The police asked me to register, and I was exposed after practicing hard.

Chapter 115: File and practice sword skills, the police should pay attention to me

Dean Feng couldn't express how excited he was at this moment, and even his voice was trembling.


It has always been an unsolved proposition in the scientific community. Human progress in genes has only made breakthroughs in recent years.

For example, the genetic attributes hidden in human DNA, and the possibility of quadrant mutations in genes themselves. It can be said that all life phenomena such as birth, aging, illness, death, growth and decline of the human body are related to genes.

Even two years ago, Dean Feng published a related paper.

According to the integrated big data analysis of human genetic changes currently collected, within the next ten years, humans are likely to face a new singularity.

The so-called singularity is also called an undefined point. Throughout human history, singularities are everywhere.

For example, fire appeared for the first time in ancient times, and computers appeared for the first time in human society in the technological era.

These can all be called singularities, and their commonality is that before the singularity occurs, humans simply cannot imagine the occurrence of the singularity and its planned future development.

Therefore, in the paper, Dean Feng stated that mankind is about to face the latest singularity, which is related to mysterious genetics.

However, due to the commonality of singularities, the paper cannot make any speculations about the emergence of this singularity.

Now, the discovery of Chi Eugene's bones seems to further support this speculation.

After all, before this, although some older primitive human bones had been discovered, no traces of genetic variation were found among them, nor was any related gene bank established.

The appearance of Chi Youjin's bones naturally made Dean Feng very excited.

Although Zhou Nanhai is not an expert in the relevant field, he can naturally understand the importance of this through what Dean Feng and Dean Sun said.

This also made Zhou Nanhai feel a little emotional:

“I really didn’t expect that this Su Yun would protect such an important cultural relic to the country on his own.

I must admit that I underestimated him..."

After hearing this, Dean Feng immediately became energetic:

"By the way, this young man who protects cultural relics is called Su Yun. Why didn't he come with us?

For such a great contribution, we need to express our gratitude to him in person. "

Dean Sun also nodded. After all, he specifically raised this point on the phone.

But now, there are only two police officers coming this time, and there is no Su Yun.

Facing the inquiry, Zhou Nanhai sighed deeply:

"In order to protect cultural relics, Su Yun angered overseas organizations, and now overseas organizations are hunting Su Yun.

It is easy to hide from an open gun, but difficult to guard against a hidden arrow.

At this time, it was not convenient for Su Yun to show up in public, so not letting him come was also a way of protecting him. "

As he said that, Zhou Nanhai shook his head in confusion:

"We have speculated before that the condition of killing Su Yun regardless of life or death in the fatwa was because we had insight into Su Yun's secret.

The current findings confirm this view.

Because overseas organizations are so aggressively trying to snatch Chi Yujin's bones for genetic research.

After all, such a thing is enough to cause chaos in any country. The purpose of chasing Su Yun is probably to conduct some research. "

Dean Feng didn't know much about Su Yun, but after hearing this, his eyes showed some worry:

"Yes, but unfortunately these two bones are not important parts of the skeleton, and their research value is very low.

Otherwise, we must do our best to live up to the risk Su Yun took. "

Dean Sun also agreed with this:

"Yes, although from a biological sense, the research value of this bone is not high.

But from a cultural relic perspective, this is an unprecedented opening.

It should be noted that the concept of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors has always existed only in theory. From an archaeological perspective, it is difficult to verify or falsify, and it is highly controversial.

But the appearance of this bone will completely prove the historical authenticity of the Xia Dynasty, which is enough to advance the history of Daxia for thousands of years, which is of great significance.

It’s just that we still know too little about Chi Eugene’s bones. For example, there are extremely complex patterns on the two gold bones, which we are still deciphering.

But at least one thing is certain, Chi Eugene's bones will bring about earth-shaking changes in both the cultural relic world and the biological world. "

Just as Dean Sun finished speaking, a burst of rapid footsteps followed.

As the footsteps got closer, a tall, long-haired woman wearing a white coat and rimless glasses walked over holding a stack of documents.

This kind of intellectual elegance radiating from the inside out made Zhou Xiaoxiao, a policewoman, subconsciously look away.

"Dean, we have made a new discovery..."

The woman came to Dean Sun with a soft smile that made people feel like a spring breeze.

Although Zhou Xiaoxiao is also a very beautiful woman, this kind of beauty still has a bit of sassiness.

If compared to the femininity, it is a little worse than the one in front of me.

After hearing this, Dean Sun immediately took the document from the woman's hand and looked at it, then his eyes widened:

"Professor Chen Jie, is this document accurate?"

When they heard the name Chen Jie, even laymen Zhou Xiaoxiao and Zhou Nanhai had heard of it before.

Chen Jie is the youngest professor in the Archeology Department of Rongyang City University.

Not only is he outstanding in appearance, he is also rich in knowledge and experience.

While her peers were still boringly studying theoretical knowledge in the room, Chen Jie had already put on her backpack and followed the archaeological team to conduct field research in various complex and dangerous places.

Therefore, being able to become a professor at Rongyang City University is absolutely impossible.

As characters who often appear in newspapers, Zhou Nanhai and Zhou Xiaoxiao are naturally familiar to them.

At this time, the information in Chen Jie's hand seemed to mention something important, so that Professor Sun's face was full of shock.

"Dean, I have compared it many times and there should be no problem."

Hearing this, Professor Sun nodded, then quickly looked at Zhou Nanhai and others and said:

"Come with me, there are some things I should let you see..."

Zhou Nanhai and Zhou Xiaoxiao looked at each other in confusion, then nodded and followed along with Dean Feng.

Passing through a somewhat dim corridor, several people quickly followed Dean Sun and Chen Jie into a seemingly hidden room.

The lighting in this room is not bright, and most of the lighting comes from various instruments placed densely in the room.

At this moment, there are still several archaeologists who are working seriously and selflessly, and they even turn a deaf ear to the arrival of several people.

Chen Jie took the lead in opening a door and led several people into a neat room.

Chen Jie then turned on the screen on the wall, and soon two models of Chi Eugene's bones appeared on the screen.

Dean Sun carefully closed the door, as if what he was going to say next was very important.

"Professor Chen Jie has been leading the research team to study the Chi-Eugene bone itself.

Just now, she made an astonishing discovery. Let Professor Chen explain the details. "

With that said, Dean Sun moved to the side to make way for Chen Jie.

Chen Jie stood in front of several people and said seriously:

“Please see, we have separately extracted the text and complex textures on the surface of the cultural relics.

The existence of these lines must not be meaningless, so I called up big data analysis, but did not find any matching information.

Just when I wanted to give up, I accidentally put two pieces of cultural relics together and discovered this..."

While talking, Chen Jie pressed a case.

Under the gaze of everyone, the two Chi Yujin bones on the screen slowly came closer and were quickly pieced together.

Subsequently, the pieced together textures were extracted individually and appeared on the screen.

The complex and twisted lines can be linked together without any gaps at this moment.

The most important thing is that when you take a look at the individually extracted textures, you will quickly realize something.

"This looks... like a map route..."

Zhou Xiaoxiao hit the mark, and Chen Jie quickly cast a look of approval:

“Yes, the officer is right.

It took me a long time to realize that the lines were clearly added deliberately.

According to speculation, it should have been engraved together with this text during the Warring States Period.

This is a map, but the map is not yet complete and cannot be used for the time being.

But this is a very important discovery, and more importantly, where does this map lead? "

As he spoke, Professor Xie quickly came over.

This map was discovered by Chen Jie and Professor Xie together.

"If nothing else, this map was drawn during secondary processing during the Warring States Period.

Times have changed, and the map of that time still needs to be repositioned for the present.

And I guess that this map should be related to Chi You, otherwise it would not have been a waste of time and effort to carve a map on it.

It is even possible that this map will point to the legendary location of Chi You’s tomb.

Although it is not certain yet, there is definitely no problem with this general direction. I believe we can find the answer soon! "

Professor Xie’s confident words also made Professor Sun nod his head repeatedly.

This is a very important discovery. Now only two fibulas have been found genetically, confirming the reason why Chi You was so powerful in the legend.

If more of Chi You's bones can be obtained, it is likely to revolutionize humankind's current understanding of genes.

After all, why did Chi You not die under high-intensity radiation? There are even changes in the body, which is a crucial research example!

Just thinking about this kind of thing is exciting enough.

Not to mention, if it is really Chi You's tomb, there may be even more amazing cultural relics discovered in the tomb.

This is a great news for both biological experts and archaeological experts.

Dean Sun of the Academy of Archeology is indeed a workaholic. Such a discovery made him quickly join forces with Chen Jie and Professor Xie to immerse themselves in research work again.

Dean Feng of the Institute of Biology did not stay here for long, leaving only Zhou Nanhai and Zhou Xiaoxiao standing there, dumbfounded.

These people really don't care about their work as soon as they have it.

Looking at the busy figures of several people, Zhou Nanhai said with a wry smile:

"Okay, let's go, don't disturb them here."

Zhou Xiaoxiao nodded and soon returned to the police station with Zhou Nanhai.

After returning, Zhou Nanhai immediately informed Zhang Zhenghuai of the discovery at the Archaeological Center.

This discovery also shocked Zhang Zhenghuai.

He had thought that the gold foil should be a very important and valuable cultural relic, and he was sure that there must be a big secret in the gold foil.

But I never thought that this cultural relic actually hides such an important and incredible secret.

Did the ancestors of Daxia in ancient times actually have genetic mutations?

Could it be that the folklore of later generations came from this?

"This Su Yun... is not simple..."

Zhang Zhenghuai didn't say much, but in his heart, he admired Su Yun a little more.

Since he is a hero, even though his nature is somewhat special and indeed threatening, he must be treated like a hero.

However, these still need to wait for instructions from superiors. What needs to be done now is to complete the filing of Su Yun first.

But these days, Su Yun seems to be quite comfortable.

Although the other prisoners in the prison were not in tears, they were still depressed and regretful.

On the other hand, Su Yun was not so much locked in a cell as he was living in a hotel.

Every day, the food is the same as what the police eat. If you have any requests, the police will try their best to accommodate them.

After staying for two days, Su Yun's single cell not only had complete live broadcast equipment, but also had an extra table.

There is a tea tray on the table and fruits beside it.

This opened the eyes of everyone in the prison next door. This is not a sign of entering the police station. Isn't this a return home?

Finally, three days later, it was time for Su Yun to file.

Looking at Zhou Xiaoxiao waiting at the door, Su Yun took the phone off the tripod slowly. When he came to the door, he looked back at the place where he had lived for three days.

Not to mention, Su Yun was a little reluctant to do this.

Safe and quiet, where can I find such a good place?

"Officer, do you think I can come back and stay for two days from time to time?"

Facing Su Yun's weird question, Zhou Xiaoxiao felt angry and wanted to laugh:

"It's best to say goodbye. Next time you come in, you may not be treated like this."

Su Yun shrugged and followed Zhou Xiaoxiao to the registration hall.

The legend in the prison was gone. People in the next few cells gathered in front of the railings and looked at Su Yun's back curiously.

In the past two days, there have been no less than five versions of speculation about Su Yun's identity.

The son of a high official?

Or is the family extremely powerful?

The worst thing is that Black Belt takes it all, right?

Of course, these speculations will never have answers. For these people imprisoned here, Su Yun will always be a legend in their spare time.

The registration hall is next to the verification site because of the diversity of information about the filers.

Some people have criminal records and are subject to anti-pornography and gambling crackdowns. They must come to register and receive different treatment according to the level of registration.

Currently, Daxia’s registration is divided into three levels: A, B, and C from high to low.

Each level is divided into two categories: ‘—’ and ‘+’.

"—" belongs to the harmless category, or the mild category, or the regular category; "+" naturally belongs to the high-risk category, which requires strict vigilance.

Class C has the largest scope. For some general illegal activities that are illegal but not criminal, and even some special industries, such as locksmith companies, they must be filed with the Social Security Center and then filed in the police files, and classified as Class C for easy management. .

Class B registrations are much rarer in comparison. Some people who pose hidden dangers to society, or have special skills and are not sure of the level of harm, will be entered into the Class B registration database.

Class C filings are publicly available on the official website, while Class B filings are communicated to the police systems in each region through internal networks.

All persons registered as Class B will receive special attention from the police no matter where they go.

But there are very few people who can actually be registered as Class B, and Su Yun is about to be one of them.

As for Class A registration, it is only a theoretical level, just in case. But in fact, for the police, Class A has almost never been used since the police system was established.

Not to mention the harsher conditions, even some young police officers joked that people who can register as Class A are like ghosts. They have heard of it but no one has seen it.

According to theory, unless it is during a war, this level of registration may have a chance to be activated. In a normal and peaceful society, it is unlikely that this level of filing conditions would occur.

Therefore, it is very rare to be able to reach the second level. In the national police system, you will not encounter one in several years, and if you encounter it, you will be surprised for a long time.

Zhou Xiaoxiao quickly submitted the information about Su Yun. The police officer in charge of filing looked at it again and again, then looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao uncertainly and asked:

"Officer Zhou, are you sure you want to put him on the B+ level?"

It is normal for police officers to be so strict when registering. After all, once it is included in the Class B registration, the entire Daxia public security network will quickly know about it.

As for the B+ level, it is even rarer. There have been few B+s in the country for several years. The previous one was a special criminal who was registered as a B+ after being released from prison.

From now on, no matter where Su Yun goes, even if he buys a ticket online, the police will pay great attention to it. If Su Yun goes to other cities, the local police system will be informed immediately, and plainclothes police officers will be arranged to conduct observations. ,in case.

Zhou Xiaoxiao did not hesitate at all:

"Yes, this is what the director meant..."

As soon as this statement came out, the police officer responsible for the filing naturally had no objection at all.

Soon, he handed Su Yun a piece of paper:

"Sign your name, put your thumbprint, and take a photo, and that's it."

Su Yun looked at the paper and saw that it was nothing more than a consent form.

Basically, I agree to accept the registration and accept all legal supervision after the registration.

This thing is completely a process. At this point, who can disagree?

Going against the national system is asking for death.

Su Yun has no objection to this. It's okay to be supervised. After all, it's all done secretly and cannot disturb your normal life.

Moreover, he is now the enemy of the whole world, and being supervised can give him an extra layer of protection. What a great thing!

Therefore, Su Yun quickly signed and pressed his fingerprint, and then used police equipment to take a front-face photo for filing just like taking an ID card photo.

The whole process only took less than a few minutes. When Zhou Xiaoxiao left with Su Yun, the registration police officer had already started entering Su Yun's information.

But Su Yun didn't know that after the registration police officer entered Su Yun's name into the system, almost at the same time, the same information popped up in the network systems of various public security departments.

[Latest filing record notice:]

[Name of filing person: Su Yun]

[Gender of filing person: Male]

[Age of filing person: 22 years old]

[Occupation of filing person: Internet anchor]

[Registration location: Rongyang City Police Station]

[Reason for filing: The filing person has mastered the skills of flying cards and flying needles, which are extremely lethal and have great potential harm to society]

[Registration Level: Level B+]

When seeing the registration information, everyone was confused and wondered whether this was the reason for the registration above.

This is too outrageous. What kind of messy registration information, flying cards and flying needles? Are there still greater risks?

But after seeing the filing level, everyone paid attention.

Level B, which means that the entire public security system must be monitored in real time. Once the filing person appears within their jurisdiction, comprehensive monitoring must be implemented.

Class B+ refers to people with high risks in Class B registration. Such level of registration has not been seen for many years.

In Lin'an City, in the municipal police station, several police officers gathered around the message that suddenly popped up, each with their brows furrowed.

Even such level of filing information attracted the director's attention.

"Take a look at Su Yun's registration video. It should show his abilities."

Hearing this, the police officer nodded quickly, but after some operations, he raised his head blankly:

"Director, we do not have permission to view the video. Only the highest commander of the Rongyang City Police Department has permission to view the video."


This made the director even more confused and baffled by this inexplicable filing information.

This situation also happened in other police stations, and each police station was surprised after seeing such level of filing information.

Thai City Police Department, Cyber ​​Security Department.

"Anchors also need to register, and is it still B+?"

"Yeah, the reason for filing is also very strange. What does the flying needle card mean?"

"Isn't he the anchor? He should be able to do live broadcasts, right? Why don't you go to the live broadcast room and have a look."


Fancheng Police Department.

"Sure enough, it has been filed."

"Level B+, Rongyang City is very busy, haha."

"I have to say that Su Yun caused enough trouble this time."

"Can't you check the video? I know this guy is powerful, but I haven't seen his abilities yet. It's a pity that I can't check it."

For a time, except for Fan Cheng, who had cooperated with Rongyang City before, the other police stations all felt strange.

Looking at this confusing registration information, everyone is wondering what the method of this flying needle card that poses a great threat is.

But after checking, it was found that the permissions were insufficient, which naturally made the police stations more curious about it.

This level of filing clearly demonstrates Su Yun's threat, but there is very little information about Su Yun.

Even the filing video is kept highly confidential, which is hard not to think about.

At this time, Su Yun didn't know his name. It spread throughout the police stations in a short time. As an Internet celebrity, he was not yet popular, but among the police, Su Yun was familiar with it.

At this time, he followed Zhou Xiaoxiao to Zhang Zhenghuai's office.

In the office, besides the two familiar faces Zhang Zhenghuai and Zhou Nanhai, there was also a stranger.

But what caught Su Yun's attention was not these people, but a cage placed on the table at this time.


It was the white monkey in the cage. After entering the police station, they were temporarily separated.

During this period, Su Yun was still a little worried. It was not until he saw that the white monkey was safe and sound that Su Yun felt relieved.

At this time, Zhang Zhenghuai's attitude towards Su Yun also softened a lot:

"Su Yun, experts related to this monkey have identified it as a relatively rare mutant monkey.

Logically speaking, this kind of animal is basically not allowed to be kept by individuals.

But this monkey has been on a hunger strike for the past few days, and he finally regained some energy after seeing you.

It seems that this monkey also has feelings for you, so you should take it back first.

I will also contact you as soon as possible to apply for a wild animal domestication qualification certificate.

All procedures that must be followed to be legal must be followed. "

After hearing this, Su Yun quickly smiled and nodded.

He had been worried before that the white monkey would be unable to continue living with him.

It's finally safe now.

Su Yun quickly came to the cage, opened the door of the cage, and soon the white monkey sat on Su Yun's neck skillfully.

Even in full view of everyone, White Monkey hugged Su Yun and kept kissing her.

"Okay, okay, it's almost done!"

Su Yun comforted the white monkey, and at the same time did not forget to thank Zhang Zhenghuai.

Regarding this matter, Zhang Zhenghuai must have relented. Whether it was because of his merits or because of his merits, Su Yun accepted the favor.

Zhou Xiaoxiao nodded towards Zhou Nanhai, and Zhou Nanhai looked at Su Yun understandingly:

"Okay, now that the registration has been completed, you can leave at any time.

But one thing I want to remind you is that there are many people looking for you now, and even if you go through personal protection proceedings as soon as possible, it may not be enough.

We have already cooperated with Interpol and will find ways to help you solve the killer's matter as soon as possible, but you still cannot take it lightly. "

When Su Yun heard this, he naturally knew what he meant.

Getting a fatwa is not a piece of cake.

Interpol said they would deal with it, but in reality how could the underground forces take care of him?

If the underground forces were so obedient, the world would be at peace long ago.

But some things have to be faced, and Su Yun didn't reveal too much about it, just nodded lightly.

"Do I need to send someone to take you back?"

Faced with Zhou Nanhai's inquiry, Su Yun refused.

Police car escort will only cause more noise.

In this way, the strange combination of one person and one monkey walked through the police hall and attracted the attention of many people.

Su Yun took back his backpack, and before he could signal, White Monkey very cleverly opened the zipper and got in.

"Good monkey..."

After praising him, Su Yun picked up his backpack and walked out of the police station.

The dazzling sunlight made Su Yun couldn't help but reach out to block it. At this moment, Su Yun felt like he was in another world.

Walking out of the darkness and bathing in the sunshine again, Su Yun exhaled a deep breath, and then quickly turned from the main road into a small road.

There were many people on the road, so Su Yun couldn't make an accurate judgment. The quietness after turning into a small road allowed Su Yun to easily judge whether there was a tail following.

After all, he had been issued a fatwa, so Su Yun had to be extremely careful.

Along the way, Su Yun was on tenterhooks, but until he entered the community and came to the downstairs of his home, he didn't find anyone deliberately.

After returning home, Su Yun came to the window again and observed it carefully.

There is nothing downstairs except the couple who often set up stalls selling snacks.

This made Su Yun relieved, but also felt a little confused.

The police said it so seriously, saying that they were on the hit list and that there were so many forces involved.

But nothing happened along the way. Isn't it a bit contradictory?

Could it be that they haven't started taking action yet?

Sitting on the sofa, Su Yun took a deep breath. He had experienced a lot in the past few days.


The white monkey jumped out of his backpack and ran around to familiarize himself with the environment. Su Yun took out his cell phone, preparing to call home first to make sure he was safe.

"Hey, Mom..."

Mother Yang Shan shed tears soon after hearing Su Yun's voice:

"Son, are you okay?"

Listening to this cry, Su Yun was also mentally disturbed, but at this time he tried hard to control his emotions and comforted him softly:

"Mom, don't worry about me, I'm fine, I've gone home, everything is fine."

"That's good, that's good. Your dad and I haven't been able to eat or sleep well these past two days because we're worried that something will happen to you."

After hearing Yang Shan's words, Su Yun asked again:

"Mom, where is my dad?"

At this time, Su Guowei was beside Yang Shan. After hearing Su Yun's voice, Su Guowei's eyes also showed deep concern.

But when Yang Shan wanted to hand the phone to Su Guowei, Su Guowei shook his head gently.

"Let him take time to come back in the next two days and tell us what's going on."

Perhaps this is the subtlety between father and son. They are worried but never want to show it.

Yang Shan continued to talk to Su Yun, telling him that the police had come a few days ago and asked Su Yun what happened.

Su Guowei came to the yard without saying a word.

Soon, Su Guowei took out the satellite phone and pressed the answer button.

"Mountain Eagle, the first batch of killers have been dealt with by us before they were dispatched.

But as far as I know, the matter is not over yet, and other underground forces have also begun to make moves.

We suffered heavy casualties and barely managed to stop the first batch of killers.

You also know that underground forces are all about strength. I'm afraid I can't suppress so many people who are ready to make a move.

However, there are other forces and individuals who are also taking action to stop the first batch of killers who want to take action. They must be the people you are looking for, right?

Fortunately, the first batch of killers were all trying to test the waters, so they were easier to intercept.

But the killers in the future may be difficult to deal with, so be prepared. "

Su Guowei's brows knitted together, but at this time he still only said two words:


After hanging up the phone, Su Guowei made several more calls and received almost the same reply. He thanked them one by one and expressed his gratitude.

After putting down the phone, he looked up at the dazzling sunshine, and his heart was filled with worry.

He was worried about Su Yun. After all, the forces Su Yun had provoked this time were too great.

Relying on these personal connections of his is not enough to keep Su Yun safe.

Although the first batch of killers were stopped, they all took the lead to test the waters. Many capable ones were still standing still. Who knows how many more people will follow?

Now, what should we do?

Su Guowei's heart was full of worry, and he was thinking about how to protect his son.

Su Yun, on the other hand, knew nothing about this and did not know what his father had done. Even after hanging up the phone, Su Yun was still wondering why there was no trace of the killer along the way.

After a brief rest, Su Yun was ready to start broadcasting again.

Although he was still worried, he still had to eat.

Until now, Su Yun had not found any clues, so there were only two possibilities in his mind.

Or, the factual development was different from what he had learned, and the fatwa was not that exaggerated.

Or, the danger was already coming, but he couldn't detect it. After all, he didn't have the slightest counter-reconnaissance ability.

But no matter which point it is, it cannot be solved by worrying.

Life has to go on, and if you even want to get out of this crisis, you still have to rely on yourself.

After setting up the live broadcast equipment, Su Yun was ready to start practicing swordsmanship again.

Soon, a large number of viewers flooded into the live broadcast room, and the live broadcast room quickly became lively.

"Hey, the anchor has started broadcasting? No, why did the background change?"

"Brother Yili, why did you stop broadcasting a few days ago?"

"Yeah, brother Yili, why are you going?"

“+1 for same question”

Faced with these inquiries, Su Yun had to put the wooden knife in his hand temporarily and patiently explained in front of the screen:

"Something happened a few days ago. I cooperated with the police to handle a case and prepared a case for myself... You also know that my stunts are too powerful. If I don't file a case, the police will not worry about it."

Su Yun's words were said calmly, and what he said was so outrageous that no one believed it.

"I have unilaterally decided to change the name of Brother Yili to Brother Bragging."

"The anchor is too ridiculous. I watched the live broadcast two days ago, and it was clearly a background board!"

"God has been here for a few fucking days. Brother Yili is so bragging!"

Su Yun watched these live broadcasts happily. Anyway, he was telling the truth. Whether he believed it or not was beyond his control.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's continue the live broadcast today. It's still the same as before, practicing swordsmanship!"

To be honest, the content of this live broadcast is really boring.

From beginning to end, Su Yun didn't have any fancy tricks, it was always a chopping action.

But in fact, only Su Yun himself knew that the inertia of the blade when it fell, and the feeling of blending with his own power became stronger and stronger.

In Su Yun's view, fancy moves have no significance to the actual combat itself.

If you can reach the state where one move is enough, even if the opponent comes up with tricks, it will not pose any threat.




Su Yun made a simple dummy at home, cutting one knife after another without any visual experience, but the number of people in the live broadcast room increased instead of falling.

"What kind of anchor is this? What is he doing?"

This is a question that basically all newcomers will ask after entering the live broadcast room.

To this, there are always enthusiastic old fans who quickly give the answer:

"Juli's live broadcast is only something you can't imagine, but Brother Yili couldn't do it."

"The flying cards were so boring at first, but, no spoilers, it's a good watch, I don't know what will happen this time!"

"I'll go out and take a look for a while. Wait for me for five minutes and then come back and continue the sage mode!"

Su Yun's live broadcast is everywhere in the live broadcast industry, and you can't find anything of the same type within a few steps.

It can even be called a clear stream, and it remains unmoved from beginning to end.

One knife...two knifes...

Su Yun just kept repeating the slashing action, which did not create any visual sense for the audience, but for Su Yun, the feedback of each knife was different.

Collision, inertia, force...

This kind of running-in made Su Yun feel like he was back to the time when he first started practicing flying cards.

This is a brand new field and an unfamiliar challenge for Su Yun.


However, at this moment, Su Yun's mobile phone used for live broadcast suddenly heard a notification tone.

This made Su Yun feel a little confused, and he quickly came to the phone.

This was a reminder of Lian Mai's invitation. When he saw the other party's name, Su Yun immediately smiled.

An old acquaintance, Lu Hongya.

Soon, Su Yun pressed the agree button, and the screen soon split into two, revealing Lu Hongya wearing a taekwondo uniform.

As soon as he saw Su Yun, Lu Hongya asked in surprise:

"What have you been doing these past few days? I thought you wouldn't broadcast anymore. Suddenly I saw you online today, so I wanted to come and take a look."

Su Yun smiled and said:

"Something happened to me two days ago, but don't worry, I've taken care of it."

"Who is worried about you?"

Lu Hongya said angrily:

"I want to see if you are dead!

Also, why have you changed your tricks now? What special effects are you planning to use this time to fool people? "

"Please, I've said it many times, that's not a special effect!"

Su Yun was really helpless, but this explanation seemed very pale to Lu Hongya.

"You have small arms and thin legs, but you can still practice swordsmanship. Why do you always do the same thing? This is not how you practice swordsmanship."

Lu Hongya felt very puzzled. Su Yun's live broadcast method was getting more and more boring.

Just as Su Yun and Lu Hongya were chatting, the entire live broadcast room suddenly became quiet.

Su Yun took a closer look and saw many system reminders appearing in the comment area.

[Lin'an Internet Police enters the live broadcast room...]

[The official account of Fancheng Public Security Bureau enters the live broadcast room...]

[North Shaanxi Public Security Network Security Center enters the live broadcast room...]

[The official account of Fu’an City Public Security Bureau enters the live broadcast room...]

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