The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 86 Blessing of the Sea God

Zhang Chen drove fast all the way, and soon there were fewer and fewer commercial buildings around. Zhang Chen and his partner were moving away from the business district of Zhuhai City.

Lin Xue asked Zhang Chen for a long time along the way but couldn't find out where Zhang Chen was going to take her. However, after walking for so long, Lin Xue also had a guess that it should be the beach.

"The place you want to take me to is the beach?" Lin Xue asked tentatively.

Zhang Chen smiled slightly and nodded, "Yes, but it's not an ordinary beach."

Zhang Chen had been to this place a long time ago, but Zhang Chen only saw it when he passed by at that time. It was not until Lin Xue was in a bad mood today that Zhang Chen thought of this place.

The place Zhang Chen was going to was indeed the beach, and it was not an ordinary beach.

It was a place called the Holy Land of Lovers.

The car drove for nearly two hours before it finally stopped.

The glass on the car could not see outside. Lin Xue didn't know where this place was, and Zhang Chen didn't know either. But with Xuanyuan there, Zhang Chen didn't worry about anything happening.

"The destination has been reached." As the car stopped, Xuanyuan's voice also rang.

Zhang Chen turned his head and smiled mysteriously at Lin Xue, "Close your eyes."

Lin Xue rolled her eyes at Zhang Chen and closed her eyes again, "Okay, let's see what tricks you can play."

Zhang Chen saw Lin Xue close her eyes, and hurriedly gestured to Xuanyuan to switch all the surrounding windows back.

Suddenly, the sun shone down, and one ray of it happened to shine on Lin Xue's eyes. Lin Xue opened her eyes involuntarily, and then was stunned by the scene in front of her.

The car drove directly to the beach, surrounded by clean beaches, blue sea and blue sky, clear water, and flocks of seagulls in the sea in the distance.

Seeing that Lin Xue was looking at her eyes, Zhang Chen asked Xuanyuan to open the door automatically.

Zhang Chen got down from the driver's seat, came to Lin Xue's side, and made a gesture of invitation, "Ms. Lin, we have arrived at our destination this time, please get off the car."

Lin Xue looked at the scene in front of her with a shocked face and murmured, "So beautiful..."

Zhang Chen knew that Lin Xue would definitely like this place. This is a place specially for couples to date, and it only accepts reservations. Zhang Chen also spent a lot of money to rent it temporarily for one day.

Zhang Chen helped Lin Xue out of the car, then hugged Lin Xue and pointed at the seagulls in front.

"These seagulls are in pairs. It is said that seagulls are only with their lovers throughout their lives."

Lin Xue snuggled in Zhang Chen's arms and nodded, "Walk with me."

Zhang Chen smiled, "It's an honor."

The two walked side by side on the beach, with fine sand on one side and blue water on the other.

Blowing the sea breeze, Zhang Chen saw a smile on Lin Xue's face.

At this time, Zhang Chen covered Lin Xue's eyes from behind.

"Well, Zhang Chen, what are you doing?" Lin Xue asked with her eyes covered.

Zhang Chen approached Lin Xue's ear from behind and whispered, "Close your eyes, I have another surprise for you."

Lin Xue nodded, and Zhang Chen gently took his hand away, "You can't look at it!"

After that, Zhang Chen took out the gift that he had saved for a long time to give to Lin Xue, the blessing of the sea god.

The blessing of the sea god is actually a piece of jewelry after all.

Zhang Chen didn't know why this necklace was won in the high-level lottery, but Zhang Chen didn't care too much.

In the middle of the blessing of the sea god is a blue gem. The gem is the size of a quail egg and is crystal clear. Under the sun, there seems to be a cloud of mist inside, reflecting different colors. With the white necklace that Zhang Chen couldn't tell what metal it was, a noble temperament emerged.

Zhang Chen gently put it on Lin Xue's neck. Almost at that moment, Zhang Chen felt that Lin Xue's already outstanding temperament had a little more noble and a little more worldly.

Zhang Chen just stood in front of Lin Xue, looking at Lin Xue with her eyes closed, and was stunned for a while.

Lin Xue called Zhang Chen several times, but no one spoke. When she opened her eyes, she saw Zhang Chen staring at her blankly.

Looking down, the blessing of the sea god on her neck reflected a different brilliance.

"What a beautiful necklace, is it for me?" Lin Xue asked with surprise.

But Zhang Chen was still staring at Lin Xue blankly at this time.

Lin Xue laughed when she saw Zhang Chen's look.

This brought Zhang Chen back to his senses.

"What are you staring at?" Lin Xue smiled.

Zhang Chen shook his head to hide the shock in his eyes, "Nothing, I just think you are beautiful."

But in fact, Zhang Chen was shouting in his heart that he couldn't stand it.

Zhang Chen originally thought that the blessing of the sea god was useless, but when Lin Xue put it on, Zhang Chen knew what the blessing of the sea god was for in an instant.

It was used to increase charm and make the beauty more beautiful.

At that moment, Zhang Chen felt that Lin Xue in front of him was the most beautiful person, and even his mind was firmly attracted to Lin Xue.

Even if Zhang Chen tried to get out of it many times with his willpower, it was useless. If Lin Xue hadn't smiled at the end to reduce this situation, Zhang Chen might have stared blankly.

Zhang Chen suddenly regretted why he brought the blessing of the sea god to Lin Xue at that time, so that other people would be the same as himself after seeing Lin Xue, and then he would probably be in a lot of trouble in the future.

Zhang Chen rubbed his head while thinking.

What Zhang Chen didn't know was that the blessing of the sea god had magical power.

In the previous world, the blessing of the sea god was just a legend. It was said that a fishman fell in love with a human, but because of secular public opinion, the two could not be together, so the fishman prayed to the sea god to help him, and the sea god gave the fishman this string of the sea god's blessing. He said that as long as the man put it on her personally, the two would be together and would never separate. When the fishman took the blessing of the sea god back, he heard the news of the man's death. It turned out that the man could not withstand the pressure of public opinion and finally chose to jump into the sea. After hearing the news, the fishman was heartbroken and threw the blessing of the sea god into the sea, waiting for the arrival of the destined person, and he accompanied the man to die for love. From then on, the whereabouts of the blessing of the sea god were unknown.

The blessing of the sea god can only be used once in a lifetime, and the fishman left this opportunity to the later generations, but he didn't expect that it would be drawn by Zhang Chen using the system.

Zhang Chen and Lin Xue were tired and returned to the car. Lin Xue's mood was completely cheerful and there was a smile on her face.

Zhang Chen smiled slightly, and his goal was achieved.

As long as Lin Xue's mood is not ruined by this incident, as for the subsequent matters, leave it to Zhang Chen.

It was already dark when I got home.

After dinner, Lin Xue, who had played all day, went to bed early. When Zhang Chen saw Lin Xue fall asleep, he went to the living room and called Xu Da.

"What's going on? Have you found out who did it?"

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