The police asked me to register, and I was exposed after practicing hard.

Chapter 108 Finally showed up, arrest Su Yun immediately!

"You're going to surrender?"

Su Yun's unexpected answer made Xu Jiajia look confused.

Xu Jiajia didn't know what happened to Su Yun and what he paid to find the gold foil, so she was confused.

However, Xu Jiajia was smart and quick-thinking. After thinking for a few breaths, Xu Jiajia suddenly realized something.

"I understand what you mean. Su Yun, do you want to give these two pieces of gold foil to the country?"

Speaking of this, Xu Jiajia smiled and said:

"Your wording is not accurate. How can it be called surrender if it is called surrender?"

"No, I'm right, I just surrendered."

Su Yun's attitude was so firm that Xu Jiajia had even greater doubts.

Although Su Yun's academic performance is not the best.

But there must be a clear distinction between "turning in" and "surrendering".

Why does Su Yun still insist on surrendering? Is there something wrong with this?

The two of them hadn't seen each other since they separated last time in Maple Ridge. She didn't really know much about what happened to Su Yun. She just insisted on trusting him and even killed him for him, so she secretly followed Su Yun's instructions. Come and help.

"Can you tell me something about you? Why did so many people target you last time in Maple Ridge and this time?"

Xu Jiajia helped Su Yun find the second piece of gold foil, and Su Yun was grateful to her.

What's more, the two of them are fighting side by side.

Su Yun would also mind talking about his own affairs.


After sighing, Su Yun said:

"Then this story is a bit long to tell."

"It's okay, it's okay. Just go and wash your face and tidy up. Then I'll make you something to eat. You can tell me while you eat."

With that said, Xu Jiajia hurriedly pulled Su Yun into another house.

While Su Yun was washing his face, Xu Jiajia quickly put on an apron and started cooking for him.

After ten minutes, several meat buns and a bowl of noodles were ready.

After placing it in front of Su Yun, Su Yun purred and ate it with big mouthfuls.

"Eat slowly, eat slowly, there is still not enough."

Seeing Su Yun devouring the food, Xu Jiajia felt a little distressed and kept serving him tea and water.

After devouring five minutes full, Su Yun slowed down and told Xu Jiajia in detail the ins and outs of what he had encountered recently, from when he picked up the gold foil at Ranshan to the current situation.

Of course, the extraordinary state was not mentioned. Because this matter was rather special and bizarre, and had nothing to do with the case, Su Yun chose to hide it.

At first, the expression on Xu Jiajia's face was calm.

But as the stories Su Yun told became more and more bizarre and tortuous, Xu Jiajia's expression became more and more surprised.

I finally understood why I was kidnapped when I was in Maple Ridge.

And when he heard that Su Yun had killed more than a dozen men in white with his own strength.

Xu Jiajia immediately lost control of her expression, her mouth opened wide and her eyes widened.

"You killed a dozen people by yourself? Using silver needles and cards?"



Seeing Su Yun's calm response, Xu Jiajia couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Good guy, killing a dozen people is such an understatement!

This is completely different from when I was in Maple Ridge. Just Su Yun's simple description made her realize that these people in white were extraordinary, but they were all solved by Su Yun alone.

Although she had seen Su Yun's card skills before, it once again exceeded her knowledge and shattered her worldview.

Therefore, Xu Jiajia felt extremely incredible.

But at the same time, she also understood that there was no need for Su Yun to lie at this time.

Looking at Su Yun in front of him, he was eating noodles with his head down and making a "snoring" sound.

In a daze, Xu Jiajia felt more and more as if she didn't recognize him, and suddenly became extremely strange.

This strange feeling is because Su Yun said that he killed more than a dozen people and could still eat noodles calmly without being affected at all.

Such calmness and calmness formed a contrast with Su Yun's age.

Back in Maple Ridge, she felt that Su Yun seemed different, but now this feeling is getting stronger.

It seems that Su Yun has adapted to this kind of killing...

However, Xu Jiajia also understood that Su Yun had no choice but to do this, otherwise he would not be able to sit here and eat the food he cooked today.

Xu Jiajia was obviously not a hypocritical person, and she had already expressed her position by claiming the honor of killing a pig's head, vowing to stand with Su Yun, so she quickly adjusted her state and calmed down.

After some thought, she came up with her idea:

"Su Yun, I think it would be better for you not to surrender."

"How to say?"

Su Yun put down his chopsticks, met Xu Jiajia's eyes, and asked seriously.

"What I'm worried about is that you shot and killed those dozen people. Although you did it out of self-defense, and these people were criminals, punishing evil and promoting good, and maintaining national defense security, but no matter what, you were still killing. After all, you don’t have the power to enforce the law if you kill someone.”

"Of course, the most important thing is that you destroyed the cultural relics!"

"You know the consequences of killing people according to the laws of our Dragon Kingdom, as well as the consequences of destroying cultural relics. Both crimes are punishable. I don't even tell you. I'm worried that the consequences of your going this time will not be too good."

Xu Jiajia's words are not alarmist. After all, everyone understands the strict laws of the Dragon Kingdom.

In addition to advising Su Yun not to surrender, Xu Jiajia did not stand up and talk without pain in her back.

After learning about Su Yun's situation, Xu Jiajia quickly formed a plan in her mind:

She wanted to tell her father Xu Kui about Su Yun's situation, and then let him think of a way to see if there were other solutions.

After all, Su Yun's incident did not harm innocent people. Looking at it from another direction, it actually safeguarded national interests and stood on the side of justice. Maybe he could make up for his mistakes and let the damage to cultural relics be revealed?

After all, my father is from the military, so if they intervene, maybe things can turn around.

However, before Xu Jiajia could say anything, Su Yun said to her in a calm tone:

"I understand what you mean, but if you think about it carefully, showing up proactively is the best way."

"I was forced to be involved in this incident. I don't want to have too much karma with them. The best option is to get out as soon as possible."

"What's more, the police and the army are now searching for me with all their strength. Unless I leave the Dragon Kingdom, their search will continue. I still have my parents, and I don't want them to be affected."

"The most important thing is that I did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, nor did I harm any ordinary people. The people I killed were all bad guys with heinous crimes, and there were even overseas armed personnel. And I regained cultural relics for the country, so I should be able to make up for my mistakes. ”

What Su Yun said made sense. After thinking about it carefully, Xu Jiajia agreed with this statement.

"What you said makes sense. Surrendering can end the search for you by the police and the military, and it will not disturb your parents. It is indeed the most important thing."

"Yes, that's what it means."

As he said that, Su Yun picked up the noodle bowl, drank two big mouthfuls of noodle soup, then put down the bowl and said:

"The crime is not as bad as the parents, and the trouble is not as bad as the wife and children."

Staring at Xu Jiajia when she said the last two words, Su Yun didn't seem to realize that something was wrong, and Su Yun hurriedly coughed twice.

"What I mean is that if I cause trouble myself, I will solve it myself. My dearest and most beloved people cannot be involved."

Su Yun said this without any hesitation or falsehood. Xu Jiajia stared at her, her heart rippled, and her fingers drew circles on the table.

Especially when I heard his words "no harm to my wife and children" and "the dearest and most beloved person", my heart trembled and my face turned a little rosy.

"When I'm full, I'm going."

After finishing the bowl of noodle soup, he put the bowl down for a moment, then stood up suddenly and prepared to go to the police station.

"Don't worry, I won't reveal your situation and I will definitely protect you."

Su Yun stopped and made a solemn promise, because he also knew that Xu Jiajia also had a secret unknown identity, and now that she had done so many things for him, he naturally wanted to help her hide it.

"Wait, Su Yun, I'm going too."

After standing up, Xu Jiajia reached out and took Su Yun's hand, and then followed him out of the door.

"Don't make trouble."

"I'm going to surrender, what are you going to do with me?"

Su Yun frowned in surprise and stretched out his hand to tell Xu Jiajia to go back quickly.

"I don't."

With that in mind, Xu Jiajia's advantages became more prominent.

"I'll go with you, and then I'll help you testify that you are a good person."


"You made me laugh."

Su Yun reached out and patted Xu Jiajia's shoulder, knowing that she was joking and obviously not telling the truth.

"If you say I'm a good person, will the police believe you?"

"Go back quickly, don't follow me."

"Alas." Xu Jiajia sighed with a complicated expression, "I left secretly before and left letters to provide clues. Do you think I can stay out of it? Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Xu Jiajia looked up at Su Yun with her little face raised, her eyes as wide as bells, determined to go with Su Yun.

After trying to convince her, Su Yun agreed, and he didn't wait until what she said made sense. Fortunately, Xu Jiajia's family status was unusual, and she was not an ordinary person, so she must have her own plans.

Chi chi chi chi chi chi——

But just before Su Yun and Xu Jiajia took a step forward, a cry came.

The white monkey sleeping in Su Yun's backpack woke up, screamed and climbed onto Su Yun's shoulder.

"Oh my god, it's so cute, where did this come from!"

Xu Jiajia's eyes shone, and she reached out her hand to stroke the white monkey's chin and play with it.

White Monkey also likes Xu Jiajia very much. Knowing that she has no ill intentions, he enjoys her touch with peace of mind.

"Oh, yes, I forgot about you."

Su Yun reached out to pick up the white monkey and put it on the table in the yard. Su Yun touched the white monkey's head.

"I'm going to surrender. You can't follow me."

Chi chi chi chi chi chi——

The white monkey was well versed in human nature and seemed to be able to understand Su Yun's words. He screamed and jumped on Su Yun's back, unwilling to get off.

"Obey, I really can't take you with me."

After grabbing the white monkey from his back, Su Yun locked the white monkey in the house.

Su Yun felt uncomfortable when he was imprisoning White Monkey. White Monkey shared his adversities with him and helped him get out of Gushen Mountain. They were like brothers.

Now that Su Yun went to the police station to surrender, of course he couldn't take the white monkey with him. The white monkey might also be locked up together.

Of course, it is kept in a zoo.

But the white monkey decided that it would go wherever Su Yun went.

Even if locked in a house, the white monkey can open the window and escape.

After doing this several times, Su Yun gave up, patted his schoolbag, and signaled the white monkey to come in.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

The white monkey went in happily.

After everything was ready, Xu Jiajia did not let Su Yun ride his bicycle, but drove him to the police station.

"Fasten your seat belts, we're off."



Stepping on the accelerator, the car motor roared powerfully and headed towards the police station.

Watching the scenery on the street flash by quickly, Su Yun felt calm inside. Even if he surrendered, he didn't panic at all.

Xu Jiajia drove the car, thinking about how they should help Su Yun deal with it after they arrived at the police station.

But everything is unpredictable.

On the road they must pass, a traffic accident occurs and the road cannot be cleared for a while.

As time passed by, Su Yun and Xu Jiajia became impatient with the waiting.

After looking at the map app, Su Yun said that the police station was not far away, so it would be better to park the car and walk there, which would save time.

Xu Jiajia agreed, then turned the vehicle around and parked it in a nearby parking lot.

After parking the car, the two people got out of the car and walked toward the police station step by step.

200 meters ahead is the intersection of Nanhong Snack Street.

Xiao Liu, a communications technician at the Rongyang City Police Station, was taking Guokui back to his colleagues in the police station for lunch at the entrance of the Guokui store.

"Three beef ones, two pork ones, and two prune ones."



After scanning the code to pay and waiting for the pot helmet to be ready, Xiao Liu had nothing to do and looked around at the street scene to pass the time.


On the left side of his vision, a man and a woman walked past from left to right, making Xiao Liu stunned when he saw them.

Xiao Liu doesn’t know the girl.

But that boy seemed very familiar to Xiao Liu.

"Wait, could it be??"

Suddenly thinking of something, Xiao Liu panicked and quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket again and opened the police station's internal APP - Police Communication.

After clicking for a while, a photo appeared on the phone screen, and Xiao Liu was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped.

"I go!!"

"Isn't this the wanted Su Yun?"

Rubbing his eyes, Xiao Liu repeatedly confirmed: Yes, it's Su Yun!

"Good guy, is this Su Yun so crazy? How dare he show up in Rongyang City?!"

After muttering, Xiao Liu immediately dialed the number according to the contact information on the Jingpingtong APP.

at the same time.

Inside the Fancheng Police Station, the temporary command room.

Zhou Nanhai, Xu Kui and others temporarily stayed at the Fancheng Police Station. With their help, they set up a temporary command room and coordinated various departments to take command at the police station.

They believed that based on Su Yun's personal journey, it was impossible for him to leave Fancheng so quickly, so there was no need for them to return. They stayed in Fancheng and continued to search for Su Yun's figure.

"Leaders, it's almost time to eat. Whatever you want to eat, I'll have someone arrange it."

"Whatever, anything."

Zhou Nanhai and Xu Kui were all focused on how to catch Su Yun quickly. With their attention so focused, they didn't feel too hungry and didn't care at all when asked by the staff.

Ring ring ring ring ring——

Just as Zhou Nanhai and Xu Kui were discussing the next step of action, a rapid ringtone came from the landline on the table.

This is an internal call. Zhou Nanhai holds the document in his left hand and picks up the receiver in his right hand.


"Political Commissar Zhou!" On the other end of the phone, the voice of the police station staff was a little excited.

"Speak carefully if you have anything to say, don't panic." Zhou Nanhai was a little dissatisfied.

"Political Commissar Zhou, Xiao Liu from the Communications Department just called and said that Su Yun's whereabouts had been discovered!"


Zhou Nanhai immediately threw away the document in his hand, his expression and tone suddenly became tense. Xu Kui next to him realized what might be happening and quickly looked at Zhou Nanhai.

"Where did you find it?" Zhou Nanhai quickly calmed down and asked.

"According to Xiao Liu, it was found at Nanhong Snack Street in Rongyang City."

"Wait a minute," Zhou Nanhai noticed the key point in his words, "You mean, he appeared in Rongyang City?"

"Yes, Political Commissar Zhou, Su Yun is currently in Rongyang City. Xiao Liu just returned the secretly taken photos. After identification, we confirmed that it is Su Yun!"

Good guy, this guy is flying, he appeared in Fancheng so quickly!

Zhou Nanhai was almost so angry with Su Yun that he vomited blood.

All the police and material resources were searching Fancheng, but Su Yun, a bastard, ran to Rongyang City.

The police completely failed and were so angry that they exploded!

Don't be angry, don't be angry!

Zhou Nanhai warned himself and tried to calm down his anger.

After calming down, Zhou Nanhai quickly issued an order: "It's better to alert the enemy first. Let Xiao Liu follow him and wait for my next order."


After Zhou Nanhai hung up the phone, Xu Kui quickly asked: "What happened?"

"Our people"

Zhou Nanhai's expression was serious, but also a little excited: "I discovered Su Yun in Rongyang City!"


When Xu Kui heard this, his eyes widened instantly:

"Su Yun is actually in Rongyang City?!"

"Yes, it's absolutely true. Su Yun is really in Rongyang City."

Seeing Xu Kui's shocked expression, Zhou Nanhai took out his mobile phone and showed Xu Kui the photos of Su Yun and Xu Jiajia secretly taken by Xiao Liu that had just been sent by the Information Department.

In the photo, Su Yun and Xu Jiajia are walking side by side. Both of them have smiles on their faces and look very happy.

That's right, it's Su Yun.

Xu Kui was unmistakable about that face.

What shocked Xu Kui even more was, why did his daughter Xu Jiajia stay with Su Yun? !

It is true that the two are classmates, but at the critical moment when Su Yun killed so many foreigners in white, why did Su Yun meet Jiajia? !

When it comes to his daughter, as a father, Xu Kui naturally cannot remain as calm as before.

Su Yun is now a major suspect. It would be terrible if his daughter Xu Jiajia has anything to do with him.

"Jiajia, Jiajia"

Xu Kui was confused and helpless and said: Why did you get involved with Su Yun at this time? Do you know that he is now a very dangerous person?

Or is it possible that Su Yun used some means on Jiajia to force Jiajia to act with Su Yun?

Don't tell me, it's really possible

"Political Commissar Zhou and Commander Xu Kui, I don't know what you like to eat, so I brought you dumplings. Eat them while they're hot!"

While Xu Kui was thinking, Xiao Li, Zhou Xiaoxiao, and Zhang Shuhong bought lunch and walked in carrying large and small bags.

"Don't talk about eating yet."

Zhou Nanhai motioned to Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others to put down all the large and small bags in their hands.

Looking at the expression on the right side of Commissar Zhou's face, Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others immediately put down what they were holding. Realizing that something might have gone wrong, they quickly walked over and stood at attention, waiting for Zhou Nanhai's order.

"According to the news we just received, Su Yun appeared in our Rongyang City."

Su Yun? !

Appeared in Rongyang City? !

Zhou Xiaoxiao and others' eyes widened, looking in disbelief, and they completely lost control of their expressions.

"How is that possible?!"

Feeling extremely puzzled, Zhou Xiaoxiao frowned and said: "Over at Gushen Mountain, we will carry out a comprehensive blockade and investigation, and all entrances and exits will be inspected."

"And all our police forces are in Fancheng. It can basically be said that we have carried out a blanket search."

"In this situation of falling in love, how did Su Yun escape all the pursuits and enter Rongyang City?"

"Could it be that he still had wings and flew through the sky?"

Zhou Xiaoxiao's doubts are also everyone's doubts. Under such a dragnet search situation, what method did Su Yun use to appear in Rongyang City like a magic weapon descending from the sky?

Seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, Zhou Nanhai clapped his hands and said to Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others with a serious expression:

"Okay, okay, don't think too hard about this issue. It's not the key."

"The key is that Su Yun has already appeared in Rongyang City. As long as Su Yun is successfully captured, all problems can be solved!"

That’s right!

Zhou Xiaoxiao and others immediately stopped their doubtful expressions and stood at attention, waiting for Zhou Nanhai's next instructions.

The two people discussed it carefully, fully exchanged their opinions, and quickly reached an agreement.

Next, Zhou Nanhai announced the operation to arrest Su Yun.

Even though Zhou Nanhai and the others were in Fancheng, through the strong command system of the police force, they were still able to seamlessly direct the operations in Rongyang City even though they were in Fancheng.

"Although Su Yun is in Rongyang City and has been noticed by us, we still can't take it lightly, after all."

Zhou Nanhai looked serious, and after scanning everyone, he continued:

"He carries a very powerful launcher. The silver needles and cards fired from this launcher will cause huge damage to the innocent people around him."

Zhou Xiaoxiao and others who listened carefully to the mission all had the horrific scene in their minds of the dozens of men in white who were killed by Su Yun's silver needles and cards on the top of Gushen Mountain.

They all shuddered when they thought of these images.

Yes, Su Yun with the transmitter is so terrifying. What if something went wrong during the arrest and innocent people were hurt.

It will be a river of blood and hell on earth!

"Considering the safety of the people's lives, Commander Xu and I discussed and decided not to scare the snake or Su Yun."

"Notify the joint action team and ask them to send personnel to follow Su Yun. At the same time, estimate Su Yun's next course of action and make advance preparations."


Zhou Xiaoxiao took out her mobile phone. In order to quickly remember and accurately relay the order, she turned on her mobile phone and pressed the recording button to record Zhou Nanhai's order.

"At the same time, for the blocks that Su Yun is about to pass, evacuation measures should be implemented as much as possible to keep all pedestrians on the street away, and stalls should be closed as much as possible to prevent innocent people from being harmed when Su Yun is arrested!"


"Notify all special police immediately and be fully armed and on standby. At the same time, military personnel will cooperate with us to help arrest Su Yun."

"Remember, all personnel are not allowed to act without authorization. Everything is based on orders. Otherwise, if there is a problem, you will be held accountable!"


Zhou Xiaoxiao and others are gearing up. Everyone knows that a large-scale arrest operation is about to begin, and they must not take it lightly.

"Is the order clear?" Zhou Nanhai asked.

"It's clear, Political Commissar Zhou." Zhou Xiaoxiao and others immediately nodded to express their understanding.

"Okay, go and arrange it!"



After Zhou Xiaoxiao and others stood at attention and saluted, they left the office as quickly as possible and delivered Zhou Nanhai's orders to police commanders at all levels.

At this moment, only Zhou Nanhai and Xu Kui were left in the office.

After thinking about it again and again, Xu Kui decided to write to Zhou Nanhai.

"Political Commissar Zhou, how about a few words?"

"Ok, no problem!"

The two of them walked to the coffee table. After sitting down, Xu Kui said to Zhou Nanhai: "To be honest, Commissar Zhou, the girl next to Su Yun in the photo is my daughter, Xu Jiajia."

"What, this girl is your daughter?!"

Zhou Nanhai pretended to be shocked, and he didn't know if he really didn't know or if he was pretending not to know, but at least at this time, not knowing was the best way to show it.

"The two of them are classmates."

Xu Kui was now too lazy to care whether Zhou Nanhai knew about this or not, and further elaborated on his thoughts: "So the relationship is naturally better, so when the two of them appear together, it may just be classmates chatting and communicating with each other, which is good. Jia, this kid has always been law-abiding.”

At this point, even if Xu Kui didn't need to say the rest, Zhou Nanhai knew what it meant:

Captain Xu Kui did not want Su Yun to affect his daughter, and hoped that the police would not regard her daughter as a suspect.

After thinking for a moment, Zhou Nanhai said to Xu Kui: "Don't worry, Commander Xu, I understand what you mean. I promise you here that I will protect you during the capture of Su Yun." My daughter’s safety.”

"At the same time, after the arrest is successful, we will only conduct routine questioning on your daughter and we will deal with her impartially. What do you think?"

What Zhou Nanhai said was exactly what Xu Kui was thinking. Seeing that he fully understood it, Xu Kui thanked him: "Thank you, Political Commissar Zhou."

"If anything, you're welcome."

At this moment, Zhou Nanhai got inspiration from Xu Kui's speech to his daughter and immediately called Zhou Xiaoxiao to come in.

"Commissar Zhou, are you looking for me?"

After entering the office, Zhou Xiaoxiao stood at attention.

"Yes, I'm looking for you."

"When I gave the order just now, I missed something. Please re-record it and add it to them."


Zhou Xiaoxiao took out her mobile phone and was ready to record the order.

Just listen to Zhou Nanhai add:

"You ask the Information Department to find the contact information of Su Yun's parents. If we have a confrontation with Su Yun and are unable to arrest Su Yun, we can call his parents and ask them to come over and persuade him to surrender."

"After all, everyone's parents have the softest hearts. Let them persuade you to surrender, and the success rate will increase a lot."

Zhou Nanhai has a delicate mind and has thought of all possibilities.

"Of course, I'm not asking you to contact Su Yun's parents right away. We're asking you to wait until we can't completely subdue Su Yun before contacting him. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Zhou Xiaoxiao recorded it completely.

"Okay, let's go."

Zhou Nanhai waved his hand, and Zhou Xiaoxiao immediately saluted and walked out of the office.

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