"Master, you are back!" A childish girl's voice sounded from Zhang Chen's mind.

Almost at the same time, Zhang Chen found something that spoke to him.

Behind the cave, there is a specially dug hole of nearly one meter. In this hole, a big eye is looking at Zhang Chen, with attachment and admiration, as well as joy and delight.

Surrounding the eye is something like a tentacle, which directly fixes the eyeball in the hole.

After seeing the eyeball, Zhang Chen asked in a non-committal tone, "Are you a brainworm? Can you speak?"

The pupils in his eyeballs trembled, "Yes, yes! I am a brainworm, but I can't speak yet. Now I only use my mental power to communicate with my master."

Zhang Chen looked at the brainworm that had broken out of its cocoon with a strange expression on his face.

To be honest, Zhang Chen has played some computer games before, so he is quite familiar with the mythical creatures in them. This big eyeball looks exactly like the legendary evil eye!

However, Zhang Chen did not dwell too much on this issue. Instead, he looked at the huge flesh cocoon rising and falling in the center of the space and asked.

"What is this?"

"This is the home I plan to build myself, because I am too vulnerable now, so I want a home to protect myself and the owner."

Although Zhang Chen accepted the setting of the brainworm evolving into the evil eye, he was still not used to hearing the immature girl's voice in his mind.

It feels like child abuse!

And looking at the surroundings, Zhang Chen suddenly felt a little familiar.

Large fleshy cocoon, carpet-like ground, and bugs coming in and out, isn't this the Zerg in StarCraft!

Zhang Chen brought the brain worm back from the previous plane. He didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but now it seems that it is exactly the same.

Zhang Chen fell into thinking.

Is the prototype of the Zerg in the game StarCraft a creature from this plane? In other words, the planes Zhang Chen experienced before evolved from this game.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and found that his worries were unfounded.

No matter what relationship the two had before, it is of little use to Zhang Chen now, because Zhang Chen's current strength is still too low. Even if Zhang Chen knows the key, what can Zhang Chen do? In the end, strength is king.

Zhang Chen thought of this and chatted with Brainworm again before letting Brainworm stay here. There was no other way. Zhang Chen had too many things to do at this stage and had to hurry up.

After coming out of the brainworm, Zhang Chen went to see the fire phoenix egg.

The fire phoenix egg has no other changes except that the speed of absorbing spiritual energy becomes very fast.

After watching the fire phoenix egg, Zhang Chen went directly back to his hut, took out the purple gourd, and kept putting previously processed spiritual materials from the storage space into the purple gourd. As Zhang Chen put more and more, the purple gourd The gourd couldn't bear it anymore, and a faint golden light emitted from the whole body. Zhang Chen knew that this was the limit before he stopped. At this time, only one-third of the spiritual materials were used. This can be seen from the magic world's spiritual power. How high is the quality of the material?

Fortunately, although Zhang Chen left, he still let Hogwarts continue to collect spiritual materials. Zhang Chen decided to use these spiritual materials as strategic materials for the next plane when he finally left, specifically to supply purple gold gourds.

After these matters were basically dealt with, Zhang Chen took out the golden ball.

Through observation, Zhang Chen saw that Voldemort was still in a daze, sitting motionless in the golden ball.

Zhang Chen had also tried to make Voldemort speak by grinding his soul before, but even after grinding his soul, Voldemort didn't say a word except barking.

Finally Zhang Chen gave up.

Zhang Chen looked at Voldemort in the golden ball and felt that there were some things he had forgotten, "Something is wrong, so wrong. The pain of the soul cannot be endured if you want to. Even if a person is taciturn by nature, he will scream. What's more, what about Voldemort, a man who is greedy for life and afraid of death? "

Zhang Chen couldn't see the situation now. In three days, Zhang Chen tried every method but still couldn't get Voldemort to speak. Even now, Voldemort is still looking ahead in a daze, with no expression on his face. Changed.

Now Zhang Chen was at a loss. He originally wanted to settle the matter with Voldemort and then return after practicing for a period of time. But now it seems that it is not that simple.

With no choice but to go back to Hogwarts again, Zhang Chen looked for Dumbledore's help.

After Dumbledore met Zhang Chen and heard that Zhang Chen wanted his help, he agreed without thinking.

This is a good opportunity to get closer to Zhang Chen.

But when Zhang Chen told Voldemort's situation, Dumbledore also fell silent.

After a long time, Dumbledore slowly spoke, "Zhang Chen, Voldemort's situation is a problem of the soul. We need to find scholars who specialize in the study of the soul. Otherwise, we can only pool our ideas. But the scholars who study the soul all study black magic." They all exist, not in Diagon Alley, but often live in Knockturn Alley. Maybe you should go there and look for them.”

Zhang Chen frowned.

Of course Zhang Chen knew that Knockturn Alley was also a famous place in the magic world, but unlike Diagon Alley, it was notorious.

Knockturn Alley is where all the people hiding in the dark and all kinds of people live and communicate. Zhang Chen remembered that when Harry used Floo powder for the first time, he was teleported to Knockturn Alley because he mispronounced the name of Diagon Alley. If he hadn't met Hagrid, he might not have been able to get out.

That place is simply dirty and messy.

"Would there be scholars living in such a place?" Zhang Chen didn't believe that anyone would be willing to live in such a place.

Dumbledore nodded, "I don't know about the others, but I know there is definitely someone there. Ten years ago, he was an expert in studying souls. Even Voldemort came out after learning a few tricks from him."

Hearing what Dumbledore said, Zhang Chen decided to go to Knockturn Alley to have a look. After all, even Dumbledore had such a high opinion of him, maybe he really had some tricks. The most important thing was that Voldemort also studied under him for a period of time, maybe he really had a way to solve it.

"Give me the specific address, I'll go check it out."

After getting the address, Zhang Chen immediately went to Diagon Alley. Before going out, Zhang Chen disguised himself. Now Zhang Chen is a celebrity. If he showed up in Knockturn Alley and Diagon Alley in such a swagger, it would definitely attract other people's attention.

After disguising himself, Zhang Chen used Floo Powder to fly directly to Diagon Alley.

With a flash of green light, Zhang Chen appeared in Diagon Alley again.

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