The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 390 Ten Thousand Forged Steel

After a day's rest, Zhang Chen hurried out.

After searching for a long time in Xudu, Zhang Chen found a blacksmith shop. After explaining his requirements to the blacksmith inside, the blacksmith had a troubled look on his face.

"This thing of yours is actually not very difficult, but the material takes too long to consume, and I don't have the technology. I suggest you go to a village in the south outside the city to find a master named Zhu. He may have There is a way." The blacksmith shook his head and said regretfully after hearing Zhang Chen's words.

Zhang Chen was not disappointed. This situation was expected by Zhang Chen.

After all, this is the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the current smelting technology is not yet mature. At most, it is only at the level of steelmaking.

But the strength of the material Zhang Chen needs must at least be steel that has been refined tens of thousands of times to withstand it. Because of this, Zhang Chen has already prepared for this situation.

But what surprised Zhang Chen was that he could actually find a blacksmith who could refine according to Zhang Chen's requirements. Even if it was just Zhang Chen's minimum requirement, it was very rare in this world. If others knew, getting the title of a divine craftsman would be a shame. It makes sense.

After thanking the blacksmith, Zhang Chen walked to the south of the city.

The south of Xudu is a wilderness. Zhang Chen had entered Xudu from the official road in the south before, so Zhang Chen still had an impression of the small village the blacksmith mentioned.

Although Zhang Chen did not enter at that time, the village had actually aroused Zhang Chen's curiosity. At that time, Zhao Xinghuo and Zhang Chen had been practicing in the wild. Zhang Chen noticed that there was a line of smoke in the village that had never been extinguished. At night, the concentration of cooking smoke increased greatly. Zhang Chen was a little curious at that time, but because he was going to enter Xudu later, Zhang Chen didn't study much about this place.

"Now it seems that that village should be the village where the old blacksmith lives." Zhang Chen thought and walked according to the place in his memory.

Because there was no Zhao Xinghuo this time, Zhang Chen's speed also increased. In just one cup of tea, Zhang Chen had already arrived at the entrance of the village.

The whole village seems to be no different from other villages, but Zhang Chen's sensitivity as a cultivator found that the spiritual energy here is more active than other places. It is obvious that there are either some treasures here or someone who has touched the threshold of cultivating the Tao. .

Zhang Chen prefers the latter.

Zhang Chen didn't ask the villagers on the way. He followed the increasingly dense aura and finally stopped in front of a small courtyard.

Arriving here, Zhang Chen felt a wave of heat emanating from the small courtyard before he entered the door. Zhang Chen knew that he had found the right place.

"Is there anyone there?" Zhang Chen knocked on the door and asked.

After waiting at the door for a long time but there was no sound at all, Zhang Chen couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and knocked on the door again, "Is there anyone there?"

This time Zhang Chen's knock on the door was louder. After a long time, an extremely impatient voice sounded from inside, "Who is it? No visitors, please go back!"

Zhang Chen almost laughed out loud after hearing this.

What a mess, he asked someone who he was, and he said that he didn't see guests. Zhang Chen had never seen such a person before.

"Hello, I'm from Xudu. I heard that there is an old blacksmith here. I came here to visit because I have something that no one else can make." Zhang Chen was not angry either. It's normal for people to have a temper. After all, you can't survive without being crazy. Even the most powerful people have their own crazy side.

The small courtyard became quiet now, and Zhang Chen keenly heard a burst of footsteps coming from the small courtyard.

With a creaking sound, the door of the small courtyard slowly opened, and a middle-aged and elderly man who looked quite strong opened the door of the small courtyard.

"It's interesting. Maybe it's the stinky boy Zhang Zhi, and there are things that the stinky boy can't solve?" After the little old man said this, he glanced at Zhang Chen and said, "Come in."

After entering the small courtyard, the heat wave he felt before became more obvious. Zhang Chen also smelled a strong smell of pig iron being forged in the air. At the same time, Zhang Chen also noticed that there were no flowers and plants in the small courtyard, and even the ground was dry. It starts to feel like a desert, which is obviously a side effect of prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

This made Zhang Chen look at the old man differently. The birth of this change required at least decades of continuous creation, or in other words, the opening of the furnace. Now it seems that this old man should have real abilities.

Walking through the small courtyard, Zhang Chen saw a hot furnace burning with blazing flames. The furnace looked like Zhang Chen had never seen before, and it must have been modified by the old man himself.

After entering the room, the old man looked at Zhang Chen, "Tell me, what kind of thing is it?"

Zhang Chen smiled, stated his request, and described the thing about this kind of ten thousand forged steel.

The old man frowned after hearing Zhang Chen's request, "Do I know what you want to do with such a troublesome thing? You can't process this kind of thing. If you want to make armor, although it is strong enough, it is not tough enough. , it’s easy to fall apart when attacked.”

Zhang Chen thought for a while, and did not hide his idea of ​​using it as a weight. He said it directly, "It is mainly used as a weight for my students. Because the materials required are quite special, I came to you."

The old man looked at Zhang Chen, "Do you know how much effort it takes to make something like this carry so much weight?"

Zhang Chen smiled and shook his head, "It doesn't have to be too heavy, as long as it can keep the thickness at this level." As he said that, Zhang Chen gestured for a thickness of about two millimeters.

The old man nodded, "That can be done. Come and get it in three days."

Zhang Chen was surprised when he heard this, "Three days?" Zhang Chen had always thought that with the current technology, it would take at least a month, but he didn't expect that it would only take three days.

The old man glanced at Zhang Chen, "Do you think this rough piece has any technical content? The only trouble is the material problem, but I have ready-made materials here, so it will be quick."

Zhang Chen suddenly realized, and then bowed to the old man, "Thank you."

The old man waved his hand, "Hurry up and go, I still have to do my own things!"

As he said this, the old man stared at the furnace in front of him, with a hint of enthusiasm and hope in his eyes.

Zhang Chen looked at the furnace. The temperature in the furnace was obviously very high. It can be seen that the old man should be experimenting with something, but the waste piled on the side shows that the old man has never succeeded.

Zhang Chen looked at it for a while and found that this furnace was full of loopholes if viewed from the perspective of modern people. The most basic heat retention is not achieved, and most of the heat is lost to the outside.

"Old man, in fact, as long as you modify this, this, and this, the success rate of whatever you build will be greatly increased." Zhang Chen pointed out a few points that he felt were inappropriate, then said goodbye to the old man and walked out leisurely.

After listening to Zhang Chen's words, the old man looked at the furnace for a long time, and suddenly slapped his thigh, "What a genius idea!" After saying that, he wanted to continue discussing with Zhang Chen, but unfortunately, Zhang Chen had already left.

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