The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 376 Finding Medicine

In fact, not much happened in the 12th year of Jian'an in the history of the Three Kingdoms, or compared with the turbulent years before, these years have been much calmer.

But this is not because the war is over. In Zhang Chen's view, these few years of calm are just because all forces are gathering strength during this period, or these years can be called the calm before the storm.

Because in the 13th year of Jian'an, a famous Battle of Chibi is about to unfold here.

Zhang Chen recalled the soldier who entered the city to report the news before, and his brows gradually frowned.

In this chaotic time, Zhang Chen does not want to expose himself casually. The reason is very simple. This world is different from the world in Zhang Chen's memory. The people in this world are all cultivators, or most of them are cultivators.

From the moment Zhang Chen saw Zhuge Liang, Zhang Chen knew that this world was more dangerous than he thought.

War is always a huge meat grinder. Even if Zhang Chen is very powerful now, he dare not guarantee that he can survive in this huge meat grinder.

Zhao Xinghuo looked at Zhang Chen who was thinking on the roadside, a little confused, "Teacher, where are we going?"

In Zhao Xinghuo's view, his life was saved by the teacher, so he naturally had to listen to the teacher.

Zhang Chen was awakened by Zhao Xinghuo's question. Looking at the confused Zhao Xinghuo, Zhang Chen smiled and touched his head, "Go to a place where there is no war but you can see war."

Zhao Xinghuo seemed to understand, "Oh."

Zhang Chen looked at Zhao Xinghuo and laughed.

Zhang Chen can only stay in this world for three years. Although the time is short, these three years are also the most lively three years in the early days of the Three Kingdoms. Originally, Zhang Chen wanted to see this famous Battle of Chibi, but now Zhang Chen changed his mind.

In the end, Zhang Chen still took Zhao Xinghuo to live in Fancheng.

Because Zhao Xinghuo was sick.

Zhang Chen had no choice but to recuperate Zhao Xinghuo here now.

Fortunately, although Zhang Chen did not bring the gold and silver before, Zhang Chen still had a few pieces of gold on him, so Zhang Chen still bought a small courtyard with this last bit of money.

In the courtyard, Zhang Chen looked at Zhao Xinghuo's red face due to a high fever, and his brows could not help but frown.

Although Zhang Chen had long known that Zhao Xinghuo's foundation was very weak due to the previous experience of fleeing famine, Zhang Chen had been using spirit wine and his own spiritual energy to nourish Zhao Xinghuo's body all the way. Logically, such a problem should not occur again, but it happened now.

Zhang Chen walked out of the courtyard, a little silent.

He had just given Zhao Xinghuo a comprehensive examination and had found the problem.

Although Zhang Chen had cured Zhao Xinghuo's body, he ignored Zhao Xinghuo's heart.

Although Zhao Xinghuo did not have a Yuanshen like a cultivator, ordinary people without Yuanshen were undoubtedly more vulnerable.

In order to cure Zhao Xinghuo's disease, Zhang Chen had to find a medicine to calm his mind.

Zhang Chen visited all the herbal medicine stores in Fancheng, but found that the herbs he needed could not be found in these ordinary herbal medicine stores.

Zhang Chen still found nothing in the last herbal medicine store, and walked out of the herbal medicine store expressionlessly.

"Sir, please stay." Just as Zhang Chen was about to leave the store, the owner of the drugstore stopped Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen stopped and said, "I wonder why you called me here?"

The owner of the drugstore looked at Zhang Chen and seemed to be hesitant to speak, "I don't know if I should say something."

"Just say it."

The owner of the herbal medicine store thought for a while and gritted his teeth, "Sir, you don't have to waste your time. I don't have the herbs you want here, and other drugstores in Fancheng won't have them either."

Zhang Chen nodded, "Indeed, I have been to other drugstores and they don't have them."

The owner of the herbal medicine store said at this time, "Sir, the herbs you are looking for are all tranquilizers. I guess there is only one place in Fancheng that has them now."

Zhang Chen immediately asked after hearing this, "Please teach me, shopkeeper."

The owner of the herbal medicine store pointed to the center of Fancheng and said, "There are some there."

Zhang Chen was thoughtful when he returned to the small courtyard.

According to the shopkeeper of the herbal medicine store, at this time, the herbs for calming the nerves and stopping bleeding are given priority to the army, which means that even if Zhang Chen goes to other cities, he will not be able to get these medicines.

Zhang Chen sat in the courtyard and looked at the City Lord's Mansion in the center of Fancheng and murmured, "Is this God's will?"

At the beginning, Zhang Chen just wanted to meet those legendary generals, but on the way here, Zhang Chen saw the people fleeing, so he felt compassion in his heart.

Originally, Zhang Chen wanted to live in seclusion with Zhao Xinghuo for three years, but he didn't expect that he would have to deal with these generals in the end.

Zhang Chen knew who the defender in Fancheng was from the beginning. This person can be said to be the fuse of the Battle of Chibi, or it can be said that this person opened the prelude to the entire Three Kingdoms.

"Cao Ren... Let me meet you." Zhang Chen looked at the City Lord's Mansion, and his heart was calm.

The next day, Zhang Chen came to a tea stall next to the City Lord's Mansion and asked for a bowl of tea. While drinking, he watched what was going on in the City Lord's Mansion next to him.

Zhang Chen did not act rashly, nor did he go directly to the door.

Although the Three Kingdoms was a time when talents emerged in large numbers and every power was eager to recruit talents, even if one wanted to recommend oneself, it was still divided into different people. If the person inside was Cao Cao, then Zhang Chen would naturally dare to go in directly, because Cao Cao was a hero and had a world in his heart, but Cao Ren was not like that. Cao Ren was recorded in history as a reckless man. Although he was extremely powerful, he did things without thinking like Zhang Fei, and only knew how to fight and kill. Such a person would take the rules very seriously. If Zhang Chen chose to go to the door and ask for medicine directly, he would only be disappointed, and there might even be a conflict.

However, Zhang Chen was not in a hurry. He was waiting for an opportunity, and Zhang Chen thought that this opportunity would be these few days.

Recalling the soldier who had an urgent report in his hand before, Zhang Chen thought in his heart that it should be about the time.

Sure enough, Zhang Chen only waited for an hour, and a tall and burly man walked out of the city lord's mansion.

Even in the city, this man was wearing a golden armor, fully armed, and even carried a nearly two-meter-long sword.

After the man came out, he rode away with dozens of cavalrymen behind him.

Zhang Chen watched this scene quietly, then drank the tea in the bowl, stood up, and walked in the direction where the man left.

Following this group of people all the way, Zhang Chen finally came to a high wall on the east side of Fancheng.

The man rode in unimpeded. Zhang Chen looked at the courtyard in front of him, which looked nothing special, but in Zhang Chen's perception, it was heavily guarded, and smiled slightly.

Found it.

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