The police asked me to register, and I was exposed after practicing hard.

Chapter 128 The swordsman Su Yun returned to China and was covered in blood and shocked the country

p: [Two in one chapter]

"If you put it that way, it's quite a coincidence."

After hearing what Zhou Xiaoxiao said, everyone was stunned and thoughtful.

Thinking of Su Yun's special characteristics, the flying needles and flying cards are particularly magical. Everyone has seen them before and there is no need to question them, but what about his wooden sword?

Zhou Xiaoxiao had already taken out his mobile phone at this time, found Su Yun's live broadcast video some time ago, and some videos uploaded by netizens, and played them for everyone to watch.

"I'm really practicing swordsmanship, but this level... shouldn't be that great, right?"

"To be honest, I think it's okay for me to have sex with you."

"Haha, I can do that too. I just want to hack the dummy."

Everyone was talking about it, which was quite interesting. I have to say that Su Yun is really good at live broadcasting.

Zhou Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "It is said that he has just practiced for a short time, so naturally he is not very good at it, and how can such a thing be achieved quickly? I think it will take at least one or two years of practice to achieve initial results, right? If you want to become a master of swordsmanship, You will definitely have to be immersed in this way for many years.”

"That's right, it takes years of cultivation and training to practice boxing and Sanda, not to mention reaching the pinnacle of swordsmanship."

Chen Ye nodded in agreement. What Zhou Xiaoxiao said was indeed reasonable. There was nothing to argue with. Even if practice makes perfect, you have to get used to it. This takes a long time.

"So I think that although Su Yun is also practicing swordsmanship on live broadcast, it should just be a coincidence with the swordsman, right?

This swordsman can kill an A-level killer with a single blow using a wooden sword. This accomplishment obviously requires years of accumulation and cannot be achieved overnight.

Moreover, the situation shown in Su Yun's video is not like someone with such ability. "

Others were noncommittal. Anyone with a discerning eye could see this kind of thing. If it were really that simple and could be easily practiced in just a few months, that would be an exaggeration.

"Although Su Yun is indeed powerful, he specializes in martial arts. He is amazing in hidden weapons such as flying cards and flying needles, but we can't overly mythologize him. After all, there is an essential difference between sword skills and hidden weapons. .”

"Yes, if this thing can be done quickly, then it really isn't human!"

After a discussion, everyone dispersed and did not take Su Yun's live broadcast of sword practice seriously.

Although it is indeed somewhat related to the coincidence that Sweden wants, this is obviously more nonsense, and no one would think of it at all.

After all, no one knows that Su Yun's true ability is not actually flying needles and cards, but - extraordinary state!

In the eyes of outsiders, Su Yun is a master of hidden weapons, but in fact these various abilities are not the core of Su Yun, everything is just an extension of the skills in the extraordinary state.

Without the transcendent state, nothing would exist.

Therefore, under this situation, with the blessing of the extraordinary state, Su Yun has indeed broken the common sense, is different from ordinary humans, and can make any skill quick.

Because this is called cultivation.

At the same time, the outside world is paying special attention to the swordsman.

Finland is shrouded in clouds and seems to be facing a heavy rain at any time. In an independent hotel, Su Yun is sitting in front of the computer and typing on the keyboard.

Because the curtains were drawn and the weather outside was gloomy, the whole room seemed very dark and damp.

Only the dim blue light from the display screen shone on Su Yun's face, reflecting his sunny and indifferent expression.

It would be hard for anyone to imagine that the seemingly cold swordsman was actually not cold at all.

"Jiajia, have you found out what I asked you to check for me?"

At this moment, Su Yun is chatting with Xu Jiajia via email.

"You still knew how to contact me. I thought something happened to you and I was worried for a long time."

Seeing these words, a smile appeared on Su Yun's lips.

"When have I ever messed up what you asked me to do?

These are several small secret strongholds. I have listed eight or nine of them. They all have only three to four active killers.

Although I don't want to ask you what exactly you are going to do, but be sure to stay safe.

Things are not going well in Northern Europe recently. There is a killer who is very active and rising in the rankings. He is codenamed Swordsman. You should be careful. "

Although she knew how powerful Su Yun was, Xu Jiajia was obviously still a little worried, but what she didn't know was that this swordsman was actually Su Yun.

Of course, the smart Xu Jiajia had also thought about whether this swordsman had anything to do with Su Yun?

After all, not long after Su Yun left the country, this swordsman suddenly became active, which is hard not to make people suspicious.

Moreover, Su Yun had asked her for a list of related killers before, totaling more than ten people. And the three A-level killers who died happened to be one of the people on the list.

What's more coincidental is that these killers were all killed by swordsmen.

But when Xu Jiajia hacked several Swedish police documents through special channels, she gave up her speculation about Su Yun.

Because according to the police's detailed records of the autopsy report, as the name suggests, the knife master's skills are mainly knives.

And Xu Jiajia also knew very well that Su Yun was good at flying cards and flying needles, but the wounds were no longer suitable.

Therefore, Xu Jiajia gave up this guess and did not dwell on this coincidence.

But to be honest, even Su Yun himself didn't know about ranking improvement.

He logged into the dark web with doubts, and then realized that he was now an A-level killer.

What's this? It's an unexpected surprise...

The reason why Su Yun settles the order immediately after receiving it is just because he wants to make some money along the way.

After all, those Chinese medicines cost a lot of money to buy, especially those precious medicinal materials.

But who would have thought that it was precisely this volume of orders received and completed that caused Su Yun's killer ranking to jump two levels in a short period of time, becoming an A-level killer for a time.

But Su Yun is really not interested in this ranking.

Although for underground forces, such a ranking is extremely valuable.

But the reason why Su Yun entered this circle was because he had no choice but to sink deeper and deeper into it.

Moreover, he has his own principles and bottom line. He only kills those killers who target him and does not accept other orders.

However, his real name is still ranked first on the assassination list.

And the codename "Swordsman" actually caused quite a stir in the underground world in such a short period of time.

This made Su Yun feel a little helpless. This was really unintentional.

After exiting the dark web, Su Yun simply replied to Xu Jiajia and then focused on the latest document she sent.

There were several maps attached to the document, and Xu Jiajia carefully marked the detailed addresses.

This is exactly the small stronghold of multiple killer organizations that Su Yun asked Xu Jiajia for.

Through this period of practice, Su Yun has discovered that he is getting closer and closer to the critical point of the first level of the realm of 'first glimpse of the door'.

But the actual combat before seemed to no longer bring a more obvious breakthrough. What he needed was a more dangerous battle.

Only in this way can we successfully break through to the first realm in the shortest possible time.

And one of these strongholds is Su Yun's next target.

Of course, he will only choose a suitable one among them to go to, and will not provoke them all, because he will return to his country after he is done, and he does not plan to stay overseas for too long.

Because Su Yun was also afraid that if his identity was exposed, he would be attacked by assassins overseas. He did not want to face a situation where everyone in the world was his enemy.

You must know that overseas restrictions are not as great as domestic ones. Once your identity as "Su Yun" is exposed, the danger you will face will greatly increase.

Killing moves like sniping and artillery are difficult to prevent. Even if Su Yun's sword skills have broken through to the first level, he is still a mortal and has not yet reached the level of transcendence and sainthood. He does not think he can prevent an assassination on this scale. !

Especially if you are besieged by many people, you will definitely die.

Even if someone was powerful and directly dispatched heavy weapons such as helicopters, Su Yun felt that he could commit suicide.

Therefore, Su Yun was also afraid that something would happen, so he decided to return home as soon as he completed the next order, hide out for a while, and wait until the situation calmed down or his strength improved again.

Soon, Su Yun recorded the address in detail in his mind, and then destroyed the email.

White Monkey sat on the bed, looking at Su Yun curiously, tilting his head as if to figure out what Su Yun was doing at the moment.

Su Yun smiled and sat next to him and touched the white monkey's head:

“Snowball, there’s one last battle.

I think this last battle should allow me to find the critical point and break through the realm of swordsmanship.

At that time, I can take you home. "

The white monkey seemed to really understand, and suddenly started to scream anxiously, shaking his head and waving his hands, jumping up and down, completely different from his previous quiet appearance.

Su Yun saw this in his eyes and soon showed a knowing smile.

This white monkey is indeed very understanding of human nature. It seems to know that Su Yun is about to face danger, and urges him to go together, hoping to help.

"Let's go, last order, return to China after finishing work."


Finland had been gloomy all day, and with a dull thunder, heavy rain poured down.

The originally bustling streets became deserted in a short period of time.

Neon lights lit up, illuminating the bustling Finland, and advertisements for various luxury goods were played on large LED screens almost everywhere.

People walking on the street held umbrellas and looked hurriedly walking through the heavy rain.

No one wanted to miss the scenery on the street. At this moment, they just wanted to go home as soon as possible to escape the sudden heavy rain.

Under the night, everything is bustling as far as the eye can see. Even though there is no one on the street, there is still a sense of feasting and feasting.

The heavy rain washed the whole city and made it look brand new.

The lights of high-rise buildings are dazzling, even eclipsing the stars in the sky.

A heavy rain made most places in Finland, a famous Nordic city, quiet, except for one place that was still lively.

Norton Street.

This is Finland's famous red light district. Although it is said to be a street, it is actually just a long and narrow alley.

This street is a pedestrian street and no vehicles are allowed.

The street is lifeless during the day, with almost all stores closed.

But at night, especially after ten o'clock, the street takes on a different look.

Neon lights flashed, and all the bars on both sides opened their doors, but you could always see heavily armed security personnel guarding the doors.

It is clearly a bar, but outsiders are not allowed to enter the bars on this street. Of course, for local Finns, this is also a place they keep telling their children not to go near at night.

Almost every night, the various bars here will perform many transactions that can only be seen in movies.

These transactions are all shady, but there are many celebrities and even dignitaries who come to patronize them.

Follow this alley to the end and you will see a dilapidated and abandoned iron gate.

The iron door is tightly attached to the wall, and no light can shine through.

Compared to the bustle in front, it seems a little quiet here.

But the strange thing is that outside this unattended iron gate, there are actually all-round surveillance cameras with no blind spots.

And some secrets may not even be considered secrets here...


The sound of heavy rain seemed to be able to cover up everything. The sound of heavy metal music coming from various bars on Warnorton Street mixed with the heavy rain and filled the streets.


At the door of this bar on the street, two security guards, armed with live ammunition, were standing there lighting cigars in their hands.

But at this moment, the security personnel facing the intersection suddenly stopped what they were doing.

Then he touched the person next to him and said doubtfully:

"Look, is there someone over there?"

The downpour caused the entire city to become a blur.

There were several cars speeding by on the road, hoping to get home as soon as possible before the rain got heavier.

After hearing this, the smoking security guard quickly looked in the direction pointed by the other person, but there was clearly nothing there.

But just when he was about to turn around and ask the other person what was going on, the cars had disappeared from sight, and soon a dark figure standing on the other side of the road was revealed.

This person was wearing a hood and holding a wooden knife in his hand. This look was particularly weird in such weather.

The cigarette lit by the security guard burned rapidly in his hand, but at this moment he completely forgot to put it to his mouth, but his eyes were fixed on the person who was walking this way.

"Something's wrong!"

This was the only thought in the minds of the two security guards. This scene seemed a bit too weird, and this person made it difficult for them to distinguish between friend and foe.

The visitor was naturally Su Yun, but his target was not these bars.

He lowered his head and walked in the middle of the path, heading straight towards the depths.

Along the way, many of the surrounding bars are flashing lights that make people drunk.

The heavy metal music coming from inside formed a sharp contrast with the deserted scene in front of me.

But Su Yun remained unmoved from beginning to end. He didn't even look at the stunned security personnel on both sides.

Under the gaze of everyone, Su Yun walked towards the depths of the alley, and his figure gradually became mixed with the heavy rain and darkness.

"What's going on with this guy?"

"I don't know, where is he going?"

"Are you going for that iron door?"

"Occasionally you can see people coming in and out of that iron door, but what is that place for?"

The security personnel were discussing in low voices, and their eyes could no longer capture Su Yun's figure at this moment.

But that strange feeling still filled the hearts of several people and lingered for a long time.

Su Yun on the other side has arrived not far from the iron gate, which is the same as the photo attached by Xu Jiajia.

The iron gate is set up at the end of a dark alley, which is basically deserted.

Since there are no longer any business establishments such as bars in the surrounding area, few people who come here to look for flowers and flowers will go deep into the area.

In addition, this iron door is tightly attached to the wall without any gaps.

It is easy to give people the illusion that this iron door has been sealed long ago.

Only the security personnel who work here every day can occasionally see this iron door being opened and the shadow of a person throbbing.

This was Su Yun's goal, and it was also one of the secret strongholds hidden in the city that Xu Jiajia had investigated before.

The reason why such secret strongholds are often established is to provide a platform for killers in the underground world to talk.

However, for these killers, they rarely stay in the same stronghold for too long because they are constantly wandering around the world.

Xu Jiajia previously said that the three or four killers who often operate in this stronghold are almost all the same people who established this stronghold.

Naturally, Su Yun came here for these people. At this moment, he was only one step away from reaching the first level of swordsmanship.

He needs to go through this battle to force himself and successfully enter the first realm.

At the same time, behind this iron door.

From the outside, the rusty iron door makes it hard to imagine that there is a whole other world behind it.

There are a lot of luxurious furniture in the spacious room, and there are many expensive wine sets on the shelves next to it.

The two of them were sitting leisurely on the sofa, changing glasses.

The two of them held extremely expensive cigars in their mouths, causing the whole room to become misty.

Although these two people are not celebrities on the underground dark web, they are both well-known figures in their organization.

The bald man on the left has a venomous snake tattooed on the back of his head. He is used to quenching venom for all his equipment.

Although many killers have similar habits, what really makes this bald man famous is that he is good at using gas poisons, which makes him really like a snake and can make the target incapacitated in a very short period of time.

His muscles were atrophied and his limbs were completely out of control. He could only watch helplessly as the sickle of death swung at him.

Therefore, this person's nickname is also very realistic, called Snake King.

The person sitting on the other side of the Snake King was a retired special forces soldier from a Southeast Asian country. He was very good at fighting skills and Israeli Krav Maga.

His style is very straightforward and decisive, never sloppy, and his greatest pleasure is breaking the target's neck with his bare hands.

He even once said that he really enjoyed hearing the crisp sound of a broken neck, which was the most beautiful movement in the world.

The nickname God of War, coupled with his nearly two-meter-long body with explosive muscles, seems to fit perfectly.

To the God of War, all assassinations in this world seem a bit petty.

He is like a mercenary among killers. He is better at and prefers a straightforward style.

Therefore, the various firearms displayed not far away were almost all used by the God of War.

"I hope we can cooperate happily this time and after completing the task, we can share the money together."

"The killers who explored the path before have disappeared. It seems that Su Yun is not simple. Otherwise, how could he be offered such a high reward? It is indeed safer to work in a team."

"Yes, it is the East after all."

"I hope I won't be snatched away by someone else. Let's set off tomorrow!"

The Snake King and the God of War were chatting and toasting to each other very happily, as if they were celebrating the completion of the mission in advance.

But at this moment, a closed door was suddenly pushed open, and then a head popped out:

"Come in and take a look, something is wrong outside..."

These words soon made the leisurely two people become solemn. They stood up one after another and strode into this room.

This room is not too big, but there are several computers placed, and each computer is connected to a camera outside the door.

However, the other camera images were all normal at this time, except for the camera image facing the gate, where a dark figure appeared.

"Fuck, who is this?"

The God of War frowned in confusion. Who would appear outside the door in the middle of the night and with heavy rain?

Could it be another member?

The Snake King touched his bald head, and then pointed to the hand of the figure on the screen.

"What is he holding in his hand?"

"It looks like a knife, right? And it seems like... a wooden knife!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them fell silent.

Then after looking at each other, they almost said a name in unison:


The title "Swordsman" is quite popular among the current underground forces.

Because the swordsman's ranking has soared in a short period of time, and his targets have always been killers, many of them below A level, he is quite picky.

Therefore, this is like a scavenger. Everyone is curious about who this swordsman is, but they don't want to see it with their own eyes.

At first glance, the God of War had a bad temper. At this time, he punched the table:

"This swordsman is so brave. He clearly regards us as his targets. Damn it!"

The Snake King's features twisted together in anger, his eyes flashed with cold murderous intent, and he said faintly:

“This swordsman has been rumored to be amazing recently, but he chose the wrong target.

Where do you have the courage to come here? "

The two became more and more angry as they talked, and then they turned around and picked up their weapons. The Snake King picked up two double guns, while the God of War directly picked up a repeating rifle.

The remaining person is obviously more calm than them:

"We are still not sure of the other party's intention, so be careful of fraud!"

This person has always been the technical person in charge of the secret stronghold, and all the blind surveillance outside the door was established by this person.

Wolverine is this man's code name, perhaps because he does look a bit like a wolf.

The thick hair seems to be difficult to rival even among foreigners who have always had relatively heavy body hair.

But what really makes him worthy of the title Wolverine is this man's sinister personality.

Insidiousness naturally means caution, so he would put forward a different point of view at this moment.

But the Snake King and the God of War naturally couldn't listen. Without saying a word, the two picked up their guns and walked towards the door.

Seeing this scene, it was impossible for Wolverine to stay alone in the house, but he did not choose the weapons like the other two. Instead, he picked up a sniper scope with a night sight, and then pointed towards the back door. left.


The God of War kicked the iron door open with a rough kick, and then picked up his rifle, ready to take a shot when he saw someone, but at this time, in the heavy rain, he could not see that figure again.

The Snake King also came out with two guns in hand, stood in the heavy rain, and looked around cautiously.

"Swordsman? Haha, if you have the guts, don't hide like a coward! Come out and fight!"

The God of War's voice exploded like muffled thunder, and visible to the naked eye, the muscles all over his body were rolling and exploding due to the increasing emotions.

Although the Snake King said nothing, the murderous intent in his eyes already showed his intentions at this moment.

As long as the swordsman shows up, he will shoot without mercy.


But at this moment, something flashed past the Snake King in his peripheral vision, and then he felt a sudden pain in his wrist, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground unconsciously.

With a bang, the Snake King didn't care to pick up the gun, and hurriedly lowered his head to look at the painful area, only to find that there was a slight wound on his wrist.


But before the Snake King could react, the gun in the other hand seemed to be hit by something, and suddenly flew out.

This sudden scene made the Snake King unable to react. Then he quickly pulled out two steel rods and combined them together.



Just at this moment, another sound broke through the air, and this time the target became the God of War holding a rifle.

Although the God of War seemed to have explosive power, he was still at a loss when faced with such an elusive situation.

Before the God of War could react, the rifle in his hand was knocked to the ground. This made the God of War quickly pull out a short knife from his waist and look around in confusion.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't see anyone around, let alone what the hidden weapon was.

This feeling made them feel a little weird. Could it be that the swordsman did this? But I’ve never heard of swordsmen being good at concealed weapons?

But in fact, these are indeed Su Yun's rhythms!

At this moment, he was hiding in the darkness, like a cheetah, letting the rain wash away, but still staring at the two prey in the light not far away.

Since Su Yun was not sure how many people were in the room at the time, he chose to lure these people out by exposing himself to the camera.

Looking at the two people walking out not far away, Su Yun quickly used the flying needles and flying cards in his hands to knock off their weapons.

After all, what he wanted to hone was his sword skills, and the hot weapon in the opponent's hand would naturally become a huge threat to Su Yun.

Now, finally it's time.

"I will return to China after completing this order and hope to have a smooth breakthrough."

With such thoughts in his mind, Su Yun took the wooden knife and slowly walked out of the darkness where he was hiding.

Tap tap tap——

The sound of footsteps hitting the rain was not clear and was covered up by the heavy rain, but the moment they saw Su Yun's figure, the Snake King and the God of War also became solemn.

But at this moment, what they didn't expect was that Su Yun walked towards this side, picked up a piece of red cloth, and covered his eyes slowly.

This scene made the Snake King and the God of War a little unable to react, and looked confused. The two looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

But then the God of War's face twisted together with anger:

"Fuck! Are you a swordsman? Are you looking down on me by covering your eyes?"

This move undoubtedly made the God of War and the Snake King feel extremely insulted.

Of course they wouldn't understand that Su Yun did this just to put pressure on himself.

He will rely on the perception he has gained during this period and use the wooden knife in his hand as his eyes to maximize his potential and perception.

This is also the reason why Su Yun had to knock out the firearms in the hands of the two of them before that. At least at his current level, he was still unable to deal with the attack of thermal weapons head-on.

The moment he blindfolded his eyes, Su Yun officially entered the darkness, but his hearing became sharper as a result.

The sound of rain hitting the ground was different from the sound of rain hitting the other two. This also allowed Su Yun to lock the position of the two of them even though he couldn't see anything.

"Don't interfere, I will break this arrogant guy's neck with my own hands!"

The God of War roared loudly. His mentality was shattered by Su Yun's actions, and he was furious. Then he rushed towards Su Yun like a bull.


The short knife in his hand slashed Su Yun's head unceremoniously.

However, at this moment, Su Yun suddenly stopped. Although he was blindfolded, he could form a blurry image in front of his eyes through the sound of rain falling.


Then Su Yun raised his knife with his backhand and accurately blocked the opponent's short knife.

The huge power rested on Su Yun's body, causing his thin body to retreat slightly. Strength alone was indeed no match for the God of War, but it also gave Su Yun that familiar and exciting feeling again.

"It's the critical point..."

Su Yun felt happy in his heart. Sure enough, only such a sense of crisis could give him hope of breaking through the critical point in a short time.

On the other side, although the God of War said that, the Snake King did not think so.

One-on-one fighting has long since disappeared with the decline of the Roman Empire.

These days, solving the goal in the shortest time is the most important thing, and the means are not important. Therefore, when the God of War approached, the Snake King quickly followed.

Just as Su Yun was contending with the power of the God of War, the short stick spliced ​​together by the Snake King suddenly stabbed out a small knife and slashed towards Su Yun's neck.

But all this did not work in Su Yun's blindfolded perception.

It looked like Su Yun had lost his eyes, but in fact the wooden sword in his hand was the eyes he relied on in this battle.

The moment Su Yun dodged, he used the momentum to strike with his backhand. This sudden burst of reaction force caused Su Yun's aura to change suddenly.

In the previous battle, Su Yun had already reached the critical point of breakthrough. At this time, in such an urgent situation, Su Yun's whole body's strength suddenly exploded.

At this moment, the energy and blood in Su Yun's body surged, and he felt an unprecedented sense of comfort, even reaching the wooden knife!

This subtle change seemed unaware to others, but to Su Yun, it was enough to make him ecstatic.

"The first level of swordsmanship has been broken through! The first glimpse of the door!"

Great skill but no craftsmanship, heavy sword without edge.

No fancy skills are needed, just use force to defeat it!

This is the sword technique that Su Yun understood!

As for the Snake King, who was also a killer, he was naturally able to detect the subtle changes in Su Yun's aura immediately.

But all this happened between sparks of calcium carbide, so that the snake king didn't care at all.

But what he never expected was that when Su Yun turned around and suddenly slashed downwards, he would actually bring a strong sense of crisis to himself.

The Snake King instinctively raised the steel rod in his hand to resist, but Su Yun stepped into the first glimpse at this moment, and his mastery and perception of the wooden sword was already extraordinary!


One knife is enough!


The blade of the knife drew a beautiful arc in the air, and all the raindrops were chopped into pieces. At this moment, it was as if Su Yun cut the rain curtain with a knife, dividing the space into two.


The next moment, a crisp sound came, and the steel rod in the Snake King's hand was chopped off by this knife!

The Snake King, who was instantly exposed to the knife edge, suddenly widened his eyes, but at this time, he had no time to dodge.


This crisp sound is all too familiar to the God of War who likes to hear the sound of his neck being broken. It is the sound of bones being violently broken!

But this voice did not come from Su Yun, but from the Snake King!

And Su Yun's sword that just broke through the realm struck the Snake King on the head, and its power can be imagined.


The Snake King instantly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes turned completely red due to congestion. He didn't even have any extra time to struggle, and slowly fell to the ground limply, dying instantly.

And this blood was imprinted on Su Yun's body, making him even more like the reincarnated killing god.

However, after the sword fell, Su Yun did not pursue the victory. Instead, he stood there like a statue, still being bullied by the wind and rain.

But behind the red cloth, Su Yun also closed his eyes, his ears trembled slightly, and he could even hear the sound of wind and rain falling.

If you close your eyes and listen to the wind, you can discern the direction of ghosts and ghosts.

The God of War looked at this scene, and the anger in his heart suddenly rose.

There isn't much brotherly love for a killer, so the death of the Snake King isn't something that grieves.

The reason why he was so angry was because Su Yun actually killed the Snake King under his nose, which was a great humiliation for him.

What's more, this man has been blindfolded. If this spreads, his reputation as the God of War will be ruined.

"Fuck! You have to die today!"

The God of War roared loudly, and the strength of the short sword in his hand suddenly increased, and he suddenly slashed towards Su Yun who seemed to be defenseless.

But what he didn't know was that at the moment he raised the dagger, his eyes behind the red cloth opened...

Although there was a red cloth blocking him, he still couldn't see anything, but it was clear that Su Yun was in danger at this moment, but he walked forward calmly.

When the two of them brushed against each other, Su Yun swung out his sword with a swish sound, speaking lightly and not paying much attention.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be frozen, and all the raindrops became slow motion at this moment, stopping in the air and never falling.

Of course, this was just an illusion. Soon, this perception returned to normal, and the low sound of raindrops appeared in Su Yun's ears again.


At the same time, there was a muffled sound, and a person fell to the ground behind him, but it was the God of War whose throat was sealed with a wooden knife, and he died with his eyes open.

Su Yun still walked forward in the sound of rain, and slowly took off the red cloth covering his eyes, but he never looked back at the two corpses lying on the ground.

He drifted away in the rain, leaving only the two corpses on the ground and the blood stains mixed with the rain, proving the killing that night.

Close your eyes and listen to the wind, open your eyes to kill!

"Da da da……"

The Wolverine quickly walked along the iron stairs and found the highest point closest to the stronghold.

He quickly set up his sniper rifle and aimed in the direction of the entrance to the stronghold through a sniper scope with night vision function.

But what puzzled him was that the entrance to the stronghold had become extremely quiet at this time.

There is no figure of the swordsman, and there is not even a scene of the God of War and the Snake King fighting with him.

what happened?

It took less than two minutes from the time he left the stronghold to finding the commanding heights.

Is it possible that the battle is over, and then this swordsman really doesn't live up to his reputation?

With his mind full of doubts, Wolverine searched for Su Yun's figure bit by bit. He soon saw two corpses outside the stronghold door through the sniper scope.

That is……

After a brief pause, the wolverine's eyes quickly widened.

Those are actually...the Snake King and the God of War?

Just when all Wolverine's attention was focused on the sniper scope, a clear sound of footsteps suddenly came from behind him.

The Wolverine turned back suddenly, and then took out the pistol from his waist.

But before he could raise the pistol, a wooden knife fiercely slashed into the wolverine's neck!

Before dying, Wolverine's eyes widened and he looked at the figure in front of him in shock...

He was standing in the rain, wearing a sweatshirt and a hood. The wooden knife in his hand had already been stained red with blood, dripping with rain, reflecting the cold murderous aura on his body.

At the end of Wolverine's life, in his blurred vision, he could only see this figure gradually disappearing into the darkness, getting further and further away...

"That seems to be...Su Yun?!"

A killer organization's stronghold that has been rooted in Finland for almost fifteen years, where B-level and A-level killers often reside, was eliminated by the swordsman in less than five minutes.

It would be unbelievable for anyone to do such a thing.

That night, the heavy rain washed away all the filth in the city, until the sky gradually brightened and the sun rose, giving the whole city a brand new look.

People who had finished the night of carnival walked out of the bar one after another.

Two big-bellied people supported each other and wanted to go deeper into the alley for convenience.

"Ah! Damn Fake! Dead man!"

Soon, an exclamation came from deep in the alley, which made everyone's drunkenness disappear.

Within a moment, the roaring police cars were speeding down the street, as if telling everyone in Finland that today was destined to be an unfair day.

At the same time, in front of a window facing the alley, the curtains were artificially opened a gap.

Su Yun's face was printed on the window. He calmly watched a large number of police officers coming and going in the alley opposite.

As the instigator, Su Yun is watching this good show at the moment. If the police find out, they will probably be furious.

But after breaking through the first realm, following the Silver Needle, and reaching the first level of swordsmanship, Su Yun not only increased his strength greatly, but also changed his state of mind very obviously.

Nowadays, he has the second-level flying card in one hand, the first-level flying needle in one hand, and the first-level sword skill in one hand. Although he has not reached such an outrageous level, he still needs to be cautious when facing ordinary hot weapons, and it is impossible to deal with heavy firepower. Yes, but at least I have a certain ability to protect myself, and I feel a lot more confident.

"I wonder if if I continue to practice, I can one day be able to withstand heavy weapons with my mortal body? If that day comes, I'm afraid it will really be considered extraordinary!"

There was no expression on his face at this moment, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Not paying much attention to the police, who were currently surveying the scene, Su Yun quickly stood in front of the computer and let the faint blue light shine on his face.

"Su Yun, are you okay? Do you need my help?"

From the time Su Yun left the country to the present, the person who was most worried about him was Xu Jiajia.

Almost from time to time, Xu Jiajia would find some reasons that she thought were very reasonable and care about Su Yun without leaving any trace.

"I'm fine, don't worry, I will return to China tomorrow."

"I'm finally willing to come back. Don't forget the meal you owe me."

"Don't worry, you have helped me a lot during this time. I will naturally thank you when I get back."

After saying these words, Su Yun closed the computer, sat on the chair, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

His purpose of going abroad this time has been achieved, and his sword skills successfully broke through to the first level in the rainy night last night.

The comfortable feeling during the breakthrough is still fresh in Su Yun's memory.

Close your eyes to listen to the wind, open your eyes to kill.

Even after the battle, Su Yun spent a long time calming down his agitated mood and suppressing the murderous intention spreading in his heart.

This is what makes Su Yun a little worried. This murderous aura seems to be getting stronger as he fights more and more.

Therefore, Su Yun also planned to temper his state of mind or relax his mind when he had time, and not let killing control his mind.

If you can control this murderous aura, it will be of great help to you in battle.

But if you can't control this murderous intention and become obsessed with it instead, you may be heading for a path of eternal disaster.

Because Su Yun could feel that once he got used to this kind of killing, his temperament would change. This was not the result Su Yun wanted.

He just wanted to live a peaceful life and practice slowly. Killing was not his original intention.

But it's too early to say this now, after all, Su Yun is still in a place of right and wrong.

There have been more and more rumors about the swordsman from the outside world, and even now there are people on the dark web who are offering high prices to investigate the identity of the swordsman.

Moreover, many colleagues in the killer world have been aroused to public anger, and those with bad tempers want to unite with others to hunt down the swordsman.

After all, his tactics were too dark. He kept assassinating fellow assassins and fighting among themselves, which naturally made everyone dissatisfied.

But everyone knows that Su Yun and them are not the same group at all.

Su Yun continued to make changes in the two identities between himself and the swordsman. Today, he is Su Yun, not a cold-blooded swordsman.

After returning to the place where he stayed last night, White Monkey seemed to be able to feel the murderous aura permeating Su Yun's body.

He always stayed by Su Yun's side, which was a kind of healing for Su Yun.

Gently patting the sleeping white monkey, Su Yun said softly:

"Snowball, it's time to go home..."

As soon as he heard the word "go home", the white monkey, who had been sleeping soundly just now, cleverly sat up and then got into Su Yun's backpack very skillfully.

Xueqiu also helped a lot during the past few days. Without him, the scene would not be cleaned up, and clues would be left behind, exposing his identity as 'Su Yun'.

Once he is exposed and he is abroad, he will definitely be pursued by endless and unscrupulous means, and the other party may even directly use heavy weapons. Su Yun will definitely die in a foreign land by then.

The white monkey is different. It is as fast as lightning and can clean up the scene without leaving any traces. This allows Su Yun to avoid the risk of his identity being exposed and he can always act as a swordsman without any worries.

Of course, Su Yun can also realize that once the identity of the swordsman is exposed in the future and coincides with Su Yun's identity, it will probably cause greater public outrage.

By then, those who have not accepted the order may also want to eradicate themselves, and the world will truly be full of enemies.

But it doesn't matter. By that time, Su Yun thinks he can already frighten them!

"Thanks to you and Jiajia, Snowball."

Su Yun sighed, feeling very grateful to his two helpers. He changed his clothes, picked up his backpack and walked outside the house.

It's just that wooden knife that he left here.

Based on the recent commotion caused by swordsmen, it is very unwise to travel with a wooden knife at such an age.

Moreover, when Su Yun returns to China this time, he will return as 'Su Yun'. If he appears as a 'swordsman', wouldn't he wait to be hunted down by Interpol?

So Su Yun simply threw it away. After all, it was considered part of the crime scene.

Just wait and make a wooden knife after returning to China. After all, this thing is not valuable.

He slowly closed the door and soon disappeared into the corridor.

The experience is over and the money is available.

Go back home!

At the same time, in the Eastern Territory, Qindao City.

In the city bureau meeting room, several rare figures were welcomed.

"Welcome the two professors, as well as Captain Xu and Captain Chen!"

Municipal Bureau Chief Wu Molin attended the meeting in person, looked at the people sitting in the room and said with a smile.

This was an operation led by the Rongyang City Cultural Relics Institute, and the reason was that Professor Sun and others had roughly deciphered the map coordinates on Chi Youjin's bones.

Of course, the final location is uncertain, but the map route is clear.

Therefore, according to the map, they are preparing to officially launch a major archaeological operation to find Chi You's tomb!

Due to the importance of this operation and the Chi Yujin bone they possess, it has always been a cultural relic that overseas forces pay special attention to, so the Rongyang City police and the military attach great importance to it.

After receiving the application from Professor Sun and others, the superiors immediately arranged for accompanying protection.

As for the police, Chen Ye took Xiao Li and Zhou Xiaoxiao along with Professor Sun and Professor Chen Jie to protect their archaeological safety.

As for the military, Xu Kui, the regiment leader, personally took charge and led a team of soldiers with guns and live ammunition to provide comprehensive protection.

This lineup is enough to show that the military and police attach great importance to the search for Chi You's tomb.

After all, Chi You's tomb is not only related to major discoveries in the archaeological world, but also to unprecedented progress in genetic scholarship.

Once this technology is mastered and thoroughly studied, there is no need to say much about the significance it brings and how it helps the country in all aspects.

Of course, the final destination of Chi You's tomb was not Qindao. They just passed by this place when searching along this route.

Wu Molin, as the director of the Qindao Municipal Bureau, could not be unaware of the protection of such a lineup, and naturally he had to give the most detailed reception.

"Director Wu is so polite. We will stay at Qindao for 2 to 3 days at most, slowly dig up some clues, determine the next route, and then continue our journey.

I hope that Chi You's tomb can be found this time. Although I am not a professional in archeology, I know very well that this will definitely make a very important mark in the archaeological history of Daxia. "

Chen Ye looked at Wu Molin with a smile and said, while Professor Chen Jie, who was sitting on the other side and had changed into casual clothes that were easy for movement, but still couldn't conceal her charm as a royal sister, nodded with a smile:

"Captain Chen is right. If Chi You's tomb can really be found, the archaeological history of Daxia will advance a lot."

As for genetic issues, none of them mentioned it because it was confidential and inconvenient to discuss.

"Dong dong dong..."

But at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door of the conference room, and then a police officer came to Wu Molin:

"Director, we suddenly received a connection request from Interpol.

According to the information, the person who contacted us should be the Interpol from the Swedish branch. "


This news made Wu Molin feel a little confused. He frowned and said thoughtfully:

“Interpol distributed in Sweden?

We have not had any cooperation with Interpol recently, let alone the Swedish branch. We have never had any contact. Why would they suddenly contact us? "

The police officer was also very confused about this and shook his head blankly:

"The other party just said that he is the Swedish branch, and the project leader Xilian said that he wants to find our person in charge, so I will come to you quickly."

Although Wu Molin was very confused about this, he quickly nodded:

"Bring the connection signal to the conference room."


After the police officers left, Xu Kui also looked at Wu Molin with interest and said:

"Director Wu, since you have something to be busy with, let's leave first."

But after hearing this, Wu Molin quickly waved his hand:

"It doesn't matter, we are all on our own, and the fact that Interpol suddenly contacted us is no small matter.

At present, all the police forces of the city bureau are still focused on the aftermath of some criminal dens, and the police force is empty.

Since Captain Xu is here, let's see what's going on together.

If necessary, we still need Captain Xu’s help..."

Just as Wu Molin finished speaking, the big screen behind him quickly lit up, and bearded Cillian appeared on the screen in a hurry.

Wu Molin saluted the bearded Xilian, and Xilian returned the salute very politely.

“I’m Cillian, the project manager for the Swedish branch, to make a long story short.

According to our multi-party investigation, we found that the serial killer ‘The Knife Man’, who has recently caused many murders in Northern Europe, is suspected of entering your country soon.

We don’t know the specific time and location, but according to the big data results analyzed by multiple clues, the swordsman is likely to land at Qindao Airport in your country.

Please respond promptly to the police in your country. The cooperation and investigation procedures with Interpol are being expedited. Please take it seriously! "

When Silian said these words, his tone was very urgent, but both Wu Molin and Xu Kui were very confused about this.

"Officer Cillian, who is this swordsman?"

Since the swordsmen only operate in Northern Europe, even though there is a commotion overseas, Wu Molin and the others have not received any relevant news for the time being.

After all, no one would pay attention to something that is beyond the reach of eight poles.

Fortunately, Cillian had thought of this before and quickly retrieved the information about the swordsman that he had prepared in advance.

It is said to be information, but in fact it is just a few murders caused by swordsmen abroad recently.

Interpol does not know who the knifeman is, or even whether he is a man or a woman, or from which country he is from, so there is not much information.

"Swordsmen have recently assassinated targets in many Nordic countries. Although the targets are all killers, this swordsman is so active that he is also a very big threat to Nordic security.

We have been tracking this knifeman, who, as far as we know, last committed a crime in Finland.

Killing three well-trained killers in a row shows how dangerous this person is.

Now that the killer is about to flee to the East, we conducted big data analysis and comparison based on clues and found that Qindao Airport should be the most likely location.

That’s why we get in touch with the other party and hope that the other party will take it seriously. "

After learning about what the swordsman had done overseas recently, Wu Molin quickly paid attention to it.

From this information, it seems that this swordsman is a well-trained killer, even better than most A-level killers. Now that this killer is coming, no matter what the purpose, the police cannot ignore him.

So soon, Wu Molin asked hurriedly:

“When will he show up to us?

Qindao Airport is his landing point. Is this news accurate? "

Hearing this, Cillian showed a helpless expression:

"Sorry, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the message.

The exact time cannot be determined, and the exact location is only a guess.

This swordsman is very mysterious, and I have never heard of this person before. He has committed many crimes, but he has not left any traces of traceable identity information, which shows that this person is well-trained.

We know too little about him to know when he will appear in your country.

But there should be no change in the destination of Qindao. This is the result of big data analysis after integrating our clues. "

It stands to reason that if an overseas killer is involved, the police must launch a major operation, but such a major operation requires sufficient evidence to support it.

But now the information provided by Cillian is too vague. It is just a probabilistic guess based on the analysis of clues from all parties. There is no real evidence, which naturally brings great difficulties to the Qindao police.

After a few more words, Xilian disconnected the contact, but Wu Molin frowned and felt a little embarrassed.

Xu Kui saw that Wu Molin's face was a little ugly, so he asked curiously:

"Director Wu, is there anything difficult to deal with?

It stands to reason that for this kind of thing, wouldn't it be enough to conduct airport control?

Even if this swordsman is well-trained, he can't escape at a tightly guarded airport. This shouldn't be difficult, right? "

Hearing this, Wu Molin sighed, then nodded:

"That's true, but judging from the information, this swordsman is a well-trained killer and has committed many crimes in Northern Europe.

Suddenly he wants to sneak into the East, and the destination is Qindao. What I am confused about is what is his intention?

But now it seems that the answer can only be found after catching him.

Of course, it is also possible that Interpol’s intelligence analysis was wrong, but we still have to be just in case. "

Hearing this, Xu Kui paused for a moment, then laughed:

"Yes, but who doesn't know that this place has always been a forbidden area for mercenaries, and the same is true for killers.

Since there is information showing that this swordsman is likely to appear on Qindao, it is necessary for the team led by me to help first. "

"Yes, a few of us are going too. Professor Chen Jie and Professor Sun have to discuss with the professors from Qindao Cultural Relics Institute in the past few days, so we have nothing to do.

Now that we've hit it, we can't just sit idly by.

And I am also very curious about this swordsman, because before this, our Rongyang City Police Department also received a call from the Swedish police. "

Chen Ye said aloud and briefly told the matter, which immediately aroused everyone's surprise.

With Xu Kui and Chen Ye's words, Wu Molin also smiled and nodded, which was also a guarantee.

"Then it couldn't be better. With the team of Captain Xu and Captain Chen, we have enough manpower to control the entire airport. As long as the swordsman dares to come, he will never come back.

Of course, I would rather hope that the Swedish intelligence analysis was wrong and it would be better not to come. "

Hearing this, everyone smiled and nodded, not optimistic about the intelligence analysis from the Nordic side.

"That's right. After all, it's just big data speculation. To be honest, the accuracy is not high. A 50% probability would be good."

After making up their minds, Xu Kui and Wu Molin also began to contact their leaders.

The result was indeed what they thought. Although it was just a big data probability guess after gathering many clues, after all, it was not afraid of ten thousand, but afraid of the worst. Therefore, the leaders attached great importance to this and soon approved the extension of the two parties again. Task-based requests.

The news about the knifeman made the city bureau, which had just calmed down, enter a state of tension again. The remaining two criminal investigation teams and the special police action team quickly assembled in a short period of time.

However, due to the special nature of the mission, some of the two criminal investigation teams of the Qindao City Bureau and the soldiers led by Xu Kui will wear makeup and lurk with the airport staff and even passengers to lay a secret cover for the swordsman. Big net.

The remaining soldiers and SWAT teams will be fully armed and ready.

Their current actions emphasize concealment.

We cannot mobilize a large number of police forces to tightly surround the airport on three levels inside and outside with great fanfare.

Therefore, after a short discussion, Xu Kui and Wu Molin unanimously decided to reduce the blockade to the airport.

All armed forces will also be ambushing around the airport. As soon as there is accurate information about the swordsman, they will immediately move out to arrest the swordsman.

Everything was ready, and all the disguised investigators rushed to the airport first.

In order to reduce their influence and unnecessary public opinion, these cross-dressing investigators entered the airport in batches in different private cars.

In addition to the fact that the police directly contacted the airport customs for this operation, most airport staff did not know that there were already a large number of police officers and soldiers in disguise, quietly lurking in various important areas of the airport.

All armed personnel arrived subsequently, but since there was currently no news of the swordsman and it was not even certain whether he would come, they would not appear at the airport.

Soon, after the police connected with the airport customs, they had transferred all surveillance signals to the multi-functional command vehicle parked in a hidden corner of the airport.

In this way, Xu Kui and Wu Molin can sit in the command vehicle and monitor all fully operational monitoring systems throughout the airport in real time.

A big net is quietly spread out, just waiting for the swordsman to fall into the trap!

It’s a new week, please vote for recommendations.

The author may be a little confused (I really can’t control it, I don’t have the rhythm control of a master, but I am already trying my best to control it), but the quantity is large, it is satisfying, and it is refreshing and non-toxic. Please support me, give the author some motivation, and strive to update three times a day. Million words!

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