The Pokémon that started from being picked up by Xanadu

Chapter 222 Farewell, Bold Conjecture, High Price Offer

Chaomeng stared at Senior Kyuubi for a few seconds, then silently covered his dinner plate with his hands.

Senior Nine Tails: . . .

What's so great, isn't it just experience candy, I can eat it one day! Senior Kyuubi walked away cursing.

After breakfast, Chaomeng came outside alone, looked at the rocket sparrow and little arrow sparrow flying back and forth in the sky, and looked at the busy figures of Pokémon in the fruit forest, it thought:

It's so lively here!

At this time, Bay Leaf walked into the yard from the outside humming a little song. It was in a very good mood today, because with its unremitting efforts, the S-star peach fruit tree (acquired from the auction) behind the house finally sprouted buds.

It was going to announce the good news to Bai Feng.

As soon as Bayleaf entered the yard, she saw Chaomeng standing at the gate of the yard.

*:(`):* Wow, new friend!

Pata Pata~ Bay leaf came to Chaomeng's side with brisk steps, rubbed Chaomeng's arm with his head affectionately, frightened Chaomeng so stiffly that he almost threw it away with super power.

Fortunately, bay leaf just broke up with Chaomeng immediately, and Chaomeng didn't have time at all.

"Yeah! Yeh!" For you, for you!

The bay leaf bounced and jumped, and the leaves on its neck fell down, then it lowered its head and picked up the fallen leaves, and sent them to Chaomeng expectantly.

Chaomeng was stunned by this familiar move of bay leaf, it stared blankly at bay leaf, wondering whether it should catch it or not.

"Yeah! Yeh!"

Bayleaf saw that Chaomeng didn't respond, so she rubbed Chaomeng with her head again, urging it to catch it quickly.

In desperation, Chaomeng had no choice but to reach out to catch the gift of the bay leaf. The moment Chaomeng took the leaf, Chaomeng felt a fragrance coming from his nostrils, and his brain became much more awake because of this.

Fantastic leaves! Such fragrant leaves!

Chaomeng couldn't hold it back, and put the leaf to his nose and smelled it again.

"呵~呢~" See you later, new friend.

Seeing that Chaomeng liked her gift very much, Bayleaf hummed a little song and walked away with cheerful steps, shaking her head.

Looking at the back of the bay leaf, Chaomeng silently stacked the leaves in his hand neatly and squeezed them tightly.

Bai Feng was woken up by the pressure of the bay leaf's Mount Tai, and it almost pushed out the overnight meal.

Bai Feng rubbed his eyes, and said helplessly: "Bay leaf, can't you let me sleep well? I was so busy last night that I didn't sleep until dawn!"

"Bai~ bai~" The star peach fruit tree has buds, I want to tell you~

Bay leaf's head kept pushing into Bai Feng's arms, pushing all the sleepy bugs away.

"Buds? Really?" Bai Feng asked in surprise.

"Yeah~oh~" Really~ Really~

Bay leaf nodded again and again.

"You have to go and have a look. You go first, and I'll come when I change my clothes." Bai Feng patted the bay leaf's smooth and fragrant little neck and said.

()???Um? What about the leaves around its neck? Give it away again?

"Yeah~" Then hurry up.

Speaking of bay leaves, he jumped up and down and left.

When Bai Feng finished washing and came out of the room, he happened to see Mengmeng rubbing her hazy sleepy eyes as she came out of the room unsteadily.

"How did you sleep?" Bai Feng greeted it.

"miu~" Great!

Meng Meng waved to Bai Feng.

Moisturized by Bai Feng's golden fingers, and the impurities accumulated in her body for many years were removed, Mengmeng slept an unprecedented good sleep.

"Then let's go eat something together." Bai Feng greeted.


Meng Meng responded and followed Bai Feng.

Jackrabbit and Brimwen quickly prepared food for them, and Mengmeng licked the experience candy with a happy face, and said:

"I'm leaving soon, and Chaomeng will leave to you."

When Chaomeng followed Mengmeng, Mengmeng felt that it was extremely troublesome, and when it was about to part suddenly, it even felt a little bit of reluctance in his heart.

However, most of the legendary Pokémon are lonely, so Mengmeng quickly put this reluctance behind it, and it doesn't want to do such a hard job of raising children!

"Don't worry, I wish you a smooth journey." Bai Feng nodded.

After the two of them had finished eating, they walked to the door together when they saw Chaomeng coming back from the outside with a pile of green leaves in his hands. Bai Feng instantly recognized that it was from the bay leaf.

He said why the neck of the bay leaf is empty again, it turned out to be a gift for a new friend!

Bai Feng really admires Yue Guiye's character of being able to make friends with anyone.

(Chaomeng: Who is friends with it!

Bay leaf: (ó﹏ò)

Mewtwo: (^))

Mengmeng saw Chaomeng came back and told it that he was leaving. Chaomeng seemed very flat.

Mengmeng doesn't care about Chaomeng's cold attitude, after all, it has always been like this.

Seeing Mengmeng fly outside, Bai Feng quickly took Chaomeng's hand and chased after him. Chaomeng pulled his hand out of Bai Feng's hand, but failed with force, so Bai Feng dragged him all the way to the yard. Outside.

Meng Meng flew high into the sky, carrying a small cloth bag in her hand, which contained the parting gift from Bai Feng, which was the only experience candy stock left for Jack-eared Rabbit.

"miu~" Goodbye!

Mengmeng waved to Bai Feng, and then to Chaomeng.

"Goodbye!" Bai Feng waved and shouted, and then he looked at Chaomeng again and said, "You also say goodbye to Mengmeng, this time we part, and you don't know when you will see each other again!"

Hearing this, Chaomeng slowly raised his hand and waved at Mengmeng.

Mengmeng nodded in satisfaction, and the figure disappeared into the sky after a burst of flickering.

Looking away, Bai Feng looked at Chaomeng with a smile and asked, "How is it? Are you reluctant?"

Chaomeng glanced at Bai Feng lightly, but did not answer.

At this time, bay leaf was urging Bai Feng not far away, and Bai Feng remembered that he had promised bay leaf to see the buds of the star peach fruit tree.

So he pulled Chaomeng and said, "Go, I'll show you something."

Just like that, Chaomeng was pulled behind the house by Bai Feng, and came under the Xingtao fruit tree.

Thanks to the hard work of Baifeng, Bayleaf, Mrs. Huajie, Huayedi, Baipengpeng, and Young Mianmian, the Xingtao fruit tree has grown to a height of more than two meters. The trunk is straight and straight, and the crown is trimmed neatly. together.

When the breeze blows, the leaves sway gently, and then reveal the pink flower buds the size of a small thumbnail hidden behind the leaves.

"It's really grown!" Bai Feng showed joy.

Chaomeng looked at the Xingtao fruit tree, then at Baifeng, and asked doubtfully, "Are you happy?"

"Yeah!" Bai Feng nodded, he looked away from the Xingtao fruit tree, and turned to look at Chaomeng, "I like to cultivate fruit trees, I like to watch them grow from saplings to blossom and bear fruit, and I have paid for their growth. mental strength, so when I achieve results, my mood becomes joyful, and this is my happiness.”

"Happy?" Chaomeng didn't understand.

"Yes, this is happiness." Bai Feng nodded. Seeing Chaomeng's blank face, he said again, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand for the time being. Watch more, listen more, observe more, and feel more. One day you will understand." of."

Chaomeng nodded, it believed Bai Feng's words, for some reason, every time it heard Bai Feng's words, although it didn't particularly understand, it always had an inexplicable touch.

At this time, Mrs. Hua Jie flew over sitting on the back of a Striking Arrow Eagle, followed by eleven flower leaves.

They have also put a lot of effort in cultivating the star peach fruit tree. Now that the fruit tree is growing buds for the first time, of course they have to take a look.

"Hey Jess~"

Mrs. Hua Jie jumped off the back of Blazing Arrow Eagle and greeted Bai Feng, Bay Ye and Chao Meng respectively, followed by Hua Yedi.

Both Bai Feng and Yue Guiye responded positively to Mrs. Huajie and Huayeti, but Chaomeng just nodded to Mrs. Huajie and Huayeti blankly.

In fact, it's not Chaomeng pretending to be cold, it's really that it doesn't know how to respond to Mrs. Huajie and them.

Fortunately, Mrs. Huajie and the others didn't care about Chaomeng's indifference. After saying hello, Mrs. Huajie and Huayedi's attention fell on the fruit tree.

I saw them forming a circle around the fruit tree, and then began to dance mysteriously with Mrs. Huajie and the fruit tree as the center.

"Hey Jess~ Hey Jess~"

"La bai~ la bai~ la bai~"

"La bai~ la bai~ la bai~"


A mysterious and rhythmic dance appeared, and then Bai Feng and the others saw dots of green light from the flowers and leaves converging on Mrs. Hua Jie, and then a fist-sized green light condensed in Mrs. Hua Jie's hand. light cluster.

When Mrs. Hua Jie threw the ball of light at the fruit tree, the ball of light exploded suddenly, turning into dots like fireflies, which burrowed into the flower buds one by one.

In the next second, all the buds bloomed instantly, and the branches were covered with white-pink flowers.

Bai Feng was amazed, as expected of a Pokémon with the title of "Queen of the Garden", she has a unique advantage in cultivating flowers.

At the moment when the flowers were in full bloom, pink light spots like fireflies flew out of the flowers and fell back into the hands of Mrs. Hua Jie.

Mrs. Hua Jie inhaled the pink energy ball into her body, and Bai Feng felt that its aura had increased significantly.

This is Mrs. Hua Jie's exclusive talent. When they cultivate flowers, they can also gain strength from the flowers. Moreover, this time it is an S-level fruit tree that blooms, so Mrs. Hua Jie will get even more rewards.

Since the flower leaves have not yet evolved, they cannot enjoy this benefit.

Bai Feng thought to himself: It's time to consider letting the other eleven flower leaf pedicles evolve as well.

Mrs. Hua Jie plays a very powerful role in the growth of fruit trees, especially during the flowering period of fruit trees. When the remaining eleven flower leaf pedicles also evolve into Mrs. Hua Jie, they will definitely play a more active role in fruit trees.

Although Bai Feng doesn't have enough Stones of Light, he has a lot of Stones of Water. He can exchange Stones of Water with other trainers for Stones of Light.

Mrs. Hua Jie became stronger, and the Huayeti all gathered around to congratulate her. While they were happy for Mrs. Hua Jie, they also showed envious expressions.

Seeing this, Bai Feng said: "I'll go back and find a way to help you raise Stones of Light, and soon you can evolve too. There are still several super fruit trees on Sea God Mountain that will bloom, and you will be busy then."

"La Bai~"

"La Bai~"

"La Bai~"


Hearing Bai Feng's words, the flower and leaf bases danced happily in the air.

After returning home, Bai Feng turned on the computer and planned to post a reward on the alliance's trainer forum, the content of which was to exchange water stones for light stones.

His water stone is of high purity, so of course he needs a light stone of almost high purity to exchange.

If someone exchanges evolution stones of other attributes, he will agree. After all, he has a lot of water stones now. What if the trainer with the stone of light needs evolution stones of other attributes?

Chaomeng followed Bai Feng step by step, looked at the computer in front of Bai Feng suspiciously, and asked puzzledly: "What is this?"

Bai Feng explained: "It's called a computer, it's..." In the middle of speaking, he suddenly froze. How should he explain the computer?

"Forget it, I'll buy you a mobile phone later, and you can play around on your own. You can slowly understand the world and learn a lot of things through the mobile phone. Now the functions of the computer are basically available in the mobile phone." Bai Feng After thinking about it, he said.

As for the functions of the computer beyond the mobile phone, Chaomeng may not be able to use it, so he will not introduce it.

Chao Meng heard the words and nodded.

Looking at Chaomeng, Bai Feng suddenly thought of a question.

Since Super Evolution Stones are the things left behind by Pokémon that touched the legend after death, what would happen if they were put back into the body of a Pokémon of the same species?

Or will it be successful to re-implant them back into the Pokémon's body?

With this thought, Bai Feng suddenly became impatient to move.

It's a pity that Bai Feng has the key stone in his hand, but he doesn't have any super evolution stone.

Do you want to post a bounty again?

Anyway, he has money now, and when the fruit trees are harvested again in the future, he will be even richer. Why not spend the money and keep it?

Thinking of this, Bai Feng once again issued a reward on the trainer forum.

Based on the fact that current trainers don't know much about the phenomenon of super evolution, Bai Feng didn't mention the word super evolution in the reward, but only described the general appearance of the super evolution stone.

He is willing to bid 200 million alliance coins to buy each super evolutionary stone, no matter what kind of super evolutionary stone, he is willing to buy.

Of course, what Bai Feng wanted most was Xanadu's super evolutionary stone, but he knew that Xanadu's super evolutionary stone would not be so easy to get.

After posting the reward, Bai Feng was about to turn off the computer when he suddenly noticed from the corner of his eye that someone in his message board seemed to have sent him a message.

He opened the message in doubt, and found that the source of the message was the second reward he had just released.

Someone is going to sell super evolutionary stones so soon?

It was a person with the ID name "Princess Ji Meiya" who posted the message to Bai Feng.

"Hello, I have a similar stone in my hand, may I ask what is this stone? Why do you want to pay such a high price for it?"

The other party also sent a picture to Bai Feng. The moment Bai Feng saw the picture, Bai Feng was stunned, because the one on the picture was Xanadu's super evolution stone.

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