Chapter 11: The Mayor of Hailin City personally spoke for the panda mobile phone!

1000 yuan, buy the configuration of blue-green factory 3-4000.

When I first saw this scene, everyone didn’t believe it.

Although multiple reviewers posted videos, people only think that Panda Mobile paid them off.

But gradually.

There were many voices of opposition.

They came from the first people who used Panda’s mobile phone.

The group of volunteers, and their families.

There are also many people in Hailin City.

Volunteers are running around the city these days.

They have all seen Panda phones to a greater or lesser extent.

Volunteers will also naturally share the quality of this phone with the masses.

and the origin of their phones.

It was not bought, but donated by the manufacturer of Panda Mobile Phone to help the disaster!

The matter of the panda mobile phone is constantly fermenting on the Internet.

Although everyone has different opinions, it is impossible to determine what exactly is going on the panda mobile phone on the Internet.

But the popularity of the panda mobile phone entry quickly rushed to the hot search.

On major shopping platforms, more and more people are inquiring about panda mobile phones.

There are also quite a few people who have begun to place orders online.

After all, 1,000 yuan is indeed not expensive, and if there is any problem with the hand, or abnormal, it can also be returned.

On the Internet, people’s reviews of Panda mobile phones are mixed.

“The configuration of this mobile phone is so high, selling for such a small amount of money, it is still a brand that I have never heard of, should it be a false label?”

“It’s not that there are a few famous evaluators who have commented, it is estimated that it should not be fake.”

“How do you know that they are not bought, they are really that good, sell this money, you must not lose money!”

“Self-developed chips, self-developed systems, can they be reliable? Don’t buy back a batch of cards. ”

“Haven’t any users already experienced it? Speaking of a smooth batch, it is comfortable to use by thieves. ”

“This still needs to see, it must be a water army, which mobile phone manufacturer has not ordered a water army?”

“Brothers, don’t buy panda mobile phones, thieves’ garbage, it’s a pit person!”

“Who buys this kind of miscellaneous mobile phone, if you want to buy it, buy the endorsement of big stars, how good is the mobile phone of the blue-green factory, beautiful and practical!”


In addition to the remarks made by ordinary people, there are naturally many trolls of other mobile phone manufacturers.

They slammed Panda phones on the web.

Regardless of three seven twenty-one, anyway, it is over to say panda mobile phone garbage.

Just when everyone doesn’t know which side to believe.

The mayor of Hailin City, Zhang Hou actually took the initiative to stand up!

He posted in the official media.

Tell everyone that Panda Mobile is a real domestic light!

A truly conscientious enterprise!

The configuration it identifies on the network is by no means fake.

The use effect of mobile phones is definitely more than almost all mobile phones on the market.

Apart from a slight defect in the processor, there are no other problems!

The price of 1,000 yuan is completely the king of cost performance in the current mobile phone!

He also told netizens that when Hailin City was in danger, only Panda Mobile came forward and took the initiative to donate a thousand mobile phones to them free of charge.

A thousand phones that haven’t been released yet!

Volunteers who have participated in Hailin City can attest that he is also willing to vouch for it as the mayor of Hailin City.


Mayor Zhanghou’s post was frantically forwarded.


Fryers on the network.

The Kuroko Water Army had to avoid the front for a while.

Those mobile phone evaluators who released Panda mobile phones gained huge traffic.

The sales of those stores in Yangjian have also skyrocketed!

People have shouted, this is the light of domestic production, this is the conscience mobile phone!

“It’s too top, brothers, a 1,000 yuan mobile phone, starting at 256G, high configuration is not good, and it runs smoothly!”

“I watched the video of the mobile phone evaluator, and the phone feels so comfortable to use!”

“This kind of enterprise that contributes to the country’s science and technology, pursues cost-effectiveness for the interests of the masses, and contributes to the disaster-stricken areas is a real conscientious enterprise!”

“Such a good mobile phone manufacturer, so only now appeared, if it came out earlier, where are there other brands!”

“This panda mobile phone is also too fragrant, brothers, I rush first, this wave has to support anything!”

“Take the unreleased mobile phone out to donate, the manufacturer of this panda mobile phone is really bold!” Curious who the owner of this manufacturer is, I must pay my respects! ”

“Yes! Such a conscientious boss must expose him, and he can’t be allowed to hide it! ”

At the urging of the network.

A large number of people began to pour into major shopping platforms and began to frantically buy panda mobile phones.

and find the information of the owner of the panda mobile phone manufacturer through various channels.

When the real top hacker boss found Yang Jian for the first time and learned about his current situation.

He was dumbfounded.

This conscientious enterprise, this conscientious boss, is simply conscientious to the point of madness!

All bankrupt, but also donated!

This kind of behavior will expose him to everything he says.

Let’s take a look!

He will never allow such a person to be unknown on the Internet!

Such people must not be allowed to do good deeds secretly!

Not even more allowed, someone hides deeper than him!

He is the mysterious existence who does good deeds on the Internet without leaving a name.

Everyone else has to be exposed!

For some of the top bigwigs in the industry, they always have some weird bad taste….

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