The Pokémon that started from being picked up by Xanadu

Chapter 256 The Incarnation of the Sun, the Vulcan Moth

The entrance to the ruins was a cave at first. After Bai Feng walked a certain distance, a spiral staircase winding downwards appeared in front of him. There was a thick and long stone pillar in the middle of the staircase.

Bai Feng stood on the stairs and looked down, only to see pitch black below, bottomless.

The stone pillars were covered with special characters, which should be ancient characters. Bai Feng couldn't recognize the characters of that period or country in ancient times, so he just took a few casual glances and gave up.

Then he took Bai Ye and Chaomeng all the way down. After walking for an unknown amount of time, a stone sculpture of a symbolic bird appeared in front of them.

Although Bai Feng felt that the stone sculpture was lifelike, he didn't pay much attention to it. However, the moment he turned around and left, the stone sculpture came to life and used super powers to immobilize Bai Feng, Bai Ye and Chaomeng in an instant.

The superpowers bound to them are not strong, and even the weakest Bai Feng can easily break free. Bai Feng looks at the symbolic bird suspended in the air, a light flashes in his eyes, and it is pulled towards Bai Feng uncontrollably. maple.


Controlled by Bai Feng's mental power, the symbolic bird kept waving its wings, trying to break free, while white light flashed in its eyes towards Bai Feng.

"Still want to resist? You are overestimating your own capabilities!"

Bai Feng snorted coldly, and saw a layer of purple light emerging from his body. The white light that symbolized the bird shooting on him was instantly eliminated.

"Woah~ woah~"

Bai Feng stretched out his hand and shook it hard, and the mental power he restrained on the symbolic bird began to tighten. The symbolic bird couldn't help but cry out and kept begging Bai Feng for mercy.

"Why did you sneak attack us!" Bai Feng asked.

"Woah~ woah~" I just don't want you to enter the ruins, I don't want to hurt you!

It symbolizes the chirping of birds.

"Why are you not allowed in? Are there any taboos in the ruins?" Bai Feng continued to ask.

"Woah~ woah~" is very dangerous! very dangerous!

The symbolic bird keeps talking, but does not say there is any danger.

"What's the danger?" Bai Feng asked.

"Woah~ woah~" I don't know, it's very dangerous! very dangerous!

The symbolic bird shakes its head vigorously. Its function is to stand guard at the entrance to the ruins and advise those who enter the ruins to leave, but it has never entered the ruins itself.

Bai Feng thought for a moment and then asked: "We are going to the depths of the ruins, can you show us the way?"

"Woah~ woah~ woah~" I have never been to the depths of the ruins, and I can't lead the way. Please let me go!

Hearing Bai Feng's words, the symbolic bird shook its head wildly. Bai Feng saw this and did not force it. He could only withdraw the mental power that restrained it.

"Wow~" Thank you, thank you!

After the symbolic bird thanked him, he quickly flew back to his original position, transformed into a statue again, and quietly huddled in the corner of the stairs, as if he had never appeared before.

Really, what are you doing when everyone is so strong!

Bai Feng originally wanted to ask the symbolic bird if he had seen Chihong, but seeing that it seemed to be avoiding him, he had no choice but to give up.

He doesn’t look like a character who can ask questions!

"Let's move on!" Bai Feng said to Bai Ye and Chaomeng.



Bai Ye and Chaomeng nodded at the same time.

Saying goodbye to the symbolic bird, Bai Feng and the three of them continued walking down. The spiral staircase suddenly disappeared, and a dark passage appeared in front of them.

The spiral staircase goes downwards, while the dark passage goes parallel and forward.

Bai Feng saw that the light was too dim, so he released the photoelectric umbrella lizard.

"Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, we're in trouble!"


The photoelectric umbrella lizard nodded and used the flash, and the passage quickly became brighter.

The walls of the passage are green and green, looking a bit like jade. There are many inexplicable weird patterns carved on them, a bit like green leaves, and a bit like branches. There is no order, nor is it meticulous and exquisite. Instead, it looks like it has been carved randomly. of.

Moving forward along the passage, a square space appeared in front of Bai Feng and the others.

The walls of the space are also made of blue-green jade, but the quality here seems to be even better. The moment Bai Feng and the others came in, the walls and the ground under their feet were illuminated by the light emitted by the photoelectric umbrella lizard, emitting a beautiful light. .

In the center of the room stands a circle of irregular stone pillars about two meters high. The stone pillars are also made of unknown jade. There are twelve in total, as if arranged into a stone array.

There is a white spherical object placed in the center of the stone array, and stars seem to be floating inside. Against the backdrop of the light emitted by the stone pillars, there seems to be a dark light flowing inside the spherical object.

"What is that?" Bai Feng asked looking at the spherical object.


"have no idea!"

Bai Ye and Chaomeng shook their heads at the same time.

Bai Feng, Bai Ye, and Chaomeng walked forward curiously. The moment they walked into the stone formation, the spherical object in the middle suddenly flashed a black light, and a black shadow floated out from it.

After a while of twisting, the black shadow transformed into a Pokémon wearing a magic robe and a wizard hat. Who else could it be if it wasn't a dream monster?


The dream demon's eyes were dull, as if controlled by something. The moment it came out, blue light burst out from its eyes, and the environment around Bai Feng and the others immediately changed.

They returned to Fangxing Mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain, they could see the abundant harvest of fruits. The Pokémon in the orchard were working hard to pick the fruits, and their faces were filled with the joy of the harvest.

Then Bai Feng began to feel something was wrong, as if something was invading his brain. As a superpower, when his mental power was invaded, his brain would unconsciously issue a warning.

Of course, it was Bai Ye and Chaomeng who discovered the abnormality earlier than Bai Feng, so before Bai Feng could take action, the environment around him had returned to its original state.

It turns out that everything just now was just an illusion created by the Dream Demon. Its original intention was to confuse Bai Feng and the three of them, and to take the opportunity to control them when they were lost in the illusion.

Unfortunately, the three Bai Feng's mental powers were too strong. Before the Dream Demon could find a chance to control them, they all discovered the anomaly, and Chaomeng even waved his hand to break the illusion.

"Chaomeng, wait!" Chaomeng originally planned to kill the Dream Demon directly, but Bai Feng noticed something was wrong, so he spoke out to stop it.

"What's wrong?" Chaomeng looked at Bai Feng in confusion.

"Try destroying that ball first." Bai Feng pointed at the ball in the center of the stone formation and said to it.

After Bai Feng's reminder, Chaomeng also discovered something was wrong with the Dream Demon. Its eyes were dull, as if it were a machine without autonomous consciousness, and it was most likely controlled by something.

And that ball is the most suspect!

Chaomeng nodded to Bai Feng, waved his hand and slashed, and a mental sharp blade appeared and struck the ball hard.

The moment it hit the ball, a fish-scale white barrier appeared on its surface, which should be the ball's defense mechanism.

However, the barrier could not resist the attack from Mewtwo. It only lasted for a moment and then turned into fragments and disappeared. At the same time, a crack appeared on the ball.

The moment the ball was damaged, the beautiful luster on it disappeared, and then groups of black shadows emerged from it, turning into ghost-type Pokémon floating in the air, including Ghost, Ghost, and Gengar. , dream demon, dream demon, resentful shadow doll, cursed doll...

At the same time, the dream monster that floated out first also had sparkle in its eyes again.

Seeing so many ghost-type Pokémon appearing together, Bai Feng and the three of them were wary and silently took precautions.

But the ghost-type Pokémon had no intention of harming them, and kept kowtowing to them, kowtowing and thanking them.

"What's going on with you?" Bai Feng asked.


At this time, the dream demon floated out and answered Bai Feng's question.

It turns out that the ball is a cage that traps them. As long as the ball exists, they will be deprived of consciousness and become tools to guard the ruins.

Some of them were not even Pokémon in the ruins originally. They just broke in here accidentally, but were attracted by the ball, and were eventually sucked into the ball, becoming puppets controlled by the ball.

"Then do you know what kind of ruins this is?" Bai Feng asked again, "Is it really related to Celebi?"

A cursed doll came forward and told Bai Feng that this ruins was built by an ancient tribe that worshiped Celebi. It was to sacrifice Celebi. However, this tribe was not performing normal god sacrifices. They belonged to a cult and performed the same rituals. Evil sacrifice.

They advocate that Celebi, as the god of the forest, should not give life to the forest and protect the forest, but should plunder and plunder all the power of the forest for himself, and then become the most powerful god.

No matter how many ghost-type Pokémon there are, they have been controlled by the ball for too long, and many of their memories have been erased. Some even forget how they entered the ball.

"Thank you, you should leave here quickly!" Bai Feng said to the ghost-type Pokémon. From their words, it can be inferred that this is not a good place.

After hearing Bai Feng's words, the ghost Pokémon left with great gratitude.

After the ghost-type Pokémon left, Bai Feng and the others searched around the room, finally finding a mechanism and opening a deep passage leading to an unknown direction.

After passing through the long passage, this time Bai Feng and the others once again appeared in front of a space. This space was very open, a bit like a large auditorium, with stone benches all around, and in the center of the space was a huge Statue of Celebi.

It's just that this statue is very weird. Celebi looked up at the sky with a distorted face and raised his hands, as if he was asking for help or praying to something.

Under its body were intertwined vines with barbs, tightly constricting Celebi's limbs and neck.

Not only that, the whole statue also exudes a strange and ominous atmosphere.

What a cult!

Bai Feng thought in his heart. He guessed that this should be a place where cultists gather, pray, and worship gods.

Just when Bai Feng and the others were about to leave here and continue to move deeper into the ruins, little bits of scale powder suddenly fell in the sky, and at the same time, the surrounding temperature continued to rise.

They looked up and saw a Pokémon glowing with golden light above their heads, like a dazzling sun.

Vulcan moth!

Vulcan Moth, the sun Pokémon, was worshiped as the incarnation of the sun in ancient times. It is a very legendary Pokémon that is generally hard to see due to its scarcity.

Bai Feng didn't expect that one would appear here.

And this Vulcan moth is still shining.

Generally, the wings of the Vulcan moth are orange-red and the body is blue, but the wings of the one in front of Bai Feng are golden, the body is purple, and the scale powder it spreads is also golden.

It's just that the golden color seems a bit dull.


Something was obviously wrong with the Vulcan Moth. Its eyes were emitting a dark light, its expression was violent, and it was neighing in its mouth. The sound waves spread out, causing Bai Feng and the others to have splitting headaches.

This is the insect-type skill Bugsong.

Bai Ye stepped forward and built a wall of light in front of them, successfully blocking out the buzzing insects. Bai Feng and the others felt much better now.


The Vulcan moth screamed again, countless flames gathered on the wings behind it, and then turned into six pillars of fire and attacked the three Bai Feng.

This is Vulcan Moth’s exclusive skill Fire Dance!

I saw Chaomeng flying forward, his whole body emitting purple light. He bent his fingers, and the six fire pillars were gathered into a bunch under the control of powerful mental power.

Chaomeng's eyes condensed, and the pillar of fire suddenly exploded in the air, turning into countless tiny sparks and slowly dissipating in the air.

The Vulcan Moth neighed, and the blazing flames condensed on its wings again, and it continued to attack, but Bai Ye had already arrived behind it at some point.

boom! ! !

As a strong mental thought hit his back, the golden sun suddenly hit like a falling meteorite, smashing the weird Celebi statue to pieces.

However, an accident happened at this time. Countless black mist suddenly emerged from the broken statue of Celebi and converged towards the Vulcan Moth.

The black mist turned into chains, locking the wings of the Vulcan Moth.


The immobile Vulcan Moth let out bursts of whine, and at the same time, the black gas began to rush into the Vulcan Moth's body. In the blink of an eye, the Vulcan Moth's body was dyed in pitch black, and even the scattered particles on its wings The scales and powder turned black.

The black mist gave Bai Feng a particularly familiar feeling. He seemed to suddenly remember something, so he raised his hand and waved, and a large amount of white energy poured out from his body, turning into chains, wrapping around and locking the Vulcan. The moth's black chain!

The white energy is naturally Bai Feng's golden finger energy.

After the black and white chains were intertwined for a while, the black chains were finally defeated. They were torn apart by the white chains and then disappeared in the air.

Without the restriction of the black chain, the Vulcan Moth flapped its wings and flew into the air again. Because it had been eroded by a large amount of black mist, it became more violent and stronger than before.

This is probably the legendary blackened three-pointer!

"Mom, Chaomeng, you suppress the Vulcan Moth. I'll get rid of the black mist first!" Bai Feng said to Bai Ye and Chaomeng.

At this time, there was still a large amount of black mist emerging from the broken statue of Celebi.



Bai Ye and Chaomeng nodded, then flew into the air and appeared next to the Vulcan Moth, one on the left and one on the right.

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