In the community, Zhang Chen parked his car and just got out of the car when the property owner at the door stopped Zhang Chen.

"Mr. Zhang, people have been looking for you in the past few days. The specific information is here." The real estate agent had obviously prepared things and directly handed a form to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen glanced at the form and said, "Mr. Chen? What is he here for?"

The form contains the record of Mr. Chen’s visit to the auction house. It shows that Mr. Chen came not just once, but three times.

I don't know what happened, but Zhang Chen suddenly thought of the last time he and Mr. Chen met, the way Mr. Chen looked at the iron shovel in his toilet.

It was affectionate and full of reluctance, as if it were a treasure in the world.

Zhang Chen shuddered when he thought of this and quickly put this dangerous thought out of his mind.

But despite this, Zhang Chen was still prepared to deal with this thing and couldn't leave it at home.

"Thank you very much."

After talking to the property manager, Zhang Chen and Lin Xue returned home together.

After returning home, Lin Xue threw herself on the sofa without any image, "Ah! I'm finally home. I almost felt sick sitting in the car!"

Zhang Chen looked at Lin Xue and smiled slightly.

Needless to say, Lin Xue breathed a sigh of relief now that he was back home. Even Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

This time I have finished one thing after another, and now I can concentrate on preparing what is needed for the next world.

Zhang Chen took the time to enter the return space again.

After entering the return space, Zhang Chen directly released Voldemort.

Originally, Zhang Chen hoped that Voldemort could protect his parents, but the next world was an unknown conquered plane with unknown dangers. Zhang Chen was not sure that he could survive it safely, so after thinking about it, Zhang Chen decided to take Voldemort with him. With.

However, it was okay for Voldemort to carry it, but there were still many problems. The most important thing was that Voldemort knew nothing about cultivation.

There was no other way, Zhang Chen just released Voldemort and threw him into the treasure pavilion.

Now the Treasure Pavilion can be called the Scripture Pavilion. Except for a small number of treasures and treasures of heaven and earth, all the other books in it are about cultivation and magic.

Zhang Chen asked Voldemort to familiarize himself with the content related to cultivation and spiritual energy as soon as possible in the past two days.

After arranging Voldemort's affairs, Zhang Chen began to worry about himself.

At this stage, Zhang Chen has no way to directly improve his strength. It can even be said that apart from knowing that there are several great realms behind him, Zhang Chen doesn't know anything else. Even if Zhang Chen wants to practice, he has no way to practice. .

With no other choice, Zhang Chen could only take out the Xuanyuan Sword.

Xuanyuan Sword was not used by Zhang Chen in the world of Harry Potter before. On the one hand, there was no need to use it, and on the other hand, Zhang Chen wanted to show off.

After all, the degree of intimidation and pretentiousness are different when you beat someone down with a weapon and when you beat someone down with your bare hands.

But what Zhang Chen didn't expect was that this time he would accidentally encounter the origin of the world in the world of Harry Potter.

Since the last time the origin of the world was absorbed by Xuanyuan Sword, Zhang Chen has not carefully looked at the specific situation inside Xuanyuan Sword. This time, Zhang Chen decided to carefully explore his old friend.

After all, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you win a hundred battles. If you don't know who your enemies are yet, then you should first know how much you have and adapt accordingly when the time comes.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen directly entered the space inside Xuanyuan Sword.

The space at this moment has changed a lot from before.

The entire space is filled with golden mist. When Zhang Chen's soul encounters the golden mist, it will automatically be absorbed into his body. At the same time, Zhang Chen also feels that his soul has become stronger.

Zhang Chen only stayed in the space for a short while and found that his soul had grown a little stronger.

"It is indeed a divine weapon of heaven and earth. Just entering the inner space can strengthen my soul so much. I wonder what changes will happen to Xuanyuan Sword after all the seals are lifted."

In fact, Zhang Chen had already seen the changes of Xuanyuan Sword in the world of Harry Potter. At that time, Zhang Chen's soul was damaged, and Xuanyuan Sword happened to repair Zhang Chen's soul. However, because Zhang Chen was about to return, there was no Upon closer inspection, he discovered that the chain sealing the palace was now ten instead of one.

As the chains disappeared, more gaps opened in the palace door.

Zhang Chen estimated and found that as long as one or two more seals were unlocked, Zhang Chen could enter this door.

Ever since he learned that there was a palace inside Xuanyuan Sword, Zhang Chen had been looking forward to entering the palace to see what was inside. However, because his strength was too low, Zhang Chen had no other way except to obtain the origin of heaven and earth. .

Fortunately, golden mist is constantly coming out from inside the palace. Zhang Chen estimated his absorption speed and compared it with the speed at which it emerged from the palace, and found that he could practice here every ten days. , each practice can last for five to seven days.

Zhang Chen couldn't believe how powerful his soul would be if he practiced here year after year.

After practicing in the Xuanyuan Sword for a while, Zhang Chen withdrew directly, not because the golden mist was not enough, but because Zhang Chen had no time to practice, and there were still many things waiting for Zhang Chen to do.

When he left before, Zhang Chen only took the brainworm and the quail bird. As for the subordinates of the brainworm, they had all been humanely destroyed, and all of them committed suicide. This time, Zhang Chen did not plan to take the quail bird with him, because the quail bird was just born and was very weak at this time.

As for the brainworm, Zhang Chen decided to take it with him to see if there was a chance. Zhang Chen also thought about whether he could transform all the Zerg.

Just think about it, all the Zerg are transformed monsters, and then they rush towards the enemy. Zhang Chen was a little excited when he thought about it, but this is just Zhang Chen's imagination at present. As for when he can achieve what Zhang Chen imagined, he didn't know.

After Zhang Chen came out, he went to see Voldemort and found that Voldemort was sitting on the floor of the treasure pavilion holding a book and reading it infatuatedly. Zhang Chen was a little surprised, "I didn't expect that Voldemort was also a top student?!"

But after thinking about it, Zhang Chen was relieved. If Voldemort really didn't like to study, how could he have researched black magic to a new peak?

How could Dumbledore, who is known as a scholar and professor, fall into the trap countless times and be unable to stop him?

"I didn't expect the villain to work so hard. It seems that I have to work harder!" Zhang Chen said with emotion.

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