The police of Hong Kong comprehensive world

Chapter 888 If this happens, it’s all over

It is true that Li Zicheng is an undercover police agent, but the others in Beidamen are not.

Section Chief Jiang wanted to use Zhang Shouji's hand to weaken Li Zicheng's power.

Moreover, by doing this, Zhang Shouji was actually following in the footsteps of Li Zhongjiu.

In this way, Li Zicheng will be the only one who is qualified to take the position.

Yes, Section Chief Jiang has so many plans, and the ultimate goal is to put Li Zicheng in power and control the Kinmen Group.

This would mean that the Seoul Police Agency controls the entire underground power of the Bangzi.

This is the ultimate goal of the New World Plan.

But Section Chief Jiang never expected that Zhang Shouji would not agree to his request to save Li Zicheng's life.

Li Zicheng was also not a White Lotus. He had already prepared his hidden hand, but he actually found a way to prepare so many firearms.

Because Bangzi is close to the sea and there is Erpang next door, it is difficult to control the firearms themselves.

But on weekdays, large groups still tacitly choose not to touch guns.

As a result, Li Zicheng openly violated this tacit agreement.

In this way, there will be a stain on the other party.

And now Li Zicheng is being blocked by the police. Based on the crime he committed, he will have to spend at least ten or eight years in prison.

In this way, the last link of the entire plan is somewhat incomplete.

Although Section Chief Jiang is not a stickler for rules, it is inevitable that he still cannot control his emotions when years of plans have changed.

"It turns out to be Section Chief Jiang. You already knew about this, right?"

When Li Zicheng saw Section Chief Jiang appear, he couldn't help but sneer and mock.

"Hey, hey, hey, be polite and put down your weapons. What, do you still want to attack the police?"

A police officer next to Section Chief Jiang stepped forward disdainfully and pointed at the man next to Li Zicheng.

"what are you doing!"

"Looking for death?"

"Put your hands down!"


The surviving thugs at the North Gate had just escaped death and killed so many thugs from the Diri faction. Now it was the time to get angry.

After hearing the police officer's words, each of them suddenly sounded bad.

"Okay, you want things to get out of hand?"

Seeing that the two sides were getting more and more angry and things were about to get out of control, Section Chief Jiang looked at Li Zicheng.

"Things got out of control long ago."

Hearing the noise around him, Li Zicheng sighed.

Section Chief Jiang's expression changed, and he subconsciously raised his legs to step back, but after thinking about it, he still stood where he was.

"Have you lost your mind and gone crazy? Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Section Chief Jiang looked at Li Zicheng seriously.

Li Zicheng was silent for a moment, then he raised his head and looked at Section Chief Jiang, ready to say something.


Suddenly, gunfire rang out from the garage.


The policeman who made the loudest noise suddenly widened his eyes. His forehead was shot through by a bullet, and blood spattered on a North Gate thug opposite him.


Section Chief Jiang turned around in surprise and looked at the police officer who was shot, and then found that the other police officers subconsciously drew their guns and pointed forward. At the same time, the gunman on Li Zicheng's side also made the same move.

He raised his hand to persuade, but stopped after shouting just one word.

"In this case, the plan will be completely ruined!"

Section Chief Jiang sighed, then looked down at the bleeding wound, his consciousness quickly dissipating.

Li Zicheng saw with his own eyes that Section Chief Jiang was shot and fell to the ground, but his face was expressionless because he fired the shot.

"Very good, I thought I was needed to help with the shooting behind the scenes."

When Zhang Pin saw Li Zicheng taking the initiative, he immediately started laughing while sitting in the car.

While laughing, he shifted his gaze and looked at a sneaky figure not far behind Li Zicheng who was gradually approaching.

However, he did not get out of his car to alert the two warring parties.

In fact, even if he spoke at this moment, he couldn't do anything to remind him.

Because the police and the North Gate thugs were locked in a fierce shooting phase from the very beginning.

Section Chief Jiang and others didn't know whether they were confident or because the matter was too urgent and they didn't have time to call for support.

Anyway, there were only eleven police officers who entered the underground garage this time.

On Li Zicheng's side, including those who had previously supported him, there were more than seventy people.

After Li Zicheng fired the first shot, the gunmen from the police side and the North Gate chose to shoot at each other at the same time. They all stood there without moving at all.

All eleven police officers were shot in the first round of shooting, and none of them survived.

On Li Zicheng's side, seven or eight gunmen also fell.


Leader Liu failed to react during the previous exchange of shots. Now he turned his head, as if he wanted to say something to Li Zicheng.


But at this moment, a gunshot instantly stopped his words.

He covered his chest in surprise.


"Be careful of a sneak attack!"

"He's a son of the Emperor's Sect!"

"Kill him!"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang——

After Leader Liu was shot, many thugs at the North Gate who had just recovered from the gunfight looked in surprise at the direction where the bullets came from.

Then shoot over there together.

Amidst the dense bullets, Mian Zhenghe rolled over and dodged to the side.

He originally wanted to assassinate Li Zicheng, but unexpectedly Leader Liu moved his body, making Mian Zhenghe mistakenly think that the other party had discovered him.

So Mian Zhenghe changed his mind about assassinating Li Zicheng and instead pointed his gun at Leader Liu.

Then, before he could fire a second time, he was forced back by a barrage of bullets.

"Find him and kill him!"

Li Zicheng was very angry by Mian Zhenghe's successive attacks, so he waved his hand and signaled his men to take the initiative.

Didi oh - didi oh -

But just as they were about to continue taking action, the siren sounded again outside the garage.

Apparently because Section Chief Jiang and others did not come out yet, gunfire came from inside again, which attracted a second group of police officers to check.

"You go deal with them. I didn't show up here today, do you know that?"

In the end, Li Zicheng did not choose to continue fighting. He handed the pistol to a subordinate, then adjusted his suit, arranged for the other person to deal with the situation here, and then walked towards his car.


But before Li Zicheng could get closer, the windshield in front of the car suddenly shattered, and a bullet flew out and hit Li Zicheng between the eyebrows.

Buzz buzz——

Then the lights came on and the car rolled backwards.




All the North Gate thugs who stayed in place were stunned.

They stood there for a while, and when the car was about to disappear from their sight, the group of people reacted and raised their guns to shoot.


Bang bang bang bang——

As a result, at this time, the car happened to hit the police car coming in from outside the garage.

At the same time, the gunmen at the North Gate also pulled the trigger in this direction.



"Be careful, it's dangerous!"

"Call for backup quickly, Section Chief Jiang and the others may have been killed!"

"Are these brats trying to rebel?"

The two police cars driving in front had no time to react. They were first hit by an oncoming car and then encountered gunfire.

Many of the police officers inside were shot directly, and the police car behind them was also stopped. They got out of the car to avoid returning fire and communicated with each other.

After many gunmen opened fire at North Gate, they discovered that they had shot the police again.

However, before they could make a choice whether to cease fire or continue fighting, the police's counterattack forced them to choose to fight back.

So a new round of gunfight occurred again.

"You are hurt."

While Bangzi police and North Gate gunmen exchanged fire again, Zhang Pin, who left the car after the fighting started, was standing in front of Mian Zhenghe.

"Thank you for helping me kill that guy. When I get the money, how about I give you half of it."

Mian Zhenghe was sitting on the ground with his back against a car, his face was pale, and he was a little out of breath after saying a word.

However, he didn't seem to take it seriously. Instead, he smiled and talked with Zhang Pin about the distribution of rewards for killing Li Zicheng.

While he was speaking, a hand was quietly hidden behind his back.

"Why not give them all to me?"

Zhang Pin was condescending, as if he didn't notice the other party's little moves.

After hearing his words, Mian Zhenghe's face turned ugly.

"You wouldn't have gotten that money without me."

"Not necessarily. I think it would be better to have one less person to share the money with."

Zhang Pin was still laughing.

"Then you go die."

Mian Zhenghe took advantage of Zhang Pin to speak, suddenly threw out an ax, and then he stood up suddenly and rushed over.


But Zhang Pin just raised his hand slightly and caught the flying ax thrown by the opponent.

Then he moved his hand horizontally, and the ax was placed flat in front of him.

When Mian Zhenghe stood up, his neck happened to hit the axe.

"You hehehe"

Mian Zhenghe opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but the bleeding and leaky neck prevented him from speaking.

Zhang Pin stretched out his hand to support the other person, and then placed him well in front of the car.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are worthy of being the God of War in Yanbian. He still wants money after being shot so many times."

In fact, even if Zhang Pin didn't take action, Mian Zhenghe would never survive for long.

The other party had been shot many times, and logically he should have been dead long ago.

"Well, it's quite lively. In this way, someone should be able to take the blame for the explosion."

Zhang Pin glanced in the direction where Li Zicheng fell to the ground, and then chose to go up the building from the fire escape.

Thanks to the sneak attack by the Emperor's faction, the surveillance system of the entire building had been shut down long ago, so Zhang Pin did not need to worry about being exposed.

When Li Zicheng took Zhang Pin to the CIA station for examination, he should have thought about his own death.

However, according to Zhang Pin's original plan, after the other party took the position of president, he had just completed the final punishment for Bangzi, and then it was best for the other party to die directly in revenge of the Seoul police.

After all, at that time, according to Li Zicheng's plan, Section Chief Jiang and the Director who knew his identity were no longer around.

But at the same time, many documents that had already been mailed would appear in the hands of Bangzi police, prosecutors, various functional departments, and even many directors of the Golden Gate Group.

At that time, Li Zicheng's identity as a police undercover agent will be completely exposed, and it depends on whether the other party can continue to receive the protection of the CIA.

Of course, regardless of whether the CIA will protect the other party, Li Zicheng will definitely suffer some retaliation.

This is the best time to eliminate the opponent.

But Zhang Pin didn't expect that tonight, due to a combination of circumstances, he would actually run into someone from the Diri faction who came to ambush him.

It stands to reason that this matter will not happen, or even if it does happen, it should be on the day of the election that Zhang Shouji, who has confirmed that the matter is absolutely certain, will attack the undercover Li Zicheng.

The main reason why this change occurred was because of this guy Mian Zhenghe.

Last time, in order to ask for money from President Jin, he entered the opponent's warehouse alone. In the end, he won the final victory despite being defeated by one enemy.

Originally, according to the opponent's injuries, he should be about to die from excessive blood loss.

As a result, Chen Jin and others arrived at the scene by mistake. They followed Zhang Pin's order and chose to call the police.

However, the police arrived in time and rescued Mian Zhenghe.

Mian Zhenghe, who had a narrow escape, did not get the money and needed someone to bail him out, so he reached a deal with Zhang Shouji.

His first choice was to reveal that he was bribed by Li Zicheng, and then offered to help him deal with Li Zicheng.

Zhang Shouji was shocked by Mian Zhenghe's self-destruction. With Mian Zhenghe's lesson learned, Zhang Shouji was not sure how many people around him were Li Zicheng's.

So after much thought, he decided to strike first and gave Mian Zhenghe a sum of money, asking him to find a way to kill Li Zicheng.

Just some time ago, Li Zhongjiu directly ambushed the opponent at the North Gate Base Camp through his relationship with the Tiger Faction.

Zhang Shouji took a look and simply imitated Mian Zhenghe's plan, and also arranged for Mian Zhenghe to make a sneak attack at the Beidamen base camp.

Regarding this sneak attack, Zhang Shouji specifically communicated with Section Chief Jiang.

Of course, what he and Section Chief Jiang said was that it was just to get rid of the thugs around Li Zicheng, and Li Zicheng would be spared his life.

Section Chief Jiang happened to also want to eliminate Li Zicheng, who had greatly increased his strength after taking over Ding Qing's influence.

The two hit it off and quickly reached an agreement.

It's just that neither Zhang Shouji nor Section Chief Jiang expected that they both had a little thought.

What's more, he didn't expect that Li Zicheng actually also hid his own plan.

So the originally seemingly perfect plan suddenly became full of flaws.

Coupled with the fact that Zhang Pin was interfering with the situation, the situation suddenly escalated.

With the deaths of Li Zicheng and Section Chief Jiang, it was Zhang Shouji who gained the most from this plan.

So in the Kinmen Group election three days later, Zhang Shouji finally took the position of chairman without hesitation.

Due to the sudden death of Section Chief Jiang, imprisoned Li Zhongjiu was not able to be released on bail. Instead, he was directly sentenced to more than ten years in prison due to some of the dirty information submitted by Zhang Shouji.

Due to several rounds of internal fighting, the backbone of the Tiger Faction and Beidamen was completely lost.

Zhang Shouji was also arrested by the police on the day he became chairman of Kinmen Group.

Because the North Gate thugs took the initiative to attack the police, more than 20 people from the Seoul police died.

Zhang Shouji was also severely punished. According to his age, if his sentence could not be reduced, he would definitely not be able to get out of prison for the rest of his life.

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