After the golden eagle summoned the phantom, it instantly swept away its previous listless appearance. Under the background of the golden phantom, although there were some bald spots on its body, it looked heroic and extraordinary.

In comparison, the one-legged monster on the opposite side was slightly inferior. It was obvious that the phantom of the one-legged monster was not as powerful as the phantom of the golden eagle.

The difference between the two phantoms was revealed when the phantoms were compared.

The one-legged monster was always suppressed, but it was obvious that the one-legged monster also knew that the golden eagle was not good, so it did not fight head-on, but fought from the side.

Half an hour passed quickly, and the golden eagle's physical strength began to run out. The one-legged monster saw that it was almost done, so it immediately stopped wandering and rushed directly towards the golden eagle.

At this time, the golden eagle suddenly turned its head to look at the one-legged monster, with a hint of mockery in its eyes.

Zhang Chen saw this and thought to himself, "This golden eagle should be showing weakness to the enemy."

Sure enough, when the one-legged monster hit the golden eagle, the shadow behind the golden eagle instantly solidified a little, and then the golden eagle directly pecked at the one-legged monster with its beak.

Zhang Chen had experienced the power of this attack before, and immediately knew that the one-legged monster should be finished.

As expected by Zhang Chen, the golden eagle directly injured the one-legged monster with just this one attack.

But the golden eagle was not in a good situation either. Its weakness before was not pretended, and this attack was just the last fight, but fortunately, it made the right bet.

Everything was settled, the golden eagle dispersed the shadow, looked at the dying one-legged monster on the ground, and cried softly.

It's not that the golden eagle didn't want to shout loudly, it was really that it had no strength.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from not far away.

"Oh! Brother Eagle, I've missed you so much since we met a week ago!" Zhang Chen walked to the front of the golden eagle leisurely and looked at it with a smile.

The golden eagle reacted immediately after seeing Zhang Chen appear. Just as he was about to fight, he was suddenly awakened by a burst of weakness in his body.

The golden eagle was at its weakest at this time.

Zhang Chen looked at the monster on the ground whose whole body was penetrated by the golden eagle, and then looked at the eagles gathered on the ground in a listless state, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

"Do it!" After laughing, the expression on Zhang Chen's face disappeared instantly. Without saying a word, he directly summoned the Xuanyuan Sword and swung it at the golden eagle. Because he was afraid that the golden eagle would counterattack, Zhang Chen used the sword move he had learned in the Xuanyuan Sword space before.

The golden eagle no longer had the strength to resist. Seeing the sword shadow slowly expanding in front of his eyes, the face of the golden eagle was full of despair.

But even so, Zhang Chen did not take it lightly. Voldemort, who was standing beside him, was an expert in this area. He also put a magic shield on him and Zhang Chen.

Sure enough, when Zhang Chen approached the golden eagle, the golden eagle immediately made a clear cry, and this sound with a soul-shaking sound instantly reached the ears of Zhang Chen and Voldemort.

However, Zhang Chen and Voldemort were not hurt at all. The two people that the golden eagle had imagined to collapse on the ground and unable to move did not happen.

Then the golden eagle was beheaded by Zhang Chen with a sword.

The golden eagle did not know why this soul-shaking attack did not work on Zhang Chen and Voldemort until he died.

Zhang Chen and Voldemort breathed a sigh of relief when the golden eagle's head fell to the ground.

Although this eagle is not a human, it is sometimes more cunning than a human.

For example, the previous show of weakness and forbearance to the enemy is not something that ordinary people can compare to, but fortunately, Zhang Chen was well prepared.

Zhang Chen then smiled and took out a pair of earplugs from his ears, "Sure enough, I felt that this eagle had a trick up its sleeve when it didn't use soul attacks before. Now it seems that it is right to be prepared."

Voldemort also directly dealt with the one-legged monster that was dying on the ground, "Boss, what should we do now? Decompose the body?"

Because Voldemort has always used something on these monsters as a medium to launch magic or as a magic material in the world of Harry Potter, the only way to use these corpses is to dismember them.

Zhang Chen shook his head, "Don't worry yet."

Just as Zhang Chen finished speaking, the two corpses began to show abnormalities.

A golden light appeared on the body of the golden eagle, and the golden light slowly gathered from all parts of the eagle's body into an incomprehensible mark. The mark floated in the air, looking mysterious and unusual, and then slowly condensed another mark that looked somewhat transparent on the side.

At the same time, a green mark also appeared on the body of the one-legged monster on the side.

Zhang Chen could feel a heart-pounding power on the mark, so he touched it directly with his hand.

The mark seemed to have a spirit, and it rushed directly into Zhang Chen's brow along his hand.

Zhang Chen immediately looked inside his body and found that two marks were slowly surrounding his soul.

Feeling that the mark was not dangerous, Zhang Chen opened his eyes and looked at Voldemort, "No danger, absorb the blue mark, it will probably have unexpected benefits."

Voldemort nodded and absorbed the mark.

At this time, the system prompt also sounded.

[Mark of the Fallen God (2/50)! ]

Zhang Chen's eyes flashed with a gleam of light after seeing the system prompt.

So this is the trial!

At this moment, a pressure suddenly appeared from a distance, and at the same time a huge roar came from afar.

It seems that this guy is not easy to deal with. Now that he has taken the benefit, he will run away immediately.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen directly put the bodies of the two monsters into the storage space, "Let's go! Go back!"

Voldemort nodded and followed Zhang Chen to return the same way.

Not long after Zhang Chen and the others left, a monster that looked like a dinosaur came from afar.

There was a person sitting on the monster, and it was obvious that the monster was this person's mount.

This person looked to be in his twenties, wearing brocade robes and extraordinary temperament. After seeing the battlefield around him without any concealment, the young man frowned and said, "I didn't expect to come a step late, and I don't know who got there first. It seems that there are newcomers nearby."

Then the young man took a deep look at the surroundings, especially the sword mark left on the ground by the sword energy after Zhang Chen directly cut off the golden eagle.

"It seems that the people who came this time are quite powerful, so let's have some fun together."

Zhang Chen and Voldemort returned to the underground palace, and Zhang Chen directly released the bodies of the two monsters, "Pick some useful places, and then let the brainworm take the bodies away. By the way, leave me the feathers of the eagle and the skin of the one-legged monster."

Voldemort nodded and began to dismember them.

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