The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 286 Xuanyuan Sword Moves

What caught Zhang Chen's eyes was a huge white jade wall.

This was not what shocked Zhang Chen, but what was on the wall.

There was a sword on the wall.

This sword was exactly the same as the Xuanyuan Sword.

It was just that the Xuanyuan Sword on the wall exuded a wave of pressure.

Below the wall was a disc-like thing hanging in the air, which was constantly releasing golden mist. Most of the mist flowed into the Xuanyuan Sword in the wall, and only a small part flowed out from the side, and then drifted to the outside along the gap of the palace gate.

Zhang Chen was stunned by the scene in front of him, "It turns out that the golden mist is used to nourish the Xuanyuan Sword."

As if hearing Zhang Chen's voice, the Xuanyuan Sword in the wall suddenly made a clear sound. After hearing the sound of the sword, Zhang Chen suddenly felt his consciousness blurred. With a dizzy moment, Zhang Chen's eyes went dark. When he regained consciousness, he was surprised to find that he was on a high mountain.

Zhang Chen stood on the top of the mountain, looked down at his body and found that it was still golden.

"It seems that this should be some kind of illusion or that the soul was taken to a certain place." Zhang Chen looked at his golden soul and guessed.

While Zhang Chen was guessing, a golden light suddenly flashed in his sight.

Zhang Chen immediately looked up and found that Xuanyuan Sword was emitting a huge pressure all over his body, standing upside down in the void, and stopped in front of Zhang Chen.

Xuanyuan Sword seemed to be looking at Zhang Chen. Although Zhang Chen could not see any expression of Xuanyuan Sword, or even hear Xuanyuan Sword speaking, he could feel a kind of scrutiny from Xuanyuan Sword.

After a long time, Xuanyuan Sword moved, and the movement of the stunning shadow and the resonance of heaven and earth.

A stunning golden light mark slashed directly towards the distance.

The light mark rushed forward with an indomitable momentum, and then the surrounding space seemed to be unable to withstand this blow. The space around the light mark shattered, and large pieces of black holes appeared.

After the light mark disappeared, it could not be repaired for a long time.

Zhang Chen stood there in a daze watching this earth-shattering move.

This move reminded Zhang Chen of the move that he accidentally used when he was in the Kunlun plane, which combined the power of the world.

At that time, Zhang Chen began to force back a strong man like the Demon Emperor. Thinking about it now, Zhang Chen was a little scared, because Zhang Chen recalled that the pressure brought to Zhang Chen by the Demon Emperor was actually very great, almost the same as the mighty power that attacked Zhang Chen in the starry sky before, but even so, Zhang Chen still used that move to force back the Demon Emperor, although the final price was the complete collapse of Zhang Chen's physical body.

But unfortunately, although the Xuanyuan Sword sent out this sword, there were too many mysterious things in the middle. It was just one time, and Zhang Chen might not even learn a little bit of fur.

"If only I could do it again."

Zhang Chen thought so and shook his head regretfully.

Suddenly, the Xuanyuan Sword suspended in the air seemed to have heard Zhang Chen's voice and emitted a light mark again. This time, Zhang Chen saw a hint of the door, but it was still impossible to fully comprehend it.

Just when Zhang Chen was about to sigh, the Xuanyuan Sword emitted a light mark again.

Zhang Chen looked at the Xuanyuan Sword in surprise.

"Could it be... the Xuanyuan Sword can understand my thoughts?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen tried to let the Xuanyuan Sword do it again. Sure enough, the same sword mark as before appeared again.

Zhang Chen was shocked when he saw this and began to study this sword carefully.

As Zhang Chen's understanding became deeper and deeper, Zhang Chen discovered what was so powerful about this move.

The essence of this move is not how powerful the power is or how huge the spiritual energy is. The essence of this move is that it contains a trace of something more advanced than sword energy or sword intent.

Once, twice, three times, up to a hundred times, a thousand times.

Zhang Chen has been learning and comprehending. In the end, even if the Xuanyuan Sword no longer launches this attack, this light mark is deeply engraved in Zhang Chen's memory.

As if sensing that Zhang Chen had memorized this move, everything around him shattered like bubbles.

Zhang Chen still stood at the door of the palace, still maintaining a voyeuristic attitude, and everything before seemed like a dream.

Zhang Chen shook his head and carefully recalled everything just now. He found that the move in his mind was particularly profound, and Zhang Chen was ecstatic.

Everything just now was actually true.

As soon as he was excited, Zhang Chen's soul was instantly pushed back into his body by the space inside the Xuanyuan Sword.

At this time in the formation.

Voldemort had woken up. In fact, he had woken up for a long time. After waking up this time, Voldemort found that practicing here was twice as effective with half the effort, so he hurriedly meditated and practiced. When it was getting darker outside, Voldemort woke up. When he woke up, Voldemort saw Zhang Chen meditating and was about to call Zhang Chen up.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Chen opened his eyes instantly, and two three-foot golden rays shot out directly from Zhang Chen's eyes. The golden rays hit Voldemort's body and directly blasted Voldemort into the formation. Fortunately, there was a barrier of the formation, otherwise, Voldemort would probably be injured. Even now, Voldemort felt a little groggy.

Zhang Chen stood up and looked at Voldemort, "Why are you standing in front of me? Didn't I hurt you just now?"

Voldemort stood up, holding his chest in pain. After hearing Zhang Chen's words, he waved his hands, "It's okay, I'm not hurt!"

However, Voldemort still coughed a few times.

Embarrassed Zhang Chen immediately stepped forward to check, "Oh, nothing serious, just the chest was hit, maybe a little short of breath, nothing else."

After Voldemort rested for a while, Zhang Chen looked around at this time, "Are you ready? It's getting dark outside now, which means that this world also has day and night. Generally speaking, beasts are completely different in day and night, so now we need to go out and find a new safe place, otherwise if we continue here, there will be only one way to die."

Voldemort is not a fool, he also agreed with Zhang Chen's opinion, but he still frowned and said, "But how do we know where is safe? After all, this whole world is unfamiliar to us."

Zhang Chen thought for a moment, and suddenly a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "No, there is actually another place that should be safe."

Voldemort was stunned, "Where?"

Zhang Chen looked at Voldemort mysteriously and pointed to his feet.

"Of course it's below."

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