The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 97: Getting Started (Part 1)

Today is the day of the entrance ceremony.

The whole Shushan Mountain is busy. Fortunately, the Shushan Mountain Gate has been properly arranged a month ago.

All the guests who came to Shushan in advance also went to the mountain gate to attend the ceremony under the guidance of Shushan disciples.

The originally deserted Shushan Mountain became lively because of this ceremony.

Countless Jianghu celebrities and prestigious people have come. If someone comes to Shushan to place a bomb at this time, it is not an exaggeration to say that the entire Jianghu in the Central Plains will be annihilated.

The bustling crowd is gathering at the Shushan Mountain Gate. The celebrities are taking this opportunity to get closer to each other. Usually, they are heroes in a famous town. At this time, they naturally want to get to know each other. After all, in the Jianghu, more friends mean more ways.

At noon, the sun is emitting light and heat. The group of Jianghu heroes sitting at the Shushan Mountain Gate no longer have the intention to make friends.

The entrance ceremony should have started in the morning, but now it is close to noon. Not only did Zhang Chen, the protagonist, not show up, but Dugu Yuyun and Situ Zhong did not show up either.

All the heroes who came to participate in the ceremony were talking about it below. Not only these heroes, but even the Shushan disciples who were on guard around were a little confused.

They had never seen this cheap uncle, and they thought they would see him soon today, but they didn't expect that he hadn't come yet.

What were Zhang Chen, Dugu Yuyun and Situ Zhong doing at this time?

Let's go back to the early morning.

Dugu Yuyun saw Zhang Chen lying in the yard with Xuanyuan Sword in his arms and sleeping soundly, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

This kid is comfortable, letting himself wipe his ass.

Dugu Yuyun still had some lingering fear when he thought of the five giant swords just now.

The power was too great. Dugu Yuyun was more than one level higher than Zhang Chen's strength. He was a master who had already merged into the Tao. According to the strength classification, he should be considered a Jindan stage, but with such a big gap, Dugu Yuyun had to use 30% of his strength to defeat these five giant swords. If Zhang Chen was in the foundation building stage at that time...

Dugu Yuyun didn't know if he could easily take this move.

At this time, a sound of breaking air came from the air again.

Situ Zhong looked around with a serious face, "Brother, what happened? The fluctuations around here are too strong."

Dugu Yuyun pointed at Zhang Chen who was sleeping on the ground, "It was all done by our good junior brother."

Dugu Yuyun told how he just intercepted the giant sword.

Situ Zhong's eyes widened after hearing it, "Brother, you, you mean this kid has created another move, and it's very powerful?"

Dugu Yuyun nodded.

Situ Zhong hurriedly walked around Zhang Chen and was amazed, "No matter how you look at it, you can't tell what's so good about this kid. He can actually create two sword moves by himself, and each one is more perverted than the other! By the way, brother, is this kid okay now?"

"It's okay, just a little exhausted, the spiritual energy in the body is not much consumed, but the consciousness is a little tired." Dugu Yuyun said.

"Then when will he wake up?"

Gudu Yuyun shook his head, "I don't know."

Situ Zhong rolled his eyes, "But the entrance ceremony will start soon. If this kid doesn't wake up, what should we do? We have already set the date with our friends in the martial arts world."

Dugu Yuyun glanced at Situ Zhong, "There is no other way. Otherwise, you go and deal with them?"

Situ Zhong laughed when he heard this, "I won't go. Let's wait here for this kid to wake up."

The two waited until noon.

Situ Zhong glanced at the sky, then looked at Zhang Chen who was still sleeping, and said to Gudu Yuyun helplessly, "Brother, this is not a solution. I will go to calm the situation first, and you stay here to watch Ning Chen and don't let anything happen."

Dugu Yuyun nodded, "That's good. Remember, no matter what happens, you have to wait for us to get there."

Situ Zhong nodded, turned around and flew towards the mountain gate on his sword.

In front of the Shushan Mountain Gate, the martial arts world has become restless.

They came to attend the ceremony, not to see the scenery. What was the point of Shushan leaving them here?

Lin Tiannan was also among the group, but he did not complain, because he had met Gu Duyuyun before and knew some of the general situation. He had not shown up yet, so he must have been delayed by some unexpected situation.

Looking at the sky, Lin Tiannan was a little anxious. These people in the martial arts world looked friendly, but none of them had not fought through the blood and swords. None of them was kind. If no one came out to preside over the overall situation, today's ceremony might not end well.

Not only was Lin Tiannan nervous, but the Shushan disciples around him were also nervous. Many disciples were even ready to follow the sword gesture.

While Lin Tiannan was anxious, he subconsciously looked at the sky. At this moment, Lin Tiannan saw a sword light suddenly appear on the horizon, and it was getting faster and faster.

Soon, the sword light fell into the mountain gate.

A figure stood steadily on the ground.

The Shushan disciples who were on guard around him also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and said to the figure in unison, "Greetings, Uncle Situ!"

Situ Zhong nodded, glanced around, and took in the surrounding situation.

Situ Zhong could naturally see that the people around him were already getting a little impatient, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Fortunately, I arrived in time.

Thinking of this, Situ Zhong immediately clasped his fists to the people present and said, "I am Situ Zhong, thank you all for coming to participate in my Shushan initiation ceremony this time."

Just as Situ Zhong finished speaking, a voice came from the group of people in the martial arts world, "Enough! No more polite words, we are here to attend the ceremony. You, Shushan, have left us here for two hours, and finally you come out alone. Isn't this not good?"

A stone stirs up a thousand waves, and this voice speaks out the thoughts of the people in the martial arts world present.

"Yes, yes, if it weren't for your Shushan face, I wouldn't come!"

"We didn't come here to be bullied!"

This sentence aroused the hostility in the hearts of these people in the martial arts world.

Situ Zhong saw that the situation was a little out of control, and he couldn't help but use spiritual energy when he spoke.

"Dear heroes, this matter is the fault of my Shushan. Here, I, Situ Zhong, apologize to you. Please be patient, the initiation ceremony will start soon."

This voice infused with spiritual energy has the effect of calming the mind. After Situ Zhong finished speaking, the people in the martial arts world present became quieter.

Seeing that the situation was temporarily under control, Situ Zhong breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the Shushan disciples suddenly shouted outside the mountain gate, "The Black Miao tribe's elder Shi came to congratulate!"

After hearing this, Situ Zhong's face changed.

Sure enough, what was supposed to come finally came.

Thanks to Question for the reward!

The author appeared again. The network was under maintenance, so there was no network today. This chapter was still written in the Internet cafe. There is another chapter in the evening, estimated to be at 8:30!

In addition, the promotion group again: 618030592

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