The power of unknown totems is very magical and powerful. They materialize this false new town relying on Chihong's spiritual power. The more Chihong desires the existence of this place, the more real it will become.

Chihong himself doesn't realize that this is a false place. He will only be immersed in the false beauty, and finally sink deeper and deeper until he completely forgets the reality.

Under his influence, all creatures who come here will be forced to participate in the falsehood created by Red and be assimilated by his heart. This is the case with the Charizards.

After listening to Sun Ibrahimovic's explanation, Bai Feng finally understood what happened.

Chihong came here really to use Celebi's power to go back to the past and find his missing parents and younger brother. Unfortunately, he didn't see Celebi, only the unknown totem.

The unknown totem sensed his inner desire, blurred his memory, and created for him the life he subconsciously longed for.

He has never seen what his brother looks like when he grows up, so only Mashiro looks different from Bai Feng in reality, while the others all look the same in reality.

"What are we going to do?" Bai Feng looked at Taiyang Eevee and asked.

"Break Red's fantasy and let holes appear in his mind, so that the false true new town created by Unknown Totem will also have holes, and then we can destroy this place." Taiyang Ibrahimovic replied.

Bai Feng looked at Taiyang Eevee in confusion, "Aren't you afraid of bringing despair to Chi Hong by doing this?"

Sun Eevee's eyes dimmed when he heard this, "That is better than letting him immerse himself in illusion. He lives a happy life with the fake Hanako and Xiaozhi. What about Hanako and Xiaozhi in reality? This is not good for them. fair."

Although Chihong is its trainer, it has equally deep feelings for Xiaozhi Hanako. It watched Hanako and Chihong go from love to marriage, and watched Xiaozhi from birth to toddler...

It is precisely because it does not want Chihong to sink into this illusory illusion that it has worked hard to persist until now. It hopes that Chihong will gain true happiness.

After listening to Sun Eevee's words, Bai Feng was silent for a while and said with a smile: "Okay, leave it to me to break the red illusion! Then Sun Ibrahimovic, Bai Ye, and Chaomeng will be responsible for breaking through the blockade of the unknown totem."

"Shanai~" Bai Ye stepped forward and nodded.

"Okay!" Chaomeng also slowly appeared.

Seeing Mewtwo, Sun Eevee looked surprised. It had been following Bai Feng and the others before, but it never noticed that there was another Pokémon following them secretly.

Being able to block its perception is enough to show how powerful this Pokémon is. Thinking of this, Sun Eevee is even more happy, and it feels that the possibility of success of its plan has increased.

"Then let's proceed as planned!" Sun Ibrahimovic said.

Bai Feng returned to Chihong's house alone, and saw Chihong and Mashiro playing football with Xiaozhi in front of the house. Xiaozhi was very happy and giggled non-stop. Chihong and Mashiro also had bright smiles on their faces.

After Bai Feng stared at the three of them for a few seconds, he turned his attention to the two old people sitting at the door of their home, chatting with kind faces.

He thought, this must be what his parents were like when they got along in this life! Chihong embodied this scene through memory.

It's a pity that they are all false. His parents most likely died in a shipwreck, otherwise there would be no news about them until now.

Bai Feng stared at the couple for a long time, and saw that Chihong and the others were sweating profusely from playing and had already sat aside to rest, so he walked over.

Seeing Bai Feng coming over, Chihong greeted him with a smile. Bai Feng nodded to him with the same smile and sat down next to him.

"Chihong, do you think you are happy now?"

Chihong looked at Bai Feng in surprise, and then said with a smile: "What's wrong with you? You suddenly asked such a strange question, of course I am happy!"

"Even if this happiness is false?"

Hearing what Bai Feng said, Chihong was a little angry, "What are you talking about?"

Bai Feng looked directly at Chihong and continued: "Your parents have died in the shipwreck, and the truth about Bai is also false! Have you forgotten?"

Bai Feng's words made Chihong's expression change. He was thoughtful at first, and then his face suddenly twisted, looking very painful.

"'re talking nonsense! You're talking nonsense! Mom, dad, and Mashiro are all here fine!"

Chihong held her head and screamed in pain, and a powerful force suddenly burst out from her body, almost flying Bai Feng away.

That is not the power of Red, but the power of the unknown totem that resides in Red's heart.

Seeing Chihong going crazy, the false parents and Mashiro rushed over anxiously to check on the situation.

"Chihong, what's wrong with you? Don't scare us."

"Brother, brother, what's wrong with you?" False Zhenbai suddenly looked at Bai Feng, "What did you do to my brother?" As he said that, he was about to pounce on Bai Feng, but Bai Feng used his super power to fly him away. .

Bai Feng used his superpower to protect himself from being pushed away by the power erupting from Chi Hong, and continued:

"You are immersed in enjoying false happiness here. Have you ever thought about how Hanako and Xiaozhi feel in reality?"

"Shut up! Shut up!"

The red face twisted into even more pain.

"And..." Bai Feng pointed to the fake Zhenbai not far away and said, "Look at him, didn't you say that we are very similar? Of course we are, because I am the real Zhenbai, and he is just you A false existence in imagination.

Brother, do you want a false existence to replace me? "

Bai Feng's "big brother" words completely defeated Zhenhong's psychological defense. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Bai Feng. At the same time, the figures of his false parents and Zhenhong began to shake and blur, as if they would disappear at any time.

"Mashiro...Brother...Mashiro...Brother..." Chihong looked at Bai Feng and kept mumbling.

False parents and false truth have become even more blurred.

Seeing this scene, Taiyang Ibrahimovic, who was hiding in the dark, showed joy, and a flaw appeared!

It quickly appeared with Baiye and Chaomeng, and the mental power of the three super-power Pokémon exploded and began to attack the fake Zhenxin Town.

Soon, other scenery and people in Zhenxin Town began to blur, but the good situation was soon broken again.

Chi Hong began to waver between recognizing reality and maintaining the illusion, but the unknown totems wanted him to maintain the illusion. Therefore, with the intervention of the unknown totems, Chi Hong's real memory was blurred again, and the virtual Zhenxin Town was once again condensed. Get real.

Chihong suddenly looked up at Bai Feng, with an abnormal light flashing in his eyes, "You, damn it!"

As these words fell, Chi Hong suddenly flew into the air, and the elf balls on his waist were thrown out one after another. Charizard, Bulbasaur, Water Arrow Turtle, Kirby Beast, and Dragon Rider appeared outside one by one.

Because they firmly believe in red, they are also controlled by unknown totems.

call out!

As a sound broke through the air, a vine whip emerged from Miao Frog's body and stabbed Bai Feng. Bai Feng's eyes condensed, and his mental power surged around him. He used teleportation to disappear in place. When he appeared again, Already arrived at Bai Ye's side.

Seeing that Zhenxin Town had returned to normal, Bai Feng looked at Taiyang Yibu and said: "It seems that we can only do it hard!"

Sun Eevee knew that it could only do this. Although it did not want to fight with its partners, it was the only way at this time, so it nodded firmly towards Bai Feng.

"Mom!" Bai Feng stretched out his right hand towards Bai Ye.

Bai Ye understood and put his slender, white hands into Bai Feng's palm, and the mother and son instantly completed the spiritual connection.

"Mom, mom, my favorite! Evolution beyond bonds!"

As Bai Feng looked up to the sky and roared, Bai Ye's whole body erupted with dazzling colorful light.

The super evolution is completed and Super Gardevoir appears.

At this time, five red Pokémon had surrounded them under his command, and Mewtwo stopped Blastoise and Bulbasaur.

Red is very powerful and is the most powerful trainer Bai Feng has ever seen so far. Among the five Pokémon around him, three have touched the legend, namely Charizard, Bulbasaur and Blastoise.

Bai Ye flew forward and faced the fire-breathing dragon again.

Sun Ibrahimovic faced Chenglong.

With a thought in Bai Feng's mind, a portal in the reverse space appeared around him, and the natural bird and Togekis flew out of it.

"Natural Bird, Togekis, Kirbymon will be left to you!"



The couple nodded tacitly, flapped their wings and flew forward, intercepting Kirby.

The war is about to break out.

Water Arrow Turtle and Bulbasaur used their ultimate moves as soon as they came up. One used a water cannon, and the other used a solar beam. The blue water column and the golden light beam attacked Chaomeng from the left and the right.

Chaomeng's eyes showed no fluctuation. It opened its arms, purple light surged in its eyes, and the water and light pillars that attacked were fixed in the air a short distance away from it.

I saw Chaomeng cross his arms fiercely, and the water and light pillars staggered, shooting towards Bulbasaur and Water Arrow Turtle respectively.

Seeing this scene, Bulbasaur and Blastoise were shocked. One used the water tail to fly away the sunbeam, and the other used the falling flower to defeat the water cannon.

But before they could even breathe a sigh of relief, two mental blades struck at them at the same time. Caught off guard, the two Pokémon were hit and screamed in agony.

Compared to Chaomeng who had the upper hand, Bai Ye could only say that he was evenly matched with Charizard.

Charizard is indeed Crimson's strongest Pokémon. Even if Bai Ye and Bai Feng are mentally linked and release all the power in the super evolution stone, there is still no way to take advantage of it.


After hearing the roar of the fire-breathing dragon, countless flames erupted from its body, and then turned into a meteor and hit Bai Ye hard.

This is the fire-based physical ultimate move, Flame Charge.

Not to be outdone, Bai Ye loomed with a pink curtain of light all over his body, wrapped in colorful light, and also galloped towards the fire-breathing dragon.

boom! ! !

As a loud noise came, a violent explosion occurred in the air, flames and colorful brilliance flew everywhere, and the white leaves and the fire-breathing dragon were also separated at the touch of a touch.

On the surface, it looked like the two Pokémon were tied, but from the flames flickering from Baiye's body from time to time and its painful expression, it could be seen that it was in a burning state.

The strength of Sun Eevee itself is similar to that of Chenglong, but it has scruples and is not as unscrupulous as Chenglong who is controlled by an unknown totem. Therefore, it is restrained in the battle and soon falls into a disadvantage.

It wanted to use the Charming skill to control Chenglong, but Chenglong, who was controlled by the unknown totem, was not affected by the Charming skill at all. Instead, it ended up being trapped by Chenglong's water fluctuations and fell into a state of chaos.

Natural Bird and Togekiss were the first to end the battle. Their individual strength was not much different from Kirby Beast. Now it was two against one. Coupled with their tacit cooperation, the couple won easily. .

Kirby has a fatal flaw, which is its large size and slow speed. This flaw may not be so obvious against other Pokémon, but it will be infinitely magnified against two flying Pokémon.

The natural bird first gave the couple a tailwind that could accelerate them, which made them even more comfortable with their speed advantage.

They do not fight head-on with Kirby, because Kirby has extremely high special defense, which is very troublesome for Togekis and Natural Birds, and its fists are extremely painful when hit.

Togekis keeps hovering above Kirby, using his cry skills to interfere with the opponent and weaken the opponent's attack.

Kirby is a melee physical attacker and lacks long-range attack methods. It is already difficult for it to face two flying Pokémon. Now that it is constantly interfered by Togekiss, it is very upset.

It even wanted to use its yawning skill to put the couple into a deep sleep, but unfortunately Togekis would guard them mysteriously and be able to defend against abnormal conditions.

Under the attacks of the couple, Kirby fell unwillingly.

Not long after Kirby fell, Mewtwo also successfully defeated Bulbasaur and Blastoise. Although these two Pokémon were strong, Mewtwo was stronger.

After taking care of Bulbasaur and Water Arrow Turtle, Chaomeng planned to help Bai Ye deal with the Charizard, while Togekis and the Natural Bird couple also planned to help Sun Eevee, who was already under attack by the dragon. Lost the ability to fight.

However, with the help of Mewtwo, Natural Bird, and Togekis, Charizard and Chenglong can definitely lose.

When Chenglong saw that he was at a disadvantage and knew that it would be difficult to come back, he actually raised his head and started singing the final song.

"Woo~" The long and plaintive song resounded throughout the false town and fell into the ears of all Pokémon.

The effect of the Song of Finality: All targets who hear the song will be on the verge of death within a certain period of time, regardless of whether they are friends or foes.

Xishi Hairen also knows this trick, but Bai Feng has never let him use it.

Bai Feng was originally confronting Chihong when he suddenly heard the Song of Ending and was startled.

He turned around and saw that as Chenglong's song sounded, a black mark appeared on the heads of all Pokémon, including Chenglong himself.

He looked at Chihong again, and not surprisingly, there was one on top of Chihong's head.

Although Bai Feng couldn't see the top of his head, he knew that there must be one on top of his head.

It's okay now, we're all going to be wiped out here.

As his brain was spinning rapidly, Bai Feng suddenly thought of something. He took out Xishi Hairen's elf ball and released it.

"Western Lion and Hairen, the final song!"

Don’t you want to die together? Then let the storm come more violently!

Although the Western Lion Hairen didn't know why Bai Feng asked him to sing the terrifying final song, he still sang it out of trust in Bai Feng.

He used a bubble to carry himself into the air, and the West Lion Hairen's light singing sounded. Although this singing was beautiful, it made people feel panicked.

The songs of the Western Lion, Hairen and Chenglong were intertwined, the final song accelerated, and the desperate songs resounded through the sky.

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