The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 317: Array Refining Demonic Body

Although there is fire deep in the body, which is constantly increasing, Zhang Chen discovered that the evil thoughts and blood evil spirits in some places have been integrated with the body. If he wants to completely eliminate them, he must remove all the evil thoughts and blood evil thoughts from the body. All tissues are cleared.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen felt a little worried.

It is true that my soul does not have to bear these pains now, but relying on these fires is obviously not enough. As time goes by, these fires become more and more powerful, and in the end they will only burn all the intact tissues on the outside of Zhang Chen's body, and the blood evil is fused inside. Because the body tissues and evil thoughts are hidden in the deepest part of the body, they will escape.

Zhang Chen was still observing his physical condition, and there were new changes in the formation.

A light mask suddenly appeared in the rolling gray fog. The light mask formed something like a protective cover to protect something inside.

Because the mask is relatively bright, Zhang Chen's soul cannot penetrate that far here, so Zhang Chen doesn't know what is inside.

But Zhang Chen soon found out.

"I didn't expect that you would also have this day!" Wang Bing's voice came from the mask of light.

Zhang Chen immediately recognized that it was Wang Bing's voice, but Zhang Chen's soul did not dare to use the Xuanyuan Sword now. Zhang Chen happened to be too lazy to pay attention to him, so he simply continued to pay attention to his physical condition.

Wang Bing saw Zhang Chen just meditating but ignored him, and couldn't help but feel that he was being slighted.

"Okay, I'm already trapped in a big formation, and I'm about to die in pain, but you're still treating me like this. I'll let you know what pain is!"

As he said this, Zhang Chen saw an extra token coming out of Wang Bing's hand, and then he didn't know what spell he was playing on the token. The gray mist in the entire formation instantly began to change violently, as if it was being accelerated.

Zhang Chen instantly found that the fire in his body that had almost extended out from the depths of his body had shrunk back again.

At this time, Wang Bing's proud voice also sounded, "Hahaha, how are you? Do you feel that the depths of your body are burning all the time? This is the most torturous time in this formation. At this stage, your body There will be an untainted fire, which will burn everything, and in the end you will only see your empty body dying in pain!"

Zhang Chen listened to Wang Bing's words and observed his physical condition. Instead of worrying, he became happy.

Because before, Zhang Chen was worried that the areas in his body that were contaminated by evil thoughts and blood evil could not be removed due to lack of anger, but now Wang Bing was better. The anger that was about to go out was suddenly suppressed, and the anger was much worse than before. It doubled in size when he stood up, and Zhang Chen saw that many evil thoughts and bloody demons were burned out of his body by the fire.

Wang Bing felt a little bored when he saw Zhang Chen not speaking. He couldn't come and go freely in this formation. After all, the power of this formation was too great. He only relied on the protection on the token in front of Zhang Chen. It was just a show of force, but now that Zhang Chen didn't react at all, Wang Bing didn't have any good means, so he could only say harsh words to Zhang Chen and leave in a hurry.

"Hmph! You're still pretending, don't you like to pretend? Okay, I'll collect your body when you're burned to ashes!"

After Wang Bing left, Zhang Chen began to observe the changes in anger attentively.

Because now although the fire energy has expelled a large amount of evil thoughts and blood evil from the body, Zhang Chen found that many intact parts of the body have begun to be burned by the fire energy.

"Although this anger can help me relieve my worries, its power cannot be underestimated. I need to master the balance between the two." Zhang Chen murmured.

So Zhang Chen put almost all his energy on his body.

With the passage of time, more and more blood evil spirits and evil thoughts accumulated in Zhang Chen's body were expelled from the body. However, what surprised Zhang Chen was that these blood evil spirits and evil thoughts expelled from the body actually appeared in the body under the action of the formation. Zhang Chen's body slowly began to rotate.

It looks like a satellite of Zhang Chen's body.

However, Zhang Chen's Yuan Shen did not notice this. All his energy was focused on his body. Zhang Chen had experimented before and found that the Xuanyuan Sword could eliminate this kind of fire, but his body was a bit different compared to his Yuan Shen. It is too big, so it must consume a lot. Zhang Chen estimates that Xuanyuan Sword will be too much in the end, so Zhang Chen has already thought about it. As soon as all the evil thoughts are expelled, Zhang Chen will immediately return to the body and use Xuanyuan Sword instantly. Clear away the anger, then quickly recover from the injuries, and finally use the Torture Locking Blade to beat the entire formation to pieces.

Soon, as a jet-black gas was discharged from Zhang Chen's body, the last trace of blood evil disappeared from Zhang Chen's body.

"Now!" Zhang Chen's soul returned to his body instantly, and at the same time he held back the severe pain and controlled the Xuanyuan Sword to eliminate the fire in his body.

Zhang Chen expected that the Xuanyuan Sword could not completely eliminate the fire in the body, but the fire had dropped to the point where it could not cause any harm to Zhang Chen.

Time waits for no one, Zhang Chen hurriedly took out the purple gourd, took out a few drops of spiritual rain, and swallowed it directly. A large amount of spiritual energy exploded from Zhang Chen's body in an instant. Zhang Chen's body seemed to be in a state of madness after a long drought. Absorbing this huge spiritual energy, this momentum instantly suppressed the slowly growing fire energy.

At the same time, Zhang Chen once again felt the feeling of his body being immersed in spiritual energy. As this feeling spread from Zhang Chen's body to Zhang Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, the sword intent that had originally been fully developed instantly released a brilliance that was countless times brighter than before. A palpitating feeling instantly spread throughout the entire formation, but because of the obstruction of the formation, it was not transmitted in the end.

Zhang Chen also had a sense of enlightenment at this time.

Because of Zhang Chen's physical condition, the sword intent had only the realm of full development, but the spiritual energy was always in an insufficient state, so it had not been able to exert 100% of its strength. Now, after this body refining, the hidden dangers in Zhang Chen's body have been completely eliminated, and all the injuries have been healed. It can be said that now is the peak of Zhang Chen's strength.

Zhang Chen stood up, and rays of light began to appear around his body. After the light emerged from Zhang Chen's body, it instantly rushed to Zhang Chen's head. Soon, countless rays of light condensed into a giant sword above Zhang Chen's head.

As soon as the giant sword took shape, the entire formation began to tremble, as if this sword had suppressed the entire formation.

Zhang Chen glanced at the formation and said calmly, "Thank you, but it's time to leave now, otherwise Voldemort and Fatty will be waiting anxiously."

The next moment, Zhang Chen waved his hand lightly, and the huge sword above his head fell down.


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