The Pokémon that started from being picked up by Xanadu

Chapter 320 Appear! Martial Arts Bear Master!

Seeing Bai Feng come in, Xiaohuang immediately dropped his homework and happily ran to Bai Feng and said: "Brother Bai Feng, you are here!"

Bai Feng knocked on his head helplessly: "Aren't you paying attention to studying again?"

Xiao Huang covered his head and said with a sad face: "I have worked very hard!"

"Since you have worked hard, how was your score in the last exam? You should have done well in the exam, right?" Bai Feng looked at him with a half-smile and asked.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Huang was immediately speechless.

Seeing this, Bai Feng hit him on the head with hatred, "It doesn't hurt to learn more knowledge. Look at the brothers and sisters in the family. Which one is like you? Even if you are as stupid as Yangtai brother, your grades back then They are much better than you!"

Yota: I didn’t mess with anyone!

"I know, I will study hard!" Xiao Huang lowered his head and promised.

After teaching Xiao Huang, Bai Feng walked to Li Mo, who was smiling as she watched Bai Feng teach Xiao Huang.

"Li Mo, Dr. Tony called me and told me that you are ready for surgery!" Bai Feng said to Li Mo.

Li Mo's face showed surprise when she heard this, and she asked in sign language: Is it true? After the surgery, will I be able to speak?

Bai Feng smiled and nodded: There must be no problem!

Li Mo asked again: When will we do the surgery?

"The day after tomorrow, we will set off the day after tomorrow!" Bai Feng replied.

Xiaohuang also heard (saw) the conversation between Bai Feng and Li Mo. He jumped up and down with joy, "Great? Great, sister Li Mo will be able to speak!"

Li Mo was the one who took care of Xiao Huang the most since childhood. He and Li Mo were closer than siblings, so he was happier than anyone else when he learned that Li Mo would be able to speak.

Dean Meili and the others soon came back. When they learned that Li Mo could finally undergo surgery, they were equally happy.

At noon, Dean Mei Li specially made a sumptuous lunch and asked Bai Feng to stay and eat together. Everyone had a good celebration, and of course Bai Feng would not refuse.

After some preparations, one day later, Bai Feng set off with Li Mo.

Dr. Tony, who treated Limo, was not in the Kalos area, but in the city of Hauola in Alola.

The Alola region is composed of four large islands (Melemele Island, Akala Island, Ula'ula Island and Poni Island) and countless small islands. It has a warm climate and rich resources. It is a very fertile place.

Hau'ola City is a seaside city located on Melemele Island. It is also the largest and most prosperous city in the Alola region.

This time, Bai Feng was the only one who accompanied Li Mo to see a doctor in Haolo City. Dean Meili and the others originally wanted to accompany them, but Bai Feng persuaded them not to. They are usually busy, and if they go, it will inevitably be delayed. thing.

It's enough to just be with him, there's no need to go to so many people.

Besides, when he arrives in Hauale City, if anyone wants to visit Li Mo, he can just use the summoning golden ring to teleport them over. There is no need to follow them all.

Because Bai Feng has never been to Hauale City, he still needs to go there in person for the first time, and cannot be teleported through the summoning ring.

Dr. Tony did not originally work in the Alola region, but in the Kanto region. He was transferred to the hospital in Alola not long ago.

Bai Feng used to take Li Mo to see a doctor, always going to the Kanto region to see Dr. Tony.

Taking the aircraft, after several days of flying, Bai Feng and Li Mo successfully arrived in Haolo City. As soon as they arrived here, he teleported the aircraft directly back to his home, which saved him from having to think about where to park the aircraft.

Although she had seen Bai Feng use the summoning golden ring many times, Xiao Limo still felt that its teleportation function was very magical.

Bai Feng didn't delay and took Li Mo directly to the hospital to meet Dr. Tony.

Dr. Tony took Li Mo through a series of examinations, and after confirming that the operation could be performed, he arranged for Li Mo to be admitted to the hospital that day to prepare for tomorrow's operation.

In order to take care of Li Mo who was hospitalized, Bai Feng specially teleported Blimwen from home and asked him to stay with Li Mo in the hospital.

On the day of the operation, Dean Meili and the children at home came. Together with Bai Feng, they watched Xiaoli Mo enter the operating room, and then waited anxiously outside the operating room.

Even Ikki and Xiaoyu, who were traveling abroad, came to the Alola area with Bai Feng's help.

Ikki is sixteen years old this year and has completely grown into a handsome young man. It has been more than six years since he became a trainer and traveled when he was ten years old.

In the past six years, Ikki has not trained many Pokémon, only six in total. In his words, his situation is different from other trainers. The number of Pokémon he has trained is not that large.

His six Pokémon are the initial Pokémon Gotha, and the subsequent Pokémon that he captured during the journey: Warrior Eagle, Shieldsword, Fairy Eevee, Dual Ax Battle Dragon and Wind Speeder.

It took him several years to collect these six Pokémon, and because the number of Pokémon in his hand was always less than six, he hardly participated in any large-scale official competitions in the first four years of his journey.

Because most major tournaments require participants to have six Pokémon.

At first, he did not participate in the competition because he was not qualified enough. Later, after he had six Pokémon, his strength stabilized, and he felt that there was no need to participate in those competitions, so he simply signed up for the league's secret assessment and passed After the assessment, he became an alliance investigator.

Because he had just become an official investigator, Ikki was usually very busy and spent most of his time outside performing tasks, so he was rarely at home.

There is also Xiaoyu, who is one year younger than Ikki. His dream since he was a child is to be a powerful trainer, so when he was ten years old, he also embarked on the road of traveling like Ikki.

With Bai Feng's help, Xiaoyou got his first Pokémon, Iron-Arm Spear Shrimp.

Originally, Bai Feng thought that Xiaoyou would be like Xiaozhi in the original book, in order to become a Pokémon master, and then practice hard, actively conquer Pokémon, and be active in various competitions.

However, half a year after traveling, Xiaoyou returned home and announced to everyone that he was going to become a Pokémon doctor.

It turned out that during his trip, he encountered a forest fire, and countless Pokémon were injured in the fire. Because there were not enough Pokémon doctors at the time, many Pokémon could not receive timely treatment.

The scene at that time greatly touched Xiaoyou, and at that moment he made up his mind to become a Pokémon doctor.

So Bai Feng asked Xiaoyou to send Xiaoyou to a special Pokémon doctor school. After four years of study, Xiaoyou finally graduated from the school with the best results. Now he is traveling around with his teacher. Contribute your efforts to save Pokémon.

"Brother Bai Feng, will Xiaoli Mo be okay?" Xiao You looked at the door of the operating room and asked Bai Feng with a worried look on his face.

Bai Feng patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Doctor Tony said this is not a difficult operation and there will be no problems."

Xiaoyou nodded, but still looked at the door of the operating room without blinking.

"Sister Nanako..."

Xiao Huang was more worried than Xiao Yu. He held Nanako's hand with an anxious look on his face.

Eighteen-year-old Nanako has completely become a mature big sister. She gently patted Xiaohuang's head to comfort him: "Don't worry, nothing will happen. Sister Limo will be out soon."

Everyone sat at the door of the operating room and waited. After a few hours, the operation was over and the doctor walked out of the operating room with a tired face. Everyone immediately gathered around him.

"Doctor, how is my Li Mo's condition?" Dean Meili grabbed Dr. Tony's hand and asked excitedly.

"The operation was successful!" Dr. Tony said with a smile.

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then they all expressed their gratitude to the doctor.

Soon Li Mo was arranged into the general ward. When everyone went to visit her, she was awake with a sweet smile on her face.

Because she had just undergone surgery, her voice was still unable to make a sound, so she still communicated with everyone in sign language.

Because of Li Mo, all members of the family can understand sign language.

Because they were afraid of disturbing Li Mo's rest, everyone didn't stay too long. They took turns staying with her for a while, and then Bai Feng escorted her out of the hospital.

Blimwen stayed in the hospital to take care of Li Mo throughout the whole process and took good care of her.

This morning, Bai Feng came to the hospital to visit Li Mo and saw her leaning on the bedside with a tablet in her hand, so he smiled and asked, "What are you reading so early in the morning?"

Li Mo shook her head.

Bai Feng looked at the tablet in her hand and saw that it was playing a game from the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament.

"Li Mo like this?"

Li Mo smiled and nodded.

Bai Feng thought for a moment and asked, "Have you ever thought about what Li Mo will do in the future?"

Hearing this, Xiao Limo was stunned.

The children in the family all have their own paths to take. Dongyu, Yangtai, and Nanako are working for Bai Feng, and they make a lot of money without getting tired.

One of Xiaoyu and Ikki has become a Pokémon doctor, and the other has become an investigator of the alliance. It can be said that they have bright futures. Only Limo and Xiaohuang have not yet decided what path they want to take in the future.

Xiao Huang is not yet ten years old, so he can take his time to think about it, but Xiao Limo is already twelve years old. She has not gone to school since graduating from junior high school. Instead, she has stayed at home to help Dean Meili.

But Bai Feng thinks that it would be better for Li Mo to find a career that he likes. He can't inherit the Blue Bird Orphanage from Dean Mei Li in the future, right?

To be honest, the Bluebird Orphanage is already in a semi-deactivated state. When Xiaohuang and Limo get older, this orphanage will almost be shut down. How many years have passed and there are no new children here? ?

There have long been orphanages with better conditions in the city. If it weren't for Bai Feng's special status, the Blue Bird Orphanage would have ceased to exist.

Li Mo shook her head gently, her face full of confusion.

Bai Feng looked at the tablet in her hand, thought for a moment and asked, "Since you like the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament, do you want to become a performer?"

Xiaolimo's eyes lit up when she heard this, and then she asked uncertainly in sign language: "Can I?"

Because she couldn't speak, Xiaoli Mo actually felt a little inferior. Otherwise, her academic performance was so good and her family was not short of money. How could she not continue to go to school?

"Of course!" Bai Feng said affirmatively, "Why not? Our Li Mo is beautiful, generous, and a very good girl. As long as we work hard, there is nothing we can't do!"

Hearing Bai Feng's words, Xiaoli Mo's face showed an unprecedented bright smile. She looked at the computer screen in her hand. In the video, a girl was showing her art and enthusiasm on the stage with her Pokémon. .

She thought, could she be like this one day?

"Try it if you like it!" Bai Feng encouraged her, "The Triple Crown Satellite Tournament is a unique event for us in Carlos. It will be held regularly every month. You can sign up for it at any time!"

With Bai Feng's encouragement, Li Mo nodded firmly: Well, I listen to brother Bai Feng and I will work hard!

"Okay, this is right!" Bai Feng rubbed Li Mo's little head happily.

Then Li Mo asked in sign language: But I don’t have Pokémon.

Bai Feng said: "Isn't this simple? Leave it to Brother Bai Feng!"

After chatting with Li Mo for a while, Bai Feng asked Blimwen to take good care of her, and then left the hospital.

After leaving the hospital, Bai Feng was planning to find a hidden corner and use the summoning ring to return home.

Suddenly he thought again, since he wanted to prepare a starter Pokémon for Limo, why not look for it in Hauale City first?

The ecological environment of the Alola region is very superior, and the Pokémon resources are richer than other places. Maybe you can find suitable Pokémon here.

With this thought in mind, Bai Feng came to the streets of Hauale City and planned to see if there were any breeding houses.

After some inquiring, he successfully found a breeding house, but to his disappointment, the breeding house was of average size and had few high-quality Pokémon. He searched around but couldn't find a suitable one.

Li Mo has a gentle personality, and Bai Feng wants to find a Pokémon for her with the same gentle personality.

There is more than one Pokémon breeding house in Hola City, so Bai Feng thought about looking elsewhere.

The other breeding house was a bit far away, so Bai Feng had to cross half of the city. However, when passing by a forest, he suddenly noticed a shadow out of the corner of his eye.

Um? ? ? Did I just see the martial arts bear master?

Why is there a martial arts bear master here? Could it be that I'm dazzled?

Regardless of whether he was a martial arts bear master or not, Bai Feng decided to go and have a look. What if he was?

Xiong Da and Xiong Er in his family have never evolved. If they can meet a martial arts bear master, doesn't that mean there is hope for evolution?

Walking into the woods, Bai Feng spread his mental power, kept searching, and walked deeper into the woods step by step.

The forest was not big, and Bai Feng's mental power quickly swept through it, but he found nothing.

However, the woods are connected to the wild. If you go outside the woods, you will be out of the urban area of ​​​​Hool's City.

After thinking about it, Bai Feng decided to continue looking outside, not to miss the opportunity again!

Finally, no matter how far he had walked, Bai Feng's perception really showed up in martial arts bear masters, and there were two of them.

But what surprised him was that the two martial arts bear masters were accompanied by a man and a woman!

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