After the rapid transportation of the vehicle, after obtaining approval on the highway, the whole green passage was not obstructed at all.

This is a special passage that the state only opens in order to assist the disaster-stricken areas.

In order to ensure that the disaster area can obtain external resources in the first time.

Everyone who can use the green channel at this time is the top pillar of Xia Guo.

After nearly two hours of travel, the vehicle loaded with panda mobile phone rescue materials finally arrived at the scene of Handan Noonday Market.

That little brother with a smooth wind was suddenly shocked by the scene in front of him.

What comes into view is the ruins of a broken arm, a purgatory-like misery and painful reputation on earth.


There are them, there are volunteers, there are well-wishers, there are countries, there are fighters.

Countless people rushed to the front line without hesitation, supporting the local disaster.

A volunteer wearing a red armband and holding a small book walked towards Shunfeng Brother.

He looked at the clothes of the little brother Shunfeng, and while writing in the book, he confirmed: “Is it the relief materials sent by Shunfeng?” This is already the second batch, thank you for your help! ”

The little brother of Shunfeng shook his head stunnedly, and casually said with his frightened bloodless lips: “It’s not Shunfeng’s rescue materials.” ”

Hearing this, the tip of the pen in the hand of the wisher snapped and stopped.

He raised his head stunned to look at Brother Shunfeng, his face full of doubts: “Not Shunfeng? That… Is that? ”

He couldn’t figure out what kind of company would send relief supplies in a hitchhiker.

Don’t they have transporters in their own factories?

Shouldn’t they rent a car with a factory banner to deliver relief supplies?

It wasn’t his idea, but all the relief supplies he saw were like this.


Brother Shunfeng still shook his head, and he said slowly: “Donor, don’t let me say, say that it is counted as an anonymous donation!” ”

The volunteers were stunned!

“Donate anonymously?!”

He felt a little unbelievable, such a big two large transporters, loaded with so many things that he didn’t know what they were.

It turned out to be an anonymous donation!

“Is there such a conscientious enterprise in this world?” The volunteer wondered in his mind.

Then he slowly said: “I’m sorry, we can’t accept the materials donated anonymously, this is the rule issued by Handan Noonday Market.” ”

“We need supplies, but we will never take them for nothing, even if it’s a thank you!”

“We also need to know who to thank!”

Brother Shunfeng ignored it, just pointed to the carriage and said, “Do you know what is carried in this car?” ”

The volunteer shook his head and showed indifference: “I don’t know, but even if I do, I won’t accept it unless you tell me which company the donor is!” ”

Brother Shunfeng then pointed to the carriage and said: “In these two cars, there are 10,000 sets of safe houses that can be quickly built!” ”

“A safe house that is strong enough to withstand secondary earthquakes, and it is lightweight and extremely fast to assemble!”

“Let most of the victims, volunteers, and soldiers get a place to rest at ease!”

These words were all taught to him by Lao Jia.

The volunteers were dumbfounded on the spot when they heard what Brother Shunfeng said.

He was speechless.

How important this thing was, how could it not be clear how he received so many relief supplies.

Since the earthquake, the most relief supplies received have been food and water.

That kind of stuff is not bad anymore, because most people are not in the mood to eat and do not consume much food and water.

But safe house, there is absolutely no such thing!

At most, at most, that is, temporary tents!

It is absolutely unimaginable how much 10,000 safe houses can help the local disaster situation.

Because after the disaster is over, it is necessary to rebuild the house.

When rebuilding, people need shelter, and workers need shelter.

In other words, if these 10,000 safe houses are real, not only the current housing problem can be solved.

Problems in the later stage can also be solved!

Can he refuse?

Can the leadership behind him refuse?


Absolutely not, this is a completely irresistible rescue material for them!

Brother Shunfeng also knew the importance of this batch of materials, and he shouted at the top of his throat: “Don’t hurry up and call someone to come and unload the goods!” ”

That’s when the wisher reacts.

He threw the things in his hand, and without looking back, he ran to shout!

Soon, a team of thousands of people rushed over.

Among them were fighters, volunteers, and locals with scars on their bodies.

Their gazes were fiery and incredulous.

It’s hard to imagine that such a batch of unheard of materials will arrive in the disaster area, or so important and timely!

The most important thing is to donate anonymously!

Among these crowds, the fighters had the best physical fitness, ran the fastest, and rushed to the front of the line.

Although their physical fitness is good, the little brother can still see the fatigue on their faces.

But when they heard such good news, their faces couldn’t help but show excitement and excitement.

A few soldiers who rushed to the front rushed to the side of the cart, and they climbed into the car three times and two times.

Against the board made of special materials on the car, it is a hammer.

A few punches down, the hand hammer hurts, but there is a smile on the face!

They exclaimed, “It’s true! Good quality! Come and unload! ”

“Hurry up and assemble, everyone has a place to rest tonight!”

Yes, 10,000 safe houses, although not enough for each person to get a separate residence, but a little squeeze is definitely enough.

Especially the hard-working fighters, accustomed to the life of dozens of people living together.

This is extremely warm and safe for everyone in the disaster area!

Mid-Autumn Festival reading every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 10th to September 12th)

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