After Han Zuo was captured, all these things were coming to an end.

The Togepis are also going back to the paradise

“Pokejigu, please say goodbye to everyone!”Xiaoxia said to Pokejigu that she had been away for a long time, and Hualan Gym still needed her.

However, Pokejigu came to her and pointed in the direction of Pokepi Paradise, showing his uneasiness. eyes

“Jiaokigu, Jiaokigu……”.

After Xiaozhi saw it, he felt that Pokojigu wanted to protect this place and wanted to stay.

Xiaoxia also understood its thoughts immediately,”Are you worried about this place? Alas, this gloomy paradise is really not reassuring!”

“I don’t think there’s anything to worry about.”

Xiao Zhi’s voice sounded, and he smiled and said to Pokkigu:”Since Togepi Paradise is connected to the hearts of the people of Mirazu Kingdom, Princess Sarah, she will definitely protect this place~?

Then she looked at Princess Sarah,”I brought Pokkigu from the place where I traveled. Logically speaking, it is our Pokémon. I don’t want it to stay here, because this is your own country.” Maybe I’m a little selfish, but I hope that as the heir to the throne, I must shoulder the important responsibility of protecting the kingdom.-”

Sarah also nodded and promised:”Yes, even if I have no way to inherit the throne, I will still continue to protect this paradise! Don’t worry, Pokejigu!”

Pokejigu then put down its worries and showed its face again Smile, after all, in its mind, Xiaoxia and Xiaozhi are more important.

Xiaozhi smiled slightly,”I can see that you are so determined, you really have the qualities to be an heir.””

“What’s more, Princess Sarah already has the right to inherit the throne!”As he said that, he pointed at Sarah’s feet.

Princess Sarah was stunned for a moment, and then followed the direction that Xiaozhi pointed and found that the hem of her skirt was being pulled by a Togepi.

“Togepi, didn’t you go back to the paradise?”Sarah knelt down and picked up Togepi, asking dotingly.

“pay ki pay ki……”Togepi responded with a smile.

“It seems that our Princess Sarah has also found the Togepi you want.”Xiao Zhi said with a smile.

And Togepi was still nuzzling in Sarah’s arms.

“That’s great, Princess Sarah.”Everyone congratulated the princess.

Sarah stood up and expressed gratitude:”Thank you everyone!”

After leaving Mirazu Kingdom, Xiaoxia still had to say goodbye to Xiaozhi and the others.

Xiaoxia looked at Pokkigu and Pikachu having fun, and she seemed to have made a decision in her heart.

“Xiaozhi, do you still remember where Togepi’s eggs came from?”

When asked by Xiaoxia, Xiaozhi recalled,”Of course, I brought that back underground in Dasha Valley.”

“Yes, that Togepi was supposed to be yours, but when it opened its eyes, it saw me, and it followed me. Xiaoxia smiled and said,”Thank you very much.””

“Between us, what else can we thank you for?”

“Xiaozhi,” Xiaoxia suddenly became serious,”I have to leave this matter to you.”

“you say”

0 ·····Asking for flowers·· ·

“From now on, let Pokejigu follow you! In a sense, it can be regarded as returning to its original owner.”

Xiaoxia’s words shocked Xiaozhi! She actually entrusted Pokkigu to herself?

Think about it, when the original person saw the plot, it was too dramatic. If Pokki opened his eyes and saw It’s not Xiaoxia but Xiaozhi. I’m afraid it will be a different story again.

“Nabo Kejigu, are you willing to follow me?” Regarding this matter, Xiaozhi still wants to follow the opinions of Pokémon.

….. 0

“A long time ago!”Pokejigu nodded.

Seeing that it was so willing, Xiaozhi couldn’t refuse,”Okay!”

“Very good!”

After all, Togekis, the evolved form of Togekis, also has good combat power. Well, it is also a good choice to let this little guy experience fighting occasionally.

“Everyone, I’m leaving then!”

“Goodbye and say hello to your sisters for us!”Pickup!””Buy!””

“Okay, everyone is welcome to come and play in Hualan City when you have time!”

In this way, Xiaoxia returned to Kanto on the flying ship. As for Xiaozhi and the others, they wanted to continue their down-to-earth journey, and the target was naturally Akiye Town.

When they re-planned their route, they found that they had to pass through a

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang will naturally have nothing to do before they can return to the blazing wilderness, but what awaits them next is a more unforgettable showdown…

To be continued….Nai.

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