In the spring of the 13th year of Jian'an, Liu Bei attacked Jingzhou by surprise. Without revealing any information, Fancheng in Jingzhou was lost, the grain and grass warehouse was burned, and Cao's army held on for three days and three nights, and the city was broken. Cao Ren led a part of Cao's army to fight a bloody way out of the heavy army siege and fled to Xudu.

So far, Cao Cao's power in the whole Jingzhou began to weaken, and Liu Bei relied on Fancheng to rapidly develop the surrounding power.

After Xudu received the news, everyone thought Cao Cao was going to be furious. Who knew that after receiving the news, Cao Cao first laughed three times, and then said, "The world is really like this, I, Cao Cao, can get it at my fingertips." Then he left Cao's mansion and disappeared until the next day.

Although some people said that Cao Cao went to the legendary courtyard in Xudu, no one had seen it, so although there were rumors, no one knew the real situation.

In a small courtyard in Xudu.

Zhang Chen was sitting in the yard looking at the moon in the sky. Next to Zhang Chen were some side dishes and Zhang Chen's purple gold gourd.

Zhao Xinghuo was meditating and practicing not far from Zhang Chen.

"Today's moon is really round. This is the good thing about this world. The environment is not too polluted, and there are many stars in the sky!" Zhang Chen chewed the fried peanuts leisurely, took a sip of wine from time to time, and sighed at the sky.

After a long time, perhaps feeling that there was not much meaning, Zhang Chen looked at Zhao Xinghuo on the side and frowned slightly.

"This kid's progress has slowed down again. It seems that the pressure of the weight on him has become less and less. I wonder how the old blacksmith is doing, and what Cao Cao has collected..." Zhang Chen muttered, and took out a small piece of black metal from the storage space.

Zhang Chen wrapped the metal with at least ten layers of spiritual energy. Even so, after taking out the metal, Zhang Chen felt that some iron slag on the ground stood up slightly.

"Sure enough, this kind of magnetic force, if it can be made into a formation, the effect is absolutely one-to-one!" Zhang Chen sighed, turned his hand and took the metal back into the storage space.

After looking at the sky, Zhang Chen stood up and walked into the house.

After returning to the house, Zhang Chen placed three layers of prohibitions and formations around him before taking out the magnet.

This time, there was no spiritual energy wrapped around it, and all the metals in the formation were suspended. After seeing this situation, Zhang Chen narrowed his eyes, and the sword energy in his hand surged, and he instantly split the fist-sized magnet into two.

As the magnet was split into two, the magnet did not bounce directly, but instead attracted and repelled each other in a very magical way, separated by a certain distance.

The sword energy in Zhang Chen's hand did not stop, cutting the magnet one by one, as if he was tireless.

A night passed quickly, but Zhang Chen's actions in the formation did not stop. After a night of cutting, the original whole piece of magnet had been cut into a piece of magnetic mist by Zhang Chen's sword energy, with a piece of magnet particles in the middle. Each particle attracted each other with the surrounding magnets and floated in the air.

Zhang Chen's face was full of fatigue, and the frequency of sword strikes also slowed down.

This was Zhang Chen's limit. Although the magnet looked inconspicuous, it was not an ordinary thing after all. Although each sword energy of Zhang Chen was only a trace, it was the result of Zhang Chen's best efforts to compress it. Each sword energy consumed a lot of spiritual energy and Zhang Chen's sword intent. This night, Zhang Chen felt like he had been fighting for two days and two nights.

When the first ray of morning light finally appeared in the sky, the sword energy that was constantly gushing out of Zhang Chen's hand stopped.

"Finally done." Zhang Chen exhaled, sat down on the ground exhausted, and began to meditate to recover.

After his spiritual energy and sword intent were almost recovered, Zhang Chen did not stop at all. He stood up and stretched out his hand to grab the suspended magnetic mist in front of him.

As Zhang Chen grabbed it, the magnetic mist that had already spread to almost the entire room began to shrink slowly.

However, the speed of shrinkage went from very fast at the beginning to slower and slower at the end, and a trace of sweat appeared on Zhang Chen's face.

When the magnetic mist shrank to the size of two fists, Zhang Chen could no longer hold on.

Zhang Chen also knew that he had reached his limit. Without any hesitation, the sword energy in his hand gushed out instantly. This time, Zhang Chen's sword energy was no longer the compressed sword energy of the past. Instead, it spread out and wrapped all the magnetic mist in it.

Then Zhang Chen immediately sat on the ground, holding the sword energy in one hand to wrap the magnetic mist, and took out the purple gold gourd with the other hand to pour spiritual wine into his mouth.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the whole formation began to slowly heat up, and the fine particles in the magnetic mist also began to slowly turn red. As Zhang Chen continued, the whole magnetic mist began to change from black to red, and the volume that had been unable to be compressed was gradually shrinking in the process of heating.

For nearly five days, Zhang Chen did not go out once, and even did not do anything else. He just kept refining the magnetic mist. Finally, in the end, the bright red magnetic mist, as dazzling as a small sun, completely shrank together.

As the magnetic mist became a whole again, Zhang Chen instantly dispersed the sword energy in his hand and let the magnet, like the sun, fall down.

Miraculously, when it was less than one meter from the ground, the magnet suddenly stopped in the air, motionless.

Zhang Chen smiled when he saw this, "Finally, the refining is finished."

On the morning of the sixth day, Zhang Chen walked out of the house.

In the courtyard, Zhao Xinghuo was waiting for Zhang Chen to come out. He was a little worried. Although Zhang Chen had been in seclusion before, this time was different. Zhang Chen was very quiet when he was in seclusion before, but this time, there was constant fire and heat in the room. It was okay at the beginning, but in the end, Zhao Xinghuo didn't dare to get close to here, because the heat was no longer something he could bear.

Zhao Xinghuo was relieved when he saw Zhang Chen walk out of the room safely.

Zhang Chen felt warm in his heart when he saw Zhao Xinghuo's appearance, but he still said, "Is there any food?"

Zhao Xinghuo nodded immediately, "Yes! I've been keeping it hot! Teacher, take a rest first, I'll bring it to you right away!" After that, Zhao Xinghuo ran to the kitchen.

Soon after, a sumptuous meal was placed in front of Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen had just sat down to eat for a while when there was a knock at the door.

Zhang Chen knew it was Cao Cao who came, and he put down his chopsticks helplessly, "It seems that we can't have this meal." Zhang Chen looked at the food on the table with nostalgia, and motioned Zhao Xinghuo to open the door.

Before he saw Cao Cao, Cao Cao's iconic laughter came over first, "Hahaha, Meng De is here to bother you again."

Ps: I'm so busy with work this month, I will update every day, but the time is uncertain, and it will start to explode next month!

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