The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 78 No Way to Heaven and No Door to Earth

In the next few days, in the laboratory with resources, Yingzi led this new scientific research team to study the cracking of the zombie virus.

After research, it was found that the zombie virus is a virus with overdeveloped nerves, but the human brain cannot control the body and is even controlled by the body's nerves. Strictly speaking, the zombie virus is a kind of body enhancement, but this enhancement is too overbearing and exceeds the limit of human beings.

Zhang Chen has been idle these days.

Zhang Chen doesn't know how to do scientific research, and Yuan Yulun is also in charge of the gathering place, so Zhang Chen has become the most leisurely person in the entire gathering place.

After a few days of such leisurely days, Zhang Chen finally couldn't help it.

"When will such days end!"

Just when he said this, Zhang Chen remembered that his mission was not just to change the world process.

There was also a mission to kill mutant zombies before.

Zhang Chen took a look, and sure enough, the mission showed (2/100)!

Since there is still a mission, Zhang Chen must complete it.

It just so happens that Zhang Chen is not needed in both places now, so Zhang Chen can also complete his own mission.

After saying something to Yuan Yulun, Zhang Chen quietly left alone. When he left, Zhang Chen also took away a lot of food and put it in the storage space.

It is worth mentioning that since Yuan Yulun began to take charge of the entire gathering place, he has made a provision for labor in exchange for food, and the food is no longer those messy things, just steamed buns.

Zhang Chen naturally took away enough steamed buns for himself to eat for a month.

Zhang Chen set out from Beishan and returned to the city again.

To be honest, it is really not easy to find nearly a hundred mutant zombies in the city.

However, Zhang Chen was not worried at all, because Zhang Chen still clearly remembered that when he came to this world before, he had been to a river. Zhang Chen would not forget the zombies that were almost overwhelming there at that time.

Zhang Chen was ready to go there, but now there is a more important problem.

As Zhang Chen entered the city, the black flock of birds that had been hovering over the city before had disappeared, and Zhang Chen could not tell where these flocks of birds had gone, so although Zhang Chen was flying on a sword, the altitude was very low.

Throwing away piles of ordinary zombies along the way, Zhang Chen flew at high speed towards the place he had been to before.

After half a day, Zhang Chen finally arrived at the hospital where he had killed the female zombie before.

Zhang Chen looked around and found that the surroundings were quiet, but in Zhang Chen's perception, he found that several survivors were in the hospital.

Zhang Chen did not disturb them, smiled slightly, turned around and flew towards the building where he first appeared.

On the second floor of the hospital, several survivors stared at Zhang Chen flying in the air through the gaps between the plants in amazement.

One of them touched the person next to him with his elbow, "Do you think I saw God?"

The other replied blankly, "It's not God, maybe it's a fairy!"


A long time ago, Zhang Chen came here. At that time, Zhang Chen had no water, food, and had not yet comprehended the Ten Thousand Swords Technique.

The bridge that Zhang Chen wanted to cross before was still standing in the same place, but it was more dilapidated. On the street under the bridge, there were still dark zombies, which made Zhang Chen feel as if he was in another world.

Zhang Chen mastered the Ten Thousand Swords Technique, and he was full of heroic spirit. He smiled at the zombies covering the ground in the air, and rushed down directly.

In the air, Zhang Chen recalled the Xuanyuan Sword to his hand, and with the momentum of landing, he directly inserted the Xuanyuan Sword into the ground.

Countless ground spikes suddenly emerged from the surrounding ground, and all the zombies within five meters around were strung on the ground spikes.

The huge sound waves awakened the originally sluggish zombie group.

Zhang Chen pulled out the Xuanyuan Sword from the ground, stood up, and was just about to show off, but when he looked up, all the zombies around turned their heads and stared at Zhang Chen with gray pupils.

Zhang Chen suddenly had a feeling that in the eyes of all the zombies, Zhang Chen saw a trace of... ridicule in addition to being wooden? !

Zhang Chen shook his head, I must have thought too much, how could these zombies have expressions.

Without giving Zhang Chen much time to think, all the zombies rioted the next moment.

Countless zombies roared deafeningly and rushed directly towards Zhang Chen.

In just a moment, Zhang Chen was surrounded. If there were no ground spikes blocking him, he might have been besieged now.

At this moment, Zhang Chen felt a little tricky, but once the arrow is shot, there is no turning back. Since he has decided to complete the task, this situation is also within Zhang Chen's expectations.

He took out the spirit beans from his arms and summoned five spirit soldiers directly. At the same time, a yellowish-brown light curtain appeared, protecting Zhang Chen's body.

"Come on, let me see what you can do!" After saying that, Zhang Chen roared and rushed out of the range of the ground spikes.

The Xuanyuan Sword in Zhang Chen's hand was as fast as lightning. At this moment, Zhang Chen did not skimp on his spirit energy at all. A layer of spirit energy wrapped around the entire Xuanyuan Sword, making it glow. Then Zhang Chen was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. As soon as he landed, he cleared all the zombies within one meter around him.

Although Zhang Chen was ruthless and almost every sword would take away more than five zombies, the number of zombies was too large.

This continued for half an hour, and Zhang Chen's physical strength was somewhat consumed.

Zhang Chen took the time to look at the system's tasks, and the numbers on it were still the same, which means that Zhang Chen did not kill a single mutant zombie during this period!

Zhang Chen expected that the mutant zombies would have intelligence, but they were just zombies after all. Zhang Chen didn't believe that his desire for flesh and blood would be suppressed by their little bit of wisdom. Now this situation put Zhang Chen in a passive position.

Now even if Zhang Chen wanted to withdraw, it was impossible, because there were zombies all around him. If Zhang Chen slowed down his offensive at this time, as long as the zombies crowded up, Zhang Chen would definitely die.

There was no way Zhang Chen could only kill the zombies that crowded over again. He used the same trick again, inserted the Xuanyuan Sword into the ground, and used the ground-shaking attack.

There was a rumbling sound, and circles of ground spikes appeared on the ground around Zhang Chen again. However, due to the large number of zombies, this time the ground spikes only appeared within a distance of less than 1 meter around Zhang Chen.

Although it was only a little distance, Zhang Chen's goal had been achieved. While these zombies had not yet crowded over, Zhang Chen flashed into the air and directly performed the sword-controlling technique to fly up.

The spirit soldiers behind Zhang Chen were almost bitten to pieces by the zombies without Zhang Chen's firepower in front!

Just when Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and had a chance to catch his breath, a hissing howl suddenly came from the sky.

Zhang Chen looked in the direction of the sound and saw a black cloud in the sky approaching Zhang Chen quickly.

The approaching black cloud turned out to be a large group of zombie birds!

There were zombies on the ground and zombie beasts in the sky. Almost in an instant, Zhang Chen's situation became serious.

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