The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 366: I am sleepy and I need a pillow!

There was a hint of bitterness on Mr. Kun's face, "I am considered the strongest person in the entire country, but I only reached this point by chance and relying on the traces of knowledge left in the sect. In today's world, the spiritual energy is getting thinner and thinner, and the living space for those of us who practice Taoism has become smaller and smaller, and has even reached the point of imminent extinction. "

Zhang Chen nodded when he heard this, "What about everything?"

Mr. Kun looked at Zhang Chen, "Just ten years ago, we began to look for all the ways to pass on our inheritance, so we discussed with the country the spread of radio gymnastics. In fact, radio gymnastics is also a simplified exercise. We came to test young people with excellent bones and let us lead them into this field, but it was still useless. Even those young people with extraordinary talents found later were stagnant because of lack of spiritual energy realm, wasting their extremely talented people. "

"But at this time, news of the Earth Immortal suddenly came. You must know that it is impossible for an Earth Immortal to be born in the current environment of heaven and earth. After all, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth is too thin."

Zhang Chen seemed to understand a little after hearing what Mr. Kun said.

"Then you came to me just because you wanted me to tell you how to practice?"

Mr. Kun nodded immediately after hearing Zhang Chen's words, but soon he also felt that something was wrong.

After all, for those who practice Taoism, cultivation is a big deal. They pay attention to respecting teachers and Taoism, and the Dharma is not spread to the ears. Zhang Chen may not necessarily agree to this kind of thing.

"But we won't ask for it in vain. Whatever requirements you have, as long as they don't endanger the country, we can help you achieve them."

Zhang Chen already laughed in his heart after hearing this.

You really get whatever you want, just use the pillow when you feel sleepy!

Just before, Zhang Chen was inspired by Su Bo, and now someone came to beg Zhang Chen to cooperate with the country!

Even though he was already happy in his heart, Zhang Chen could be regarded as a veteran of several worlds, and his face naturally showed no expression at all, "Well... tell me a way, I do have it, and I guess you said it I can help you solve all those problems. As for your requirements, I don’t lack anything... How about I think about it and give you an answer in three days?"

After hearing Zhang Chen's words, Mr. Kun immediately nodded happily, "Okay!"

When Mr. Kun came out of Zhang Chen's home, the excitement on Mr. Kun's face had not disappeared. Xiao Liu, who was following Mr. Kun, was a little confused when he saw Mr. Kun's look, "Mr. Kun, what's the matter with you? I just promised you to think about it. , you are so excited."

Mr. Kun shook his head, "You don't understand, this is giving all us cultivators a way to survive!"

Although Mr. Kun seems to have unlimited glory now and has the support of the country, these are of little use to Mr. Kun. He himself is not a person who pays attention to fame and wealth. These things will not be taken with him in life or death. A hundred years later It can only become a handful of loess. What Mr. Kun pursues is the supreme Tao! The pursuit is longevity!

Mr. Kun even made up his mind to make Zhang Chen agree this time, no matter what the price.

On the other side of Zhang Chen's house, after Mr. Kun and Mr. Kun left, Zhang Chen had a smile on his lips.

Zhang Chen didn't expect that the things he planned before would turn around so easily. The main reason why Zhang Chen didn't agree directly before was that Zhang Chen didn't know what kind of request was better. Moreover, the return space is still being upgraded, so these things still need to be done. After the return space was upgraded, Zhang Chen and Su Bo made a decision after discussing it.

"If everything goes well this time, maybe I will be the one to change the fate of the whole world..." Zhang Chen suddenly thought.

If it is true that everyone can practice Taoism and live forever because of himself, then the sensation caused is bound to be inevitable. The upper limit of personal force will become higher and higher, and finally even reach the point of being infinite. This situation will definitely change the entire world. pattern.

"But what the heck! Anyway, I am doing it for the good of the real world, and whether people who enter the return space can go back is another question!" Zhang Chen shook his head and put these things to the back of his mind.

In the evening, Zhang Chen and Lin Xue had a meal, and they were sweet for a while before falling asleep in each other's arms.

Zhang Chen rushed to the villa early the next morning.

Tell Su Bo what happened yesterday.

Su Bo pondered for a moment in the room, then raised his head and said to Zhang Chen, "Yes, this is a good opportunity. Let's try to make contact, but we still have to wait until we can enter the return space."

Zhang Chen nodded.

After asking Su Bo about specific matters such as what he needed, Zhang Chen was about to leave the villa, but Su Bo soon stopped Zhang Chen.

"Brother Zhang, wait a moment."

Zhang Chen stopped and said, "Brother Su, what's wrong?"

Su Bo felt a little embarrassed, "That's it. You also know that the current situation of the three of us is completely useless for promotion here. What we want to do is to follow you to other worlds to see if we can find An opportunity to practice.”

Zhang Chen originally thought it was something. It turned out that Su Bo wanted to go to other worlds to restore his cultivation. Zhang Chen immediately made up his mind.

"Of course, Brother Su, I will mention this kind of thing to you even if you don't say it. After all, your situation is quite miserable now, and it should be the lowest period of your strength. You have all signed a contract with me, and we are one family. As humans, naturally the stronger you are, the better.”

After coming out of the villa, Zhang Chen had nothing else to do for a while.

Now Zhang Chen has entered the Dao, and it is no longer suitable for cultivation in the real world, because Zhang Chen's retreat now often takes ten days or half a month, which is too time-consuming in the real world.

There is no way to practice, and Zhang Chen has nothing important to do around, so Zhang Chen decided to go to his company.

Speaking of which, Zhang Chen has not been to his company for a long time.

The last time he came to the company was after Zhang Xiaoyu bought the entire building. As for what happened afterwards and what the profit situation was like, Zhang Chen really didn't know.

However, Zhang Chen still knew one thing, that is, the company is still profitable, and even not a small amount, because Zhang Chen found that at the beginning of each month, a sum of about one million yuan would be deposited into his card.

Walking to the door of the company, Zhang Chen looked at the building in front of him with tempered glass as the wall, and he couldn't believe it.

"This... is my company?!"

Just when Zhang Chen looked up at the building, the security guard at the door had seen Zhang Chen and immediately went out to greet him.

"Hello, boss!"

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