The Pokémon that started from being picked up by Xanadu

Chapter 344 Senior Little Fat Pig Begging Online

Putting away the radiance stones that Xi Dolan had sent, Bai Feng took out a jar of Juju Sweet and gave it to it. This made Xi Duo Lan'en work even more energetically, and soon brought up another pile of radiance stones.

With the help of Xi Duolan En, Bai Feng quickly collected enough radiant stones.

After carrying all the radiant stones to his home, Bai Feng recalled Captain Fiery Arrow Eagle and Senior Nine-Tails.

Just as he was about to close the space channel, he suddenly noticed that the flame queen lizard was clawing at the edge of the summoning circle with its claws, intending to crawl inside.

Bai Feng: ()???

Flame Queen Lizard: (ω)

"What are you doing?" Bai Feng asked.

"Hey suck~Hey suck~" I want to go home with you.

The Flame Queen Lizard said with blurred eyes.

"No!" Bai Feng refused.

"Hey suck~Hey suck~"

The Flame Queen Lizard didn't care whether Bai Feng agreed or not. When Bai Feng wasn't paying attention, he quickly climbed across the ring and slipped into Bai Feng's house.

"Hey~~~Why are you like this!" Bai Feng jumped angrily and turned around to look for the flame queen lizard, only to find that it had quickly climbed to the ceiling of his house and was holding on to the chandelier.

"Hey suck~~Hey suck~~" If you leave me here, I'm very capable and you will definitely like me.

The Flame Queen looked at Bai Feng confidently and said, "It is indeed a Pokémon that has been the queen for a long time. This kind of confidence cannot be compared with other Pokémon."

However, it wants to be a licking dog.

Bai Feng was speechless, "Why are you sticking up? It's not sweet to force yourself!"

"Hey suck~Hey suck~" I like you, so I'm going to stick to you. I don't know if the strong melon is sweet or not, but I really want to eat it now.

The Flame Queen Lizard said confidently.

"You..." Bai Feng finally turned and left, "Do as you like!" He couldn't tear down his chandelier for the Flame Queen Lizard.

Anyway, there are so many Pokémon at home and nothing will happen, so just let it be!

Leaving behind the Flame Queen Lizard, Bai Feng went to do research with the newly acquired radiant stone.

After Bai Feng left for a while, the Flame Queen Lizard quietly got down from the chandelier, and then looked around Bai Feng's house.

As expected of my man’s family, it’s just stylish!

The flame queen lizard was attracted by a beautiful coral ornament placed on the table next to it. It had never seen this thing before, so it curiously approached it.

It touched the coral ornaments with its hand. It was ice cold, but it didn't like it too much. It liked the warmth.

Just as the Flame Queen turned around and was about to leave, a transparent branch suddenly extended from the coral ornament and strangled its neck from behind.

"Hey suck~~Hey suck~~~"

The flame queen lizard wanted to struggle, but suddenly more branches extended out, instantly binding its limbs, tail, belly and other key parts, making it unable to move.

The key point is that the branch is still absorbing its energy.

Not long after, the Flame Queen lizard fell to the ground limply, completely losing consciousness.

I saw a birdcage appear from the coral ornaments, glanced at the unconscious Flame Queen with a smile, and then disappeared again.

After a while, the live broadcast of Philo Mantis had just ended. It was wearing exquisite makeup and beautiful clothes, and walked into the living room enchantingly.

It sat in front of the sofa and was about to pour a glass of water, but it felt like it had stepped on something, so it looked down.

Yoho~~I was shocked.

Where did the ugly guy come from?

(Flame Queen Lizard: You fart, I am as beautiful as a picture!)

Philomena stepped aside, then looked at the coral ornaments on the table and asked, "What did you do?"

I saw a series of crisp laughter coming from the coral, branches extending outward, and a white and cute little face appeared in the middle of the branches.


This coral ornament is one of the five demon corals of the Bai Feng family.

Looking at the flame queen lizard on the ground, the Philomeli was disgusted. He gently stretched out a hand, twisted the base of its tail with his orchid fingers, and threw it directly outside the door.

On the other side, deep in the volcano, after Bai Feng and the others left, Xiduolan quickly ate up all the giant sweetness.

Have no idea! It was so delicious, it couldn't resist.

After eating, he had a flash of inspiration.

If I dig out more radiance stones and save them, when that human comes next time, will I be able to get more great sweetness in exchange for them?

Just do what you say, and Xiduolan started to work.

In fact, there are a large number of exposed radiance stones deep in the magma. Because of the difficulty of mining, they have never been touched, but Sidorane can take them anytime he wants.

Not long after, there was a pile of radiant stones on the exposed hill.

At this time, Kapu Diedie, the patron saint of Akala Island, came to the depths of the volcano because he did not have enough radiant stones to make a Z bracelet.

When it saw the pile of radiant stones, it immediately flew over excitedly.

How come there are so many ready-made radiance stones? Could it be that Xiduolan knew that I was coming and specially prepared it for me?

Kapu Diedie couldn't help but think.

However, just when Kapu Diedie was about to put away the radiant stone, a roar came.

"Put down those radiance stones!"

Kapu Diedie was startled when she saw Xi Dolan slowly rising from the magma, glaring at it angrily.

"What are you doing? Aren't these radiant stones given to me?" Kapu Diedie asked angrily.

We are all old acquaintances. Is it just for the sake of lighting the radiance stone?

"Who gave it to you? Why are you so thick-skinned? You want the radiance stone and you don't know how to dig it yourself!" Xiduo Lan'en was angry.

The two Pokémon fought like this, and in the end, Kapu and Butterfly left the depths of the volcano with a bruised face.

Hum~~It must find out who the radiant stone dug by Xiduolan was given to!

Bai Feng still didn't know that he was being remembered. At this time, he was in Dr. Ohmu's research institute, studying the radiance stone and the ultimate aura with Dr. Ohki.

Dr. Oki was very interested in the connection between radiance stone and the ultimate aura, so the two of them studied it day and night.

Dr. Ohki used instruments to observe the radiant stone that had absorbed the ultimate aura, and measured whether the radiant stone would release the ultimate aura and what its release efficiency was over a period of time.

The test results came out quickly.

The ultimate aura absorbed into the Radiance Stone will still be lost, but the loss efficiency is very, very low.

For example, Bai Feng's mental power expands after absorbing the ultimate aura, and will completely return to its original state within about twenty-four hours.

But it takes about three days and three nights for a piece of radiant stone (i.e. the radiant stone on the Z bracelet) about three centimeters in length to completely release the absorbed ultimate aura.

Bai Feng also discovered that the ultimate aura released after the transformation of the radiance stone had a slight change in the energy properties (later referred to as the second-generation ultimate aura).

After being absorbed by him, this ultimate aura will not dissipate over time.

After absorbing a trace of the second-generation ultimate aura, he felt that his mental power had grown slightly. Although it was not obvious, his mental power was sharp enough to barely detect it.

Since this second-generation ultimate aura can be absorbed by him, does it also mean that it can be absorbed by Pokémon and promote the growth of Pokémon?

Thinking of this, Bai Feng couldn't help but get excited.

He also needs more ultimate auras as materials to study!

He couldn't take risks with Pokémon without thoroughly researching them.

Bai Feng stayed at the Damu Research Institute for several days before returning home.

Early this morning, he was planning to go home to catch a breakfast cooked by Jackrabbit and Brimwen, but he didn't expect to see an unexpected scene.

He was surprised to see Kyuubi-senpai milling around in front of the courtyard.

It seems that his order has taken effect. In the past, Kyuubi-senpai huddled on the mountain in the ecological park all day long, never coming down, and had to have others bring food to his mouth. Now he got up so early in the morning to exercise.

But when Bai Feng looked over, he was dumbfounded.

The bowl he usually used for eating floated in front of Kyuubi-senpai, and a pair of chopsticks floated beside the bowl.

When Shuiyibu passed by it with a piece of pastry in its mouth, it pitifully used its mental power to control the chopsticks and tap on the edge of the bowl.

Ding Ding Dang Dang~~~

"Well done, give the old man a bite to eat. He's already starving and thin because he didn't have enough breakfast."

The scream was so miserable that it made those who heard it sad and those who saw it shed tears.

Seeing how pitiful it was, Shuiyi couldn't help but stop.

Just when it was hesitating whether to give the cake to the Kyuubi-senpai, it suddenly felt a terrifying pressure coming over it. It raised its head and looked at the sky, only to see Bai Ye holding a small wooden stick and looking at it with a half-smile. .

Shuiyibu whimpered and quickly ran away with the cake in his mouth.

This kind of thing happens almost every day in Fangxing Mountain in recent days.

Bai Feng was extremely lucky at this moment. Before he left, he asked his mother to supervise Jiuwei. Otherwise, Jiuwei might have become fat just by "begging".


Bai Feng's voice sounded leisurely behind the Nine-Tails senior.

"I asked you to lose weight, and you just fooled me like this?"

Hearing Bai Feng's voice, Senior Nine-Tails suddenly turned around and ran towards him "step by step", with the fat and fur all over his body shaking up and down.

"My dear Bai Feng, you are finally back. Do you know... do you know how I spent these five days... these five days?"

It hugged Bai Feng's thigh and cried with runny nose and tears.

During these five days, it had nothing to eat except energy cubes. It was so hungry that it went to the orchard in the middle of the night to steal fruits.

But Bai Ye seemed to have eyes on it. If it made the slightest move, Bai Ye would appear next to it carrying a small wooden stick.

It can no longer defeat Bai Ye! So if you take one more bite, you will get a beating from Bai Ye.

Not only that, Bai Ye also forced it to run around several mountains every day, letting the patrolling Arrow Eagles and Steel Armored Crows monitor it. If it dared to be lazy, Bai Ye would let it get beaten again.

Anyway, there are a lot of Jiju sweets at home. No matter how many times he gets beaten, as long as he feeds him one bite, Kyuubi-senpai will be able to recover instantly.

Baiye's request to the Kyuubi seniors is to run a hundred laps around several mountains every day, and if he misses one lap, he will be whipped.

It had never experienced such a large amount of exercise when following its trainer before.

It is a nine-tails that takes the special attack route! Why run so hard? This unscientific!

After a few days, Senior Kyuubi was living in dire straits!

"Okay, okay!" Bai Feng pushed away Senior Nine Tails, who was almost soaking his pants with tears, "Mom did the right thing. I believe if you persist for a while, you will be able to return to the beautiful and charming person you once were. The elegant Kyuubi-senpai."

"No, no, no!" Senior Nine-Tails shook his head like a rattle, "I think I look very good as I am now, I don't need to lose weight!"

"Is this... still good?" Bai Feng pinched its chin, which had more than ten layers, and asked.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~~~" Senior Kyuubi nodded quickly, and the layers of flesh on his chin swayed along with it.

"I feel bad." Bai Feng said, "So you should continue to diet and exercise! I will let everyone supervise you!"

"No!" Senior Kyuubi shouted to the sky, "For you to bully a centenarian old man like this, is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morals?!"

At this time Bai Ye's voice came.

"Kyuubi-senpai, you haven't finished your running mission today!"

Hearing Shiro Ye's voice, Kyuubi-senpai's little heart trembled subconsciously. It has now developed PTSD towards Shiro Ye.

"I won't go, and I won't go even to death today!" Senior Kyuubi threw away the bowls and chopsticks, turned around and ran away.

"Want to run? No way!"

Kyuubi-senpai was running, but suddenly found that he couldn't move.

Of course Shiroye cannot be the only one who suppresses Kyuubi-senpai.

Although Baiye's strength now exceeds that of Kyuubi-senpai, it is still very difficult to completely suppress the opponent with super powers. After all, Kyuubi-senpai is also good at super powers.

But Bai Ye has Chaomeng to help.

As long as Bai Ye calls out, Chaomeng will appear immediately. The two join forces and will not give Senior Nine Tails any chance to resist.

"Are you going for a run?" Bai Ye asked leisurely.

Feeling the oppressive feeling coming from Bai Ye and Chaomeng, Senior Kyuubi smiled guiltily: "Hahaha~~~ I was just joking, let's go for a run!"

After hearing this, Bai Ye and Chaomeng let go of it.

Realizing that Bai Ye and Chaomeng were watching him from behind, Senior Kyuubi shouted a slogan as he walked: "No one can question my determination to lose weight! I have no sworn relationship with fat!"

Seeing Senior Kyuubi being subdued by his mother and Mewtwo, Bai Feng shook his head and walked towards home.

Jackrabbit and Brimwen were very happy to see Bai Feng back. They didn't make breakfast for Bai Feng originally, but after learning that Bai Feng hadn't eaten breakfast, they immediately took the time to make one.

After breakfast, Bai Feng planned to rest for a while, then go to Alola to find Lunayara, and then go to the Ultimate Cave.

Suddenly he seemed to think of something, so he waved to the long-eared rabbit and asked: "Where is the flame queen lizard?"

Busy with research these days, he completely forgot about the Flame Queen Lizard at home.

"Milu~~~" you say it~~~

The jackrabbit chuckled.

"Milu~Milu~Milu~" You will know just by going to the orchard.

Seeing that the long-eared rabbit was showing off, Bai Feng couldn't help but wonder, could it be that the flame queen lizard was causing trouble? It shouldn’t be the case!

Although Flame Queen is the overlord Pokémon, its strength is actually not ranked at all on Fangxing Mountain, so it should not cause any big trouble.

With doubts, Bai Feng came to the orchard.

The morning in Fangxing Mountain is as busy as ever. As soon as the sun rises, various Pokémon can be seen working hard in the orchard.

It's no problem that the other Pokémon are working, but why is the Flame Queen here? The problem is that it works very vigorously, as if it has been injected with chicken blood.

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