The Poorest Village Head, The Whole Village Crowdfunded To Build A Villa For Me!

Chapter 71 Uncle Dong In The Tunic Suit! We Rely On Unity!

"Uncle, uncle, we're on the sheep's watch!"

Early in the morning of the Spring Festival, the voice of Little Sister Dai resounded in the courtyard.

Lin Yaodong who came out of the room in a daze saw two excited little girls.

Holding up the phone and showing off to Lin Yaodong.

Lin Yaodong couldn't help but glanced at it too.

The screen is only for a few seconds!

What is broadcast is the New Year's Eve activities in various places.

Among them, several edited scenes from Linjiazhai are impressively listed.

The host's lines also specifically pointed out Lin Jiazhai.

"New Year's Eve activities are rich and colorful in various places."

"Among them, Linjiazhai, the hometown of corn and famous for its red corn wine, brought a rich New Year's Eve cultural event to many audiences with ten series of activities, such as Longlong Festival, Bench Dragon, and Fire Dragon Tour!"

No wonder the two girls were so happy early in the morning.

Lin Yaodong is actually a little proud in his heart!

I didn't expect that the first time I was on Yangshi was in this way.

This is an honor that the red corn wine was not produced last time!

Sure enough, the country attaches great importance to traditional culture!

It's just that the process of urbanization has gradually caused many cultures to pass away with the fast-paced life!

A happy new year's eve.

Dai Xiaomei has completely integrated into the Lin family village.

Lin Yiyi also felt a different taste from the life on New Year's Eve that she had never experienced before.

In addition, even if the cave dwelling environment is not good, at least I am no longer alone!

Lin Yiyi didn't want to go back to her deserted home.

Even after the Spring Festival, I have been lingering in Lin Yaodong's yard.

There is a feeling of staying like Little Sister Dai.

The euphemistic name is to learn grain calligraphy and painting well, so that Lin Yaodong can make a self-portrait of himself!

However, Lin Yiyi looks like a little loli, obedient and clever.

But actually it's not like that at all.

It's not like the little girl who can calm down and study seriously.

From time to time, I would take Dai Xiaomei and accompany her around.

Cute appearance, and lively personality.

Soon I became one with those women and children in Linjiazhai!

Everything in the village seems like a novelty toy.

Lin Yaodong can only look forward to when she gradually gets familiar with the environment here, and she can take the initiative to go back when she is bored!

As the Spring Festival passes.

In the city, many people embarked on a journey of work.

Everyone in Linjiazhai gradually became busy.

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming.

The villa area has started construction again, and the daily progress is extremely gratifying!

Women's calligraphy and painting experienced the rest of the Spring Festival, not only did not stagnate.

Instead, Lin Yaodong was pleasantly surprised by each progress.

At this time, it is also the real step to popularize grain calligraphy and painting for them!

Grain selection, soaking, drying (air-drying) and other anti-moth and anti-weathering treatments (preserving the original natural color of grain), board making, writing (composition), cover (anti-corrosion, anti-deterioration), and framing are seven processes!

Many women who have progressed faster have started the real process of grain calligraphy and painting under Lin Yaodong's teaching!

When Linjiazhai got really busy.

The vigorous and united attitude shown made Lin Yiyi look sideways.

On the contrary, he also sank slightly.

However, learn food calligraphy and painting!

If it is said that the talent of Dai Xiaomei is not the most powerful!

Then Lin Yiyi's talent is a mess!

The kind that has no artistic cells at all!

From time to time, I was ridiculed by the dull girl!

When everything is on the right track, the construction of the villa area gradually does not need to worry about itself.

Women's grain calligraphy and painting can gradually be operated by themselves, even when some talented women take on the responsibility of teachers.

Lin Yaodong also began to be dissatisfied with the status quo at this time!

Up to now, I also think of the reward that I still have stored in the system—silkie with silky feathers!

In winter, Lin Yaodong was afraid that it would be too difficult to feed a large number of chickens, so he didn't pick them up!

At this time, it is also time to raise these top-quality chickens and start planning for your small goal of 10 billion!

The sunset was rising in the sky, and after a busy day, people were summoned to the small square by Lin Yaodong again!

Little girl Dai has seen two conferences.

Already familiar with the way.

On the contrary, Lin Yiyi looked at the villagers being gathered one by one, and immediately said to the little girl, "Daddy, is there another event going to be held?"?"

The grand and amazing event on New Year's Eve is still vivid in my memory!

Compared with painting every day, it is much more interesting to use those activities.

Dai Xiaomei couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and said speechlessly, "How is it possible?"

"It's not a festival now, how could there be such a grand event!"

"What are you thinking about!"

Although I don't know the purpose of Lin Yaodong calling everyone.

But absolutely impossible!

This little girl is still very sure.

Lin Yiyi, on the other hand, turned bitter after hearing this.

"No, I thought someone else was playing again!"

"Drawing every day is too tiring!"

Dai Xiaomei smiled at the side, "That's because you are stupid, don't you want my uncle's painting?"

"I said you can't do it, right?"

"You can't do it, I just haven't taken it seriously yet, just look at it blankly, I will definitely ask uncle to give me a painting!"

Lin Yiyi said angrily.

And look at Lin Yaodong has come to the stage!

After a long time, the little girl also opened the live broadcast room that has not been opened for a while!

She had a premonition that something big was going to happen today!

Compared with the past, more viewers flooded into the live broadcast room this time!

More than 2 million fans flooded in just after it started broadcasting!

It's all the result of New Year's Eve!

Fang Yi came in.

Countless audiences complained as always.

"Old woman, tell me it's been a few days? How many days has it been, won't your heart hurt?"

"Are you saying that you have the nerve to treat your 20 million fans like this?"

"What's the matter with this anchor, why didn't it broadcast after New Year's Eve? I thought the anchor died!"

"Haha, old woman, did you see that, if you don't broadcast it, everyone will think you are gone!"

Compared with the past, there are more new followers.

But the caliber is the same, and they have joined the ranks of denouncing the little girl.

However, for these words.

Little Sister Dai is now immune.

The eyes acted as if they did not see.

I didn't even bother to hold the phone anymore, so I just put the phone on a higher stone pier like last time.

It happened to be able to capture the whole picture of the small square and the figure of Lin Yaodong in the distance.

Then she happily returned to her original position and stood with Lin Yiyi.

Lin Yiyi has been dumbfounded by Duan Xiaomei's coquettish manipulation.

"Is that how you broadcast live?"

"Otherwise? They're not looking at me now anyway, it's good to show them!"

The little girl curled her lips.

His mind was completely on Lin Yaodong in front of him.

Lin Yiyi couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

She can also be the host!

The money is so good!

The audience was speechless when they saw this coquettish operation!

But somehow, Dai Xiaomei didn't turn off the live broadcast!

After complaining for a while, I also focused my attention on the screen!

so many people?

What is this Lin family village going to do?

Many familiar old viewers even asked: "Could it be that the small villa has been built?"

But it's impossible to do so soon!

Think so.

Lin Yaodong has also cleared his throat.

The magnetic sound resounded throughout the small square!

"Last year, we developed from an extremely impoverished small village with an average annual income of less than 500 yuan to now a million-dollar household!"

"."The small villas with one set of people have taken shape, and the life of every household is getting better and better!"

"It was also awarded the title of Luoyang City New Countryside Construction Model Village!"

"Everything is going well!"

A brief summary.

What aroused was the expressions of admiration from the villagers of Linjiazhai.

There is also the sound of worship one after another!

"Uncle Dong, we are so lucky to have you!"

"Yes, Uncle Dong, thanks to you, you are the pride of our Lin Family Village!"

"What about Linjiazhai? The Luoyang City Awards Ceremony has already said that Uncle Dong is the pride of Luoyang City!"

"Yes, yes, Uncle Dong is the pride of Luoyang City!"

You speak my words!

It expresses the excitement of the villagers.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also watching with enthusiasm.

"It's so hot! The smiles on the faces of the villagers are so sincere!"

"What the hell is the award ceremony in Luoyang?"

"I went to check. Uncle Dong is now one of Luoyang's top ten outstanding entrepreneurs and top ten outstanding village chiefs!"

"That's awesome, Uncle Dong!"

"Every time I see Uncle Dong's speech, he is always full of enthusiasm. As expected of Uncle Dong, he feels like a boss!"

"Don't say I haven't found it yet, what do you think Uncle Dong is wearing today?"

This said.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room also looked sideways.

The first two times, Lin Yaodong wore ordinary clothes.

It's not even comparable to the clothes worn by the villagers below.

But today, Lin Yaodong is wearing a Chinese tunic suit!

An aura of a big boss came over the face immediately.

This discovery also made the audience in the live broadcast room even more excited.

"So handsome, Chinese tunic suit, I just said (well) that I feel that Uncle Dong is even more handsome today, people rely on clothes!"

"No, I remember that Uncle Dong was wearing a suit at the wine fair. He looked handsome, but he lacked something else! Wearing a Chinese tunic suit today makes him look different

"You're right, it feels like this Chinese tunic suit was designed for Uncle Dong!"

In fact, this is also when Lin Yaodong and Dai Xiaomei go shopping after the year.

On a whim, Miss Dai suddenly asked Lin Yaodong to try.

Almost dropped my jaw immediately!

Buy it now!

Lin Yaodong also felt much more comfortable after wearing it!

It was worn out at this time!

Lin Yiyi in the audience also gradually discovered this scene.

In an instant, the eyes light up slightly.

"Uncle Lin seems to be a little more handsome today!"

"No, that's my choice!"

"The Chinese tunic suit matches the face of an uncle!"

Licking a dog is a terrible death!

Lin Yiyi cursed in her heart!

And at this time!

Look at the enthusiastic calls of the villagers.

Lin Yaodong also pressed his hand!

Then he said: "Everyone is wrong!"

"It is not because of me, Lin Yaodong, that Linjiazhai is today, nor because of Huihui!"

"It depends on unity!"

"It depends on the unity of everyone in our Linjiazhai!"

PS: 50,000 characters in 2 days, and sleep for three or four hours every day these days! Everyone is happy watching and don’t forget to continue to vote for flowers and votes! Thank you so much!.

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