The Pokémon that started from being picked up by Xanadu

Chapter 308 Establishment of Protected Areas

Bai Feng returned to the Crown of the Sacred Tree, and Salude endured the pain and asked: "What happened outside?"

Seeing Salude's painful look, Bai Feng did not answer it, but said: "I'd better help you take a look first, and we'll talk about the outside matters later."

Since the problem with the sacred tree is due to the accumulation of too much filthy matter, his golden finger should be able to work.

Thinking like this, Bai Feng put his hands on Salude's back and controlled the golden finger energy to enter Salude's body.

Sure enough, a large amount of filth had accumulated in Salud's body, causing most of its energy circuits to be blocked. No wonder it was in so much pain.

The dirty things block the energy circuit, forcing the energy in its body to have nowhere to go. It can only keep squeezing its body, and it will naturally suffer. It feels like the body is being torn apart.

Although these dirty things are different from the black energy in the Vulcan Moth's body, Bai Feng's golden finger energy can still work.

As a large amount of golden finger energy poured into Salud's body, the filth began to melt away little by little, and even the green vines extending from Salud's back slowly faded from darkness and became emerald green again.

After being affected by filth for a long time, Salud had not experienced such a comfortable feeling for a long time, so he couldn't help but let out a moan.

As time went by, the filth in Salude's body became less and less, and Bai Feng's golden finger energy began to extend into the sacred tree along the emerald green rattan that Salude had planted on the sacred tree.

The moment the golden finger energy entered the body of the sacred tree, Bai Feng suddenly felt as if he had arrived in a vast ocean. This vast ocean was the tree shape of the sacred tree. In this ocean, he was like a leaf drifting with the current. The boat is so small.

The sacred tree is a special life form formed by the combination of multiple trees. Their tree diagrams are also combined together to form a new tree diagram.

In Bai Feng's view, even if it is an S-level fruit tree, its dendrogram can only be regarded as dwarfed by the divine tree. In a sense, the name divine tree is correct. It may be another God on the plane!

It's just that the dendrogram of this sacred tree is full of filth. If all this filth really enters Salud's body, Salud will definitely die, and he can burst it.

Thinking of this, Bai Feng began to send all the golden finger energy in his body into the sacred tree to help it purify the filth in the body.

Compared with before, Bai Feng's golden finger energy is more powerful, and his control of the golden finger energy is also more precise and skillful.

As all the energy from his golden fingers entered the body of the Divine Tree, the tree's tree pattern began to emit a faint white light, and the energy in the Divine Tree's body also began to become active.

While Bai Feng is helping the Sacred Tree purify the filth, Bai Ye and the others are helping the Pokémon heal. Bai Ye and Mewtwo both have healing skills, one can heal waves, and the other can use life drops.

Not to mention Geranium, it directly cast the Jungle Field and was shrouded in the Jungle Field. Not only did the Pokémon's injuries recover, but even the trees destroyed by Jeddo regenerated branches and buds. In an instant it grew to several meters tall.

Seeing this scene, all Salud were stunned.

Are you a fantasy Pokémon, or are we fantasy Pokémon?

Even Jeddo was shocked. If there was such a powerful Pokémon, why would he pursue a healing fountain?

The geranium didn't care about the strange looks from other people. It ran happily through the forest. Wherever it passed, vegetation took root and sprouted.

The grass-type Pokémon in the forest liked it very much. They followed it one by one and ran around happily in the jungle. There were bursts of laughter in the forest.

Of course, some Pokémon that are not seriously injured can be healed instantly by jumping into the healing spring for a dip, without Geranium and the others needing to take action.

Time passed minute by second, Bai Feng was still on top of the sacred tree, and the treatment of the injured Pokémon was finished. They gathered around the sacred tree, but the Saluds did not drive them away this time.

Bai Ye and Chaomeng sat on a branch waiting for Bai Feng. Geranium was also tired from playing. It lay on the ground and closed its eyes to rest, with all grass-type Pokémon surrounding it.

The sky was getting dark, Jie Duo was hanging on the tree, his mouth was dry, and his stomach was very hungry, but no one cared about him. Bai Ye, Chao Meng, and Geranium had already gathered together to eat. Bai Ye had Bai Feng with him. space backpack, they naturally won’t be hungry.

The other Pokémon and Salud were also eating fruit from the tree.

There are also Jie Duo's colleagues. They lost contact with Dr. Jie Duo and naturally got lost in the forest. They are currently wandering around in a panic in the forest.

One night passed quickly, and early the next morning, the sun had just risen, and the golden sunlight shone on the sacred tree, coating it with a layer of gold.

The Saluds got up early, and suddenly a Salud pointed at the sacred tree and shouted: "Look, the sacred tree!"

All Salud couldn't help but look at the sacred tree, and then they saw a shocking scene.

I saw a layer of green light shining on the crown of the sacred tree, and green vines were constantly growing in the light.

One by one, vines hang down from the tree crown to the ground, digging deeply into the earth like tree roots, and then a gauze-like green energy spreads down those vines.

Green energy falls into the water and spreads outward along the water. Wherever the energy passes, everything grows.

Not long after, green energy flowed along the water throughout the entire Okoya Forest. The forest burst out with intense vitality, and a large number of fruit trees blossomed and bore fruit. In an instant, the entire forest became fertile.

This is the power of the sacred tree.

The Pokémon cheered when they saw this.


At this time, the forest suddenly echoed with clear and sweet ringing sounds, like the whisper of the forest, and like the cheering of the grass and trees.

After an unknown amount of time, the sun had completely risen into the sky, and the strange phenomenon caused by the sacred tree had disappeared. However, Salud and the Pokémon in the forest were still immersed in the shock and unable to recover.

At this time, Bai Feng slowly appeared with Salude in the canopy.

But when Salud saw Jeddo, he exclaimed, "It's you!"

Jeddo also recognized Salud's identity, and he said angrily: "It's you!" If Salud hadn't driven him out of the Okeya Forest, he would have cracked the secret of the Healing Spring, and now It won't be like this.

"Do you know each other?" Bai Feng asked doubtfully.

Salude nodded and signaled Bai Feng to send it to Jie Duo.

As soon as he arrived in front of Jeddo, Salud grabbed him by the collar and asked, "Did you lie to me back then? Where did Lin and Chrom go? Why can't I find them?"

When Lin and Chrom disappeared, Salud didn't believe that they would leave without saying goodbye, so he left Okeya Forest and searched for them everywhere. However, after so many years, it couldn't find any news.

If it hadn't gotten acquainted with the geranium, it would have collapsed long ago.

Salud has been different from other members of his family since he was a child. They guard the healing spring and do not allow other Pokémon to get closer. However, it always feels that doing so is wrong, so it has a bad relationship with its members.

It has always hoped that one day the healing spring would be able to help all Pokémon, even humans, so after getting to know Lin and Chrom, it would assist Lin and Chrom in researching the healing spring, even hiding it from its own kind. Secretly help Lin and Chrom build a laboratory in the Okoya Forest.

Later, after Lin and Chrom learned that the source of the healing spring was the sacred tree, they decisively chose to give up their research in order to protect the sacred tree.

They are not as naive as Salud, and they think more than Salud. They know very well that once the secret of the sacred tree is exposed, they cannot save the sacred tree.

Salud knew that Lin and Chrom were leaving Okoya Forest. At that time, it had made an agreement with the couple that when they left, it would leave with them.

But suddenly Tianlin and Crom disappeared. Salud couldn't find them no matter how hard he looked, so he went to Jiedo to ask about the situation, but Jiedo told him that the couple had left Okeya Forest and Mi. Lifa City.

Salud was confused. They had clearly agreed to leave together. How could Lin and Chrom leave on their own? So after expelling Jeddo from the forest, it left the Okoya Forest alone and embarked on a journey to find Lin and Chrom.

Years passed and it got nothing!

"Hahaha~~" Hearing Salud's question, Jeddo raised his head and laughed wantonly. Now he has nothing to hide, "You...are still looking for Lin and Chrom?"

Jie Duo pointed to Coco not far away and said, "Look, that's Lin and Chrom's son Al. You watched him be born back then, but he grew up in the forest like a wild child. Look carefully. Think about it, if Lin and Chrom were still alive, would they let Al live here?"

Salud's eyes widened in disbelief, " mean Lin and Chrom have..."

"Of course!" Jie Duo said proudly, "Whoever makes them want to stop the research, anyone who hinders my research will die!" He looked crazy.

Salud pulled Jie Duo's neck and shouted, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Then Jeddo began to talk proudly about how he killed Lin and Chrom.

At this moment, Coco finally knew why his parents abandoned him in the forest. It turned out that they had been brutally killed long ago!

Salud raised his claws angrily and wanted to smash Jie Duo's head with a punch, but was stopped by Bai Feng.

"Don't be impulsive. There is no need to dirty your hands for him! Leave it to me, and I will make him receive the punishment he deserves."

With Bai Feng's comfort, Salud gradually regained his senses, but it still punched Jie Duo, swollen his face.

Bai Feng brought Sa Lude to the ground, and Elder Sa Lude immediately surrounded him with his fellow tribesmen.

"You..." The elder hesitated to speak.

Salude smiled and said to the elder: "Elder, I am fine and the sacred tree is fine too. It's all because of Bai Feng's help."

Elder Salude nodded, with a complicated expression.

Elder Salud and his fellow tribesmen all knew that Salud wanted to sacrifice himself to save the sacred tree, but they did not persuade him because they knew that persuasion would be useless.

Although this child has been different from other children in the tribe since he was a child, and has not had a good relationship with his fellow tribesmen, it is undeniable that he loves this forest.

If it were any of them, they would sacrifice themselves without hesitation as long as they could save the sacred tree.

But in the end, it was this child who saved the forest and the sacred tree. Elder Salude was really in a state of unspeakable emotion.

If it weren't for this child, they wouldn't even know that the sacred tree already had such a big hidden danger.

In the end, Elder Salud could only sigh deeply, patted it on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

After saying that, it looked at Bai Feng and said, "Human, thank you too!" After a pause, it said, "Maybe you are right. Over the years, we have been too stubborn. This forest is not only It is our Salud’s forest, and it is also the forest of all Pokémon. Perhaps...this is the true meaning of "Song of Rules"!"

"Song of Rules" is a ballad passed down orally by the Saluds.

After hearing the elder's words, Salude looked surprised, "Elder, have you really decided..."

Elder Salud nodded, "Yes, this incident has completely awakened me. We, like other Pokémon, are all part of the forest."

It is a happy thing for Salud that the ethnic group can make changes, and it has always been its wish, but when it thinks of Sui Shilin and Chrom, it cannot be happy at all.

Salude walked to Coco, looked at Coco and said sadly: "Al..." When the words came to his lips, it didn't know what to say to Coco.


Seeing the close relationship between Coco and Lele's father, Salude couldn't say anything in the end and turned to leave.

"That..." Coco suddenly called out to Salude.

Salude turned back and looked at Coco suspiciously.

"Can you tell me about my parents' past?" Coco asked.

Salud nodded, walked to sit next to Coco, and told him how he met Lin and Chrom, told him about Lin and Chrom's past deeds, and how they fell in love and lived together. Cocoa.

While Sa Lude was chatting with Coco, Bai Feng also started chatting with Elder Sa Lude.

"Elder, people like Jie Duo will appear for the first time and then for the second time. Have you ever thought about protecting the sacred tree in another way?" Bai Feng said to the elder.

"What do you mean?" Elder Salude asked with confusion on his face.

"I mean, have you ever thought about asking the Pokémon Alliance for help?" Bai Feng replied.

"Pokémon Alliance? Asking humans for help?" Elder Salud looked excited, "Impossible!"

Although they are willing to share the healing spring with the Pokémon in the forest, if humans are allowed to participate...

The White Maple Alliance explained: "No, you misunderstood me. Human beings will not interfere with the healing spring and the sacred tree.

What I mean is that you Salud are very rare Pokémon. You can use your status to set up the Okoya Forest as a protected area, so that ordinary people will not be allowed to enter the Okoya Forest. "

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