Yun Jie chatted with Feng Yu for a while, and roughly figured out some of the situation.

Most pearls come from shellfish on the bottom of the sea, but they are not found all year round.

Generally speaking, the pearl harvest season is from the beginning of the Mid-Autumn Festival to the beginning of spring. Therefore, they also tend to go to the sea to collect pearls when the climate is getting colder.

Fortunately, the climate in the archipelago is warm and pleasant, and there is no snow.

And the pearl was forced to be expropriated for the royal family and nobles a long time ago, and since the establishment of the Elven Alliance, this is not allowed, but it has begun to be purchased, so that Offlun Island has gradually developed.

The role of pearls is also gradually being revealed, as a valuable decoration, pearl powder can even be used to make cosmetics, and recent research has found that pearl powder can be used as one of the raw materials for Pokémon potions.

Therefore, the top management of the alliance also attaches great importance to the pearl economy, and some businessmen in the past maliciously raised the price, under the guise of being good for the locals, and paid thousands of prices to buy, and then never came to Offlun Island again.

The alliance also gave an explanation that if the price of pearls is too high, it will inevitably cause criminals to covet it, and it will also cause ecological balance, and the living environment of pearl oysters and big-tongued oysters will also be destroyed.

Listening to her words, Yunjie fell into deep thought, not knowing what he was thinking, but Ayako and Fengyu seemed to feel that the alliance made sense.

After some conversation, Fengyu regarded the two of them as friends and invited the two to her home as guests.

The two of them in the cloud world couldn't refuse, and finally agreed, and came to the place where Fengyu lived.

"Is this your family?"

On the table in her home was a photo of a family of three, the youngest of whom was standing in the middle, who was supposed to be Fengyu, after all, the feature was too obvious.

As you can see from the smile in the photo, this is a very happy family.

"Well, they're my mom and dad, but they're gone.

Feng Yu looked at the photo, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"They all died of lung disease.


Yunjie and Ayako were silent, not knowing how to comfort Fengyu at this moment.

"I'm so sorry, please... Condolences. "

After a long time, the cloud realm spoke.

"It's okay, it's been years, and I've come out too.

Feng Yu rubbed the corners of her eyes, she had lived alone for so many years, and she had already become strong.

And Yunjie and Ayako had a meal at Fengyu's house, and Yunjie also offered to buy some pearls, but Fengyu refused, and instead gave them some pearls without hesitation.

This made Yunjie feel very uncomfortable, and then decided to help Fengyu, promising Fengyu to give her a Pokémon, and asking her if she had any Pokémon she wanted.

"If I could, I'd like a Marilou. "

Coming here, Yunjie also experienced a diving project, but under the condition of wearing a diving suit, with the help of professional Fengyu, I saw the underwater world once.

The underwater world has a fantastical tinge.

Colorful corals, bored lobsters, floating seaweed, and sun-lit underwater beaches.

The most are motionless shells, and their mouths are open and closed, as if they are breathing. From time to time, some bubbles rise from the tidal flats, float to the surface of the sea with dreamlike colors, and finally dissipate silently into the sea, or fortunately surface to the surface and merge between heaven and earth.

No sound can be heard from the bottom of the sea, as if being in a vacuum environment makes the cloud world feel unreal, and the world is silent, as if coming to the primitive nature.

Further down, the light is even darker, and there is a canyon at the bottom of the sea, which is as dark as an abyss, which makes people shudder. Inexplicably, I remembered a sentence: when you are staring into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you.

Without continuing to dive, Yunjie had already felt the discomfort caused by the water pressure, and it became more and more difficult to breathe, and was finally taken out of the sea by Fengyu.

Early the next morning, the two came to the port, ready to go to other islands to have a look, I have to say, angry waves, gravel corals, dotted with dots.

Boarding the cruise ship, Yunjie noticed that a man beside him had been staring at them.

Yun Jie also looked over and observed this man, with a big back combed, a black mustache between his nose and lips, a cigar in his mouth, and a suit, which matched his old rough temperament and was a little nondescript.

It seems that he also feels that he is too unaccustomed to wearing a suit, so the bow tie is crooked and loose.

"Haha, two, if I'm not mistaken, it should be a trainer, right?"

The man saw that Yunjie noticed him, and came up to him, but the smell of cigars all over his body made him a little uncomfortable.

"Yes" "

I'm a businessman, and I'm here to buy some pearls. The

mustache said to himself.


"Then again, Offlun Island is such a great place to be a pearl that can be sold for more than ten times as much as the purchase price. "

At least that's the profit during this period,"

said the mustache, standing up and gesturing.

"Oh, but I have a question, why do you have to pick pearls by hand, and can't you let Pokémon or machines pick them?

"Haha, this, you should have

heard the story of the pearl diver, right?" "I've heard that the pearl diver has to dive into the deep sea to collect it with her breath, not to mention the hard work

, it's also very dangerous" "That's right, it's the reason for the pearl diver, you say, when outsiders hear the story of the pearl diver, will they feel that the pearl is precious, and the price will not go up"

The mustache said excitedly, not seeing that the face of the cloud world had changed.

There is also a theory that only artificially collected pearls have special effects, and it is said that the princes of the sea were blessed by the pearls they collected in ancient times when they saw the hard-working people of colored pearls, and the pearls they collected had the ability to bring health when worn on their bodies. "

Hahaha, I don't usually say this kind of thing to others, but I think the little brother will be extraordinary in the future..."

"Of course, it's because you need a qualification, this is a qualification issued by the alliance itself, there is no such thing as selling a large number of pearls is smuggling, so this is also the reason why the group of people on the island can only sell to us.

The more the mustache spoke, the more excited he became, perhaps because he felt that the two were descendants of the alliance, and he unconsciously kept his mouth tight.

"But if we don't have some connections, we can't get it at all, and we have to pay more taxes. In short, the pearls that flow to the market are limited, and the price is high. "

A good marketing strategy, a good monopoly means.

Yun Jie sneered in his heart, he could only say that there were still treacherous and cunning people in the alliance.


The rapid sound of the flute accompanied the fluctuating mood arrived at the new harbor.

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