The Pokémon that started from being picked up by Xanadu

Chapter 108 I Can't Hold Her Temper

"What can I do for you?" Bai Feng quickly swallowed the food in his mouth, then raised his head and asked expressionlessly.

The man said very gentlemanly: "Excuse me, Danny, I came here to ask, young man, would you like to exchange this xanadu of yours?"

"What do you mean?" Bai Feng asked, frowning.

Bai Ye also stopped eating at this time.

"I am very interested in this Xanadu. I want to ask the boy if you would like to exchange it. I can use this speaker to exchange it with you."

Speaking of which, the man named Danny took out a poke ball and released a speaker cricket. I saw that the speaker cricket had a sluggish look and dull eyes, and it looked very listless.

"Do you think I look like a fool?" Bai Feng asked Danny back.

Danny was stunned: "Why do you say that? My speaker is very powerful, it can play all kinds of wonderful music."

As he spoke, he looked at the speaker and said, "Speaker, give this boy a performance."

Hearing this, the speaker cricket quickly crossed its two forearms like knives, and soon a piece of beautiful and smooth music fluttered from the speaker cricket, which was indeed very pleasant.

It can be seen that this speaker cricket must have received very professional music training.

Speaker crickets are a very special kind of Pokémon. Their body shape is a bit like a violin, and a considerable part of it is hollow inside, with a very special structure inside.

When the speakers chirp and the two forearms rub against each other, the resulting sound reverberates through that special body and turns into beautiful music.

The sounds produced by speaker crickets are varied and have a wide range. Each individual is very distinctive, so what they like most is to pursue the peak of music, and they are also very popular with some musicians.

It's just that the speaker in front of me... Anyone who knows a little bit of music can tell that its music is nice and professional, but it reveals depression and death.

I don't know how I was treated at Danny's place.

"How about it, boy, is my speaker cricket very powerful? As long as you give me this Xanadu, it will be yours!" Danny said proudly.

Seeing that the other party insisted on exchanging Bai Ye, Bai Feng couldn't help but get angry, he said coldly: "No need!"


Bai Ye is also very angry at the moment, this bad old man wants to separate himself from the baby, it is simply unforgivable! And the way he looked at himself, that sticky feeling, was really disgusting!

A Pokémon like Shanaido can perceive the emotions of people or Pokémon around him through superpowers, and it has detected a hidden desire in Danny!

Being disturbed, Bai Feng no longer had the desire to continue eating. He looked at Bai Ye and said, "Bai Ye, have you finished eating? Let's go after eating."

"Shanai~Shanai~" Okay, let's go, let's go!

Bai Ye hurriedly nodded and got up, not forgetting to give Danny a hard look.

However, Danny was even more swayed by Bai Ye's full of "style" stare, he quickly grabbed Bai Feng's arm and said:

"Young man, don't rush to refuse, let's discuss it later."

Bai Feng looked at Danny's hand holding his arm, and said coldly: "Please let go, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Danny didn't give up because of Bai Feng's attitude, he said with a smile: "Why don't we have a Pokémon battle, if I win, how about you give me Xanadu?"

Hearing these words, Bai Feng's eyes suddenly flashed a blue light, at the same time Danny's voice stopped abruptly, and his face flushed red.

ho loo~ hoo loo~

Danny suddenly started clutching his neck, curled up and fell to the ground, twitching non-stop.

This change startled everyone around them, and they subconsciously took several steps back, for fear of being affected.

After a while, seeing that Danny was about to be suffocated to death, Bai Feng gave up. If he hadn't considered that he was riding someone else's boat and not causing trouble, he would never have let Danny go so easily.

After Bai Feng withdrew his mental power, Danny got up from the ground with a red face, panting heavily, and said with a sneer:

"It turned out to be a superpower user, very good, I want to challenge you to a duel!"

After speaking, he took off the black gloves in his hands and threw them at Bai Feng.

As a nobleman in the Carlos area, who hasn't Danny seen? Just a little superhuman

There is an ancient custom in the Carlos area. If there is a conflict between nobles, it can be resolved through a duel. Throwing gloves is a signal to initiate a duel.

But Bai Feng was not from aristocratic background.

"I reject……"

Before Bai Feng finished speaking, Bai Ye quickly stepped forward to pick up the gloves.

It has long been unhappy with this mustache (Danny has a pair of small mustaches), and today he will teach this guy a lesson no matter what.

"White Leaf..."

Bai Feng wanted to stop Bai Ye, but he heard Bai Ye shout.

"Sha Nai~" Shut up, baby!

For the first time, the mother who had no family status stood up.

Bai Feng heard the anger in Bai Ye's tone, and couldn't help shivering, so he had to shut up obediently.

"Very good!" Danny sneered, and then said to a waiter not far away, "You, quickly arrange a duel field for us."

"Yes... yes..." the waiter quickly agreed, and then ran away quickly.

The staff on board were very efficient, and the battle field was soon ready. Bai Feng and Danny stood on both sides of the field.

On the other side, Didi learned about the conflict between Bai Feng and Danny from his subordinates. He is the owner of the cruise ship, so he can't hide the incident on the ship.

"Tsk~" Didi was enjoying a body massage from several girls, but when he heard the news, his expression turned cold instantly, "It's that old guy again, can you stop causing trouble for me every time!"

After speaking, he waved his hand to let the girls go out, and then led his subordinates towards the battlefield.

When Didi arrived, the battle between the two sides had already started. Naturally, Bai Ye played on Bai Feng's side, and Bai Feng couldn't stop him.

Danny's appearance in that scene was not a speaker cricket, but a giant marsh monster. It can be seen that this guy was completely deceiving Bai Feng before, probably because Bai Feng was young and thought he was easy to fool.

Even though he has a rarer Pokémon in his hand, he wants to exchange an ordinary speaker cricket for someone else's Xanadu, which is whimsical!


As soon as the giant swamp monster came out, it roared fiercely at Baiye, trying to overwhelm Baiye in momentum, but Baiye was unmoved.

My old lady has been in contact with all the gods and beasts, so I'm still afraid of you, a little giant marsh monster?

But this giant bog monster did look a bit strong, no wonder Danny would so confidently apply to Bai Feng for a duel. Bai Feng reckoned that he usually did a lot of bullying by relying on the giant marsh monster.

Following the referee's order, the two Pokémon attacked at the same time.

I saw the giant swamp monster slapping the ground with one hand, and a huge turbid wave rushed towards Baiye.

Bai Ye stretched out her right hand calmly, a faint purple light flickered in her eyes, and the next second, the turbid current created by the giant swamp monster was held in mid-air by super power.

With a bang, the water waves formed by the turbid current exploded in the air, and countless muddy water splashed in all directions, but none of them fell on Bai Ye, because it was surrounded by spiritual power, and all the muddy water that came close would be crushed. pop open.

The angry Bai Ye is not easy to mess with.

Although Bai Ye didn't experience many serious battles, but he didn't practice hard every day, so he wasn't an easy character to deal with.

Seeing the scene on the court, Danny's face changed slightly, and he always had a premonition of kicking the iron plate.

When Didi came in, he saw exactly this scene, and he said to his subordinates in surprise: "Brother Bai Feng's strength is very good! It's really a mistake, no wonder he dared to go out alone at such a young age."

The battle was still going on. Seeing that the turbidity skill didn't work, the Giant Swamp Monster raised his hand to grab the ground, and he threw balls of mud at Baiye.

Since the turbidity flow can't take effect, the mud shot naturally can't work either.

Sure enough, all the mud balls were fixed in mid-air by Bai Ye with super power.

However, at this moment, the giant swamp monster rushed to Bai Ye's side quickly under the cover of the mud ball, raised its fist and threw it at Bai Ye, the fist was full of icy cold air.

Frozen Punch!

Did it think that Bai Ye hadn't found it?

White Leaf: Ridiculous! My old lady is now listening to all directions and seeing all directions!

I saw Baiye raised his other hand, and as the purple light in its eyes flickered quickly, a white barrier blocked the giant swamp monster's fist, but Baiye only took two steps back under the impact of the punch.

It was too late, but it was too soon, Bai Ye quickly threw the mud map fixed in midair with the hand controlling the mud ball, and then slapped the giant swamp monster that was close at hand at an extremely fast speed, and saw the shining light on the hand With colorful brilliance.


With its own screams, the giant swamp monster flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

Danny could no longer maintain the expression on his face. He looked around and saw the spectators outside the arena pointing at him one after another. Among the spectators, there were many acquaintances of him. He always felt that everyone was laughing at him. .

This made his head suddenly heat up.

Danny roared loudly at the giant marsh monster: "Giant marsh monster, stand up, stand up for me and defeat that Xanadu!"

The giant swamp monster was already scarred by Baiye's magical flash just now, but after hearing Danny's shout, he stood up with his body.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye's white and tender face wrinkled tightly, and it glared at Danny again: It really is a dog man!

Didi outside the field also said disdainfully: "It's really ugly, why do I have such an uncle?"

His subordinates took a step back after hearing the words. You should ask your grandfather this question, we don't know.

The giant swamp monster stood up tremblingly, but in the next second, Bai Ye waved his small hand, and a shock wave formed by the force of thought shot over, hitting the giant swamp monster precisely, giving it a good time.

There was only a "bang", and the giant swamp monster fell heavily to the ground, completely losing consciousness.

Danny was not reconciled, he kept yelling: "Big marsh monster, stand up! I tell you to stand up, do you hear me!"

Unfortunately, his calls were in vain.


At this moment, a voice brought Danny back to his rationality. He looked at the person coming and said in a daze, "Di... Didi." There was actually a hint of fear in the voice.

Bai Feng didn't expect that this mean old man with no grace turned out to be Didi's uncle.

"Since the duel is over, let's get rid of both grievances and grievances. Bai Feng is a friend I invited. I hope uncle can show me some face." Didi said, looking directly at Danny.

"But...but..." Danny stammered.

"Uncle..." Didi's tone changed significantly.

"Okay... okay." Due to Didi's pressure, Danny had no choice but to bow his head, then dejectedly took the giant swamp monster back into the elf ball, and apologized to Bai Feng with a blushing face, "I was too rude before, I hope the boy Please do not mind that."

"Shanai~Shanai~" Bai Ye suddenly pointed at Danny's waist and shouted.

Bai Feng instantly understood what his mother meant.

"In that case, Mr. Danny, as agreed, hand over the speaker crickets."

Bai Ye obviously saw something was wrong from the state of the speaker cricket just now, so she felt pity for the speaker cricket.

In fact, exchanging Pokémon in this way is illegal. According to the regulations, if the trainer exchanges Pokémon, he needs to obtain the consent of the Pokémon and sign an agreement.

It's just that this rule is nothing more than a fake in the eyes of many people, especially Xiang Danny, who claims to be a nobleman.

The Carlos region was indeed ruled by nobles a long time ago, but since the establishment of the alliance, the nominal noble system has been abolished.

It's just that some people who used to be nobles still like to call themselves nobles, and feel superior to others, and feel that they should enjoy privileges anytime and anywhere.

Danny is that kind of guy.

In fact, Didi is also, but he will not be as arrogant and over-the-top as Danny.

Hearing Bai Feng's words, Danny couldn't help feeling angry: "You!!!"

"What? Mr. Danny wants to backtrack?" Bai Feng asked.

"Uncle, I would like to admit defeat and hand it over." At this time, Didi also looked at Danny and said.

"Humph!" Danny snorted coldly, took out the elf ball from the speaker and threw it at Bai Feng, who was caught by Bai Ye with super power.

"Didi, I'll tell your father when I get back. You actually helped an outsider to bully your own uncle!"

After speaking, Danny turned and walked away angrily.

After Danny walked away, Didi smiled and said to Bai Feng: "Brother Bai Feng, don't worry about that old guy, he can't make waves."

Bai Feng nodded, but he was thinking in his heart: It seems that the relationship between Didi and his uncle is very bad!

What Bai Feng didn't know was that although Danny was Didi's uncle, his mother was not Didi's grandma.

Danny was born to Grandpa Didi's second wife. It is said that if there is a stepmother, there will be a stepdad. Grandpa Didi, who was bewitched by Danny's mother, wanted to inherit most of the family property to Danny, which caused great conflicts in their family. .

But Grandpa Didi left early due to an accident, and before he could make a will, Dad Didi won the title of Patriarch in the end.

After Didi's father became the head of the family, he not only took control of the family's finances, but also directly sent Danny's mother away. From now on, Danny has no right to speak at home except for regular pocket money.

Danny is a complete idiot, he can't beat Didi's father, and in the end he can only accept his fate. Although he is usually very arrogant, when he meets Didi and Didi's father, he will be cowardly.

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