"Huh? Miss Junsha"

looked at the heroic woman in front of her in a police uniform, and the anger in Yunjie's heart was suddenly calmed.

Mainly for the sake of Junsha's impartial law enforcement, it has nothing to do with her beauty.

"Miss Junsha, why are you attacking me?"

The cloud realm was curious, slightly dissatisfied, and looked at the thunderbolt beast standing on the side.

He should have done the electrical skills just now.

"There's a no-go area ahead, and I've shouted ahead of time, but you don't seem to care."

Miss Junsha looked angry, good fellow, Yunjie is not angry yet, but she is angry.

"Do you know how much-

" "It's windy up there, I can't hear it,"

Yun Jie interrupted before Miss Junsha could say yes.


After hearing the reason why the Cloud Realm is strong, Miss Junsha's momentum suddenly weakened, and she whispered the last two words.


"But I'm a trainer, well, this is my Pokémon Pokédex."

Cloud Realm looked at Miss Junsha, who was a little embarrassed, and took out his Pokémon Illustrated Book.

This thing is better than an ID card, after all, having a picture book means that you are a member of the Elven Alliance.

"So, I want to investigate the situation here now, I don't know if Miss Junsha has any news?"

Miss Junsha thought for a moment, as if she was considering whether to tell the young man in front of her.

"I want to apologize to you first, I'm sorry"

is worthy of being a person from a big family, that is, sensible, looking at Miss Junsha who put her hands together on her lower abdomen and bowed, Yunjie felt comfortable for a while.

It's eye-catching, it's too nourishing.

"Well, it's not a big deal, forget it."

Cloud Realm took two glances and saw that the Thunderbolt Beast was looking at him, so he looked up at the sky.

"It happened three days ago, and three days ago the night this forest emitted a burst of pink light

" "Later, it attracted the attention of some trainers, and they went to explore the North Orange Blossom Forest, but in the end no one came out."

"It's been three days, and there hasn't been a clue yet."

Miss Junsha looked anxious, after all, the incident happened in Beichenghua, and she, the policeman, did not solve the case for three days.

"Do you have a list of missing people?"

This incident also made the cloud realm vigilant, although he was very confident, but he was not conceited.

"Well, these are pictures of missing people with their names on them."

Miss Junsha took out a photo and handed it to the clouds.

And after Yun Jie saw these photos, he quietly took them with the illusory mobile phone in his mind.

Seeing no problem, Yun Jie pondered and decided to go in and take a walk directly according to the original plan.

"I'm going to go in and have a look"

"Okay, I'll be with you"

So the two walked together, but neither of them spoke.

The forest was unusually oppressive, with lush trees covering the sky, and from time to time a cool wind blew, and the Pokémon could no longer be heard singing.

I haven't seen any other Pokémon after walking for a long time, and the huge forest suddenly seems to have been cleaned up overnight, leaving no life.

The further you go, the darker the light becomes, as if you are in the Black Forest, the peaceful Northern Orange Forest, all kinds of elves shuttle through the forest, and some even see humans do not avoid, but will look curiously.

It's like now, a ghost town.

After walking some distance, a huge crater appeared in front of it. A cave appears in the center of the pit, which is more like a well, jutting straight into the ground.

"Have you been in there?"

Yun Jie pointed to the hole in the center of the pit and looked at Miss Junsha next to him.

"No, when I wanted to explore there, the Thunderbolt Beast issued a warning and didn't let me in, there seems to be something dangerous inside."


For a moment, the cloud realm was even more curious about what would be inside, and after thinking about it, the cloud realm decided to go in and take a look.

"Cloud Realm—are you here too?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came.

It's the owner of the Thousand Miles Pavilion!

"Mr. Chisato, I've finally waited for you, and I'm going to trouble you next."

Miss Junsha hurried over, it seems that the owner of the Qianli Pavilion was found by Miss Junsha.

"Qianli Pavilion Master, are you also here to investigate this matter?"

"That's right, this matter has also caused a stir within the Elven Alliance, and Miss Junsha also told me about the situation here, so I came."

"Well, I'm going to go down and see what happens."

In the end, the three of them decided to go down and explore, and out of safety, Chisato also released a leave of absence king.

This...... Yun Jie looked at the leave king in front of him, and his heart was also suddenly real, this one was different from the one he had fought against before, he looked stronger, and his strength was stronger.

A king-level leave king.

No wonder it is rumored that Qianli will be the most powerful contender for the next Four Heavenly Kings.

"Let's go"

The three of them walked towards the deep well, not vertically down as it seemed from the outside, the inside of the cave was zigzag towards the surface.

The interior was pitch black, and there was a damp smell of earth in the air, and Yun Jie also touched the nearby stone wall, which felt like dirt, crushed and solid by a strong external force, and turned into stone as he walked.

The cloud realm could feel the air pressure gradually changing, and I didn't know how deep it had gone down.

"Are you all right?"

Qianli also noticed the change in the air, and turned around to ask, just now it was he and the Leave King who were at the forefront of the way.

Didn't encounter any other Pokémon along the way.

"I'm fine,"

Yunjie replied, and Miss Junsha was a little bit wrong.

"Miss Junsha?"

Cloud Realm asked, followed by the sound of slightly rapid breathing.

When I first walked, it was too loud, so I ignored it.

"I'm fine, let's move on."

Miss Junsha said at this time, looking a little difficult.


The cloud realm sighed, quite helpless.

The next moment, Miss Junsha felt that her waist was being grabbed by someone, and she subconsciously wanted to struggle.

"Don't move, I'll hold you, otherwise you will be in trouble with your current state and save your physical strength."

A masculine aura came to her face, coughing, delusional, it was the warm air flow hitting her sensitive ears, and suddenly her whole body became softer.

Especially feeling the strength and warmth between her waist, Miss Junsha only felt that her cheeks were hot, and the originally cold cave seemed to suddenly become hot.

"Miss Junsha?"

The cloud realm doesn't have so much mental activity, and seeing that Miss Junsha didn't respond for a long time, she opened her mouth to ask.

"Well, I, I'm fine, thank you, keep going."

Miss Junsha's weak mouth was mixed with shyness and awkwardness.

So a few people walked forward for more than ten meters, and suddenly their feet slipped, as if they were stepping on the ice.

The group fell backwards in unison, their bodies sliding uncontrollably.


It's falling, that's what the cloud world thinks in its heart.

It happened so suddenly, and the cloud realm only had time to hold Miss Junsha in his arms.

A huge shock came from behind, and before he fell unconscious, Yun Jie only felt the impact in his chest and the heavy blow behind him.

The one in front of me who hit me...

Brothers begging for support, comments, bookshelves....

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