The Pokémon that started from being picked up by Xanadu

Chapter 299 Mane Rock Werewolf and Planting Trees

That day, Bai Feng was riding in a large truck driven by Wei Li, heading all the way into the mountains. He was sitting in the passenger seat, and behind the truck was a truck full of Pokémon, including six domineering pandas, three digging rabbits, Seven steel cannon arm shrimps, etc., as well as Gengar, Dream Demon, Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit, etc. are flying in the air.

There are two aircraft flying in the sky. The aircraft are driven by Mewtwo and Artificial Cell Egg. Both aircraft are also filled with Pokémon.

Where are they going? Of course I'm going to plant trees.

In the past four years, Bai Feng did not just sit on a few mountains where he had planted trees, but began to develop the entire mountain range he bought. When he had nothing to do, he would take his Pokémon with him. Plant fruit trees one mountain at a time.

In the past four years, he has developed more than 20 mountains one after another, each of which is filled with fruit trees.

Of course, these fruit trees, Bai Maple, do not have time to carefully cultivate them, so they can only be allowed to grow wildly. But even so, some fruit trees have begun to bear fruit, have abundant harvests, and are growing very well.

This is all thanks to the continuous growth of Dianxi's ore country, which gradually penetrates deep into the mountains. The little diamonds diligently comb the earth veins, causing the influence of the earth veins to begin to spread to the surrounding areas.

In order to develop the entire mountain range, Bai Feng specially set aside a mountain to cultivate fruit saplings, and many of the seeds used to cultivate the fruit saplings were the pits left over from the S-class fruits that their family had used over the years.

Because the seeds are of good quality, some fruit tree seedlings can reach C level energy rating as soon as they germinate, and a small amount can even directly reach B level.

This is the result of Bai Feng not having time to cultivate with golden fingers, otherwise those fruit saplings would probably reach B level.

It's just that there are too many fruit saplings that need to be cultivated, and Bai Feng doesn't have time to take care of them carefully, so these fruit saplings are taken care of by Geranium most of the time.

Nowadays, Geranium is even more professional than Bai Feng in cultivating fruit trees, and Bai Feng has taken advantage of it.

The mountain range that Bai Feng bought moved closer to the mountains as it went east, and became more inaccessible. Just like Fangxing Mountain is at the edge of the entire eastern district of Bizhi City, it is also the western edge of the entire mountain range.

To be honest, even Bai Feng himself has not fully explored the deepest part of the mountain range.

The car was speeding towards the depths of the mountains. Along the way were mountains that Bai Feng had already developed. Looking at the fruit trees growing well on the mountains, with their branches covered with fruits and flowers blooming, Bai Feng felt filled with pride and sense of accomplishment.

His purpose of planting these fruit trees was not to sell all the fruits, but he just felt that these mountains were empty and empty. Instead of letting them be filled with random ordinary trees, it would be better to plant them all with fruit trees.

To be honest, he has been quite idle since he graduated from school. Apart from taking care of the orchard, he has nothing else to do. He can't spend all the rest of his time practicing, right? That life is too boring.

After finally achieving financial freedom, can he enjoy life?

He said he was here to plant fruit trees in the mountains, but in fact the people doing the work were Pokémon, and he was actually here to play and go on an outing.

The mountains are actually very interesting, and sometimes you can find some unexpected gains or unexpected encounters.

For example, the Pokémon that suddenly appeared behind Bai Feng's car are all Pokémon that Bai Feng encountered in the mountains.

"Ah woo~~~"

As a long howl sounded, wolf-type Pokémon suddenly sprang out one after another in the orchard. They sprang out from two directions, one side was in the form of four on the ground, and the other was in the form of two-legged upright. .

The Pokémon on both sides are Mane Rock Werewolves.

Pokémon such as Mane Rock Werewolf will evolve into different forms depending on the time of evolution (during day, night, or dusk), namely day form, night form, and dusk form.

Because the dusk form is relatively rare, most Mane Rock werewolves are in day form or night form. For example, the two Mane Rock werewolf tribes that appear now do not have dusk form.

These two Mane Rock werewolf tribes were originally two Pokémon groups living in this deep mountain. They had a bad relationship with each other and often fought.

More than a year ago, when Bai Feng came here to plant fruit trees, he accidentally met them. The Pokémon of these two groups actually united to drive Bai Feng and his party out of here.

Because they feel that Bai Feng and his party are outsiders.

Just kidding, I bought the mountain myself. If I want to leave, you have to leave too! So in the end Bai Feng took action and gave them a severe lesson.

However, Bai Feng did not drive them away, but chose to hire them.

This mountain range is so big that he can't really ignore it, so he hired two Mane Rock werewolf tribes to patrol the mountain for it.

He didn't treat the serious Pokémon employees in the orchard, providing them with food, shelter and wages. He just promised that after the fruit trees he planted bear fruit, the maned rock wolves can eat them as they like.

Of course the Mane Rock Werewolves have no problem with this, as this is already an excellent benefit for wild Pokémon.

You must know that there were not originally large fruit trees in this mountain range. There were only some fruit trees growing sporadically in some areas. Wild Pokémon spent most of their time running around looking for food. Although the Pokémon would not survive Go down, but definitely be hungry from time to time.

Now that there is ready-made food, they can not only keep themselves fed, but also don’t have to be driven away, of course they are happy to do so.

Bai Feng has planted many types of fruit trees, one for each mountain. It can be said that fruit trees bloom and bear fruit all year round, so the Mane Rock werewolves don't have to worry about running out of food.

In this way, the patrol issues of the hills where Bai Feng planted fruit trees were contracted by the two Mane Rock Werewolf groups. They divided the areas and governed them. One was responsible for the fruit trees in the south and the other was responsible for the fruit trees in the north. The two parties did not interfere with each other. No more fighting, mainly because it is no longer easy to see each other.

The Maneyan werewolves were very happy to see Bai Feng and the others coming over. Although Bai Feng did not treat them as well as the regular employees of Fangxing Mountain, they were still grateful and close to Bai Feng.

They chased Bai Feng's car all the way until Bai Feng and the others arrived at their destination.

As soon as Bai Feng got out of the car, the two mane rock werewolf leaders each led their own tribesmen to surround Bai Feng. The two tribes had not met for a long time, and when they suddenly met, there was an atmosphere of tension.

Seeing the two Mane Rock werewolf tribes grinning at each other, Bai Feng smiled and patted the heads of the two leaders, "Okay, you don't have a competitive relationship now. You finally got together, so don't do this. Nose is not nose. , The eyes are no longer eyes." As he said that, he took out a handful of energy cubes and fed them to the two maned rock werewolf leaders respectively.

However, Mane Rock Werewolf is a very responsible Pokémon. Seeing that there were not many energy cubes, the two leaders did not eat them. Instead, they chose to feed them to the young Rock Dogs in the group.

"Really, I didn't say that you don't have to be humble."

Seeing this, Bai Feng shook his head helplessly, and then took out a bunch of energy cubes and fed them to the remaining Mane Rock Werewolf and Rock Dog one by one.

After they all finished eating, Bai Feng patted the two maned rock werewolves on their heads and said, "Okay, you can continue to patrol, we are going to start working!"

"Ah woo~~~"

The two maned rock werewolves nodded, then howled loudly, and each led their comrades back to the area they were responsible for. After a while, they disappeared from the sight of Bai Feng and his party.

In fact, when Bai Feng asked the Mane Rock Werewolves to patrol, it didn't mean that the wild Pokémon were not allowed to eat a little bit of berries in the orchard. In fact, some wild Pokémon went into the mountains of Bai Feng to eat. He didn't Mind you, what the Mane Rock Werewolves need to be wary of is actually those people or Pokémon who destroy fruit trees or waste fruit.

Of course, this is a deep mountain and an owned land. There are almost no people, but wild Pokémon often visit.

"Okay, everyone, come down and work!"

Following Bai Feng's order, the Pokémon got off the truck one after another, and two aircraft also landed in the open space. Tall rotten wood demons walked out of one, and flying demons flew out of the other. Bai Pengpeng, Youmianmian and Mrs. Huajie.

The Pokémon quickly ran into the mountain designated by Bai Feng, and each performed their duties.

The rotten wood demons walked up to the big trees with their feet like tree roots. They held the trunks of the big trees with their hands and pulled them up with all their strength. The big trees were uprooted one after another.

Rumbling... crackling... trees being unearthed, branches breaking, etc. are constantly heard.

Since the earth veins were activated, the soil in Fangxing Mountain has become more and more fertile, and the rotten wood demons rooted on it have grown taller and taller. Each of them is at least two or three meters tall, and they seem to be extremely powerful, and they can do hard work effortlessly.

The big trees that were pulled out would be quickly cut off by the cool leopard's sharp claws and the nanny bug's slender blade, leaving only the bare and thick trunk.

The branches and leaves will be collected by the white fluffy people and the young cotton cottons to make fertilizer, while the tree trunks will be carried aside by the big guys like the domineering panda and the digging rabbit.

The talents of Bai Pengpeng and Young Mianmian are very special. As long as their fluff is added to materials such as branches and leaves, these materials can be quickly fermented into fertilizer. The effect is much more powerful than ordinary fertilizers, and it is also pure and pollution-free.

These big trees have grown for many years, and their trunks are very good wood. Bai Feng will use the reverse space to carry them back home. Whether they are used to build houses or orchards, they are a good choice.

After the ordinary trees are cleared away, only some weeds and low shrubs will remain on the mountain. At this time, it will be the turn of Gengar, Dream Demon and Crystal Lantern.

Gengar used phosphorus fire, Dream Demon used magic flame, and Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit used flame vortex to roast the cleared soil over and over again.

After being burned by flames in turn, not only will weeds, shrubs and other plants be turned into fertilizers and enter the soil, but the bacteria, insect eggs, weed seeds, etc. in the soil will also disappear as the flames burn.

Continuing on, the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimps appear. They hold up large pliers and use water fluctuations to cool down the land and make it soft and squishy.

At this time, it is not suitable to ask for rain. Although praying for rain is quick to water, it is not easy to control. Once there is too much rainfall, the land becomes muddy and it will be troublesome to plant trees later.

After the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimps sprinkled water to cool down, the Great Blacksmith, Xiong Da, Xiong Er, and Mrs. Hua Jie followed suit.

The giant blacksmith, Xiong Da, and Xiong Er will find overly large stones on the mountain, use the giant hammer and rock breaking skills respectively to break the stones, and then scatter the gravel evenly into the ground.

The giant blacksmith likes to smash rocks. Bai Feng specially gave it this task. This guy was not willing at first. It was happy to smash rocks on its own. Once others assigned this task to it, it didn't. interested.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether it is smashed or not.

Later, after smashing and smashing, the giant blacksmith got carried away and forgot that this was a mission. The smashing was a joy.

As for Xiong Da and Xiong Er, they took the initiative to take over this task. They felt that this job could effectively exercise their fists.

The two little guys raised their fists and used the rock-breaking skill to punch a big rock with one blow. Their movements were very clean and neat.

Of course, not all rocks need to be smashed. It is not good to have too many rocks on the mountain, but it is not good to have any rocks at all.

Bai Feng will only let the giant blacksmith, Xiong Da and Xiong Er smash the stones that are too large, leaving the ones that are not too big alone. The right amount of sand and gravel can increase the permeability of the soil.

While the Great Blacksmith, Xiong Da, and Xiong Er were smashing rocks, Mrs. Hua Jie would fly through the sky on the Fierce Arrow Eagle, and bits of green energy would scatter from them into the soil, and the soil would instantly become Full of life.

After all this is done, it’s time to officially plant the fruit saplings.

Bai Feng opened the reverse space, and together with Bai Ye, Chaomeng, artificial cell eggs, natural sparrows, etc., used super powers to move out bundles of fruit saplings and handed them to the rotten wood demons for planting.

The rottenwood demons quickly dug holes, planted trees, and filled the soil, and then let the cannon-arm shrimps perform a second round of watering. Finally, the geraniums used the jungle site to nourish the newly planted saplings.

After several years of training, the geranium jungle field has become more powerful. The saplings nourished by it soon grow new branches and leaves, and the root system is reborn, and it does not look like it was just planted.

The Pokémon were working hard, and Bai Feng was leisurely overseeing the work. He set up a table in the open space with tea and cakes on it. He drank tea and ate cakes at the same time. It was a pleasure. .

On the table, Bisi Pot got out of the teapot with the lid of the tea cup on it. He held another teapot in his little hand and poured tea for Bai Feng with his mosquito-repellent eyes squinting.

After the Frost Milk Fairy poured the tea into the teapot, she put a little cream into the tea cup and asked the pot to stir it gently, and a cup of fragrant milk tea was completed.

In four years, many Pokémon in Fang Xingshan have completed evolution, including the former Lai Ai Cha and Xiao Xian Milk.

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