The days when Zhang Chen was here were simply a nightmare for Lucius.

On the second day, Lucius had to turn off the warning magic, otherwise he felt that he would die suddenly.

As for Zhang Chen, he had already figured out the situation of the entire secret room during a night of exploration.

The secret room was hidden behind the wardrobe. After Zhang Chen's investigation, Lucius did not know what method he used to open up a space in the middle of the wall. If there was no corresponding key, this space could only be cracked from the outside by force. For others, this was a difficult problem, but for Zhang Chen, it was simply too simple.

Although the entire magic world has a deep research on magic, they still have the impression of the Middle Ages for things like swords and shields.

Although it was a violent cracking of the secret room, Zhang Chen was able to do it without leaving any traces. After all, the entire Malfoy Manor was just an ordinary stone structure. It would be too easy for Zhang Chen to use the Xuanyuan Sword.

Taking out the Xuanyuan Sword from the storage space, Zhang Chen gently stroked the sword body.

"It's been a long time since I last used you, old friend."

Zhang Chen still remembers that since he came to this world, Xuanyuan Sword has not been used for a long time. After all, in the world of Harry Potter, there are almost no opponents who can compete with Zhang Chen in a direct confrontation with his own strength. If he uses Xuanyuan Sword, it would be a bit of a waste of talent.

Zhang Chen poured the sword essence into Xuanyuan Sword and directly inserted it into the edge of the secret room that Zhang Chen had explored. He cut off a piece silently like cutting tofu and then put it directly into the storage space.

The whole secret room was immediately in Zhang Chen's sight.

There were several special things in it, and Zhang Chen took them out, a gray book that could not be opened, a cup that looked like silver, and a ring.

Zhang Chen felt a strange magic fluctuation on them, and it was obvious that they were all black magic items.

However, Zhang Chen looked aside and found that the notes he wanted were not here. Maybe they were hidden somewhere else by Lucius.

Zhang Chen looked at these things in front of him and suddenly thought of a good countermeasure.

The next day, Zhang Chen got up early in the morning. Lucius should have rested well today and seemed to be in good spirits. Zhang Chen could see a hint of determination in Lucius' eyes from time to time. Maybe he was ready to fight a protracted war with Zhang Chen.

But Zhang Chen would not let him succeed so easily.

"Mr. Lucius, I feel a little bored staying in the room these days. I'm going to go out for a walk. I hope you don't mind." Zhang Chen pretended to say casually.

Lucius was happy to hear that Zhang Chen was finally going out for a walk.

This Zhang Chen was finally going out. With this time, he could completely move everything in the secret room. But Zhang Chen's next sentence immediately brought Lucius back to his original form.

"By the way, some magic items were found in the room I lived in before, but you know, I don't know the specific use of this kind of things. It's just the right opportunity to take a break and go to the Ministry of Magic to identify them. Of course, Mr. Lucius, don't worry, I only took three things in total." Zhang Chen looked at Lucius with a smile.

Lucius really couldn't pretend anymore. If Zhang Chen took these things to the Ministry of Magic, Lucius dared to guarantee that within an hour, the entire Malfoy Manor would be filled with investigators. At that time, all the black magic items in the house would be found one by one, and the prestige of the Malfoy family would plummet.

Lucius saw Zhang Chen's half-smile and half-smile, and his face turned gloomy. "Mr. Zhang Chen, I don't want to pretend with you anymore. What do you want? Money? Power? I can give you all of these as long as you ask for them."

After hearing what Lucius said, Zhang Chen leisurely tore off a piece of bread and stuffed it into his mouth. "These things are useless to me. What I want is actually very simple, a notebook, but not an ordinary notebook. I think you should know what that is."

After hearing what Zhang Chen said, Lucius' left hand unconsciously touched his chest. Of course, he knew what Zhang Chen was talking about. The notebook Zhang Chen was talking about was actually Tom Marvolo Riddle's diary, which was one of Voldemort's most important things.

Lucius was silent for a moment and then spoke slowly. His right hand had already begun to clench his silver cane, ready to take action, "How did you know about this notebook?"

"This does not affect the agreement between us, does it? This is a good opportunity for mutual benefit. As long as you give me the notebook, not only can I write Draco's report and let him continue to study at Hogwarts, but I will also keep all the secrets of your Malfoy family silent. Don't you think it's not worth it?"

Zhang Chen said, glancing at Lucius's cane, "In addition, you'd better think carefully whether to take action here. If you are not careful, the house left by your ancestors will no longer exist."

After speaking, a ray of sword energy appeared in Zhang Chen's right hand in an instant, and he intentionally or unintentionally gently pierced into the table in front of him. The table was silently broken by Zhang Chen's sword energy.

Lucius looked at the hole on his table and gave up the idea of ​​fighting for a while, "Are you sure you just want this notebook?"

Zhang Chen nodded, "Of course, to be honest, that notebook is very important to me, or as important as its original owner."

Speaking of this, Zhang Chen added a sentence in his heart: After all, Voldemort only recovered part of his soul fragments by getting this notebook, but I directly gained another person to accompany me through time, and the value of this cannot be calculated.

Lucius looked at Zhang Chen expressionlessly, "I hope you can do what you say."

Two hours later, the gate of the castle manor opened, and Zhang Chen walked out leisurely, "Mr. Lucius, don't forget to let Draco return to school as soon as possible."

After saying that, Zhang Chen returned to the chimney with a smug look, and a burst of green flames ignited, and Zhang Chen's figure completely disappeared.

Soon after Zhang Chen left, Lucius walked out of the castle manor in a black robe.


In Hogwarts, with a burst of green flames suddenly appearing, Zhang Chen set foot on the land of Hogwarts again.

After returning to Hogwarts, Zhang Chen couldn't wait to return to his room.

It was just the time for students to go to class, but for the sake of caution, Zhang Chen still set up a soundproof array.

Then Zhang Chen took out the golden sphere. Voldemort inside looked weaker day by day, after all, he had no physical nourishment.

Zhang Chen looked at Voldemort in the golden sphere and took out the black notebook from the storage space.

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