The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 384 New Year's Eve

Zhang Chen looked at the energetic Cao Juncheng guards in front of him and nodded secretly.

Although Cao Cao's reputation in history is not very good. History books have always emphasized that Cao Cao was a greedy hero who would never trust anyone. However, no one has ever questioned Cao Cao's ability.

"This little brother, I came from Fancheng and wanted to make a living in Xudu, so I came over to take a look. Oh, by the way, the person behind is my apprentice." Zhang Chen explained to the soldiers.

Although Zhang Chen had already told the soldiers that he meant no harm, the rumbling footsteps before were too scary, so Zhang Chen and Zhao Xinghuo were stopped directly.

The team leader was alarmed. He looked at Zhang Chen and then at Zhao Xinghuo, who was carrying a big bag on his back. "What is that boy carrying on his back?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Some of the luggage is ordinary things. Because there are too many, I had to pack them in a big bag and bring them over."

The squad leader nodded and said nothing more.

In this era, there were no drugs or other messy things. In addition, the people were simple and honest, so they had the habit of asking you to take them all out and check them all. Of course, it was also because this was Xudu, under the nose of Prime Minister Cao. To cause trouble is to seek death for these people.

"Okay, let's go." The team leader briefly asked and waved to Zhang Chen to let him go.

The soldiers guarding the city watched these two strange people leave.

One of the soldiers waited until Zhang Chen and the two walked away and couldn't help but said to the team leader, "Captain, why don't you stop them? It's obvious what they said is wrong. Think about it, it's so far from Fancheng to here, their They must be exhausted from all the travel and sleeping in the open air, but you can see they don’t look tired at all.”

The team leader glanced at the soldier, was silent for a moment and said, "Did you know? When I was a soldier guarding the city here like you, I once met a famous figure. At that time, he said that he came from the west and was on his way. It took him three months to come here. I didn’t believe it at the time, but in the end I found out that he really came from the West.”

The soldier heard this and asked curiously, "Captain, who is that person?"

"Lu Fengxian."

On the other side, Zhang Chen turned his head and glanced behind him after walking into the city gate, "It's interesting."

After saying that, he led Zhao Xinghuo to find the yard under the surprised eyes of the people on the sidelines.

Because it was too late today, Zhang Chen took Zhao Xinghuo to find an inn to stay temporarily. However, I don’t know whether it was because Xudu was too prosperous or because Zhao Xinghuo’s huge luggage was too eye-catching. He found several inns along the way. Fully booked.

In the end, a kind person was willing to lend his yard to Zhang Chen and the two of them to stay for one night, and this solved the accommodation problem.

After staying in Xudu for one night, Zhang Chen left some money early the next morning and took Zhao Xinghuo to pick a small courtyard on the edge of the place where land was bought and sold.

Since then, there have been two strange people in Xu Duzhong. One young man does nothing but walk on the street and lies on a chair at the entrance of the courtyard to bask in the sun. The other young man carries a heavy-looking bag on his back every day. Things were running on the street, and it was always early in the morning. As soon as the rooster crowed, the boy would go out. Gradually, as time went by, people nearby got used to it.

As long as you hear the sound of "dong dong dong" and the shaking of the ground in your sleep, you will know that it is time to get up.

This is how the end of the twelfth year of Jian'an came to an end.

As the New Year approaches in Xudu, the surrounding atmosphere becomes more and more festive. Many families hang up red lanterns at the door, and the festive atmosphere becomes more intense.

At this moment, good news came from the city to the north.

Cao Cao personally led the army to conquer Wuhuan in the north and achieved a great victory.

On the way back from the battle, Cao Cao passed by Jieshi. He felt this and composed the next song "Viewing the Sea", which became famous all over the world.

As the New Year approaches, Cao Cao's battle report is spread everywhere along with this poem. What is strange is that Cao Cao's northern expedition to Wuhuan basically calmed down after a while, but this poem The Canghai was instantly regarded as an eternal masterpiece by various literati.

Zhang Chen naturally received the news while he was in Xudu, and the news he received was more detailed than others, because Zhang Chen specially entered Cao Cao's mansion to see first-hand information.

There is nothing new about the poem "Viewing the Sea" that makes Zhang Chen feel new. After all, he has read it dozens of times in high school textbooks before, so even if he memorizes it, it won't matter.

But during this war, there was information that caught Zhang Chen's attention.

According to the report, just as Cao Cao and others were attacking Wuhuan, a ray of light suddenly came from the northern grasslands. In the end, although Cao Cao and others defeated Wuhuan, nearly half of the people ran towards the direction of the ray of light. Go, and all the troops who went to pursue them lost their way in the end, and rushed back after a while.

Zhang Chen was thoughtful after seeing this information.

Obviously this kind of thing should not be hidden. Even if Cao Cao was very strict in managing the army, there would always be rumors. However, there is no such allusion in history, not even in unofficial histories.

I don't know what happened, but Zhang Chen immediately thought of Su Bo and the others.

"Could it be one of them?" Zhang Chen touched his chin.

Soon, heavy footsteps came from outside the courtyard.

Then Zhao Xinghuo walked in carrying a huge load of luggage.

Zhao Xinghuo put his heavy luggage aside, "Teacher, I just bought some good dishes. It seems that today is the end of the year. We should improve the food."

"Okay." Zhang Chen looked at Zhao Xinghuo and walked towards the kitchen with his luggage in one hand and the dishes in the other hand, thinking in his heart.

It seems that this kid has adapted to the current weight. Should I give him some more ingredients?

In the evening, Zhang Chen and Zhao Xinghuo sat face to face at the table, and on the table were the dishes cooked by Zhao Xinghuo.

I don’t know if it was because he was afraid of hunger when he was a child or because he learned something from following Zhang Chen, Zhao Xinghuo’s cooking skills are getting better and better, and even reached the point of color, fragrance and taste. With the ingredients brought by Zhang Chen, the dishes on the table look very appetizing.

However, the master and apprentice still ate while it was still light. After all, there were only two people in the whole yard. It would be difficult to clean up the housework when it was dark. Do you still have to wash dishes with a dim oil lamp?

Soon, the dishes on the table were turned into a mess by the master and apprentice.

After dinner, Zhang Chen found that the street was brightly lit, so he suddenly waved to Zhao Xinghuo who had just cleaned up the dishes, "Xinghuo, come, it looks like it will be very lively tonight, let's go out and take a look at the excitement."

Although Zhao Xinghuo has been practicing with Zhang Chen for a long time, he is still a child after all. He was naturally excited to hear that he could go out to play, "Really?! Teacher, you are awesome!"

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