The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 387 Are you willing to join me in the conspiracy against the world?

Although the whole Cao Mansion is called Cao Mansion, in fact, there is a large palace behind the Cao Mansion. People are well aware of this, but in their opinion, this is also a matter of course.

Zhang Chen seemed a little silent along the way, but Zhao Xinghuo was chatting with Cao Zhi.

Cao Zhi also saw that Zhang Chen seemed to be quiet, so he did not bother Zhang Chen too much on the road. Instead, he looked at Zhao Xinghuo and saw that this young man was extraordinary.

So Cao Zhi was chatting with Zhao Xinghuo all the way, talking about what the palace was made of and what fun places there were, and also inadvertently asked some information about Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen naturally knew the whole process, but Zhang Chen did not say much.

After all, this is a special period, and the Cao Cao family can not be too cautious.

Under the leadership of Cao Zhi, Zhang Chen and Zhao Xinghuo soon came to a palace that looked quite large.

In addition to the pillars and structures built inside the palace, there were no other decorations. It was obvious that it was just built.

Cao Zhi turned his head and said to Zhang Chen, "I am afraid of neglecting Mr. Zhang, so I entertain you in this palace. The conditions are a bit simple, please forgive me." Cao Zhi felt a little embarrassed.

Zhang Chen didn't feel anything about these things, but looked at everything around him with a little interest, "It's okay, it's nice here."

Soon many maids came in from the side door, carrying plates of hot meals and putting them on the table.

What makes people feel a little weird is that although the specifications and shape of this palace are the same as those of the imperial palace, there is only an eight-immortal table in the middle, and there are no other decorations around it.

After the dishes came up, Cao Zhi made a gesture of invitation to Zhang Chen and Zhao Xinghuo on the side, "It's late at night, the wine and food are ready, please take a seat, Mr.."

Zhao Xinghuo looked at Zhang Chen from the side, his eyes full of desire.

Although Zhao Xinghuo is now following Zhang Chen and has no worries about food and drink, Zhang Chen is an extremely lazy guy. It is impossible for him to find a restaurant to eat, let alone cook. So when he saw this table of exquisite food, Zhao Xinghuo still wanted to eat.

Zhang Chen glanced at Zhao Xinghuo, "Why are you looking at me? The host has spoken, go and eat."

Zhao Xinghuo immediately smiled, "Thank you, teacher!" After saying that, he did not forget to thank Cao Zhi, "Thank you, brother Cao."

Cao Zhi saw that Zhang Chen did not speak, and thought that Zhang Chen was not going to accept it, but when he saw Zhao Xinghuo was allowed to sit down and eat, Cao Zhi also laughed and touched Zhao Xinghuo's head, "No, it should be me who thanked you."

Zhang Chen did not say much when he heard this, and sat down directly.

Cao Zhi saw Zhang Chen sitting down and poured wine for Zhang Chen directly. Zhang Chen was not afraid of wine, and the host and the guest were happy for a while.

After five dishes and three rounds of wine, Zhao Xinghuo was already sleepy because of his young age. At Cao Zhi's strong request, Zhao Xinghuo was taken to the guest room by the maid. Only Zhang Chen and Cao Zhi were left in the whole hall.

Zhang Chen ate the dishes slowly and leisurely, and he was not in a hurry at all. Although he was in Cao's house now, it was obvious that Cao Zhi invited Zhang Chen, which meant that Cao Zhi wanted to plot something from him.

Sure enough, after a while, Cao Zhi couldn't help but speak.

"I was shocked by what Mr. Zhang said at the gathering before, and his language was sharp and incisive. After inviting Mr. Zhang into the house, Mr. Zhang was calm and composed, and he was not surprised by the situation, which made Cao Zhi admire him. It can be seen that Mr. Zhang is not an ordinary person." Cao Zhi brewed for a while and praised Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen did not comment. After all, no one doesn't like to hear such compliments.

"Don't give me this kind of magic potion." Zhang Chen waved his hand casually, then glanced at Cao Zhi, and said intentionally or unintentionally, "Is Cao Gong ready to establish a country?"

Cao Zhi was shocked, and his eyes looking at Zhang Chen were also a little different, "Mr. Zhang, you, how can you..."

Although Cao Zhi didn't finish his words, Zhang Chen still knew what Cao Zhi wanted to say.

"The palace is built. It is indeed a pleasure to hold the emperor hostage to command the princes, but it can't be done for a long time. It's not right. But now is different from the past. Now that Wuhuan has defeated the remnants of Yuan Shao and returned with a victorious army, with this momentum, who in the world can oppose it? It is estimated that only Sun Quan's side." Zhang Chen said slowly.

After hearing what Zhang Chen said, Cao Zhi was speechless. What Zhang Chen said were all things they had planned long ago. What surprised Cao Zhi was that Zhang Chen actually saw the situation so clearly, but Cao Zhi didn't know that Zhang Chen was just pretending to be strong by using history books.

"Mr. Zhang is a man of great talent, who knows the big picture and understands people's hearts. I wonder if you have the ambition to make achievements. My father and I will certainly welcome you!" Cao Zhi was completely impressed by Zhang Chen and even changed his address.

Zhang Chen sighed after seeing Cao Zhi being so respectful to the wise.

Although Zhang Chen also wanted to experience the classic battles of the next year with these ancient people, he really felt that it was meaningless when he knew that he would lose.

"I don't have this yet..."

Zhang Chen was halfway through his speech when his spiritual consciousness suddenly touched, and then a slightly deep voice came from the door in the distance.

"Then I wonder what conditions Mr. wants to help me?"

Zhang Chen turned his head and saw a middle-aged man in thin armor walking over from the door.

The middle-aged man had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and looked heroic. He also had an amazing aura around him, which was similar to Cao Ren whom Zhang Chen had seen before, but he looked more majestic than Cao Ren.

Cao Zhi immediately stood up and clasped his fists when he saw the person coming, "Father, it's a little earlier than planned."

Cao Cao ignored Cao Zhi and looked at Zhang Chen who was sitting in his seat safely, "I wonder what it will take for you to help me?"

Zhang Chen did not stand up, "Lord Cao has the help of the genius Guo Jia, and the world is at his fingertips. Naturally, he doesn't need me, an idle man in the mountains. Now it seems that Guo Jia has been in trouble?"

Cao Cao was not panicked at all after hearing Zhang Chen's words. He was more calm than Cao Zhi, "Yes, so I need your help."

Zhang Chen stood up and glanced at Cao Cao at this time, "I am used to being idle, and I guess it's impossible for me to help you. But if you have time or encounter any problems, you can find me at my residence in Xudu."

Cao Cao continued, "Sir, when I succeed, you can get 10% of the land, 10,000 kilograms of grain, and countless silver. I wonder if you are willing to work with me to conquer the world?" Cao Cao's words were extremely domineering, and a powerful momentum burst out, as if the world was already in his hands.

PS: I haven't spoken for a long time because I'm too busy these days. I have to take the high-speed train to Shanghai tomorrow!

The main thing I want to tell you is that I've actually considered the Three Kingdoms plane for a long time, but I think it would be better if it had a bit of fantasy, so you can just treat it as an ordinary low-level martial arts plane.

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