Bishop Luke took his seat in the cathedral.

In this Cathedral of the Blue Lion, only bishops or higher were allowed to enter, and each had a seat.

And the place pointed to by the seat was heading towards the center, the spiral staircase leading up to the sanctuary of the gods.

This symbolized that the priests here were looking at God.

But now it has gone beyond the symbolic.

God descended on the symbolic resting place of the gods.

Therefore, if you are a believer in God, it was natural for you to sit here now.

One by one, people with heavy buttocks from high-ranking positions gathered.

As it was a sacred place, he could not run, so he quickly found his place.

Anyway, the war with the undead became a lull and was idle.

Nephritis created by the coming of God.

It looked blue and cold on the outside, but it was warm on the inside, thanks to the flame that looked like a god.

The undead turned back to ashes just by approaching the flame, and the garbage falling from the sky disappeared.

It was truly a blessing from God.

"Are the others yet?"

The person with the highest position and the first to be seated here.

Archbishop Allarion asked around.

To this place now, everyone who has served in this war has come, but he has found another.

Pope and Cardinals.

Although they are far from this place, it was a remark that they thought was the place they should have come.

It is impossible for God to come and not come to this place.

"I'm sorry. They say they've just left. They'll probably arrive tomorrow or so..."

"I can't help it. Pray to God. Don't punish him for being late."

That's an arrogant statement.

It usually takes a week to get here from where the Pope and the cardinals are.

He said he was going to shorten it to one day, but he was biting his teeth.

Usually you will think that you need to understand.

But the people here didn't think so.

By the time he took the position of bishop from a priest, he was already a fanatic among fanatics.

They were those who had a god far above the pope.

It is no less than a sin to serve this late.

At least they thought so.

'It's still madness.'

Bishop Luca, who was still in good shape, thought.

But he also half agreed.

A day is too long.

"Then pray to God. It's not enough, but I'll pray as the representative."

chuck-! The believers who watched this from outside knelt on one knee.

There were so many that it was difficult to find an empty space on the road.

Confirming that everyone was ready, the Archbishop closed his eyes and tried to recite a prayer.


Tock, tock-

Suddenly I heard footsteps.

It was a small sound of footsteps that could be heard because they were all quiet.

A total of two light steps.

But now that I have started praying, it is blasphemous to open my eyes.

The branch has risen a bit, but I'm praying.

He had to do it with a reverent heart.

He calmed himself down like that and tried to hit his closed mouth.

"Everyone, open your eyes."

Until she heard her voice.

In the holy atmosphere, her high voice reached everyone's ears.

Those who do not know the voice still close their eyes, but those who do know have their eyes open.


A saint who received divine help this time.

She came down her stairs.

She said that it was most likely that she had received the word of God.

"The saint who obeys the word of God speaks. Everyone, open your eyes!"

As Asabel looked around, the discerning archbishop spoke loudly but unobtrusively.

All the followers opened their eyes and focused on her figure.

Asa Bell, who confirmed this, said with a firm expression on her face.

"Everyone will know that Kim Seong-jin, the messenger of God, has come down this time. I am one of the few people who can be saved by him and understand his words."

She pauses for a moment.

The concentration of the surroundings is high.

It was natural to expect what would come next.

The word of God they expect, the truth is revealed.

"God has spoken."

"Every time an existence that offends the master's heart is annoying."

"God is looking for an end."

"I can't stand it any longer."

Snow Nyeo also kissed her and said.

Her cynical expression and tone of voice added weight to the words.

"I came to put on a human body and put an end to it."

"I can't leave those who can't come up even after they're dead."

When the meaning became clear, the believers were excited.

The divine power they had seemed to explode.

"In the name of God, by God's will, by God, the white devil will rest."


In the end, they could not control their divine power and exploded.

Tears were shed with intense emotions, and the same words came out even though it wasn't exactly right.

"Deus Lo Bult."

"Deus Lo Bult."

God wants it

This is the beginning of the temple.


"Well done."

Asabel, who had come back to the resting place of God, said the opposite with a broad smile.

I've been scammed from below.

And the reaction of those who saw it.

"It's gone too far."

"It's too hot."

"Don't you have a cheater title?"


It wasn't very positive.

In the first place, what they wanted was to catch the monster that is the culprit of this phenomenon and called the White Devil and fall for it.

It was out of account to cause such madness now.

“Uh… was it too much?”

"Yeah, to the point of doubting if it's a real saint."

"I don't care, because I don't believe in God anyway."

"Isn't that something you shouldn't put in your mouth?"

"It's okay. I got kicked out of my family because of this title. It's because of this guy's title of saint."

Unlike when I first met her, I wondered why she was with her paladins, but she seemed to have her own circumstances.

Seongjin looked at it and sighed generously, then said.

"Once you get what you want, that's it."

He said while checking her system messages in front of her.

[You have accepted the quest 'The Temple'. ]

[ Annihilate the undead in the undead land. ]

[ Put the White Demon White Knight in the Undead Lands to rest. ]

It was a little different from what I expected, but once I got the quest.

As the scale of the quest has grown, you can expect large rewards.

"By the way, Sungjin-nim. After all, maybe the white devil has gone a little farther? Even just talking about it makes me a little uneasy."

Asabel said in a worried voice.

I was told to say it once, but I was worried.

There is a reason why those who are here are staying here without killing the White Devil.

Because you have already tried and failed.

As opposed to the blue knight, the white devil, the white knight, was a symbol of all evil.

The closer you get to the gnome, the higher the rank of the undead.

When he reaches in front of him like that, he becomes an undead.

The subjugation team died just by making eye contact with him.

Even though it is a subjugation squad that includes S-class Awakened characters.

"Don't worry. I'm confident."

"Yes? Are you really trying to catch me?"

"Yes. Don't worry, I'm not reckless. There's a reason."

We already got information from the blue knights that there were frictions with the undead here several times.

And the fact that he blocked this several times was a story that the blue knight's ability was enough.

Of course, I had to be careful about special skills, but I was less concerned about that.

'The blue knight had almost no special abilities.'

It was simply a monster based on overwhelmingly high physical ability and regenerative power.

And the top compatibility is Sungjin.

There was no reason why he couldn't defeat the demon that the blue knight had defeated.

"It's a little twisted, but we're going to grab the strongest guy and get out as we had planned."

The most efficient way to hunt here is to get a quest and catch a strong monster and fall.



One skeleton ran.

It is a skeleton that is weak enough to be on the outermost side.

But he turned inward and inward to convey important information to his master.

An increasingly strong undead greeted him.

Durahan, Death Knight, Rich, Arc Rich, Abomination… .

It's not a typical A or B-class undead.(Read more @

These are the ones who challenged their masters and then lost and became undead.

He had some memories of his life, and it was focused only on strength.

It was clearly different, and so was the energy.

After passing through the gaps of the strong, the skeleton finally arrived in front of its owner.

- What did you come here for?

This one with white armor and cast iron wings.

There was a thick white mist around him.

Hearing his words, the skeleton trembled and drew his sword.


stabbed his own head.

The skeleton's body turned into white powder and slowly flew to the White Knight.

- Whoops.

The White Knight took a deep breath and accepted it into his body.

Based on this, he was able to read the skeleton's memory.

- … is that guy

Blue flames in memory.

It is the skill of his nemesis.

His figure was obscured by the skill, but he could tell from this alone that he had come.

His instinct is to conquer.

That is why he attacked mankind every time and tried to take the land.

But this was stopped by him every time.

There was no reason why.

Because it's noisy.

It is because the cry of death was loud in the genocide of mankind.

Although his instinct would be death, he was struggling not to cause the phenomenon of death.

squish. When he remembered that, he got angry and broke the handle of the chair he was sitting on.

Normally, it appears when humanity is in a corner, but this time, it appeared quickly because it was a bit sensitive.


It was the same with this one.

Tub, Tub-

Two Shinyoung appeared behind the White Knight.

It almost looks like a white knight.

It was also their strength.

Another big difference is the color.

They were the legendary monsters of the same category as the White Knight, the Red Knight and the Black Knight.

- It's finally here.

A large army of red and black undead came from beyond the white mist.

In order to deal with the single original undead, the three legendary undead armies formed an alliance.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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