There was not much traffic at the moment, so Zhang Pin arrived very quickly. A police officer had been assigned to guard the door. When the other party saw Zhang Pin coming, of course he opened the door immediately.

He drove directly into the villa and walked into the hall.

"Sir Zhang!"

"Ah Tou!"

Whether it was the police outside the villa or Wu Junjun and Luo Meiwei who were hiding in the room on guard, they all took the initiative to come out to greet Zhang Pin.

Zhang Pin smiled and nodded to everyone, then looked at Yang Leer who was sitting in the living room.

"Hello, Ms. Yang, I am Chief Inspector Zhang Pin of Wan Chai Police Station. Thank you very much for your cooperation with our case."

"Our police officers may have to harass you for a while, please be patient."

When you come to someone else's house, of course you have to say hello to the owner immediately.

And as a leader, of course he has to apologize to the other party first. After all, a leader must be amiable, and those who make mistakes are his subordinates.

Sure enough, when Yang Leer, who was good-looking and well-known in Hong Kong, apologized so kindly. Yang Leer, who messed up the villa because of Li Zhengyang's fight with Ma Jun and was angry with her boyfriend, suddenly felt relaxed. Quite a few.

"You're welcome. Everyone is trying to protect me. I can understand that. In fact, it's harder for them and they need to be on duty at night."

As long as she doesn't get angry, Yang Leer is quite easy to communicate with.

"By the way, Sir Zhang, I have something to trouble you about. As you know, I am a primary school teacher and I have to attend class every day. However, your colleagues said that I cannot go out until the court session. In this case, the children's The course will be delayed, which will greatly affect their learning progress.”

Zhang Pin glanced at Zhou Xingxing, who suddenly became embarrassed.

Zhou Xingxing certainly has no problem doing this, but now Zhang Pin is playing the role of an amiable superior. If he were like him, it would naturally be bad.

"Ms. Yang is so serious and responsible. I am really lucky to be your student. However, my colleagues mainly do it for safety reasons. After all, if criminals want to commit crimes, they will not take care of children.

Miss Yang, if you go to school often, you may bring danger with you. I think this is not what you want to see, right? "

But after dealing with people for so long, Zhang Pin certainly knows when to say what to say.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said might put the children in danger, Yang Leer's face turned pale and she patted her chest happily.

Because she was sitting on the sofa, and the money was already abundant, she was shaking up and down, almost making Zhang Pin unable to take his eyes away.

So he could only continue to speak.

"Well, I just happened to be here today, so I will accompany you to the school. While teaching the children a lesson, I will also communicate with the school to adjust your curriculum."

Yang Leer didn't notice Zhang Pin and others' gaffe, or maybe she was used to the sight of people around her.

At this time, when he heard that Zhang Pin offered to accompany him to school and help him find the school to adjust the curriculum, he suddenly jumped up with joy.

"Thank you, Sir Zhang. Thank you, Sir Zhang. This is the best."

Zhang Pin wanted to remind the other party that since the burden on his chest was so heavy, he should stop jumping around. What if the little rabbit jumped out.

However, in order to satisfy his eyesight and prevent his image from collapsing, he took one look and then focused on Li Zhengyang.

"Should I call you Xiaofu, or bold, or Li Jie, or Comrade Li Zhengyang."

Li Zhengyang focused on him after he came in.

At this time, when he heard the other party say his alias in Hong Kong one after another, he couldn't help but be transported back to those days, and then he smiled knowingly.

"The name is just a code name, but my favorite is of course Li Zhengyang!"

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

"long time no see!"

The two of them stretched out their hands and held each other tightly, and then Zhang Pin pulled hard. Li Zhengyang was caught off guard and crashed into his arms.

"It turns out Sir Zhang knows him. I think it's noon now. Let's go to school after dinner."

When Yang Leer saw that Zhang Pin actually knew the bodyguard hired by her boyfriend, her original intention of driving him away faded away, and she even took the initiative to invite everyone to have lunch together.

"Okay, don't bother Miss Yang. When I came here just now, I saw a few barbecue grills there. Why don't we have barbecue for lunch today."

Zhang Pin glanced at Zhou Xingxing and knew that only the other party could do such a thing.

Zhou Xingxing was startled when he saw him like this, and then he stopped thinking about how Zhang Pin taught Li Zhengyang a lesson.

Instead, he honestly took out the barbecue ingredients he had secretly stored and distributed them to everyone to enjoy.

As soon as Zhang Pin arrived, everyone at the Wan Chai Police Station breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, in Hong Kong Island, it is hard to choose which one is the safest. But if everyone from the Wan Chai Police Station is to judge, there is no need for controversy. Sir Zhang is definitely the safest.

After all, Sin Buster also has another title, namely Headshot Detective and Death Detective.

Most of the people who dared to commit crimes in front of Sir Zhang without opening their eyes were sent to hell to be judged. Even those who did not die were squatted in Stanley. It will be difficult for them to come back in this life.

After eating, everyone drove, preparing to follow Yang Leer to school and communicate about class adjustments.

In order to avoid inciting troops and affecting the school's teaching order, everyone finally decided to streamline the staff, with Zhang Pin leading the team, followed by Zhou Xingxing, Ma Jun and Wu Junjun.

At the same time, Li Zhengyang is naturally indispensable, and Yang Leer's nephew is also traveling with him, who also has to go to school.

When setting off, Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun drove the car that Yang Leer used to travel in front. Li Zhengyang drove a Mercedes from the garage, preparing to carry Yang Leer and her nephew.

Zhang Pin thought about it and originally planned to sit in the passenger seat of Daben. However, Wu Junjun got on the passenger seat first and then kept chattering to Li Zhengyang.

So in the end it was Zhang Pin and Yang Leer sitting in the back seat. Of course, there was a little kid between them.

Seeing Zhang Pin sitting with her, Yang Leer was a little uncomfortable at first, but the little kid's chirping quickly eased the awkward atmosphere.

There was a child present, and the atmosphere in the car was not bad. Time passed faster while talking and laughing.

Of course, the most important thing was that Wu Junjun was talking to the children. Occasionally, Zhang Pin and Yang Leer exchanged words. Li Zhengyang didn't say a word and just focused on driving.

"Hey, hey, don't blame me for not being kind enough to remind you. I'm right behind your car, and I've been following you for some distance."

Just when a few people were chatting happily, Zhou Xingxing's gloating voice came from the intercom.

With Zhang Pin present and having discovered the other party in advance, Zhou Xingxing didn't think there was much danger in this kind of thing.

On the contrary, he felt that the other party was short-sighted and was unlucky to meet the evil nemesis.

"It's a patrolman, be careful, he's following your car."

Zhang Pin pressed the intercom without any ups and downs in his mood. He had already discovered the guy behind him, but he was just a driver responsible for tracking and positioning.

This little Luoluo definitely didn't have any weapons on him, and this was on the highway. Even if he caught the other party, there would be no evidence to prosecute him, so he ignored him.

Now that Zhou Xingxing had pointed it out, Zhang Pin spoke out.

As soon as he finished speaking, the motorcyclist seemed to be cooperating with him. Hearing a burst of exhaust sound, the motorcycle continued to speed forward, then passed their car and approached Zhou Xingxing's car.

"Damn, what's going on? Miss Yang is not in our car."

"But the car you drive is the one Ms. Yang usually drives."

This time it was not Zhang Pin who spoke, but Li Zhengyang.

Apparently the criminals showed up, which made him feel relieved.

Because according to the skills he has learned, he has always believed that the best offense is defense.

"Tch, come to me, it's bad luck for him, let him see how the Wan Chai little tiger defeated him."

When Zhou Xingxing saw the motorcyclist driving towards him, not only did he not panic, but he became excited.

After all, with a leader like Zhang Pin here, there would be no danger at all.

On the contrary, for him, each of these guys who came out on their own initiative can be regarded as his contribution.

The same goes for Ma Jun on the side. Is there anything more important than being able to show his face in front of his boss?

The two were very excited, but the driver did not follow the routine at all. He just kept holding them close and had no intention of attacking.

In such a tense atmosphere, the car continued to drive forward for some distance.

Zhang Pin glanced at Miss Yang, who was holding her nephew and looking very nervous, and reached out to pat her trembling shoulder.

Feeling his contact, Miss Yang calmed down a lot. It was obvious that she was also a person who had seen the world.

"Zhou Xingxing, there is a fork in the road ahead, be careful something is blocking the way."

Since there are drivers who have been positioning themselves, it is foreseeable that there must be others ready to stop everyone on the way.

If you want to stop a car, of course you have to set up obstacles in front, but this is a straight road. If you rashly set up obstacles in front, you will be discovered from a distance.

On the contrary, in a place with a fork in the road like this, you can hide a car there in advance and drive directly over to hit it when the time comes, so that you can catch it by surprise.

After receiving the reminder, Zhou Xingxing took a look and found that the motorcyclist who was following him not too far away suddenly accelerated. He immediately reacted and stepped on the accelerator, preparing to leave the position quickly.

Li Zhengyang, who was behind, also heard Zhang Pin's words, but instead of accelerating, he stepped on the brakes in advance and slowed down the car.



Zhou Xingxing's reaction was not slow, but the motorcyclist suddenly braked in front of him at the critical moment. Of course Zhou Xingxing did not dare to hit him directly, so he subconsciously stepped on the brakes and the speed of the car slowed down a bit.

At this time, a garbage truck rushed out of the lane next to him, but because Zhou Xingxing had accelerated before, the garbage truck only hit the butt of the car he was driving.


After the garbage truck hit the car driven by Zhou Xingxing, the doors on both sides of the garbage truck were opened before the two cars could stop. Two men dressed in mud quickly jumped out of the car and rushed forward. The car they hit.

But at this time, Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun also pushed the car door left and right, and the car door slammed into the two people approaching, and then two pistols were pointed directly at their heads.

"Don't move around, be careful of the gun going off."

Zhou Xingxing smiled and blew in, and the smell of leeks from the barbecue he just finished blew into his face.

"Sir, don't act recklessly. My car skidded and accidentally hit yours. We can just take insurance."

The two guys who were pointed at guns actually thought of replying at this moment. It seemed that this was not the first time they had done such a thing.

"The car skidded. Do you dare to say that your car skidded? Do you think Sir's fingers will not slip?"

"Leave me here and wait to be investigated."

Li Zhengyang, who was behind, happened to drive over. After seeing the two people being controlled, he glanced back at Zhang Pin.

"Just keep going, they'll take care of it."

As soon as Zhang Pin saw that the two guys who got off the dirt truck didn't even have weapons, and they seemed to smell of alcohol, he knew that they wouldn't be able to catch each other this time.

This kind of garbage truck was driven under the influence and had a car accident on the road, and no one was injured. Then the other party did not need to pay a penny at all and could just take out the insurance.

Even I can be released on bail without having to bear any legal responsibility at all.

The only impact may be the suspension of a driver's license.

In Hong Kong Island, as long as you have money, you can take the exam again next time.

It seems that Zhao Guomin has many tricks. No wonder the other party can make the business bigger and stronger.

After this incident, it seems that the other party will be more violent next time.

This is actually a good thing for Zhang Pin, because police officers and bodyguards are different. They cannot stare at the client thousands of times.

Therefore, if the criminal can directly take more drastic measures that violate laws and regulations, then he can directly follow the police rules and either arrest the other party and bring him to justice, or directly kill the other party, thus achieving once and for all.

This time he came out with the same attitude.

After all, if the matter is not made bigger and more exaggerated, let alone Zhuo Jingquan, even Zhao Guomin may not be implicated in the final investigation.

But after arriving at school, Zhang Pin suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Dear, why are you here?"

"Hey, Teacher He, you and Sir Zhang know each other."

Yang Leer stood aside and watched He Min, who was more famous than herself in the school, hugging Zhang Pin excitedly, with a signal called gossip on his face.

"Teacher Yang, why haven't you come to class these two days? By the way, this is my boyfriend."

"Apin, let me introduce to you. This is my colleague, Yang Leer."

Yes, after arriving at the school, Zhang Pincai discovered that Yang Leer also worked at Smith School.

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