Liu Bo's nervousness eased slightly when he passed through the light door.

This time, the trial in the Land of the Gods was originally thought to be just for showing off and going through the motions, but I didn’t expect that my senior brother Wang Bing would die in this damn place.

It was so scary here. Liu Bo remembered the way Zhang Chen looked at him before and shuddered again.

This man is terrible.

Liu Bo still remembers that when he first met Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen didn't show any terrifying strength. He originally thought that with the help of senior brother Wang Bing and the big weapon borrowed from the Shenbing Pavilion at a great cost, The formation could easily crush Zhang Chen to death. Unexpectedly, Zhang Chen actually broke the formation in the end.

What was even more terrifying was that Zhang Chen also had a follower, and that follower actually beat Senior Brother Wang Bing to death with just one move. He was a powerful Taoist!

Fortunately, Liu Bo and his other senior brothers hid far away at that time, and they escaped.

After a series of tests on the Immortal Wall, Liu Bo finally came out alone at the expense of everyone else.

Although Liu Bo was the only one, Liu Bo still insisted on pulling out the body of his senior brother.

However, Liu Bo didn't relax for long. An infinite aura instantly filled the void, imprisoning him in the void.

Under this terrifying momentum, Liu Bo couldn't even open his mouth.

Only his eyeballs could move. At this time, Liu Bo realized that the eyes of countless powerful people were staring at him. Because their strength was not weak, these eyes turned into pressure in the end, pressing down on Liu Bo. On his body, this is the gaze of thirty strong men!

At this time, a familiar voice from Liu Bo rang,

"Are you the only one alive? Where is Wang Bing?"

Liu Bo's mood collapsed instantly. The bitterness of so many days was finally released, and he cried loudly, "Old Pavilion Master! Wow! Senior brother and the others, they are all dead! Wow, only I escaped! Wang Senior Brother Bing was beaten to death!"

As Liu Bo finished speaking, a sudden force came, and Liu Bo and several corpses around him instantly flew towards the light gate of Shenbing Pavilion.

When Liu Bo approached, the old master of the Shenbing Pavilion said with a gloomy face, "Tell me, who is it?"

Liu Bo then intermittently explained the causes and consequences of the conflict with Zhang Chen.

After Liu Bo finished speaking, the old master of the Shenbing Pavilion laughed angrily, "Haha, okay! It seems that my Shenbing Pavilion Duan Hong has been silent for too long, and some people have forgotten the majesty of my Shenbing Pavilion. ”

As Duan Hong's words fell, all the big guys present felt a chill coming from the bottom of their hearts.

After Old Man Tianji felt the chill, his expression changed, and he said to Duan Hong, "Fellow Taoist, there is always a wrongdoer and a debtor. Isn't it inappropriate for you to use your magical powers indiscriminately?"

Duan Hong glanced at the people from other forces around him, snorted coldly, and withdrew his magical power.

"Okay, since there is a wrongdoer and a debtor, I will find the owner! Which of your factions does Zhang Chen belong to? If you hand it over, your sect can live in peace. If you don't hand it over, I will be punished by the Divine Weapon Pavilion the next day. Just step on the mountain gate!”

All the forces present were silent, no one spoke.

Duan Hong frowned, "Don't stand up? Are you going to fight stubbornly?"

The Scarlet Blood Demon Lord on the side spoke at this time, "Senior Duan, Zhang Chen came across the void before the trial started and does not belong to any force here."

Duan Hong became even more angry when he heard this, "So, Zhang Chen's faction is the same group of people who targeted me as the master of the Shenbing Pavilion before. That's just right! Let's settle the old and new grudges together! But..."

Then, Duan Hong looked at Old Man Tianxie and Scarlet Blood Demon Lord, "Both of your forces are also involved. If you don't give me one today, neither of you will have an easy time!"

The expressions of Old Man Tianxie and Scarlet Blood Demon Lord both changed.

Old Man Tianxie looked at Duan Hong and said with an ugly expression, "Although your Divine Weapon Pavilion is powerful, my Tianxie Sect is not easy to bully!"

When he said this, Old Man Tianxie's confidence was somewhat lacking.

Although the power of Tianxie Sect is not small, there is still a big gap between it and Shenbing Pavilion. More importantly, Shenbing Pavilion has made friends with countless large forces because of various treasures. As long as they are willing to pay the price, Tianxie Sect will not be around. In their eyes.

Duan Hong snorted and was about to speak when a figure appeared at the star gate again.

This time, two figures appeared. One looked extremely weak, as if a gust of wind would blow him down. The other was covered in blood and was obviously seriously injured.

Old Man Tianxie and the Scarlet-Blooded Demon Lord shrank their eyes when they saw these two people. They no longer bothered to talk to Duan Hong and immediately went over to catch them.

These two people were Chiliu and Master Haoyue.

Mr. Haoyue only glanced at the old man Tianxie, and then said "ancestor" before he passed out and fell unconscious.

Old Man Tianxie sent a burst of spiritual energy into Young Master Haoyue's body instantly. "The spiritual energy in the body has been exhausted, and the soul has been severely injured!"

In an instant, Old Man Tianxie's face was filled with anger.

The Scarlet Blood Demon Lord on the other side saw Chi Liu's appearance and asked, "What's going on? What happened inside? You were forced to use Blood Escape!"

Chiliu was also seriously injured, so he barely managed to say the word "Zhang Chen" and then followed in the footsteps of Master Haoyue.

After the Red Blood Demon Lord heard Zhang Chen, a sea of ​​blood burst out from his body.

"Zhang Chen! It's Zhang Chen again!"

Old Man Tianxie naturally heard it as he was close.

Duan Hong, who was far away, was also stunned after hearing the roar of the Red Blood Demon Lord.

Although he couldn't see clearly from a distance, Xiang could also think that these two people should be from the Tianxie Sect and the Red Blood Sect. Didn't they participate in the fight with Wang Bing before? Why do they look like him now, hating Zhang Chen to the bone?

Old Man Tianxie didn't say anything, but took Master Haoyue back to the light gate with a gloomy face, looking at Duan Hong, "Don't you want to take revenge on that Zhang Chen? I'll help you!"

Duan Hong looked at Master Haoyue who was dying behind Old Man Tianxie, nodded and didn't say anything.

It was obvious that the people from the Tianxie Sect were also injured by Zhang Chen.

The other forces present were also stunned at this time.

I thought I could watch a good show, but I didn't expect it to end before it started. What's more bloody is that the three major forces finally pointed the finger at the same person.

Other people who were watching the fun were ready to see who Zhang Chen was and how he could cause such trouble.

As time went by, dozens of people came out one after another. Some of them entered the Land of the Gods' Falling This time, and some of them had entered the Land of the Gods' Falling Before.

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