On the teleportation platform returning to space, Zhang Chen glanced at the people beside him with a hint of smile in his eyes.

Thinking back to a few worlds ago, Zhang Chen was still struggling in these planes alone, but now, he has a group of people who can be said to be companions to accompany him.

As a burst of white light arrived as expected, the people on the teleportation platform disappeared instantly.

[This time the plane is the Three Kingdoms! 】

[Mission: Survive for three years! 】

Following the prompt from the system, Zhang Chen was teleported to a small intestine trail in the white light.

"Is this the Three Kingdoms plane? It is indeed different from the previous world. The world is full of spiritual energy." Su Bo said calmly after closing his eyes and feeling the surrounding environment.

Di Jun looked at the surrounding environment and frowned, "I don't know where this place is, and I don't know what time it is."

Qin Ming said nothing.

Under normal circumstances, Qin Ming would not speak and would follow Di Jun.

Voldemort didn't speak either.

In other words, during this period of time, Voldemort had no sense of existence.

When there were only Zhang Chen and Voldemort before, Voldemort still had a sense of existence because he was the only one traveling with Zhang Chen. Although his cultivation was low, he would express his opinions on anything.

Now there were three more people suddenly appearing. Each of these three people's cultivation level was higher than the last one. Voldemort naturally had nothing to say.

However, Voldemort also enjoyed his leisure time. While following Zhang Chen, especially after experiencing the Land of God's Fall, Voldemort felt the importance of strength. After returning to the real world, Voldemort has been working hard to improve his cultivation.

After this period of exploration, Voldemort's strength still hasn't changed much, but he has gradually found his own path. Although Voldemort is still weak, he has already embarked on his own path.

After having these three people, Voldemort was happy to be free and focused on his cultivation.

Zhang Chen looked around and took out a piece of paper from the storage space. "Fortunately, I was prepared and printed a map in advance."

Drawn on this paper is a map from the Three Kingdoms period, which was specially printed by Zhang Chen.

After Zhang Chen studied the map for a long time, he sighed helplessly, "Sure enough, I can't tell the direction just based on this imaginary map. I don't even know where we are. It seems we still have to go." It’s the same old path.”

After hearing Zhang Chen's words, Di Jun asked curiously, "What is the old road?"

Zhang Chen looked around, then flew to a high altitude to look around. Then he immediately saw a plume of smoke rising not far away. He immediately pointed in the direction of the smoke and said, "Of course I'm going to ask someone for directions."

Although Zhang Chen and others didn't know what year it was, Zhang Chen soon knew that it was winter.

"The snow is a bit strange. The weather was pretty good just now, so why did it just fall?" Di Jun looked at the heavy goose-feather snow that suddenly drifted in the sky, and frowned in displeasure.

Zhang Chen and his group are all cultivators, so naturally they are not afraid of this kind of cold. After all, Voldemort, the lowest cultivator here, did not speak. Zhang Chen looked at Di Jun in surprise, "What's wrong? I feel like this is under the snow. It’s pretty good. Look at how big the snowflakes are. Auspicious snow indicates a good harvest, which means there will definitely be a bumper harvest next year.”

Di Jun did not hide his disgust at all, "What's good? I can't see anything anymore. I can only use my spiritual sense. The little joy of being a human being has been deprived of it by this snow. You said I shouldn't be angry." ?”

Zhang Chen shook his head. He didn't understand what Di Jun was angry about.

Qin Ming on the side pursed his lips and smiled, "Maybe it's because Di Jun once had some bad memories in the snow!"

Di Jun couldn't help but feel a little angry when someone revealed his inner thoughts, but he snorted and didn't say anything.

After seeing this scene, Zhang Chen suddenly felt that life in the future might be getting more and more difficult. Although these people were not low in cultivation, they would definitely be in constant trouble.

Just as Zhang Chen was lamenting, a loud shout suddenly came from not far ahead.

Loud shouts rang out in the deep mountains, even startling many small hibernating animals, causing a slight commotion in the woods.

Zhang Chen frowned when he heard the shout, "The sound came from not far ahead. From the distance, it may be the smoke from the stove I saw before."

Voldemort raised his head and looked ahead, then lowered his head and continued walking silently. His whole body was shrouded in a black robe, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Su Bo smiled softly and said, "Then go over and have a look. Someone can help you."

After walking for a while, the surrounding woods became more and more dense, but finally a few lines of messy footprints appeared on the road that was already covered with a thin layer of white snow.

Di Jun's frown relaxed a little when he saw the footprints on the ground, but he still looked impatient.

Zhang Chen thought thoughtfully after seeing the footprints, "There are people and horses in the footprints. It seems that there should be three people. I don't know who is walking in this deep mountain and old forest."

With the footsteps of several people, although they were not flying, they were all cultivators, so their speed was naturally not slow. Soon, they saw three people leading horses into the mountain in front of them.

When he saw the tall figure in green clothes and dark red skin, Zhang Chen finally understood where he was.

Looking at the appearance of the three people and the current weather, Zhang Chen would be stupid if he couldn't guess where this place was at this time.

"The thatched cottage of Wolong Jushi, it turns out to be the twelfth year of Jian'an!" Zhang Chen suddenly realized.

Su Bo looked at the three figures in front of him, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, "Interesting, although these three people have no cultivation, the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth has gathered on these three people."

Zhang Chen was stunned, "Brother Su, what does this mean?"

Di Jun said at this time, "Brother Su means that although these three people are not cultivators like us, they can mobilize the spiritual energy between heaven and earth for some special reasons."

Zhang Chen frowned, "There is such a situation? What's the use? Make the surrounding air fresher?"

Su Bo shook his head, a hint of interest in his eyes, "Not only that, since the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has gathered around them, then their every move may drive the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and perhaps swinging a sword or punching a punch will be like the attack of a low-level cultivator."

Zhang Chen suddenly woke up after hearing this, and then his face was a little ugly, "It means that it is very likely that the group of people from the Three Kingdoms we are facing are not ordinary people?"

Su Bo nodded, "Of course!"

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