Zhang Chen was startled when he heard Cao Cao's words.

To be honest, Zhang Chen didn't expect Cao Cao to be so enthusiastic about him.

After taking a deep look at Cao Cao, Zhang Chen said with a smile, "Thank you so much, Mr. Cao."

Cao Cao smiled and said, "Look, after talking so much, you are still at the door, and you actually neglected sir. Sir, please come in. Cao will let the servants prepare the food."

Zhang Chen nodded, "Then it's up to Mr. Cao."

With Cao Cao personally leading the way, Zhang Chen Shi Shiran walked into Cao's mansion.

The servants on the side were frightened by Cao Cao's enthusiasm.

They have been in Cao Mansion for so long and have only seen other people be so respectful to Cao Cao. When have they ever seen Cao Cao be so respectful to other people.

Zhang Chen was not used to Cao Cao's enthusiasm. After all, Cao Cao was a ruthless and unrighteous man in history. In Zhang Chen's opinion, Cao Cao even had some paranoia about being persecuted. Otherwise, he would not have wanted to open his head for treatment because of Hua Tuo's words. So he killed Hua Tuo.

Cao Cao led Zhang Chen to a hall. This was either the palace that Zhang Chen had visited before, or a relatively large living room.

Cao Cao saw Zhang Chen looking around. He was afraid that Zhang Chen would misunderstand, so he immediately explained, "I hope you won't blame me for the poor conditions. The place where I took you to was currently being built by craftsmen, so I had to let you come here."

Zhang Chen shook his head, "Mr. Cao is too polite."

Not long after the two sat down, plates of hot dishes were quickly brought out by servants, and there was even a dedicated maid beside Zhang Chen to fill up the wine.

Cao Cao raised his wine glass and said, "A glass to Mr. Cao." After saying this, he drank the wine in one gulp.

Zhang Chen raised his wine glass, "I don't dare, I don't dare." As he said this, Zhang Chen also drank the wine, but Zhang Chen was used to drinking the spiritual wine he brewed, so he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable when he drank this ordinary wine. frown.

Cao Cao saw Zhang Chen frowning, and he was afraid that he was not taking good care of it, so he immediately asked, "Sir, you are frowning, but the food is not to your taste. Cao will ask his servants to make it again."

Zhang Chen immediately raised his hand to stop him, "You don't have to be like this, Mr. Cao. It's not that the food and wine don't suit your taste. It's just that you've been drinking it in the mountains and fields. This wine is a bit too much to drink. I can just drink my own wine." As he spoke, Zhang Chen started drinking from his own cup. He untied the purple gold gourd from his waist and put it on the table, "Mr. Cao can also come and taste it."

Cao Cao didn't take it seriously. After all, his wine was the best tribute wine, but in order not to refute Zhang Chen's face, he still nodded, "Okay, I'll give it to Mr. Yi."

Zhang Chen could tell that Cao Cao didn't take it seriously, but he just smiled slightly and gently opened the stopper on the purple gourd. Without Zhang Chen deliberately concealing it, a rich and mellow aroma of wine instantly filled the entire hall.

Cao Cao was immediately moved when he smelled the fragrance. He closed his eyes and took a deep sniff. He suddenly felt refreshed and even his tired spirit was lifted up. He couldn't help but said in shock, "Good wine! So rich." The aroma of wine makes you feel refreshed just by smelling it. Could it be that Sir is a divine man and brews divine wine?”

Zhang Chen didn't say much and poured a glass for Cao Cao, "You will know after you have a taste, Mr. Cao."

Cao Cao took the wine cup and drank it all in one gulp. In an instant, the spiritual wine burst out with a richer aroma in Cao Cao's mouth, and then a stream of heat flowed down the esophagus into Cao Cao's limbs, making Cao Cao sigh in comfort. Take a breath.

After a long time, Cao Cao came to his senses, looked at Zhang Chen who was drinking slowly and sips, clasped his fists and said, "Sir, this wine..."

Zhang Chen glanced at Cao Cao and immediately knew that Cao Cao was trying to beg for money. However, although Zhang Chen brewed a lot now, he also drank a lot. Moreover, drinking too much of this wine would be harmful to ordinary people like Cao Cao. Naturally, he won't be allowed to drink more.

"Needless to say, Mr. Cao, it is an exaggeration for ordinary people to say that they can extend their life by twenty years after one sip of this wine. However, the effect of extending their life by ten years can still be achieved. If Mr. Cao drinks twice as much now, his life span will be shortened. Because Mr. Cao, your life will be shortened." The body cannot bear the power of this wine.”

Zhang Chen didn't lie.

The current spiritual wine is even better than Situ Zhong's wine, because whenever Zhang Chen encounters any spiritual herbs and elixirs in other worlds, he will put them into this gourd, and add the purple gold gourd to speed up the brewing. The effect, the effect of this spiritual wine is at least twice as strong as that of Qi Situ Zhong's wine.

The cup that Cao Cao drank took at least ten years to fully absorb.

Cao Cao could naturally feel the changes in his body, and believed that Zhang Chen would not lie to him in this regard. He couldn't help but sigh, "Sir, you are truly a god."

Zhang Chen shook his head, "We've eaten and drank. How about we talk about business?"

When Cao Cao heard that the main event was coming, his expression gradually became serious, "Sir, please tell me."

Zhang Chen organized his speech and said, "I came here this time to seek help from Duke Cao. I want to find a kind of black iron that can absorb weapons from all over the world. It is best to come from outside. However, the Central Plains is vast and rich in resources, and I am alone." One person can only seek help from Duke Cao.”

After hearing Zhang Chen's words, Cao Cao was a little embarrassed, "This kind of divine object can be encountered but cannot be sought. I am not afraid of Mr. blaming me. Even if Cao mobilizes all his soldiers to search for it, he may not be able to find it."

"Of course there is no need to force it. As long as Mr. Cao can try his best to search for it, then I can help Mr. Cao capture at least 30 to 40% of the world." Zhang Chen looked at Cao Cao solemnly.

Cao Cao's eyes widened after hearing Zhang Chen's words, but he soon regained his composure. No psychological changes could be seen from his appearance, "Sir, although Cao knows that he is very human, how can he guarantee that?"

Zhang Chen looked at Cao Cao for a long time and suddenly said, "I wonder what Duke Cao thinks of the title Prime Minister Cao?"

Cao Cao was shocked when he heard this and could no longer keep calm. He looked at Zhang Chen in horror, "Sir, how did you know?"

Zhang Chen smiled calmly, "The mountain man has his own clever plan. I even know that Cao Gong wants to attack Soochow by force with his elite soldiers and generals."

Cao Cao was silent.

Originally, the negotiating power of this dialogue had always been in his hands. After all, it was Zhang Chen who asked for something from him. But since Zhang Chen said the title Prime Minister Cao, Zhang Chen has completely taken the initiative.

Seeing Cao Cao's silence, Zhang Chen knew that Cao Cao's heart was probably at war between heaven and man at this moment, so he immediately added fuel to the fire, "Commander Feng Xiao can't hold on anymore, can he?"

Cao Cao was completely shaken and looked at Zhang Chen, "Since you know everything, sir, you may save Feng Xiao's life."

Zhang Chen shook his head, "Life and death are determined by fate. Feng Xiao is already seriously ill. A few months ago, I could have saved him, but now, even the gods can't save him."

Cao Cao sighed and stopped talking.

Zhang Chen was naturally not in a hurry and kept waiting for Cao Cao.

Gradually, the sky became dark, and Cao Cao raised his head at this time, "I wonder what the characteristics of the magnet from outside the sky are that Mr. said?"

Zhang Chen showed a smile.


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