After hearing Su Bo's words, Zhang Chen was confused, "Brother Su, what is it?"

Su Bo stretched out his hand directly, and a familiar wave came from Su Bo's hand. Su Bo smiled, "When I came here before, I found that this little thing was hidden in the starlight. It should be more useful to you now, so I just gave it to you."

Zhang Chen looked at the thing in Su Bo's hand and was speechless. Perhaps only an ancient great man like Su Bo would call the origin of the world a little thing!

Although Zhang Chen had been looking for this thing before, he had no intention of accepting it.

"Brother Su, you can't accept rewards without merit. Although you and I have a cause and effect, in my opinion, what I did is just what I should do. I can't take this origin of power. It's too precious." Zhang Chen shook his head and said seriously.

Su Bo glanced at Zhang Chen. Su Bo didn't expect that this little guy who was stained with cause and effect with him would think so.

"Haha, take it. This thing is really useless to me, and I still need you to get out of this God's Land in the future, so don't refuse it." Su Bo said, and directly handed the source power in his hand to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen saw that Su Bo's attitude was firm, and he happened to need it, so he didn't insist.

"In this case, I'll take it."

Su Bo nodded secretly when he saw Zhang Chen accept the source power. This kid is good. He knows the time and doesn't have any respect for me. It suits my appetite!

The fat man behind Zhang Chen rolled his eyes after seeing this scene.

I don't know who was in a hurry to find the source power before, and now that the source power has been found, he still says that he can't take it. Can it be more shameless!

However, the fat man naturally wouldn't say these words, after all, Zhang Chen is the backbone now.

Zhang Chen happily accepted the source power and felt that the seal chain on the Xuanyuan Sword broke again. At the same time, the system prompt sounded.

"Origin points plus one!"

The very brief system notification made Zhang Chen stunned.

Zhang Chen remembered clearly that the system used to be very nagging, but now it speaks less and less, as if it has become dumb. It seems that I have to pay attention to it after returning to the return space this time.

Putting away the world origin, Zhang Chen looked at Su Bo, "Brother Su, since we are going to the shrine, when do we leave?"

Su Bo glanced at the fat man who was a little impatient behind him, and teased, "Someone is already impatient, so let's go early and come back early, let's set off now!"

Su Bo stretched out a finger, and the space in front of him was broken in an instant, and a black gap that looked like the one Zhang Chen and the other two had passed through before.

"Let's go." After saying that, Su Bo walked directly in.

Zhang Chen looked at the gap that Su Bo opened casually in front of him, and a trace of envy appeared on his face, "I don't know when I can have such strength..."

After the three of them entered the gap, they found that the other side of the gap was actually a stone archway.

Due to the trial of the Wall of Immortals, Tianque City was empty at this time, without a single person. Even those who failed the trial were in the Wall of Immortals at this time. Because the teleportation formation was opened uniformly, at this moment, there were only four people in the entire Tianque City, Zhang Chen, oh no, three people plus a great power.

Su Bo was the first to rush out of the gap. When he saw the stone arch, Su Bo's face showed a trace of nostalgia, "I didn't expect it to be here for so long, but even its existence could not withstand the ravages of time and became what it is now."

After listening to Su Bo's words, Zhang Chen walked in front of the stone arch and looked at it carefully for a long time, "Brother Su, is there something mysterious about this stone arch?"

Zhang Chen really saw what was unique about it. This stone arch had been seen when Zhang Chen first came to Tianque City. In addition to the lifelike carvings on it, there was not much spiritual fluctuation.

After hearing what Zhang Chen said, Su Bo shook his head, "No, this is just an ordinary stone, but it is not ordinary, because this stone was built by all of us before we entered the Wall of Immortals." As he spoke, Su Bo seemed to recall the ambition they had when they carved the archway...

But soon Su Bo turned back and smiled apologetically at Zhang Chen, "Sorry, maybe I'm a little old, and there are more things worth remembering. Let's go directly to the shrine to have a look."

Zhang Chen nodded, pointed a direction to Su Bo, and flew forward with his sword.

At this time in the shrine, Di Jun was still drinking, but he was no longer as sloppy as when Zhang Chen saw him. Although he looked drunk, he had an indescribable sense of freedom.

Di Jun leaned on his seat, drinking by himself, mumbling something.

"According to the current time, the trial should have already begun. That amazing boy hopes that you can get out in one go, otherwise you will have to leave this sad place like me..."

Di Jun took a sip of wine.

The dinosaur that Di Jun sat on before was also lying on the side, glancing at Di Jun from time to time, with a look of attachment in his eyes, maybe he also knew what was going to happen.

At this moment, Di Jun's drinking suddenly stopped. Di Jun felt a strong spiritual pressure wave coming here quickly. Although the other party had deliberately controlled his spiritual pressure, it was obvious that Di Jun could not hide all this. After all, Di Jun was called a demon that had not been seen in a thousand years.

Di Jun raised his head and looked at the door with turbid eyes, "Which friend is here? Making such a big scene, is it to see me off?"

At this time, Di Jun suddenly saw a familiar figure walking in from the door.

"I'm not sure if it's a big scene, but I think it's impossible to see you off." Zhang Chen slowly walked in from the door of the shrine, looking at Di Jun in front of him, and smiled.

Di Jun was stunned, "You, you kid should be in the trial in the Wall of Immortals at this time! Why are you back?! Did you fail?!"

Zhang Chen walked to Di Jun and sat down by himself, smiling, "How is it possible? This time, I got help from a noble and came out of the trial early." As he said that, Zhang Chen turned his head and shouted at the door of the shrine, "Brother Su, come in!"

Di Jun was a little nervous after hearing what Zhang Chen said, "Are there other people? What are they doing here?"

Zhang Chen smiled mysteriously, "To take you away."

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