort, sometimes I really feel sad for you. Do you think this world is everything? There are countless worlds outside, but you only focus on this small place." Zhang Chen felt that Voldemort was a proud man. man, so he was prepared to use words to anger him first.

Voldemort was angry after hearing Zhang Chen's words. Although Voldemort's voice now sounded vague and uncertain, Zhang Chen still heard a trace of ridicule from inside, "Many worlds? Your reason is really ridiculous!"

The corner of Zhang Chen's mouth raised slightly, "Where do you think my cultivation level comes from? Have you ever seen anyone like me before? I believe you have also investigated me, right? Didn’t you find me as if I had appeared out of nowhere?”

Voldemort fell silent.

Zhang Chen was right.

After Zhang Chen appeared for the first time and blocked his plan, he quietly investigated Zhang Chen's background and even found out where Zhang Chen first appeared. However, Zhang Chen's previous life, including his family, Friends, Voldemort didn't find out. Even Voldemort used the prophecy crystal. As a result, the crystal couldn't predict Zhang Chen's past and future at all.

When Zhang Chen saw that Voldemort had stopped talking, he immediately struck a chord while the iron was hot, "I believe my identity should allow you to believe something. I am not from this world!"

"So what if you are not from this world, asking me to surrender to you is simply a fantasy. I am the king of darkness and will not surrender to anyone!"

Zhang Chen shook his head, "Then you know, if you don't follow me, according to the trajectory of history, no matter what you do, you will fail. In the end, you will only have one fate, and that is to be completely wiped out."

After hearing Zhang Chen's words, Voldemort suddenly became emotional and shouted, "I will never fail! Moreover, the only person who has frustrated me is now in my hands. As long as I kill him, no one in this world can Stop me!"

Seeing Voldemort's excitement, Zhang Chen couldn't help but secretly speed up a bit. He didn't dare to speed up too fast, as this would probably lead to Voldemort discovering Zhang Chen's intentions.

Zhang Chen continued, "Do you think the person who stopped you is Harry? You are wrong. Harry is just a tool. It is the whole world that wants to fight you! You were born in this world, and now it is the world that wants to get rid of you. Even if you kill Harry, thousands of people like Harry will appear later. Do you think you will be able to save yourself every time? Especially now, you can't feel the rejection and disgust of the whole world. "?"

Voldemort was a little surprised after hearing Zhang Chen's words.

In fact, he had felt something was wrong a long time ago, especially after he killed Harry's parents. He could feel that no matter what plan he planned before, he could complete it smoothly, but now as long as he makes any big plan, it will inevitably fail. Being blocked by others, is this what Zhang Chen meant by being rejected by the whole world?

While Voldemort was thinking, he didn't notice that Zhang Chen was slowly approaching him.

At this time, Zhang Chen and Voldemort were already very close, only a hundred meters apart. At this distance, if Zhang Chen broke out instantly, he could directly subdue Voldemort. Now, Zhang Chen no longer needs to use words to stimulate Voldemort. .

Zhang Chen slowly put his left hand behind him, and a small formation was slowly completed in Zhang Chen's hand, until the last golden ball appeared in Zhang Chen's hand.

At the same time, Voldemort, who was thinking in front, suddenly felt that the atmosphere around him was a little wrong. Looking back, he saw that Zhang Chen had come to a position almost very close to him at some point, looking at him with a smile.

"Voldemort, do you know why you fail every time?" Zhang Chen looked at Voldemort in front of him with some regret, "Because all villains die because of talking too much!"

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he pulled out his left hand with the golden ball behind his back, and his body suddenly rushed forward to Voldemort, and then gently hit the ball into Voldemort's body.

Almost in an instant, Voldemort, who touched the ball, was sucked into the ball directly from his waist.


Voldemort wailed while watching himself being sucked into this golden ball that looked no bigger than a ping-pong ball.

Soon, there was only a robe, a wand, a golden ball and the unconscious Harry in the air.

Zhang Chen quickly caught the debris of Harry and Voldemort.

They slowly fell from the air to the ground.

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