Because he was going home tomorrow, Zhang Chen decided to take advantage of this time to show up at the company and pick up two security guards.

When Zhang Chen was in the company before, he focused on interviewing security guards in person.

Because Zhang Chen established the company mainly to better protect his family.

No matter how strong an individual is, it will be difficult for him to defeat four fists with two fists, which will always allow people with evil intentions to find opportunities to take advantage of them. However, if the individual is superior in strength, one person can dominate a country and have huge power, this can be done without fail.

Zhang Chen arrived at the company with ease. As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw two security guards patrolling.

Both security guards were interviewed by Zhang Chen in person, so they both knew Zhang Chen. When they saw Zhang Chen, they immediately shouted, "Hello, boss!"

Zhang Chen nodded and said strangely, "Well, you are patrolling here?"

This is the downstairs of the entire office building. In addition to Zhang Chen's company, there are many companies in this building. How troublesome would it be if they were blocked like this? Even if you're not afraid of the trouble, other companies probably won't agree.

One of the security guards may have noticed Zhang Chen's confusion and immediately explained.

It turned out that with the support of Zhang Chen's previous capital of more than 100 million, the entire building was rented by Zhang Xiaoyu. Although nearly half of the capital was spent, the scale of the entire company expanded dozens of times.

In addition, because of Zhang Chen's company's popularity here during this period, it can be said that the current size of the company can be compared with some medium-sized companies.

Zhang Chen frowned after hearing this.

You must know that the bigger the company is, the better. On the contrary, the larger the company, the more various funds it needs, such as employee wages and renting space, which will be expensive expenses.

With these questions, Zhang Chen directly found Zhang Xiao Yu.

Zhang Xiaoyu's office is on the second floor, and the top floor is reserved for Zhang Chen.

When Zhang Chen entered the elevator, the company received news that someone was already waiting at the elevator entrance before the elevator arrived.

As soon as the elevator door opened, a girl Zhang Chen had never seen before bowed directly to Zhang Chen, "Hello, boss."

When Zhang Chen saw this, his face became even more unhappy.

The money he gave Zhang Xiaoyu was not for her to spend on hiring a secretary or buying a building.

"Take me to see Zhang Xiao Yu." Zhang Chen said calmly.

"Okay boss, Mr. Zhang is in the office, please come with me." With that said, the girl led Zhang Chen to Zhang Xiaoyu's office.

The girl stopped at the door, opened the door for Zhang Chen, and then left directly.

After Zhang Chen entered, he did not see Zhang Xiaoyu immediately. Instead, he saw mountains of documents covering the table.

It's really a mountain of documents. The pile of documents on the desk almost blocks the back.

"If you need anything, tell me immediately. I'm very busy!"

Zhang Chen was in a daze when Zhang Xiaoyu's voice suddenly came from behind the pile of documents.

After bypassing the pile of documents, Zhang Chen finally saw Zhang Xiao Yu.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoyu was reviewing and approving documents one after another with red eyes.

"What's going on? Our scientific research project hasn't started yet? Why are there so many documents?"

Zhang Chen was even more confused. Originally, he thought Zhang Xiaoyu had swelled up, but now that he saw Zhang Xiaoyu's appearance, it was obviously not the case.

Zhang Xiaoyu did not raise his head after hearing Zhang Chen's words. Instead, he said while reviewing and approving the documents, "These are the patents we need to apply for and the projects we need to carry out. Because smart cars require too many patents, so Anything as small as a part or as large as an engine requires a patent application. In total, there will be 1,580 review documents, and each document needs my signature. In addition to these, there are also government support documents and venues. Applications and various approvals, and the company's recruitment are not enough until now, because if we really want to manufacture an artificial intelligence series, we need to carry out at least more than two hundred projects. Because of our unique advantages, these two hundred projects have attracted not only the government, but also Many projects have sponsors or investors come to the company to discuss these matters, but I suppressed them. Now these documents are just cooperation documents. "

Having said this, Zhang Xiao Yu raised his head and glanced at Zhang Chen, "Originally, these are all things you need to worry about, but because you are the hands-off shopkeeper and don't care about things, I can only be as busy as I am now. As of today, I have been I haven’t slept for three days.”

"..." Zhang Chen looked confused.

He could imagine that artificial intelligence would be very popular, but he did not expect that it would become this popular.

But although it is shocking, as Zhang Xiaoyu said, he is a hands-off shopkeeper. He established this company just to protect his family more conveniently. As for how big the company can be, it depends on Zhang Xiaoyu's ability.

Until he came out of Zhang Xiaoyu's place, Zhang Chen didn't see Zhang Xiaoyu raise his head for the second time.

However, the purpose of this visit has been solved, and all the security guards have been gathered on the second floor of the building, waiting for Zhang Chen's inspection.

What Zhang Chen needs to do is to select the two best among these security guards and let them protect his parents.

Although the company suddenly grew bigger like blowing up a balloon, Zhang Chen didn't care much about it.

No matter how big the company is, if he has no strength, he is still a lamb to be slaughtered. In Zhang Chen's view, only his own strength is the foundation, so Zhang Chen always cares about his own strength.

After going downstairs, Zhang Chen directly opened his spiritual sense and selected two security guards with the strongest souls and bodies.

Then Zhang Chen directly called the two of them to an office alone.

"Do you know why I called you here alone?" Zhang Chen asked the two security guards standing in front of him.

"I don't know." One of the security guards shouted.

The security guard's voice was deep and you could tell that he was in good health.

"I know you are all retired special forces soldiers. It's unfair for you to be security guards. This time I called you here to assign you a bodyguard task. This task is not smooth sailing. There is a high possibility of danger. It is a high-risk job. Please consider it!"

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he sat on a chair and watched the two people's actions.

The two security guards looked at each other, and one of them asked hesitantly, "Then the salary..."

Zhang Chen raised five fingers, "The basic salary is 50,000!"

The two nodded to each other, "We accepted this task."

Coming out of the company, Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that I have finished what I need to do, I have to go home. I wonder if the old locust tree I used to play under when I was a kid is still there...

Zhang Chen's thoughts have drifted back home

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