This building may have been an office building. It looks well decorated, but now it is completely abandoned. The documents scattered all over the floor, various black bloodstains, and the stench in the air from time to time challenge Zhang Chen's nerves every moment.

Zhang Chen is now trying to resist the urge to vomit and looking for useful things everywhere.

This is not Zhang Chen's pretentiousness, but the result of being too strong.

As Zhang Chen's body cultivation becomes higher and higher, Zhang Chen finds that his senses have been strengthened to a certain extent.

If it is in other worlds, the keen senses can help Zhang Chen a lot and allow Zhang Chen to detect potential dangers early, but here, the keen senses make Zhang Chen extremely painful.

Especially the sense of smell, which stimulates Zhang Chen's nerves all the time, especially after Zhang Chen's senses are strengthened, the stench around is mixed with a rotten smell. In short, it is just one word, disgusting!

Gently moving a pile of office desk debris, Zhang Chen picked up an iron thermos cup pressed underneath. The bottom of the thermos cup has disappeared, leaving only the cup body.

Zhang Chen knocked on the cup and it made a ding-ding sound. "This thing is made of metal, it should have a certain degree of defense." After saying that, he directly cut it open with the Xuanyuan Sword and buckled it on his left arm.

Soon, Zhang Chen found a few similar iron thermos cups. According to the method just now, Zhang Chen armed his limbs with these thermos cups.

Although these things look vulnerable and are actually vulnerable, Zhang Chen's requirements are not high. As long as they will not be directly contacted by zombies and Zhang Chen is infected with the virus, it will be fine.

After solving the defense problem of the limbs, Zhang Chen found a cabinet made of pure iron. Zhang Chen touched the Xuanyuan Sword with a wry smile, "After all, this is also a magic weapon, but I used it as scissors."

After saying that, Zhang Chen directly used the Xuanyuan Sword to cut off various sizes of volumes, and then found some iron wires in a place in the building that should be a utility room. He used these iron wires to make a simple armor with the cut iron pieces.

Now Zhang Chen knew that he must look like a scavenger from head to toe even without looking at himself in the mirror.

Fortunately, the problem of protection has been solved, and the next step is to rush out of this area.

At this time, the roars of the zombies have become much smaller, and most of the roars come from far away, which makes the area near Zhang Chen even quieter.

The building where Zhang Chen is located is located on the outskirts of the city. When Zhang Chen was on the top of the building, he saw a river behind the building. Zhang Chen planned to cross the river and leave the city first. There are so many zombies in the city. As long as he is not careful, Zhang Chen will be in danger of infection.

It took more than ten minutes to go downstairs. Zhang Chen did not feel a breath in the whole building, and did not even find a little sound. All these situations made Zhang Chen relax his original vigilance. After all, it is very tiring to keep his nerves tense.

Finally, he came to the bottom floor and breathed a sigh of relief, "I don't know what happened here. There is no danger at all. I didn't even feel a breath..."

After staying in this world for so long, Zhang Chen is somewhat accustomed to this smelly air, and his nose feels better.

Walking around a corner, a zombie came towards Zhang Chen and bit him.

Zhang Chen was startled by the sudden appearance of the zombie, but Zhang Chen did not react. The muscle reflexes trained in the Zerg plane had already taken action. His left hand directly blocked the zombie's bite in front of him, and the Xuanyuan Sword in his right hand slashed from bottom to top, directly splitting the zombie in front of him in two.

It was not until then that Zhang Chen reacted. Looking at his uninjured left arm, Zhang Chen broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he made a simple battle armor by himself before coming down, otherwise Zhang Chen would have turned into a zombie directly.

"Damn, I was scared to death. How come I didn't find this zombie in my perception at all?"

Zhang Chen, who couldn't figure it out, frowned as he looked at the body split in half on the ground.

The corpse of the zombie on the ground did not bleed, but a lot of black blood clots slowly flowed out of the wound.

Zhang Chen looked at the blood clots thoughtfully.

The reason why he didn't sense the existence of this zombie just now should be because it was already considered a dead thing...

Zhang Chen recalled that he didn't find any zombies in his perception upstairs just now, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It seems that there are still zombies in this building, but my perception is useless for these zombies. However, from this point of view, we should be more careful." Zhang Chen tightened the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and walked out of the building directly.

It was afternoon now. The sunlight outside was not affected by the haze, and it emitted more light and heat to the ground, which made the already strong stench in the city even more disgusting.

Zhang Chen shook his head, which was a little dizzy because of the stench, and drank two drops of Guiyuan Liquid before he dared to continue walking out.

The streets outside were quiet, without a wandering zombie. Zhang Chen didn't dare to be careless this time. The terrain on the street became a little complicated due to the random discarding of vehicles and various sundries. Zhang Chen didn't dare to fly with the sword at this time.

Looking up at a large group of black birds still hovering in the air, Zhang Chen identified the direction and walked towards the river.

Zhang Chen walked through the streets and alleys, deliberately lowering the sound when walking, trying not to alarm the zombies hidden around.

After walking for nearly an hour, Zhang Chen finally saw the bridge standing in the distance.

The bridge means the river is not far away. Zhang Chen licked his dry lips and quickened his pace.

It was two or three o'clock in the afternoon, the hottest time of the sun. Zhang Chen had been in this world for almost three hours, and he had not drunk a drop of water until now.

Although there was Guiyuan Liquid, it was used for healing and drawing talismans. Zhang Chen could not drink it as water. Otherwise, if a battle broke out, Zhang Chen would not know who to cry to.

Fortunately, the river was about to be reached.

Walking through this street, Zhang Chen's eyes suddenly opened up. There was an open space in front of him. It should have been the gathering place of several large streets. The river was less than 2,000 meters ahead.

Although he was close to the river, Zhang Chen's face looked ugly.

Because in this open space, there were densely packed zombies. Even Zhang Chen only took a glance and saw several mutant zombies with completely different body shapes from other zombies. This road, which was usually a piece of cake for Zhang Chen, was now extremely difficult to cross.

Zhang Chen even saw many zombies floating in the river, which made it impossible for him to drink water.

It was not until this time that Zhang Chen regretted that he did not bring some food and clean water in the storage space.

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