The Pokémon that started from being picked up by Xanadu

Chapter 214 Small Earnings of Hundreds of Millions

Coming out of Sea God Mountain, Bai Feng began to organize Pokémon to go inside to pick berries.

At this time, a large number of fruit trees had matured on Sea God Mountain, and some even fell from the branches because they were so ripe that they became fertilizer to nourish the fruit trees.

When the Pokémon in the orchard saw the berries all over the mountain, they were all stunned. These are all A-level berries, how much do they cost? Is their boss going to get rich?

"Everyone, I will leave the work of picking these fruits to you, and I will give you bonuses when you are done!"

Hearing Bai Feng's words, the Pokémon cheered one after another, and at the same time couldn't help thinking: It seems that they are really rich!

Bai Pengpeng, Young Mianmian and Hua Yedi flew and shuttled among the forests, constantly hugging the fruits from the branches, while Mrs. Hua Jie waved the vine whip to pick a bunch of fruits in one go.

Geng Gui, Dream Demon, and Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit use mental power at the same time, and they can harvest the amount of a tree in an instant. The work efficiency is very high, and it attracts envious glances from other Pokémon.

This made Geng Gui and Dream Demon proudly puff up their chests. Although the Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit was also very proud, it had no chest to puff up.

I don't know if they work so hard, the boss will pay more bonuses! The three ghost-type Pokémon couldn't help thinking.

When all the ripe fruits on a tree are picked, the nanny will take the cool leopard to prune the fruit tree. The two of them have been doing the fruit tree pruning in the orchard.

The nanny has a sharp sickle blade, and the cool leopard has sharp claws, both of which are very suitable for cutting work.

The fruit trees on Sea God Mountain grew wildly and messily because no one took care of them. They needed to be pruned properly so that they could bear more high-quality fruits in the next round of abundant fruit.

Digging Rabbit's family led the Domineering Panda's family and followed Nanny Chong and Cool Leopard to clean up the branches and leaves they had trimmed.

King Nido, Queen Nido, and Skillful Blacksmith are responsible for cleaning up the weeds on the mountain and some ordinary trees that are not fruit trees, as well as some rocks that will affect the growth of fruit trees.

The "garbage" that has been sorted out will be transported by trucks to the outside of Haishen Mountain. Weeds, branches, leaves, etc. will be used for composting, and stones will be used to pave the road.

There are also some hundred-year-old trees (ordinary trees) that have been cut down. They are all very good wood. They will be sorted out by Pokémon and put outside to dry. They will definitely be used in the future, such as making a stool, Tables or something, or used to build a house...

In short, there are too many places to work on this mountain, and the Pokémon are working hard.

After handing over the work of Poseidon Mountain to the Pokémon, Bai Feng left there and called Master Fu.

Master Fu's lazy voice soon came from the other end of the phone. He should have just woken up after taking a nap in the afternoon.

"I guess you must have something to ask me for help." Master Fu said in a commonplace way.

"Hey..." Bai Feng smiled awkwardly, "You are my own grandfather, if I have something to ask, who can I turn to?"

Master Fu sighed and said, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I have a batch of A-grade berries that I want to sell. You know that A-grade berries are not easy to enter the general market, so I want to sell them to the Alliance." Bai Feng said.

"Are you finally willing to sell the A-level fruit? Your idea is right. The A-level fruit is a strategic resource that the alliance must pay attention to. It is best to sell it to the alliance."

Master Fu was very satisfied with Bai Feng's thoughtfulness in considering issues.

"By the way, how many A-level berries do you want to sell this time? I'll help you get in touch."

"About 800,000 catties." Bai Feng said.

The fruit trees on Haishen Mountain are all big trees, and the fruit of each tree grows densely, so the yield is very high. The yield of one mu of fruit forest is about 4,000 kilograms.

And the area of ​​the entire Sea God Mountain is about 150 mu.

Because the fruit trees in some places are sparsely grown, and taking into account the possible loss during the picking process, and excluding those ugly fruits that are not easy to sell, Baifeng estimates that there will be about 800,000 catties.

Hearing the number reported by Bai Feng, Master Fu thought he had heard it wrong, "How much did you say?"

"About 800,000 catties!" Bai Feng said again.

"Are you kidding me, don't I know how many A-grade fruit trees you have? Where did you get 800,000 catties of A-grade fruit!" Master Fu said angrily.

"The thing is like this..." So Bai Feng told Master Fu about Lugia giving him an island, and he had nothing to hide from Master Fu.

After hearing Bai Feng's explanation, Master Fu almost jumped up excitedly, "You wait at home, I'll go to your place to have a look."

About ten minutes later, Master Fu landed on Fangxing Mountain riding a tropical dragon. As soon as he saw Bai Feng, he said anxiously, "Quick, take me to your Sea God Mountain."

When Bai Feng led Master Fu into Sea God Mountain, the Pokémon had already neatly stacked baskets of harvested fruit on the open space.

Looking at the baskets of bright berries, Master Fu muttered to himself: "It's all true, there are really so many A-level berries..."

After confirming Bai Feng's words with his own eyes, Master Fu walked out and said, "I'll go to the contact person right away, you can just wait at home."

Master Fu came and went in a hurry.

Before leaving, Bai Feng sent a few high-quality water stones to Master Fu. He couldn't just rely on affection and just let Master Fu and his old man work for nothing!

Master Fu knew that Bai Feng was not short of this now, so he readily accepted it.

After Master Fu left, Bai Feng contacted Brother Dongyu and told him about the A-level fruit. In the future, the sales of the A-level fruit and the contact with the alliance still depend on Brother Dongyu, so This matter cannot be hidden from him.

Brother Dongyu was even more surprised than Master Fu when he learned what had happened, and then he rode the Arrow Eagle to Fangxing Mountain. He was both shocked and excited when he saw the baskets of fruit brought out from Sea God Mountain.

There are probably not many orchards in the whole world that can produce so many A-level fruits at one time, and they are about to cooperate with the alliance. Dong Yu feels that his life has reached the peak.

In the future, their orchard will no longer be a small unknown orchard.

With excitement, Dong Yu began to personally direct the transportation and weighing of the fruit. He has a computer with a polygonal beast, which is extremely convenient for data processing, so the work is carried out in an orderly manner.

Master Fu acted quickly, and Bai Feng received a call from the relevant department of the alliance the next day.

It was the president of the Carlos Union Cultivator Association who opened the phone to Bai Feng.

At present, all public tree fruit cultivation bases in the Carlos area are managed by the breeder association, and tree fruit growers are also classified into the industry of breeders in a strict sense.

Fruit planters, energy cube builders, Pokémon health coordinators, Pokémon skill researchers, etc., are all sub-categories of Pokémon breeders.

The berries produced by the alliance berry plantation are generally dispatched by the Pokémon Breeders Association.

On the phone, the president of the Breeders Association told Bai Feng that he wanted to visit Fang Xingshan in person and discuss future cooperation with Bai Feng.

A large-scale tree fruit breeding base in the Carlos Alliance may not necessarily produce 800,000 catties of A-level tree fruit a year. It is no wonder that the Breeders Association attaches great importance to this cooperation, and even the president has to visit Fang Xingshan in person. .

The main reason is that it is not easy to cultivate A-level tree fruits. Even in the cultivation base of the alliance, there are not many of them, so the output will naturally not increase.

Bai Feng holds a mountain of A-level fruit trees, and this cooperation with the alliance is just the beginning. In the future, they will have more dealings with the Breeders Association.

On the afternoon of the day when I talked with Bai Feng, a small aircraft landed on Fangxing Mountain, and Bai Feng and Dong Yu stood at the gate of the yard to greet him.

Not long after, a gray-haired old man was assisted to step down from the aircraft. The old man was probably in his seventies, wearing a fine silver suit, and looked very energetic.

This person is Mr. Luis, the president of the Carlos Alliance Breeders Association.

It is said that the original Pokémon Harley Chestnut, Firefox, and Croaking Bubble Frog used by the novice trainers in the Carlos area were decided by this old man, and the subsequent cultivation of these three Pokémon was also presided over by him. This old man has a very high status and prestige in the Carlos League.

Seeing Mr. Louis coming down, Bai Feng and Dong Yu hurried up to meet him.

"Mr. Louis, nice to meet you, welcome to Fang Xingshan as a guest." Bai Feng said.

"You must be Bai Feng." Old Mr. Louis looked at Bai Feng kindly, "You are truly a hero, the future of the alliance depends on you!" His tone was full of relief.

"Mr. Louis is too much." Bai Feng said modestly.

At this time, Mr. Louis noticed Dong Yu beside Bai Feng again, so he looked at Bai Feng and asked, "Who is this?"

Bai Feng introduced: "This is my elder brother Dongyu, he handles all the fruit sales in our orchard."

"Mr. Louis, hello, I'm Dong Yu." Dong Yu said with a slightly nervous tone.

Although he had been in contact with many powerful people, it was the first time he had met someone like Mr. Louis who would only appear on TV, so he couldn't help being a little nervous.

Old Mr. Louis nodded, "They are all good boys."

Bai Feng greeted Mr. Louis and the bodyguards behind him and said, "Mr. Louis, let's go in and talk."

Old Mr. Louis waved his hand, "How about we visit your orchard first?"

Bai Feng was taken aback when he heard the words, he was worried that the old man would be exhausted after the long trip, so he wanted to invite him to the house to rest, but he didn't expect the old man to be so energetic.

"That's all right, sir, come with me." Said Bai Feng and Dong Yu led the old man into the fruit forest.

Along the way, Bai Feng carefully introduced to Mr. Louis the varieties, energy ratings, tree ages, etc. of the fruit trees they saw along the way. At the same time, he also introduced some of his ideas and methods of cultivating fruit trees to the old man.

The old man nodded repeatedly.

"Not bad, not bad, very good. These fruit trees of yours have been cultivated very well. It's hard to imagine that they were only made by a teenager." The old man looked at Bai Feng with admiration.

"The old man is too much." Although Bai Feng had a thicker skin, he blushed a little at the moment when he was praised by the old man.

"I don't praise people casually. I usually tell the truth." Old Mr. Louis said with a smile.

After speaking, the old gentleman glanced at the fruit forest, and seeing the hard-working Pokémon in the forest, he couldn't help being moved.

What a beautiful picture.


At this time, there was a group of Arrow Eagles and a group of Rocket Sparrows and Little Arrow Sparrows whizzing past in the sky. Mr. Louis looked up and praised:

"Your orchard is doing very well."

After the emotion was over, the old man said again: "Let's go to your Sea God Mountain to have a look!"

Through the conversation, Mr. Louis already knew the existence of Sea God Mountain, and this mountain could be regarded as a clear path from the Alliance.

"Okay, I'll take you to have a look."

As he spoke, Bai Feng clapped his hands, and saw several huge Arrow Eagles descending from the sky.

"Let's ride the Arrow Eagle." Bai Feng suggested, these several Arrow Eagles were equipped with riding props on their backs.

Old Mr. Louis sized up the Arrowhawks, touched the wings of the Arrowhawk in front of him, and said in admiration:

"Bai Feng, I didn't expect that you are not only good at cultivating fruit trees, but also excellent at cultivating Pokémon. If you become a trainer, I don't know how many people will be overwhelmed by you."





Hearing that Mr. Louis praised himself and Bai Feng, several Arrowhawks immediately screamed proudly, looking proud.

Seeing this, Mr. Louis laughed loudly and said, "Look, look, they are quite good at protecting you! Not bad, not bad."

Bai Feng also patted the Fiery Arrow Eagle's wings and said, "It's all about fighting for their own strength."

Then everyone rode on the Fierce Arrow Eagle and flew towards Sea God Mountain.

As soon as he entered Sea God Mountain, Mr. Louis discovered the special features here, so he repeatedly praised: "Good place, good place, it is indeed a gift from Rogia."

Under the leadership of Bai Feng, everyone visited Sea God Mountain again. After the hard work of the Pokémon, Sea God Mountain now looks much more tidy. The messy weeds and branches disappeared, replaced by pruning. A neat and tall fruit tree.

There are still many green fruits hanging on the fruit trees. I believe it will be another bumper harvest day in a short time.

Bai Feng did not take Mr. Louis to the depths of Sea God Island, where there were S-grade fruit trees. He didn't want to reveal the secret that he had several S-grade fruit trees too early.

After coming out of Sea God Mountain, Bai Feng took Mr. Louis and his party back to the small courtyard, and formally started to discuss matters related to the cooperation between Fangxing Mountain Orchard and the Alliance Cultivator Association.

Bai Feng handed over all the negotiation matters to Brother Dong Yu. First, this is not his field of expertise. Second, it is to let Brother Dong Yu adapt to the way of getting along with the alliance staff in advance. After all, it is they who need to continue to deal with in the future. Bai Feng It is impossible for Feng to do these things.

Mr. Louis didn't make a sound either. Like Bai Feng, he handed over the work of discussion to the other accompanying alliance personnel.

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