The Poorest Village Head, The Whole Village Crowdfunded To Build A Villa For Me!

Chapter 82 The Three Major Projects Are Completed, And The Villas Stunned Everyone!

After Lin Yiyi knew the series of salaries and benefits set by Lin Yaodong, she knew that the recruitment of teachers would not be a problem!

Who would have trouble with money?

However, she never thought that there are so many people who want to be teachers!

In just one day.

The two mailboxes provided for registration are full of resumes!

The point is, with all the educational backgrounds, her jaw has never been closed!

"Another master of Chinese from Kyoto University, who wants to apply for a high school teacher. This is the 23rd Kyoto University, right?"

Lin Yiyi flipped through the resume on the computer!

People have gradually become a little numb!

The little girl on the side also happily said: "There are 24, I have one more!"

"Tsing University has more, 28!"

"I have one from Harvard and one from Cambridge!"

"What uncle said is conservative!"

"I think, the last time I want to recruit someone from Qingbei!"

Even if it's a live broadcast, Little Sister Dai has never been so happy!

As a scumbag, I can review the resumes of so many top students!

This kind of sourness is hard to understand for outsiders!

Lin Yaodong in the back listened to the conversation between the two!

In fact, I was a little shocked!

Are these high school masters so short of money?

Just bought them for so little money?

Sure enough, money is the last word!

At this time, he also said to the two of them: "Don't just look at the school!"

"Look at their resumes more, we don't want those who memorize by rote and don't know how to adapt!"

"But it will be revealed in the interview!"

Naturally, it is impossible to admit someone from Qingbei!

Seeing so many resumes, Lin Yaodong's previous standards naturally improved a bit!

Lin Yiyi curled her lips and said: "Understood, sir, Qingbei's will not work either!"

"We still have to see if the ability is strong!"

My heart is filled with disbelief!

Uncle Smelly, the hands-off shopkeeper, looks like an old man!

Supervise every day!

I don't even know what to do!

Hmph, how exasperating!

Dai Xiaomei is extremely well-behaved.

Immediately nodded cutely.

"Okay, uncle!"

Xiti touched his head to kill one!

Little Sister Dai suddenly became more energetic!

Lin Yiyi's complexion was even worse!

NND, forget about working, and feed yourself dog food?

In a blink of an eye, the time has come to May 7th!

Just finished the May Day holiday!

Many people have empty pockets and are exhausted!

Five days, don't go out to play feel uncomfortable!

Go out and play, the wallet can't take it!

The point is, the road will be blocked for an unknown period of time!

When I went to the scenic spot, it was still crowded with people, so I just sweated!

Forget it!

Good vacation is over!

A broken weekend and a compensatory rest!

This is even more painful!

People who didn't want to go to work at all started fishing in their jobs!

Especially, when the news of the opening of Dai Xiaomei's live broadcast room was pushed to countless people's mobile phones.

Many people suddenly opened their eyebrows slightly!

Although Dai Xiaomei doesn't always broadcast live, but she often makes people's eyes shine when she broadcasts!

Now, watch the live broadcast at such a time!

Is there any more fun?

At this moment, countless people flooded into Dai Xiaomei's live broadcast room!

It broke through more than one million in an instant!

The dense barrage flashed across the screen in an instant!

"The old woman is finally broadcasting live. I'm exhausted on May Day. I've been on duty all day. Now I have to work overtime. I don't have the energy to scold the old woman!"

"What are you? I have been stuck on the highway for five days, and I just came back now. I am exhausted!"

"What's the old lady doing now? What's the fun?"

"Could it be that teacher from Linjiazhai recruited last time? Speaking of which, there seems to be no news after the last time!"

"That's right, I also submitted a resume, and I didn't even get a reply!"

"Which prestigious university are you from?"

"A foreign pheasant university, hehe!"

"Roll rough!"

Someone complained about the holidays.

Some people are curious about what Little Sister Dai is going to broadcast!

And the screen is still shaking!

Show the audience the fragrant soil!

The little girl's voice finally rang out!

"Aren't you happy on Friday?"

However, Dai Xiaomei has obviously lost the quality that a professional anchor should have!

He said it on his own without even looking at the barrage.

"It doesn't matter if you're happy or not!"

"Anyway, I'm happy!"

"Uncle is also very happy!"

"The villagers in our Linjiazhai are also very happy!"

"Because, you can see the appearance of our three major projects in Linjiazhai soon!"

"Am I fine?"

"I want to show you guys such an important moment!"

Listen to what Little Sister Dai said.

The audience exploded in an instant.

What do you mean whether you are happy or not, I am happy anyway?

This is simply rubbing salt in their hearts!

What else do you want to show you?

Isn't that what you should be doing?

As for our Linjiazhai and what little girl Dai said, the audience has already gotten used to it!

However, the information from Dai Xiaomei's mouth still aroused the curiosity of countless people!

"What are the three major projects?"

"Why are Miss Dai, the villagers and Uncle Dong so happy?"

However, Dai Xiaomei didn't watch the barrage at all.

Let the audience ask questions and get no answer!

Until the shaking of the screen gradually stops!

The little girl just watched the live broadcast room!

Then he said: "Don't you know about the three major projects?"

"Our cottage, chicken farm and school!"

"Simply ignorant!"

I don't know how many people's anger was aroused by the few words of little girl Dai!

Where is the knife?

Can't wait to turn off the live broadcast room!

But after hearing the news from Little Sister Dai!

People are more reluctant to leave!

They don't really care about chicken farms and schools!

What's so good about a dilapidated chicken farm and a school in a small village?

But the villa is beautiful!

That's what they've been waiting for!

In an instant, countless people urged on the barrage.

"Stop comparing, let's take a look at the villa!"

"Has the villa finally been built? I'm curious what the Linjiazhai's villa will look like. It won't be a small second-floor villa, right?"

"After the villa is built, the villagers of Lin Jiakang finally don't have to live in that hole?"

"It should be said that Little Sister Dai doesn't have to live in that broken cave dwelling anymore, and the daughter-in-law will become a mother-in-law, and she will be so awesome!"

At first, people doubted Dai Xiaomei's motives.

But from the subsequent live broadcasts, there is also the state of the little girl Pidianpidian when she followed Lin Yaodong!

Occasionally live broadcasting in Lin Yaodong's yard!

Many people have already tacitly accepted that Dai Xiaomei lives in Lin Yaodong's cave dwelling.

Look at those bullet screens.

The little girl is not angry either!

The eyes are also slightly narrowed!

Yes, it seems that I don't need to live in that broken cave dwelling anymore!

Think about living in a big villa with your uncle!

Immediately my heart is beautiful!

However, I thought of the stinky girlfriend who stayed and never left.

...asking for flowers......

Little Sister Dai is in a bad mood.

Along with that, he deliberately adjusted the angle and aimed at the densely packed villagers in front of him!

There is also Lin Yaodong standing slightly taller in the distance!

But just don’t take photos of the villa area behind!

He laughed and said, "Do you really want to see the villa? I won't show it to you!"

It didn't blow the audience away!

One by one, they kept urging and getting angry in the live broadcast room!

However, the more so!

The more the villa attracts everyone's attention!

But the picture in the live broadcast room quickly attracted everyone's attention!

All the villagers' eyes were wide open.

The look on his face is full of unparalleled joy!

can imagine!

The completed villa absolutely shocked the jaws of the entire Linjiazhai villagers!

It also makes them more curious!

And Lin Yaodong also has pride on his face at this time!

Loudly said: "Labor is the most glorious!"

"During May Day, we were all so busy that we didn't take half a day off!"

"But our hard work was not in vain, and the results are remarkable!"

"Look at the group of villas behind you, this will be everyone's home from now on!"

"I, Lin Yaodong, at this moment, can be considered to have achieved a small part of the goal I promised to everyone!

"Let everyone live in villas!"

The sound just fell.

It was dense applause!

Colorful ribbons instantly filled the entire screen!

There was a burst of joyful firecrackers inside!

Countless villagers screamed excitedly.

"Uncle Dong, it's so beautiful!"

"Is this the villa? Is this really ours?"

"Do we no longer need to live in cave dwellings?"

"Thanks to Uncle Dong, otherwise we wouldn't have dared to think about this villa!"

"This is not nonsense, if it weren't for Uncle Dong, we wouldn't even be able to live in a brick house!"

Listen to the voices of the villagers!

The curiosity in the hearts of the audience is even stronger!

What a beautiful villa!

Let the villagers of Linjiazhai look so excited!

Or are they just ignorant?

Dai Xiaomei finally stopped whetting people's appetites.

Gradually move the camera angle to the villa area!

But when the picture of the villa area appeared on the screen.

Countless spectators suddenly felt that their breathing was stagnant!

What a beauty that is!

In the quiet mountain forest, the trees are towering, and the dense and verdant bamboos are scattered on both sides of the path!

Far away, there are small bridges, and the stream below is rushing!

A series of different three-storey villas with rural style and artistic beauty are scattered among the green trees!

Beautifully designed villas that seem to be at one with nature!

Just glanced at it!

The audience was stunned by the scene in front of them!

"Is this the small villa in Linjiazhai? It's three stories high, the yard is so big, and the distance between the villas is just right. I'm so envious!"

"Look at the design, simple and elegant, the key is how harmonious it is with the surrounding environment, what a high level it is to design such a beautiful villa!"

"Those who doubt the villa designed by the uncle can't be built, and those who can't build it come out and look at your dog eyes, what is this?"

"Looking at this small country house, the place where Tomson Yipin lived suddenly became tasteless!"

"Wake up the upstairs with a pee, don't dream, you don't have a country house, and you don't have Tomson Yipin!"

"No wonder the villagers look like that, they are going crazy with envy! Uncle Dong, Dad Dong, I want to be your villager too!"

......Ten thousand.

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