The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 227 The Beginning of the Trial

The exam had just ended, and all the students at Hogwarts breathed a sigh of relief, whether they did well or not. This was the time to relax, and everyone started packing their things and getting ready to go home.

However, one group of people still attracted the attention of the entire Hogwarts.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Jia Lei led Zhang Chen's entire class out of Hogwarts fully armed.

This group of people carried large and small bags, and some even carried washbasins. Their appearance of fleeing attracted the attention of the entire college.

Draco was also one of the people watching the fun, but he was not curious, but mocking.

"Hey! Look, the celebrity of our school! Is Harry actually preparing to flee like the refugees?" As he said this, Draco made a series of funny moves in front of a group of students, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

Harry didn't even bother to look at him and just walked past as if he couldn't see Draco at all.

Draco was even more concerned when he saw that Harry was silent, "Look, our famous Harry, why doesn't he say a word at this time? Is he really going to escape?"

Harry still ignored him, but Ron couldn't stand it anymore.

He directly put down the backpack on his back and looked at Draco with a surge of energy all over his body, "You can say it again and try it again!"

After Ron finished speaking, the thirty or so people standing behind Harry put down their backpacks and looked at Draco quietly.

Draco was pushed several meters away by the burst of spiritual energy from Ron, and finally he was able to stand still with the help of his classmates.

After standing firm, Draco blushed.

He was actually scared off by Ron, a poor descendant of wizards. He couldn't help but pointed at Ron with anger and inwardness, "What! Are you bullying me because I have so few people! Then you have to see how many people we have!"

Since the last incident of stealing the golden ball, Draco felt that he needed to have a good relationship with the people around him, so he used his family's power and money to almost establish his age as the hegemon in the entire Lesterlin. Location.

At this time, a group of students behind Draco stopped immediately after hearing Draco's words.

We are all at a young age. There are only more than thirty of you in total, but there are nearly a hundred people standing behind us! Are we afraid of you? !

So all the students behind Draco took a step forward.

"What! Do you want to fight!"

"Come! Let's see if there are more of you or us!"

The two groups of people faced each other tit for tat, and the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Hermione suddenly saw Zhang Chen leaning at the door of Hogwarts and watching a play, and couldn't help shouting to Zhang Chen, "Teacher Zhang Chen!"

More than thirty people who were originally tit for tat with nearly a hundred people immediately picked up their bags and ran towards Zhang Chen after hearing Zhang Chen's name.

Draco saw this group of people leaving without saying a word, and immediately said proudly to the students behind him, "Look, everyone! They are scared! Haha!"

"That's right! A bunch of cowards! Haha!"

"Haha! It's so fun! How about we give them a good lesson when they come back!"

"I agree!"

"no problem!"

Draco became even more proud after hearing the words of the people behind him. At this time, Harry, who was walking at the front of the team, looked back at Draco, with a trace of pity flashing in his eyes.

This look made Draco unhappy.

You are so cowardly that you still dare to look at me like this. It seems that if I don’t teach you a lesson, you don’t know how much power I have in this academy!

Draco was already preparing to give Harry and the others a big gift when they came back.

On the other side, Zhang Chen looked at the students who were getting ready for the exam at the door. Every one of them was in high spirits, and many of them were obviously a little nervous. Zhang Chen couldn't help but smile and said, "Don't be nervous. This exam is actually the exam for everyone this year." Learning summary, as long as everyone remembers the knowledge I have taught you in class, everyone can successfully complete the task. ”

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he could clearly feel that some students relaxed a little. At this time, Zhang Chen turned to look at the janitor Filch, "Mr. Filch, please excuse me, they will follow me out for exams in the past two days."

Speaking of Filch, he is considered to be very lucky. After being knocked unconscious by Voldemort that day, Voldemort didn't bother to kill him because he was a Muggle. In the end, he was found by the instructor of the college and saved his life. Filch heard about it later When Zhang Chen caught Voldemort, Zhang Chen happened to be a Muggle without magic, so he still had a good impression of Zhang Chen.

"Don't be polite to me. As for these bad boys..." Filch looked at the students behind Zhang Chen, "You have to be careful, they are very cunning!"

After saying that, Filch opened the door.

Zhang Chen smiled and nodded. Seeing that the door had been opened, he turned and shouted to the students behind him, "The door is open! Get ready to go!"


There was a uniform reply behind him.

Zhang Chen led the group of students all the way to Hagrid's hut before stopping.

"Everyone, now, your luggage cannot contain any food, clothing, or supplies. Except for your wands, weapons, defensive items, and tents, everything else you can carry must be left here. ! At the same time, I will give you half an hour. You must find your own team here, in groups of five or four. After the grouping is completed, send the captain to come to me to receive the distress signal! "

Speaking of this, Zhang Chen paused for a moment to help the students digest what he had said before. "In the next three days, you need to use your magic, the knowledge I taught you, and your cooperation with each other to find the aura balls I placed in the entire Black Forest! There are a total of 80 in the entire forest! What you have to do is to get at least one and return here safely after three days. The distress signal can only be used in danger. Once used, then this exam is not up to you. Do you understand!"

All the students nodded, "I understand!"

Zhang Chen looked at the energetic team and nodded with satisfaction, "Then start preparing!"

With Zhang Chen's order, all the students began to take out various supplies from their backpacks and quickly formed teams. Before half an hour had passed, all the students had already stood in front of Zhang Chen according to their groups.

The head of all teams is one person. Obviously, the head of the team is the captain.

Zhang Chen nodded, and seven talismans appeared in his right hand. As soon as the talismans appeared, they flew quietly into the hands of the seven captains. "This is a distress signal. When there is a life-threatening or unexpected situation, remember to tear this paper into pieces."

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