After leaving the jewelry store, Zhang Chen thought about it and called Lin Xue. He told her about his idea of ​​starting a company and asked her if she had any suitable pioneering candidates.

"If you hadn't told me, I would have forgotten that I actually have one. She is from the same class as me at Zhuhai University. Later, she went abroad to study business management. She just returned to China more than ten days ago. She should not have a job yet. I will ask her out to talk to you tomorrow?"

After hearing this, Zhang Chen was overjoyed. "Okay! Xue'er, you are really my good wife! When will you come back? I will make you something delicious!"

"Hate it, nonsense again. I'm at school. get out of class is over soon. I'll go back later."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen nodded with satisfaction.

Originally, in Zhang Chen's mind, the link of finding relevant talents must be avoided from the Xu family, because the people he found outside were unreliable, but in terms of interpersonal relationships, Zhang Chen was surrounded by only the giant Xu family.

After experiencing the threat on the plane before, Zhang Chen didn't want to put all his money on the Xu family. When he was not strong enough to be unscrupulous, Zhang Chen still needed a protective umbrella of his own, so his career was imperative. Moreover, Zhang Chen had another selfish motive, which was that he didn't want to lose his freedom. If he really relied on the Xu family for everything, he would be firmly controlled by the Xu family, and it would be even more difficult to get out in the future. It would be better for everyone to do their own things. When you have difficulties, I will help you, and you don't have to interfere in my affairs.

Zhang Chen was relieved after solving two things in one day. He didn't run back and forth as planned in the rest of the time, but prepared to go back to the rental house to make a hearty dinner for Lin Xue.

Before returning to the rental house, Zhang Chen went to the vegetable market, bought the ingredients for dinner, and walked home excitedly.

As soon as he entered the gate of the community, Zhang Chen saw Lin Xue's car parked outside.

"You came back very early. Maybe there will be some unspeakable things after dinner..." Zhang Chen was also thinking wildly without other things in his mind.

Thinking about the good things to come in the evening, Zhang Chen quickened his pace.

As soon as he walked into the stairs, Zhang Chen heard Lin Xue's voice.

"Zhang Deshuai! I say it again! I don't like you! Please leave here!"

At the same time, Zhang Chen found that there was another strange breath upstairs besides Lin Xue.

"Lin Xue, I have been chasing you for so long, can't you see my mind?"

"I'm sorry, I have no feelings for you at all, please don't disturb my life!"

"Lin Xue, I really like you, can't you give me a chance?"

"What are you doing! Let go! Otherwise I will call the police!"

Zhang Chen was afraid that Lin Xue would have an accident, so he rushed upstairs immediately.

As soon as Zhang Chen went upstairs, he saw Lin Xue arguing with a man, and the man was holding Lin Xue's hand.

With a sprint, Zhang Chen rushed to Lin Xue and the other person, and directly grabbed Zhang Deshuai's hand.

"Let go."

Zhang Chen said while exerting force.

"Who are you? You don't have anything to do with our business... Ah! Hand! Hand! It's going to break! Let go!" Zhang Deshuai saw a man suddenly grab his hand from nowhere, and was about to curse, but Zhang Chen suddenly used force, and a burst of pain interrupted Zhang Deshuai's words.

Because of the severe pain, Zhang Deshuai finally let go, and Zhang Chen directly shook Zhang Deshuai's hand away.

Zhang Deshuai's wrist was black and blue. Just kidding, Zhang Chen is now a master of body refining. In the previous plane, he had been training without stopping for a moment, which allowed Zhang Chen to reach the 10th level of body refining. Not to mention Zhang Deshuai's hand, Zhang Chen could bend a steel bar at will.

Zhang Deshuai held his wrist and was about to say a few more harsh words. Seeing Zhang Chen's eyes and thinking about his wrist, he didn't say a word, glared at Zhang Chen fiercely, and ran downstairs directly.

At this time, Zhang Chen turned to look at Lin Xue and asked with concern, "How is it?"

Lin Xue covered her wrist that was red from being held by Zhang Deshuai, and smiled and shook her head when she saw Zhang Chen's concerned look, "I'm fine, why did you come back so soon?"

"If I don't come back, I won't even know that my wife was bullied! Come and see how she is."

Zhang Chen said as he gently stroked Lin Xue's wrist, passing a trace of spiritual energy while stroking to help Lin Xue reduce the pain.

"I'm fine, let's go in and talk."

After entering the rental house, Zhang Chen concentrated on massaging Lin Xue on the sofa. After a while, the redness and swelling on Lin Xue's hand slowly disappeared.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, does it?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

Lin Xue looked at Zhang Chen who was massaging her seriously and shook her head.

At this time, Zhang Chen began to ask the Zhang Deshuai before.

"What happened to that guy before?"

Lin Xue shook her head, "Nothing, just a pursuer. His brother is my student. I met him and his brother at a party outside. He kept pestering me and would chase me downstairs for no reason."

"Is that why you came to live with me?"

Zhang Chen thought about it for a while and thought further.

Lin Xue nodded, and then said a little worriedly, "Don't go to him. I heard rumors in the school that Zhang Deshuai's brother is a gangster who hangs out with some questionable people every day, and his family is quite powerful in Zhuhai City. Don't get yourself into trouble."

Zhang Chen smiled and patted Lin Xue's hand, "Don't worry, it won't happen. By the way, I bought a lot of vegetables and will make delicious food for you later!"

Coming to the kitchen, Zhang Chen was thinking about Zhang Deshuai's question while cooking.

Before, Zhang Chen was very curious about why Lin Xue suddenly returned to the rental house. Now the truth is finally revealed. At the same time, Zhang Chen felt a little guilty. He cared too little about Lin Xue and didn't even know that she encountered such a thing. This situation must not happen again in the future.

At dinner, Lin Xue looked at a table of delicious food and was very surprised.

"Zhang Chen, I didn't expect that you have such skills!"

Zhang Chen smiled slightly, "How about trying it now."

Lin Xue picked up the chopsticks and couldn't stop eating. While eating, she praised Zhang Chen's food, "Delicious, really delicious, this is also delicious."

Zhang Chen saw that Lin Xue looked like a foodie, and told Lin Xue what he thought of when cooking before.

"So, Xue'er, I decided to buy a house with better security and environment. What do you think?"

Zhang Chen just got 3.6 million today. Although this money is not much, he still needs to start a company, but it is enough to buy a house. As for the company, as long as it can operate at the beginning, Zhang Chen will think of a way to deal with the rest in the next world.

Lin Xue nodded and looked at Zhang Chen with some concern, "I have no objection, but where do you get so much money? Now you don't have a job, and the family situation is not very good..."

Zhang Chen shook his head and joked, "So, there is no choice but to take out the wife's money!"

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