have to say!

Being the village head for such a group of people, especially looking at those faces of worship.

In fact, it's still a little cool!

Lin Yaodong waved his hand!

"Start planting red corn!"

"Today will be the beginning of our Linjiazhai's take-off!"


The men excitedly moved the seeds to the field!

The women also follow behind together!

Men and women match, work is not tired!

Lin Yaodong himself did not start planting.

Instead, when the villagers are farming, they patrol every field from time to time!

Give pointers from time to time when the villagers are farming!

Experiment with the abilities you acquired yesterday!

At the beginning, the villagers respected Lin Yaodong!

But when it comes to farming, I still laugh with Lin Yaodong, and joke a few words from time to time!

Following Lin Yaodong's words that are profound and simple.

Many villagers gradually became surprised.

"Uncle Dong, it's not bad, your method seems to be easier!"

"Yeah, with your guidance, my efficiency has increased by more than half in an instant!"

"It's not just that, Uncle Dong, you said that, I feel that the previous methods of farming were all wrong!"

"Uncle Dong, you are really hiding something! I thought you didn't know much about farming!"

"Uncle Dong, you are getting better and better!"


The planting proficiency given by the system is extremely powerful!

Even simple planting has many ways.

Lin Yaodong's simple words made the villagers even more admired!

Many people even came to ask for advice!

Lin Yaodong is also happy to spread some knowledge about planting to the villagers.

I even thought about opening such a course for everyone in the future!

All of a sudden, the entire Lin Family Village was full of vigor!


Against the scorching sun!

In just five days, more than 300 mu of land in Linjiazhai was planted with new corn seeds!

The whole field has a new look!

The only possible regret is that!

This time I used Common fertilizer!

I don't know how much the harvest will be reduced by then!

Lin Yaodong has also popularized a lot of farming knowledge to the villagers in the past few days, and improved many of their previous wrong practices!

Although I didn't farm the land, after a few days, my mouth was dry!

But maybe it's because of the genetic medicine, I don't feel tired at all!

As the new corn is planted!

The villagers of Linjiazhai were also idle for a while!

After all, they have nothing else to do except farming now!

Take it easy!

With so much money in hand!

The idea of ​​improving life is gradually activated!

At this time, people only realized it belatedly!

They don't have money to spend!

They can't even get out of Linjiazhai now!

The only old fisherman who went out only came once a month!

This is drunk!

In the big square in front of the village.

Under the huge locust tree.

Lin Yaodong, Lin Yaonan, bald Lin, and Lin Dabao set up a small table and played poker!

There were quite a few villagers standing nearby watching.

Just finished one!

Lin Dabao took out the dry tobacco and offered to light it for Lin Yaodong.

Then he also started to swallow the clouds.

After taking a puff of smoke, he couldn't help complaining: "It used to be poor!"

"Every time I go to the town, I look at those things and drool!"

"Now that I have money, I can't spend it even if I'm stuck here!"

Speaking of this, Lin Dabao had some resentment on his face.

Originally, so much money was sent!

He is also planning to go to the town to spend a lot of money.

Especially every time I pass by that alley.

Those women standing outside waving their hands and showing their thighs always fascinated Lin Dabao.

It's just that I have always been shy!

Now that I finally got rich, I can't even get out!

The whole person also feels that the weather is too hot!

I heard Lin Dabao complaining!

Lin Yaonan nodded, "Who says no!"

"I'm still going to buy a TV, a mobile phone, and some bricks to build a house!"

Bald Lin rarely refuted.

He nodded and said, "I think so too!"

"Now we can only wait another half a month!"

The crowd next to him couldn't help but agree.

"That's right, it's hard to spend money if you can't spend it!"

"Sometimes it's better to farm when you're idle, at least you don't think about those messy things when you're farming!"

"Trapped here, it's hard to be idle!"

For this group of villagers who are a little swollen.

Lin Yaodong didn't say anything.

If you don't spend your money, do you still save it and take it to the grave?

You have to enjoy what you should enjoy!

Just listening to the complaints of the villagers.

Lin Yaodong also felt quite uncomfortable.

It seems that the villagers gradually became rich after selling the red corn once.

But so what?

Only travel once a month!

This has trapped the villagers of Linjiazhai to death!

But soon, Lin Yaodong changed his mind.

I am so stupid!

No one stipulated that Linjiazhai could only go out once a month.

It's just that the fisherman travels too many places, so he only comes to Linjiazhai once a month.

What if Linjiazhai has its own boat?

Still subject to this restriction?

What's more, is the boat also counted as village construction?

Anyway, it's not for my own expenses!

Lin Yaodong couldn't help asking in his mind: "Is buying a boat counted as building a village?"

The system responded: "Forget it!"

"As long as it is not used for personal consumption!"

Get a positive reply from the system!

Lin Yaodong also had a happy face!

This is very cool!

It seems that the whereabouts of this first sum of money has been settled.

I was thinking about where to spend it!

Thinking about it now, the key is to break through the barrier between Linjiazhai and the outside world first!

If you want to be rich, build roads first!

If you can't afford to repair the road by yourself, why can't you afford a small boat!

Thinking of this, Lin Yaodong's mood is also much happier!


"Haha, upgraded again!"

Throwing down your king happily!

The corners of Lin Yaodong's mouth also turned up slightly!


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