Chapter 194 The chef appeared, Yang Jian was dumbfounded!!

As a result, this beautiful royal sister became the first member of Panda Mobile to officially join Panda Mobile.

The old horse before was just a pretense given to him by Yang Jian, and he couldn’t count it at all.

In subsequent interviews.

Yangjian interviewed many people and also admitted many people, most of them were recent graduates or recent workers.

Those who have a particularly good resume and have held particularly high positions, they do not ask for it.

Everyone who came to the interview today had a high enthusiasm for Yang Jian and the panda mobile phone.

So enthusiastic that Yang Jian felt a little embarrassed. More than 100 people were interviewed.

The final acceptance rate turned out to be less than ten percent.

And these people are all elites in society, and even some top talents. It’s not that Panda Mobile is too demanding for them.

It’s that a large part of these people have too high requirements for panda mobile phones

What they pursue is too illusory.

Yang Jian couldn’t give them the promise they made in the clouds. All he can give is substantial money.

A lot of money. Yes.

At present, Panda Mobile is poor and only has money left.

And these people who passed the interview were also very satisfied with the salary and treatment offered by Panda Mobile.

Even so satisfied that I couldn’t be more satisfied!

They can’t even wait to work for panda mobile phones all their lives! Because the panda mobile phone really gives too much!

This company is really as good as rumors are on the Internet. There are even some myths!

Almost after the interview, half of those who passed the interview on the spot or did not pass the interview did not choose to leave.

Because they are waiting.

Waiting for the last person to complete the interview.

Even they were a little curious, what would happen to this man in a chef’s costume after entering the interview room?

At this time, Yang Jian did not know.

But Lao Jia had already rubbed his hands and began to look forward to it.

Because, this one he put last was specially used for the finale!

In his opinion, anyone can not be admitted, but only this person must be admitted.

With the penultimate interviewer, leave the interview hut.

The man in the costume of chef stepped into the interview room under the gaze of everyone.

Yang Jian sat at the large round table and simply read the resume.

The mouth sighed without hope: “Finally to the last one, this resume looks pretty good, it’s special, it’s a chain food, although it’s not as good as the resumes of those top entrepreneurs, but it’s also a good level in this interview.” ”

“And he can talk about the good work of chain food, and if he wants to come to our work, he can also adapt.”

The owner praised so much, this final finale. Lao Jia’s expression also gradually became proud.


The man in the chef’s costume stepped into the doorway and closed the door of the conference room. Yang Jian subconsciously turned his head to look, but he froze on the spot.

“This… Got on the wrong set? ”

“No, my interview venue was specially blocked by the former head office, and outsiders should not be able to enter.”

“This is the chef invited by Qian Zongxing?”

“No, this face seems to have been seen somewhere!”

Yang Jian thought in his heart.

Then, the tiger’s body was shocked and looked at the resume in his hand! A sentence of national essence then blurted out: “Lie in the groove!” ”

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